
The Loss of Silence *New Blog*

greig p

Hello folks!

I am an architecture student studying in Scotland. I've started up a new blog focusing on architecture, design and music. It's a fairly personal endeavor depicting photographs I have personally taken on study trips, books im currently reading, music thats getting me by in the studio etc.

Feel free to have a look and see what you think... become a follower, comment on it, criticise it, do whatever!

The Loss of Silence

Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
Aberdeen, Scotland

Mar 3, 09 8:12 pm

it looks promising -- well done, Greig! you are now in my google reader...

(i esp. dig all the edinburgh photos and the album reviews.)

Mar 4, 09 8:25 am  · 
greig p

thanks for your comment mfrech!

i'm going to try and write a little bit more on my experience and what i thought of the buildings on future blogs... hopefully you found some new music to enjoy as well!

ta for adding me to your google reader!

has anyone else had a look? let me know what you think!


Mar 4, 09 9:20 am  · 

what'd you think of the palais des beaux arts in lille?

anyways, some good bloggage. I can always get up for some vicarious internet travel. Maybe you could offer up larger reviews of the albums though...that way you could even include music you hated as those are the most entertaining reviews.

Mar 4, 09 4:29 pm  · 
greig p

thanks for the comment beebtown!

i really like the the palais des beaux arts, in particular the new extension... the idea of reflecting the old through the new really appealed to me!

i actually had trouble finding out who the architect was though? could anyone inform me on this?


Mar 4, 09 4:59 pm  · 

ibos and vitart - from paris...used to work with Jean Nouvel

Mar 4, 09 6:52 pm  · 
greig p

ahh ok cheers for letting me know!

gave their website a wee look, recognise a few of the projects! a lot of it is not particularly to my taste but interesting stuff none the less!


Mar 4, 09 8:44 pm  · 

nice work I'm including you to the side bar @ architechnophilia

Mar 5, 09 1:45 pm  · 
greig p


I've included you in my sidebar too architechnophilia!

if anyone else has any opinions/thoughts on the blog feel free to get in touch!


Mar 6, 09 6:34 am  · 

greig, nice site, it looks promising. I'll add it to my own blogroll.

Mar 6, 09 11:02 pm  · 
greig p

thanks selophane!

internet explorer strangely won't let me onto your blog, but i'll add you to my sidebar at loss of silence and give it a look later on!


Mar 7, 09 9:46 am  · 

just noticed the add, thanks Greig! consider yourself added to my sorry excuse for a blog!

Mar 7, 09 10:01 am  · 

and s.selophane, i admire the fact that you're making the most of the time between now and the end of june and committing to banging out the remaining exams...i'm not gonna them all done before the deadline, but i'm trying squeeze as many in. i look forward to seeing your progress as you sprint to the finish line!

Mar 7, 09 10:54 am  · 

mfrech - actually I'm trying to bang out ALL of my exams, i'm under 4.0 but I figure if i can get through them all once i might just get this done with quickly, and at least if i fail any i'll have less to re-do in 6 months.

Mar 7, 09 11:49 pm  · 

damn! well good luck -- as i type, i just finished up studying for the night, while my girlfriend is out getting drinks with her friends. it's like being back in school all over again!

again, i wish you the best -- now get back to the books!

Mar 8, 09 12:18 am  · 
greig p

what exams are you doing guys?

infact, it would be quite interesting to know the educational set up in America...

here in Scotland we generally have:

RIBA Part 1

3 Years of Architectural Studios w/ Various Modules

1 Year Placement (full-time work in an architecture practice)

1 Year for Honours Degree


1 Year for Masters Degree


RIBA Part 3

An examination carried out within your workplace and can be taken at any time you wish.

Pass this and you can call yourself ARCHITECT!


Mar 9, 09 5:11 am  · 
greig p


I have been updating the blog on a daily basis.

Be sure to add me tour 'follow' list, subscribe, RSS reader, whatever as I am going to continue updating on a daily basis...

and wouldn't want to miss out would you!

The Loss of Silence

Mar 9, 09 5:14 am  · 

the exams we're studying are the A.R.E. (Architect Registration Exam)

here's the process for us Yanks...

1. obtain an accredited degree (either a 5-year B.Arch or a M.Arch),

2. complete 3-5 years of workplace experience*, (called 'IDP' depending on time spent on 16 different areas, eg. programming, DD, CDs, CA etc.)

3. take the A.R.E., consisting of 9 different tests, scheduled at your leisure and taken at a general computer testing facility (consolidating format from 9 to 7 tests later this year)

*thankfully, some states (such as Massachusetts, where i live) allow you to sit for the exams before completing the workplace experience...which is pretty swell.

it's very interesting to hear about the RIBA it sounds like 5 years of school total, with one year of work experience put into the mix and then you're good to go huh?

how does the exam get administered at the office, and how far along are you in the entire process?

glad to see you're staying on top of your blog, that's more than i can say about mine--keep it up!

Mar 9, 09 8:56 am  · 

mfrech - I should add that certain states (and provinces in Canada) have additional exam components, such as seismic safety and permafrost conditions.

In addition, licensing is handled on a state by state basis. Once licensed in one state, if you have kept an active record with NCARB (the National Council of Architecture Registration Boards) you can transfer your license to any other state or province for a fee as long as you pass their reciprocal licensing requirements.

Mar 9, 09 11:31 am  · 
greig p

I'm in my masters year currently, designing a learning resource centre in a small coastal town.

As for the RIBA Part 3...

The most usual format requires you to respond to complex scenario-based job and practice management problems, testing your ability to apply knowledge and make professional judgements in time-limited situations. Published reference material is usually allowed.

Then, the final stage, and an important part of the Examination process, is where you meet the examiners who have assessed your documentary submissions and written papers, and where all the evidence you have provided to demonstrate your professional knowledge, judgement and competence is drawn together and assessed as a whole.

- taken from RIBA website, pretty much sums it up!

Mar 11, 09 4:10 am  · 
greig p


plenty more updates at:


Mar 19, 09 4:06 am  · 

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