
The Implosion of the Democrat Party (hang on while I get some champagne...)

Two Heartbeats Away from the Presidency

May 18, 09 3:25 pm

..anyway, it's obvious Pelosi is going to Step-Down / be removed, and somehow Specter will fill her Place, unelected. The timing of Specter's switch will also suggest a lack of transparency / prior knowledge of Pelosi's demise....This whole thing is going to make the Valerie Plame / Scooter Libby Fiasco seem like a party.

May 18, 09 3:34 pm  · 

um....... huh?

May 18, 09 3:38 pm  · 
Louisville Architect

bad photoshop and riding the coattails of a previous discussion will get you....well, nowhere. welcome to a filibuster-free congress, poc!

May 18, 09 3:39 pm  · 

I wish joints were really rolled that big.

May 18, 09 3:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm a pretty staunch Dem, but I'd be happy to see Pelosi go away.

May 18, 09 4:07 pm  · 


Pelosi is a hack, and represents herself and not the Democratic Party. Nearly all of the Liberals I talk to thinks she is an ass. She's not a national politician and her stance on what the CIA told her is irrelevant. The previous administration committed war crimes and should be tried.

May 18, 09 4:09 pm  · 

oh, and the 2 heartbeats thing is a joke. What possible scenario could one imagine, where both the Prez and Veep get taken out simultaneously or that close, that would give Pelosi the Presidency?

May 18, 09 4:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Pelosi and Harry Reid are spineless weasels, and I'd gladly toast their departure from office.

May 18, 09 4:23 pm  · 

I don't know - the same possiblility that caused our government to determine the order of succession in the first place...for example:
1. Obama impeached, then
2. Joe Biden Institutionalized for Dementia.
Several scenarios are possible.

May 18, 09 4:23 pm  · 

yeah, im in general agreement, i dont have a whole lot of respect for pelosi... i find her abrasive liberalism to be detrimental to liberalisms reputation... plus she doesnt seem to get much achieved despite her power and aggressiveness... nothings changed in iraq, ethics improvements have been lacking, and even if she is being honest about the torture issue, the best she can hope for is to be accused of being naive... "we were told they MIGHT use these enhanced methods..." yeah... ok...

either way, she seems to still have some pretty strong and broad support in the house so she must be doing something "right"

May 18, 09 4:33 pm  · 

I still want to see a Pelosi / Palin / Condi 3 way

May 18, 09 4:34 pm  · 

Excuse me while I go throw up now..

May 18, 09 4:35 pm  · 

I'd get a netflix account as soon as they start renting a Biden/Palin sextape.

May 18, 09 4:37 pm  · 

pelosi is a liberal? news to me! tell that to bernie sanders. she's out to preserve herself and the status quo. gotta say she is at least better than reid.

May 18, 09 5:18 pm  · 

i also like how this thread uses the slur 'democrat party' popularized by rush limbaugh and frank luntz. last time i checked it was 'democratic party.'

May 18, 09 5:19 pm  · 

Just because Fox News hopes for something, doesn't make it true.

You're living in a fantasy land, Poczatek. How many unicorns do you see in front of you?

May 18, 09 5:19 pm  · 

Oh! This is cute. You know imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

May 18, 09 5:27 pm  · 

I think your interpretation is spot on, WonderK.

May 18, 09 5:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

um...i understood that there would be champagne here? hello?

May 18, 09 6:51 pm  · 
vado retro

i'd like politicians more if they did spark up a spleef.

May 18, 09 7:57 pm  · 
Bronson give architects and/or users of archinet a bad name and this has nothing to do with your politics. you clearly have a complete lack of understanding of how the government of your own country works...let me try. nancy pelosi is speaker of the house, which is a position in the house of representatives. arlen specter is a senator, which is a position in the senate. your suggestion that specter is going to take over or whatever nonsense for pelosi is invalid and at best uniformed, as a member of congress can not simply switch which house of our bi-cameral legislature they are in. they are elected to those positions and can only switch if they run and are elected, please less rendering and more reading. maybe a class in government would help.

May 22, 09 4:35 am  · 

oh, snap!

May 22, 09 5:28 am  · 

harmans replacement replaces her. ultra progressive style

May 22, 09 7:14 am  · 

hell yes bronson... impressive debut!

May 22, 09 9:50 am  · 
Living in Gin
May 22, 09 10:16 am  · 

I give Archinect a bad name? It took that long for someone to realize / share the Senate / House thing? What does that say for the average contrarian who posted before you, other than you all argue with emotion rather than common sense. This whole things is a joke....
Nice name by the way - Bronson is awesome!

May 22, 09 11:18 am  · 

probably has more to do with the regulars understanding that your posts are generally worth ignoring... and that its fun to goad people into saying silly things

May 22, 09 11:39 am  · 


it really deserved a double.

May 22, 09 1:15 pm  · 

There is nothing regular about you "regulars"
If you were "regular" you'd spend alot less time here talking about politics. Or by regular do you mean your colon?

May 22, 09 1:49 pm  · 

by regulars i mean people use archinect too much

May 22, 09 2:13 pm  · 

i drink coffee and eat a lot of fiber, i think i am pretty good there...

May 22, 09 3:08 pm  · 
If you were "regular" you'd spend alot less time here talking about politics.

and yet here you are!

May 22, 09 8:25 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Democratic California Assemblyman Juan Arambula re-registers as independent

By Eric Bailey
June 24, 2009

Reporting from Sacramento -- A moderate assemblyman cut ties with the Democratic Party on Tuesday and became an independent, a move that could throw an unexpected curve into the state's budget fight.

Fresno Assemblyman Juan Arambula, who has frequently clashed with Democratic leaders, re-registered as decline-to-state. If he does not vote with Democrats on the state budget, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) will have to procure an additional Republican vote -- an uphill battle -- to achieve the required two-thirds majority in her house.

Democratic leaders expressed confidence that Arambula would ultimately side with them to push through budget changes needed to overcome a $24-billion deficit. The Legislature is expected to vote today on a Democrat-backed package.

"I don't think this will change anything," said Assemblywoman Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa). "Juan's always been a very independent thinker, and I don't think his political designation will make a bit of difference in how he votes."

Arambula did not return phone calls seeking comment, but his unhappiness with Democratic leaders on several fronts has been no secret in the Capitol.

In a Fresno Bee column published Sunday, he expressed dismay over the Democrats' deep ties to labor unions and said that "the special interests have a lot to say about what goes on in both parties."

With a strong connection to the state's agricultural heartland, Arambula also expressed disappointment over the state's inability to solve water supply problems. And he chafed at the push by liberal Democratic leaders to curb the deficit by raising taxes without deeper cuts, using what he characterized as gimmicks and "phantom money."

Jun 25, 09 2:54 pm  · 

WOW! to think an independent thinker could actually bring down a party! i betcha wish the republican party had some independent thinkers.

Jun 25, 09 3:52 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

that's right! disastrous defections destroy plenty of pandering political parties! (i learned to use alliteration from our popular president)

Jun 25, 09 4:59 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Top Democrats head for the exits


The grim outlook for Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections just got a little worse.

Four top Democrats — including veteran Sens. Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan — all prepared to pull the plug on their campaigns in a 24-hour period that began Tuesday, and in the process, offered an unnerving glimpse at the perilous election year ahead.

With Dorgan’s stunning retirement announcement Tuesday evening, Democrats are now facing their bleakest election outlook in years — and the very real possibility the party will lose its 60-40 Senate supermajority after the November elections. On the House side, the prospect of a 20 to 30 seat loss is already looking increasingly likely.

“It’s not good news for Democrats,” said Roy Temple, a Democratic strategist. “The reality is this is going to be a challenging year, and this is an additional challenge you would prefer not to have. Because of the success of the last two cycles, there are a lot of seats to defend. This is just an additional complication.”


this was before evan bayh announced he won't seek re-election and before that sexy nude model scott brown (yer doin' a heck-of-a-job, brownie!) won ted kennedy's senate seat.

also barbara boxer, harry reid, arlen spector, and other dems are seriously in danger of losing their elections coming up, though it's a long way 'til november and big swings can happen as we saw with that hunky scott brown *cat-call whistle*

Feb 17, 10 3:08 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
Massa: "Rahm Would Would Sell His Mother to Get a Vote"

Rahm Emanuel has been accused of a lot of things during his political career, but today one outgoing congressman may have topped all insults.

“Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn,” disgraced Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY ) said during a radio show. “He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.”

The radio diatribe is posted on Real Clear

Massa quit the House this week amid an ethics probe looking into some inappropriate comments he made to a staffer that carried with them sexual overtones.

The congressman willfully resigned, but now says the White House engineered the ethics probe because he vowed to vote against the health care bill.

“I was set up for this from the very, very beginning,” he said on WKPQ 105.3 FM in New York. “You think that somehow they didn’t come after me to get rid of me because my vote is the deciding vote in the health care bill? Then, ladies and gentlemen, you live today in a world that is so innocent as to not understand what’s going on in Washington, D.C.”

During the radio-show monologue Massa said Emanuel cursed him out like nobody’s business for voting against the president’s health care bill last year.

But that's not the end of his Rahm tirade.

"Let me tell you a story about Rahm Emanuel," Massa said on the program. "I was a congressman in my first eight weeks; I was in the congressional gym, I went down and I worked out and I went into the showers ... I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, and he starts poking a finger in my chest yelling at me because I wasn't going to vote for the president's budget.

"Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?"

Mar 8, 10 12:19 pm  · 

Frankly, Obama needs 5 more people like Rahm. Massa is a fucking creep. You can try to run this homophobia line if you want but nobody who matters cares.

The biggest problem dems have right now is they are just too fucking weak. Every time I hear Harry Reid whimpering away up there I want to punch him in the face. Hes just so limp I can barely stand it. They need someone who can take people like Lieberman and Nelson out back when they start talking shit and beat them with a hose. They need to step out when Giuliani and Gingrich and Liz Cheney crawl out of their little worm-den with whatever made-up McCarthyite bullshit they have this week and stomp on their heads. Embarrass them. Giuliani is a Liar. Gingrich is a Liar. Just fucking say so.

I mean this is the crazy thing. Afghanistan is a disaster, but we are kicking their ass. Weve wiped out more of the taliban leadership in the last 6 months than Bush/Cheney did in 8 years. The Iraq election was messy, but we are pulling out. The economy is fucked up, but things are turning around. Things look grim now, but if in november weve had 6 or 8 strait months of positive job growth, healthcare done, financial reform done, energy reform done, political fortunes could look very, very different.

Theres a lot of talk about a conservative resurgence, but this is the thing, under all the bloviating, under all the teabags and white-face posters and incomprehensible Beckian tirades, theres absolutely nothing there. The most damaging thing about this RNC fundraising fiasco is that thats all the republican party is now. No policy, no future, just a half-baked powerpoint of caricatures and demagoguery. Its the biggest heap of incoherent hot air Ive ever witnessed. What they fuck is their plan? Tax cuts for billionaires? Sleep at the regulatory wheel? Put off solving problems and wave a flag and a cross around and wax nostalgic about some unremembered snow-white era of moral purity while the country implodes? Well fuck! I think we know how that movie ends!

I understand people are pissed. I understand people are worried about the debt. But interest on debt is NOTHING compared to what were spending on healthcare. We spend about 8% paying interest on debt, and there is no international effort to raise those rates. Meanwhile almost half of the federal budget goes to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security, almost all of that going to keeping sick people alive. That means diabetes, heart disease, cancer, conditions that are massively expensive to treat if they arent caught early. Anyone whose really being honest about solving the debt crisis must solve the underlying problem. Tort reform doesnt do it. You need to get everyone everyone into a doctors office getting yearly checkups and treating conditions early. Anyone who tells you otherwise either doesnt know what theyre talking about or they just arent being honest. Half the reason nobody can hire anybody because nobody can afford the insurance. And the same goes for energy. You guys cry and moan about some hallucinated global warming conspiracy while we dump 2 trillion a year into the fucking arab desert. Its just so mindbogglingly shortsighted I honestly strain to understand how rational people buy into it.

So if republicans really want to run this fall on canceling social security, tax cuts for people making 300g's + and doing fuck all for anybody else, please, be my guest. More likely, they'll just keep doing what theyve been doing, raving incoherently, sabotaging the country and trying to con poor teabaggers into protecting banks and insurance companies while forking their retirement funds over to

Mar 8, 10 8:46 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

hey oe how's it going, man?

can you believe there was a radiohead hoax about their new album supposedly entitled tehrangeles?

would be a great tracklist, none the less ..

Album title: Tehrangeles


01. Nook and Cranny
02. Come to Your Senses
03. The Daily Mail
04. I Froze Up
05. Give Up The Ghost
06. Supercollider
07. Man O War
08. Cerebellar Theory
09. Lotus Flower
10. Mouse Dog Bear
11. Burn The Witch

we could only hope they finally finish recording 'big boots (man-o-war)' :(

Mar 9, 10 3:31 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

now that massa dude isn't just accused of using 'salty language' but is under investigation for allegedly groping male staffers ~ woah the implosion continues

Mar 9, 10 4:06 pm  · 

"hang on while I get some champaign"??

yeeah... republicans sure like celebrating their victories early...

as the late head of the republican party said "mission accomplished."

something republicans need to realize regarding voters: short term spin and negative attacks, propaganda campaigns have a limited shelf life before they start to make people ill and lose interest... you can only get away with lying so long... long run it breaks down your credibility... even if you are able to influence some people in the short run, three months later, people grow sick of the aggressive political games and it comes back to bite you in the ass as your credibility gets damaged... the republicans have a much bigger problem than the democrats... they need to distance themselves from the radical negative element in the party in order to attract the center, while at the same time, they cannot afford to separate themselves from the core right wing support which has formed their base...

Mar 9, 10 4:09 pm  · 

The way I see it, the Dems just need to grow a pair.

The Repubs do a ton of shit that the other side hates but you know, they just don't give a crap and do it anyway. It's your turn, Dems, time to take stuff like Healthcare and tax cuts for the wealthy and financial regulation and shove it up the Repubs cornhole, like they do to you when they're in control.

Mar 9, 10 4:31 pm  · 

Mar 9, 10 5:09 pm  · 
won and done williams

the dems have certainly had their gaffs of late, and while momentum seems to be shifting to the right, i don't think you can say the republicans are in the driver's seat. in fact, the republican's tea party schism poses a far greater threat to their party than a few indiscretions and political blunders by the dems. if in fact health care passes, i expect the democrats will likely have the momentum moving into the next election cycle.

Mar 9, 10 5:34 pm  · 
Eric Massa's burning wreckage re-enters and impacts on Glenn Beck

Marshmallows? :)

..Hey Frac ;) mawww.. nothing disarms my wefty fire-breathing tirades like unrelased radiohead.

Mar 9, 10 9:23 pm  · 

the Demoncrats are being systematically exposed as the collection of victim groups / protected-class Citizens that they are, and the Republicans, portrayed as racist white christian males who colonized the third world / built the modern world / caused all of the problems of the aformentioned cult of have-nots.

Mar 9, 10 11:42 pm  · 

tea bagger implosion 1:
after hoffman's devastating loss, lies and hilarious epic fail, he's gunning for a second decisive loss - cos hoffman is a uniter! (yep, he'll unite dems, independents and the non-lunatic repubs to vote for owens... again)

tea bagger implosion 2:
apparently rush prefers the gov't insurance of costa rica

tea bagger implosion 3:
palin loves herself some free socialist health care, too! just not in the u.s. - you'd think she'd get it, but apparently being an idiot is more blinding than i previously thought

tea bagger implosion 4:
even in texas, baggers are dropping like flies!

tea bagger implosion 5:
gov. perry bags an $11-15 billion budget shortfall

Mar 10, 10 1:06 am  · 

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