
Help with editing website


Hello I've been working on some renderings for my firm and we are at the point to where we can start adding some of this work to the website. I was wanting to know if there is a way to edit the website without having to go thru the hassle of paying someone to do it. Another thing is what about archinect is there enough traffic on here to use the website as a marketing tool, can we provide a link from our current site to the architect website ?

How do you go about doing this......We have to use word press

Jan 2, 14 12:17 pm

...(we have to use word press) I meant to say that we might have to use word press..

Jan 2, 14 12:19 pm  · 

if you're asking how to edit a website, it sounds to me like you're probably over your head and should get someone with some experience.

however, yes.  editing a website is very easy.  it's all just text.  the first thing you need to know is where your website is hosted.  somewhere there is an ftp site with a username and password where you need to get the file to be edited.  then, you know, edit the file.  add pictures to folder, etc.  the hard part of course is know which words to add and where to add them.

i don't know anything about wordpress, but it doesn't sound like the right way to do it.  flash is also not the right way to do it.  html, javascript, and css.  that's how websites are made.

Jan 2, 14 12:34 pm  · 

There are a slew of hosting services, many for free, that are a good way to start. Look at tumblr, much better than wordpress, especially for images.

Jan 2, 14 1:18 pm  · 

Thank you for your insight and opinion on the matter. I ended up just putting the firm on archinect as a temporary solution to show newer projects and rendering capabilities.  

Jan 2, 14 1:28 pm  · 

Tumblr is for amateurs and hipsters. There are many free Wordpress themes available and you can find very good themes under $50. Just pick one and add your text, photos. Wordpress has some learning curve but once you fiddle with it for some time you'll get used to it. It is good for SEO too.

You can find answers to all your WP questions here:

Jan 2, 14 1:50 pm  · 

To each his own. WordPress is intended for blogs, Tumblr more for visuals. WordPress is also notoriously insecure and subject to hacking.

Jan 2, 14 5:20 pm  · 

The thing is, this is not a to each his own situation. You can compare Wordpress to Drupal or Concrete5 (similar CMS systems) and say to each his own but you can't compare WP to Tumblr because Tumblr is just a simple blogging platform, it is not designed to showcase a portfolio and to be honest I wouldn't take any firm that uses Tumblr to showcase work seriously. WP has plugins, visitor analytics tools and it provides option to edit the source code. While WP also originated as a blogging platform the self hosted WP (there is and there is is now used for 60 million websites. NY Times, CNN, Forbes, Reuters, Mashable, GM, UPS, Ebay, Sony, Bestbuy are all powered by WP.

It can be as secure as you want it to be, some themes provide more security if you don't want to deal with it yourself.

The only question here is how you are going to add the wordpress to your domain. Since you can't host both the static website and the wordpress on the same domain you will either have to move all the content to the new WP site or just make a one page WP portfolio site on your server with a separate folder. If is your homepage your portfolio or work page will be or then you will put a link to that page. If you choose that path then you will create a folder on your server via the cpanel, install wordpress folders and add your content but don't copy the wordpress folder itself or it will be It is the wrong way to do it. Just copy paste the folders inside the wordpress folder.

Jan 3, 14 7:52 am  · 

I created a firm profile here for the firm that I work with showing the new projects that we have worked on as a temporary fix with a link to our current website. I was thinking about using word press to create a new website and just transferring the projects from the old site to the new, and adding the new prohects as well. I'm still new to this business and as time goes on I know the problem will need to be solved correctly. Learning word press I know is going to take a while and i'll have to take some time to work on it.

Jan 3, 14 9:15 am  · 


If you can devote the time into learning HTML, CSS and Java I think that you can accomplish what you're shooting for. Take a look a, I secured a domain with them awhile back without a single clue on how to get around the website, nor was I familiar with coding. I read a couple of books on HTML and CSS in order to get familiar with it all.

If I did it, anyone could do it. you just need some free time and patiance . 

Good Luck!

Jan 5, 14 10:01 am  · 



Why dont you try hiring someone cheap to do the work for you?

did you try contact freelancers at you can hire someone at little as $2-3 per hour. 


Of course depands of what work you want to do, I would generally advice to post a project there, see the prices people would provie, and choose according to person's review and price . 

if any questions you can contact me :)

Jan 31, 14 1:29 am  · 


I know that this is super late but this is what I came up I wth.

May 14, 14 11:45 am  · 

Squarespace or CargoCollective. Easy and intuitive. 

May 15, 14 10:16 am  · 

3rd-party hosting and portfolio platforms are fine if you are a student. Any independent firm or professional needs to have a self-hosted, professionally built site to really show you are serious about your profession.

May 15, 14 11:39 am  · 

Why self-hosted?  How does adding to the IT-nightmare say that I am serious about architecture?  It says the opposite to me.  3rd party all the way.  Let the experts handle it.  I'll go be an architect.

May 15, 14 12:25 pm  · 

they wouldn't be nightmares if you understood what was happening.  i would think, if you're running a business, knowing what's going on would be a big plus.  i just don't get the new age of "entrepreneurs" who pride themselves on being helpless and unaware.

having said that, i wouldn't host my own website.  i would go to godaddy or hostgator or whoever else.  it's not expensive and there is no reason for that traffic to be on the office's internet connection.

May 15, 14 12:54 pm  · 

If not self-hosted, it should at least be self-administered so you can make frequent changes for no cost. 

May 15, 14 1:45 pm  · 

"Any independent firm or professional needs to have a self-hosted, professionally built site to really show you are serious about your profession."

In an ideal world yes but we don't live in an ideal world. Some firms are not willing to pay a dime for a professional design because they don't see any value in it. They'll try to get it done for $300 and $300 clients are the hardest ones to deal with. Forget it.  They should get a Wordpress template and edit it. Theme Forest has hundreds of good templates.

P.S. A friend of mine was having trouble putting a social media sharing button on her Cargo Collective website. She asked for my help after driving herself crazy for hours. I got involved then we both drove ourselves crazy trying to make the button appear.  It has some serious quirks.

Oh....Also, the logo needs to be re-designed and please make it smaller.


May 15, 14 4:41 pm  · 

Some firms are not willing to pay a dime for a professional design

A professional design firm that believes professional design services are worthless.  nice.  kind of explains a lot doesn't it?

May 15, 14 5:00 pm  · 

Paradoxx I don't work for the firm anymore. I do have an interview on the 16th with another firm, but they just rescheduled. Is this bad thing I'm sweating bullets about it because this firm is actually decent and I'm expecting high pay....hopefully  any thoughts?

May 15, 14 5:56 pm  · 

Hello, been following the discussion for a few days now, seen that you don't work there anymore, but I guess I can share my thoughts, in case someone comes across it in the future. I've been designing websites and working in the web industry for over 8 years now, here are my thoughts:

1. Wordpress: is a good all around platform for showcasing work, it's stable, secure and has tons of features and plugins that will help you on the long road. You will always find solutions to your problems or developers who can help you.

If you are not tech savy, this is probably not a good pick due to it requiring getting your hands dirty, since Wordpress is a blogging platform that requires lots of plugins and customization as well as some programming knowledge to get some things done.

If you really want to use it, then first you need to buy a domain from which also offer web hosting, which you will need. After that you will need to install Wordpress, most domain & hosting providers have a control panel that help you install Wordpress by a few clicks.After that is done, you will need a theme, check out and lookup portfolio themes. Once you bought the one you want, you will have to install it, check the documentation of the theme since it will tell you how to install it, and you will need "server" access also known as ftp access, that you will access either via the Hosting Company control panel or using a ftp software like filezilla.Once you got it uploaded and installed, you now need to activate it and then customize it, this refers to creating the menu, entering the website name, turning different theme options on and off, installing plugins and finally uploading work. Since Wordpress is a blogging platform at it's core, some themes have an easier or more complex way of uploading this can become a real headache.

2. Tumblr: stay away from this, it's not worth the effort...why? because it lacks theme customization, tons of plugins and it's just extremely limited. Imagine if you were to use Autocad and you could only draw straight lines and enter text, and you would lack all the other features.

3. , or 

These are the options I recommend for you, they have premade templates with some basic key features and it will get your site up in minutes after you get your domain name. The downside is that these have "generic" templates that may or may not suit your company and are less customizable then a wordpress website.

Out of the ones mentioned, I would encourage you to use ProSite, because it's a service offered by, both are owned by Adobe. Behance is the leading platform for creative people, what does that mean? everytime you upload a project on behance, that project will be automatically added to your prosite website as well as automatically viewed by Behance members thus offering you some exposure as soon as you add a project.

4.Hiring a developer or learning to code the website in CSS & HTML. Don't recommend this option since once you get it done, you will have to pay someone to add new projects.It has the benefits of faster load times and less memory usage and things like that. Learning to build a website from scratch is only recommended if you are planning on doing this long term, and it takes months to learn to code.

What you need to understand about archinect, is that it's a networking website aimed at architects, clients will rarely come across your profile, only architecture companies will, if your really active, so use it if you are looking to get hired, not to get new clients. 

Using it primarily for your online presence, is a bad idea.. why? because you can't optimize it for seo and you can't promote it .Whatever strategy you will apply,will backfire , due to all the SEO optimization going towards the archinect domain, not your profile, any profile promotion will lead people to visit archinect and thus discover your competition and hire them instead of you.

What you can do with your profile is to boost your website google rankings, but that's another story.

Hope it helps and good luck with the second firm.

May 15, 14 10:15 pm  · 

I was keying on the word hosting.  I agree that you need to know how to update/deal with your website.  I'm reacting as the defacto IT manager of our small office.  I'd much rather deal with content than the backend stuff.

May 16, 14 12:13 pm  · 

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