


I just read GM is concidering leaving Detroit. What do any Detroiter archinectors think of this? I personally feel it would be a huge mistake because auto manufacturing is the core business that can turn the city around by being the nucleus for a global economy ( all global cities have a core business specialty) but I want to know what the locals think?

May 11, 09 11:31 pm

hey evil - i personally don't think that will happen, and fritz was being very political in not closing that door...the media is running with it, since detroit is only fit for bad news...

but yes, it would be disastrous for the city, especially downtown, but more in terms of tax revenue, the sense of what it would do to the perception of working down here, and the increase of empty office space, which there is way too much of already...

i don't think GM moving from rencen to the tech center would change the perception the detroit's core business is automotive...after all ford and chrysler have left detroit a long time ago, but in global terms, us auto industry is still all detroit...

May 11, 09 11:49 pm  · 

The US Auto Industry is now Toyota!

They're the market leaders and they make more cars in the US now than GM.

Look it up!

May 12, 09 12:26 am  · 

There is no such thing as a US Auto Industry or a Japanese, German, Korean, etc. auto industry. It's a Global auto industry. hillandrock is right that non-detroit brands are building more vehicles and employing more Americans than the so-called Detriot auto makers.

What Detroit needs is business diversity. If they put all their hopes on a GM rebound they will surely be disappointed.

May 12, 09 8:42 am  · 
won and done williams

you know why this is a news story? because the mayor of warren proposed that gm move their corporate headquarters out of the renaissance center and to the warren-based (saarinen-designed) technical center, and he did it front of obama's "car czar." this was simply a proposal made by a politician that has little to no influence at gm. truly a non-story.

hillandrock is trolling as he usually does. and aqua, you are right - it is not a u.s. auto industry, but you are equally wrong - it is not a global auto industry. it is fundamentally a regional auto industry. ford, chrysler, and gm are critical parts of the midwestern economy. diversify the economy or not, the collapse of any of these companies will have major economic consequences for the region.

May 12, 09 9:20 am  · 

I'm not trolling. People tend to label anything they don't like as trolling so they can easily dismiss it.

Toyota this quarter dethroned GM by controlling 18% of the market share. Most of this market share is within the United States, as American entities, because Toyota only makes a variety of cars within the US and every other international brand (Corolla) is custom made and custom tailored for the US automotive market.

Honda is jumping up in market share and as GM and Ford cut lines... the other two's market share will get even bigger.

Ford rides the respect it earned from 00's the 20's-- but past that, Ford hasn't kept up any of their original business plans and models. The reason Chrysler is a separate entity? Because GM was afraid of creating a monopoly and being broke up by courts. GM refused to listen to the demands of the America people for over 3 decades. Simply ignored the market and deemed anyone who didn't want their cars was "unAmerican."

My whole point? In the fields of planning and economic development, it is generally understood that your economy should never be a one pony show. The midwest has been given plenty of examples for over 5 decades now that this wouldn't last.

I don't really feel to upset either way. If GM is really leaving moving some place in a bid to reestablish their business model... good for them!

May 12, 09 2:10 pm  · 

"GM refused to listen to the demands of the America people for over 3 decades. Simply ignored the market and deemed anyone who didn't want their cars was "unAmerican."

I would say they gave America exactly the cars the country wanted. The Mini vans, SUVs and pick ups were eagerly devoured, and the sedans of the 80s sold like mad. Its not that they didnt listen to the market, the market fragmented into smaller and smaller groups, with wildly different tastes and needs at the exact same time it became harder for the company to retool thanks to their friends at the UAW -

What frigg'n rock did you crawl out from under? Your 6 days here on our planet has been quite the trip.

May 12, 09 2:18 pm  · 

They have a wonderful history of Toyota's growth and Detroit's demise-- starts around 3:00.

May 12, 09 2:56 pm  · 
won and done williams

when you post stuff that you know is going to rile people up and get the thread off-topic, you are being a troll. your post had nothing to do with gm leaving detroit; it's simply a bunch of silly generalizations about the auto industry.

but i'm done replying to your nonsense. you've done this too many times.

May 12, 09 8:49 pm  · 

Did you even listen to the BBC programme?

Detroit is a failure. I will derail any Detroit thread for the simple fact that the city has yet to prove itself to be on any intrinsic value. The more nostalgia that is garnered over Detroit, the less Detroit has an ability to change.

I've read the story, bullshit or not, it brings up a moderately good point... is GM's problem a matter of location? Could GM alleviate some of its problems by relocating?

Talking like Detroit matters somehow really isn't examining the issue-- Detroit no longer matters and the midwest isn't a power house of the economy.

Pointed mooted.

May 13, 09 1:30 pm  · 

Hillrock - the "midwest" or area around the great lakes is the second largets manufacturing region on earth as well as the highest GDP - theres a lot of folks there that "dont matter". If your saying the fast growth areas of the south and west are somehow more important since thats been the greatest growth over the last 30 years Id say they have yet to experiance any structural shock to their system - maybe this housing bust is their first? Maybe water shortages?

I suspect that after the current entrenched UAW stalwarts die off and the Obama experiment with GM is over the region will be ready for real change and real dialouge between workers and management., and will prob look 300 miles to Kentucky for examples - but the industry will be there for a long time to come - water trade with Canada, Access to Coke, Steel, Coal, the basics that made Detroit a good place to begin with are still the fundemental reasons.

May 13, 09 1:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

detroit is the most sublimely beautiful place on the planet...that alone gives it incredible value.

May 13, 09 1:54 pm  · 

Correction - 2nd largest GDP after Bos-Wash corridor is the Chi-Pitts region containing Detroit -


I love how they point out "The Clevelands and Pittsburghs of the world will find themselves increasingly squeezed between twin pincers as top business functions gravitate to larger regions like Chicago and production shifts to centers like Shanghai, China"

Theyve been saying this for so long its self fullfilling. If you know the problem, you know why the problem, then fucking do something about it! Unless of course your leaders are owners of holding companies in Shanghai

May 13, 09 1:58 pm  · 

From the Bureau of Economic Analysis (2007)

SOUTHEAST 3,087,889
FAR WEST 2,515,732
MIDEAST 2,522,240
GREAT LAKES 1,936,573
SOUTHWEST 1,604,494
PLAINS 872,523

May 13, 09 2:01 pm  · 

wtf is that? 1,936,573 animal crackers? What?

May 13, 09 2:03 pm  · 

Gross Domestic Product in Millions of Dollars

May 13, 09 2:04 pm  · 

Apples to Oranges - your comparing the GDP of the states of Texas to wash DC with chi to pittsburgh urban corridor.

May 13, 09 2:50 pm  · 

And as far as the GDP sectors go - the "Southeast" encompasses 15 states and the midwest / great lakes 7. If you want you could double the size of the midwest to include the grain belts of the plains to make it fair?


May 13, 09 2:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

does the midwest include ontario?

May 13, 09 3:33 pm  · 

scarble darble

May 13, 09 3:39 pm  · 

Not my analysis... it's the government's!

The link you posted actually further proves my point because it actually shows the midwest in fifth place!

It's not apples to oranges-- you claimed the midwest was an "economic leader" and it is not... it's just a red-headed middle child economically. You said the region was a powerhouse... you cannot instantly just redefine a region because you don't like the figures.

Which area is tanking in terms of growth? Who wants to invest in a place with a negative to near negative growth rate?

The idea of a "Chi-Pitts" region is laughable. There is absolutely no reason to use that as a statistical group. They don't share the same watershed, they don't have a continuous transportation corridor [there is no interstate going through all of them], they aren't even related at all geologically, they're in different USDA regions and there is no concurrent urban development linking them all together [what the hell is between Toledo and South Bend?]

That such a bloated statistical group... I couldn't even take it seriously in terms of establishing a data point. It is a borderline conglomeration at best.

Also, to stick one more nail in this coffin-- the GDP of the manufacturing industry was nearly 396,000 millions of dollars... 60,000 millions of dollars more than the midwest. Side note: the BEA considers the South to be 12 states sans Texas.

May 13, 09 3:48 pm  · 

Err the GDP of the South's manufacturing industry.

May 13, 09 3:54 pm  · 

hill - chicago - pittsburgh is a trading region defined by sociologists and economists, the GDP sectors are from the Gov.

Again, read the frigg'n post, the "south sector" via the link encompasses 15 states from Wash DC through Texas while the "midwest" is defined as 7 states. So before you premature ejaculate again read the statements.

The Chi-Pitts corridor has I-80 e/w running right down the middle, its kinda the point of the region. And it does make since to use megaopolis regions since they have shared economies unto themselves moreso than watersheds, USDA ( wtf?) or traditional geographic groupings.

If you want to put 15 states against 7 and then gloat about how bad the 7 are you can do that all day. Id argue any region thats so shallow economically that they need to cram 15 states together needs a lot of help - especially now that the cheap money is gone.

May 13, 09 4:45 pm  · 

Look at the friggin map... the BEA defines the South as 12 states. The "South Sector" I'm referring to only goes as far north as W.V. and excludes Texas. No matter how you want to draw regions and which states to include or not include based on formulating general areas with similar population figures... the Midwest is no where near the position within the economy as you claim it is.

That's the point. Sorry, you're wrong about this. You can titillate yourself all you want about the Midwest and the Rust Belt... but that attitude isn't going to help at all.

Plus, the only person to really use the designation ChiPitts is Herman Khan. It's not a practical designation at all and it really stretching it

New Scientist in the 1990s agrees with me on the point that ChiPitts is a worthless designation as a borderlining megaopolis.

However, ChiPitts is not used widely at all. It doesn't even exist in a quick search of the places you say it does and there is no "ChiPitts" in the TIGER data.

How about you read something and actually try to understand before you downplay someone actually might being right about this?

May 13, 09 5:09 pm  · 

15:7 is the one I posted but if you'r more happy with 12:5 thats even better for my case. In mine the south is only 2.1 times the state sample whereas yours is 2.4. FTW platypus

May 13, 09 5:22 pm  · 

i will be teaching 'breakdancing' classes starting in june in detroit if anyone is interested

May 13, 09 5:32 pm  · 

There's no win. ChiPitts even in your designation is no where close to being the second largest economy by GDP in the United States.

Stay on (some sort of) target, you're just picking semantics about the designated areas.

Even with the South being large than the Midwest... The Southeast has more people, has a higher poverty level, has fewer employed people but maintains a higher GDP per person than the Midwest does.

In fact, the Gross Domestic Product of Florida by itself is almost double that any Midwestern state and more than the entire output of the Midwestern car industry.


May 13, 09 5:40 pm  · 

Crizzler how much you charge for break dancing classes?

May 13, 09 5:43 pm  · 
vado retro

Well between Toledo and South Bend there is a sleepy little town called Warsaw that is responsible for about 8 billion dollars worth of orthopedic and medical devices annually. Other than that its just Amish in buggies.

May 13, 09 6:03 pm  · 

i'm starting out at $10 per class for a 1.5hr beginners class...... 4 weeks per $40 for the basics..... then will start a moderate class..then an advance class.... styles involved are popping and then locking...i can't really do all the floor work/bboy stuff anymore.

good exercise also......

May 13, 09 6:07 pm  · 


May 13, 09 7:13 pm  · 
won and done williams

i'll be there, crizz. i always wanted to learn to head spin.

[is that what you call it?]

May 13, 09 7:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

usually when my head spins i call it a "hangover"

for what it's worth, i'd be a lot more concerned if little caesar left detroit

Pizza Pizzaaaaaaaahh!

Pizza Pizza,
Pizza Pizza,
Pizza Pizza

--Little Caesar

May 14, 09 10:45 am  · 
Chili Davis

Crizz that's a helluva deal, $10 for an hour and a half dance lesson!?! I can be Mr. Fantastic for $40!?! Where are the classes going to be and where do I sign up???

May 15, 09 10:18 am  · 

working on the flyers now....

the spot will be on michigan ave between the old tiger stadium/train station and across from slows bbq. there's a gallery called '5e' that my friend opened and i help at once in a while..

if i get motivated, i might do some promo videos or something. we'll see...

May 15, 09 2:31 pm  · 

I was at 5e Saturday night.

May 28, 09 4:48 pm  · 


I need your help..

6 friends of mine and myself will be spending a few nights in detroit this upcoming weekend.

We will be going to the tigers vs white sox games but will need something to do after. We have a vague notion of some things wed like to see. What we DONT really know (and which might be most important) is WHERE SHOULD WE DRINK!?

So, if you were telling your friend which neighborhood to spend a friday night... and that friend was mid 20's, baseball fan/architect... where would you send him?

thanks for the help!

Jul 22, 09 11:08 am  · 
Chili Davis

Eat at Niki's Greek Town before the game, across from the Greek Town Casino. I recommend the Saganaki, Gyro, and Greek Salad. You can park in the casino deck for $10. Hop a free bus to the game if you don't feel like walking. Go to Fishbones afterword for some sushi. If you're looking for nightlife, head to Ferndale or Royal Oak, right up Woodward Ave. Downtown has some good bars as well, but I prefer the R.O./Ferndale area. You can hop a Smart bus if you don't want to drive. If you're looking for women, head to Woody's, Black Finn, or Cinq. If you just want to drink and chill, head to O'Tooles or 5th Avenue. If you want to stay downtown and have some extra $$$ to spend, the newly remodeled Westin Book-Cadillac is an excellent choice.

I may be at the game as well, and heading to R.O. to drink after (I live there). Send me an email and I'll give you my contact info!

Jul 22, 09 11:35 am  · 

im partial to (ugh i hate saying it...) "hipster" type dive bars with awesome juke boxes.... any recomendations? where are those kinds of bars in detroit?

Jul 22, 09 11:54 am  · 
won and done williams

bronx bar in the cass corridor. you will not be disappointed.

Jul 22, 09 12:11 pm  · 
won and done williams

btw...go tigers!

Jul 22, 09 12:13 pm  · 

lletdownl...majestic cafe (magic stick for live music) comes to mind...but after reading your description, i would definitely suggest The Bronx Bar

one of the best jukebox's in town...also, a lot of great other interesting places in midtown, near the bronx...

below, a recycled post with recommendations from an older thread on what to do during the days:

Detroit is a city of contradictions. Accross the highway from the new stadiums, you will find beautiful burnt out/abandoned buildings;
visit the old warehouse district by the river (north of the newly SOM renovated Renassaince Center, on your way to belle isle);
and definitely, after buying your HardRock-Detroit T-shirt, visit the OLD TRAIN STATION and Corktown.
Cranbrook is a must see. Besides Holl's museum of science, MONEO's addition was completed last year, and you should also check out the Natatorium by WILLIAMS/TSIEN; plus Eliel Saarinen's building/campus. Then, make sure to visit Tyree Guyton's Heidelberg Project.
FYI - best sushi in detroit is served at Noble Fish, a japanese import store that has a sushi bar behind their freezers (14mile rd.and main st.-on your way to cranbrook from downtown)
Closer to downtown, at night check out Majestic Cafe (explore, check GardenBowl in the back, and Magic Stick upstairs - where white stripes used to play...); there are quite a few clubs......want to do something different, go to Cadieux Cafe (15min. drive from downtown... interesting live music mostly everynight and you can play belgium's "feather bowling"...

Jul 22, 09 12:14 pm  · 

if you into electro/techno/house.... let me know.... usually the 'works' on fridays/saturdays has dj's performing (michigan ave/rosa parks corner).... i have a thursday night that i'm doing there also....

hit up oslo on woodward for sushi... my friends own the place.... theres also 'slows' bbq and the new 5e gallery spot that has a graf show going on..i think they also have some hip hop ish going on friday..might have to double check

Jul 22, 09 12:16 pm  · 

damit, jafidler beat my bronx recommendation...


see this free music event:

posted by puddles here:

Jul 22, 09 12:17 pm  · 

sweet thanks guys... i looked up bronx... it looks pretty sweet... a ways from our hotel but im guessing you can cab it there?

is the cass corridor a place where one could spend an evening hoping bars?

ive heard there are places to go in greektown... whats the consensus there? bar hoping territory?

this is all great input btw... thanks a lot

Jul 22, 09 12:33 pm  · 

go sox btw

Jul 22, 09 12:34 pm  · 

greektown is only a block long...hahahah.... if you want to bar hop you might want to head out to downtown pontiac (about 45 min north off 75/m59).... most of the bars downtown in detroit are scattered so you might to walk a few blocks....

Jul 22, 09 12:38 pm  · 
won and done williams

greektown is a bit of a tourist trap. many suburbanites eat and drink there when they come into town for a ballgame. it has the casino there, if you're into that, but probably not your scene if you are looking for hipster dive bars. if you are staying downtown, i would take up grit's suggestion of going to oslo. there are other places within walking distance (foran's on woodward comes to mind, run by 90s "alternative rocker" dudes; i like it, but again not to everyone's taste). you also have coach insignia on top of the renaissance center with great views of the city and relatively inexpensive drinks for the amazing view.

given your tastes though i would probably go up to midtown and hit these bars in this order: majestic cafe, union street, motor city brewer and finally bronx bar. it's definitely walkable, but a slightly dodgy area late at night.

Jul 22, 09 1:10 pm  · 

i'd say midtown as well, but i would add cass cafe to that list...well...maybe cass cafe is a bit of an early eve, afternoon place...

foran's is right downtown (try the finnigan sandwich) and features many many many great locally (regionally) brewed beers on tap...

also, close to the stadium, you could go to the Park Bar (and bucharest grill - great chicken shawarma)

i really would not recomend driving all the way to pontiac...

Jul 22, 09 1:28 pm  · 

and yeah, bring your street smarts with you, especially after midnight or so...

Jul 22, 09 1:29 pm  · 

oh, and "northern lights lounge" also kind of matches your description, just a bit further up off woodward - a bit more porn than hip, but just as cool - ...

ok, that should get you guys drunk enough (and gettimg me thirsty just talking about it)

Jul 22, 09 1:31 pm  · 

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