
I want to do something interesting with my life


I don't want to do the usual go to college and get a job and and sit at an office all day shit like everyone else is doing.  I am willing to do any type of work anywhere on earth. Illegal or legal. Don't matter to me. I am 19 and I only have my g.e.d.  I am in good health And good shape, with no medical history or criminal record. I don't have any money either at the moment. Just thought that would be good to know. If ANYONE is interested please respond to this thread. Thank you for reading .

Dec 2, 13 4:22 pm

I do understand where you are coming from. but i am not as die hard as you seem to be. Make a commitment to dedicating your life to better humanity! & since you said in so many words "you don't care what it takes". you can start by donating your entire self for research into finding a cure for aids; by allowing researches to inject you with the virus and take experimental medical technology.

Gud luck

Dec 2, 13 4:29 pm  · 

the mission is clear, yu gotta commit to fightin the reptiles.  spread the truths!

Dec 2, 13 4:50 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Jeez what an assholish reply post that was @ s...theta. ds82...what drove you to write your post?you sound scared of your future?

Dec 2, 13 4:54 pm  · 

architecture is probably not the right path for you.

Dec 2, 13 4:55 pm  · 

I am a little. But really i want to do something diffrent then what most people are doing. Tammuz 

Dec 2, 13 5:15 pm  · 

Start a land war in Asia.

Dec 2, 13 5:19 pm  · 

Disappointed. I thought this thread was "I want to do something interesting with my wife".

Dec 2, 13 5:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Ah, to be young and naive. Where has the time gone?

Dec 2, 13 5:29 pm  · 

Throw a dart at a map and go there!  Do it now while you are young! 

Don't end up on an episode of Locked up Abroad.

Dec 2, 13 5:46 pm  · 

@ tammuz,

Who am i to stand in the way of a young soldier who wants to jump on a live grenade for you and !?


i dont see you jumping!!

Dec 2, 13 5:58 pm  · 
Miles with the win!
Dec 2, 13 6:59 pm  · 

Yeah, where is the link... I'm total into milf vids!

Dec 2, 13 7:51 pm  · 

You guys are funny but I'm foreal I'm trying to do something with my life that would be different then what most people do. 

Dec 2, 13 8:46 pm  · 

whats stopping you? the world is your oyster, you are 19 and full of dreams. keep us posted on your journey to adult hood.

Dec 24, 17 1:55 am  · 

USAF Pararescue, good luck you will need it.

Dec 2, 13 10:33 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

ds82694, how did you ever find yourself here seeking life changing advice? What do "most people do" exactly? Get an education, get a job, start a career, is that it? Sounds like you want to delay adulthood, good luck.

Dec 3, 13 7:43 am  · 

No, I'm Deciding not to live the normal life like most people. 

Dec 3, 13 8:01 am  · 


World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.

Dec 3, 13 8:49 am  · 

the first step to leading an unnormal life is to stop believing the normal lies that normal peple live with. 

Truthe is that we are pawns in a galactic war with reptiles.  And though it is difficult to prove their is a very good chance that the moon is actually a hollowed out space ship watching over us.

Dec 3, 13 9:18 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Yeah, office work blows, don't do it. But you need some education or job skills. So what are you going to do? Be a gypsy?

There are unconventional jobs that pay very well, like the petroleum or fishing industries or agriculture.

Dec 3, 13 9:23 am  · 

Truthe is that we are pawns in a galactic war with reptiles.  And though it is difficult to prove their is a very good chance that the moon is actually a hollowed out space ship watching over us.

what are we actually supposed to do as pawns of the lizard people handsum?  i think i asked you that before and you kind of skirted the question.  is it best that we just go to work for the lizard people every day?  should we turn on, tune it, and drop out?  violent revolution?  or at the beginning stages, are we just supposed to market the idea, so more people are awakened to the new ideals of lizard subservience?

maybe ds82694 can join the lizard people?  sounds like they're the winning team right?

Dec 3, 13 9:30 am  · 
won and done williams

Not really sure why you are asking a bunch of architects, but I'll take a swipe at a serious reply. You know what you don't want to do (normal), but given that, I think the better question is, what do you want to do and how do you get there?

What do you have going for you? You are young and healthy. Don't underestimate those gifts.

What do you have going against you? You are inexperienced, relatively uneducated, and don't have a lot of money. (This may or may not be a liability; having money is overvalued in this world. Experience and education are far more important than money.)

Given the above, your first priority is to gain experience and an education. There is no better experience or education than what the world provides through seeing new places and cultures. Travel, travel, travel!

Of course, that is easier said than done when you do not have a lot of money, but it can be done. You can go Jack Kerouac-style and simply hit the road, basically living inexpensively and earning a modest living picking up odd jobs while you travel. You could enter the military - truly an undervalued experience, but perhaps closer to "normal" than you want to get.

After you have a few years of experience in the world, you will have a much better perspective on what you want to do - help people in need, start a paradigm-shifting business, live quietly, simply and happily, be a positive change in the world?

A last piece of advice, learn to write and speak well. Of all that I have learned, there is nothing more powerful than the ability to communicate clearly and articulately. It will take you far.

Dec 3, 13 10:33 am  · 

that still sounds to normal.

Dec 24, 17 2:00 am  · 

you can't join the reptiles.  it's all aobut bloodlines.  you either are one or you are not.

fighting them head on is probably useless too.

best strategy now is awareness.   spread the knowleadge.  buy local too.  this is huge because they milk all the large scale corporate money.

they live we sleep is a good movie to watch as motivation too.

Dec 3, 13 10:56 am  · 

A path does not need a destination. 

Dec 3, 13 11:18 am  · 

yeah, and honestly, I don't really know waht all to  do.  I'm not sure anybody does.  Suggestions are welcome.

Dealing with alien reptiles is no mean feat.  They've got particle beam weapons and we've got what?  an internet forum?

Dec 3, 13 11:32 am  · 

Maybe Patrik Schumacher could bullshit them to death. 

Dec 3, 13 11:37 am  · 


got the perfect job for you - join the Marines, they will fix your major malfunction

Dec 3, 13 1:58 pm  · 

+1 Xenakis. Join the Marines, travel the world, meet interesting people, and kill them.

Dec 3, 13 2:22 pm  · 

Nah, you don't meet them, you just kill them and let doG sort 'em out. 

Dec 3, 13 4:02 pm  · 

marines is not so interesting.  many already do it.  many die too.

much better to fight the reptiles with mind rays than fighting men with guns.

Dec 3, 13 5:03 pm  · 

Actually - In my hometown of Bakersfield, Ca., anyone your age who didn't know what they wanted to do was rather strongly advised to enlist - I know many who did and some of them got bagged n tagged for it. - 

Dec 3, 13 8:28 pm  · 

Go find your passion and live it you young idiot. Go to community college and take some classes that interest you. Talk to people that you have never met before and then spit in their faces.

Dec 3, 13 10:25 pm  · 

Go up to North Dakota or Alaska, work your ass off for a couple of years doing manual labor, save your pay, then spend the next half decade traveling cheap- southeast Asia, central America, etc. Do lots of drugs and sleep with European tourists.

Then come back, get married, work some stupid fucking job, and sleepwalk through the remainder of your sorry-ass life like the rest of us schmucks.

Dec 3, 13 11:37 pm  · 

Hi ds82694 , I'm really interested to know what happened? I hope this message will reach you! dream big!

Dec 22, 17 2:35 am  · 

I can' believe this is still here. Well I actually joined the army served a full contract  in which i deployed overseas and just got out a month ago. I am now preparing for fire school to be a fireman for my city. 

Dec 22, 17 2:46 am  · 

I know right.

Dec 22, 17 4:14 pm  · 

so did you find what you were looking for? was/is your life un normal than you expected/wanted?

Dec 24, 17 2:06 am  · 

so did you find what you were looking for? was/is your life un normal than you expected/wanted?

Dec 24, 17 2:06 am  · 

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