
3dh the plugin ?


Feb 6, 09 1:00 pm
MArch n' unemployed

have you used it anti?

Feb 6, 09 1:02 pm  · 

ya using it now

Feb 6, 09 1:19 pm  · 

not just for 3dh of course ;) but seems like the example file and image is of this geometry

Feb 6, 09 1:20 pm  · 

and per chimes in in




Feb 6, 09 6:53 pm  · 

I want to install Rhino again !

Feb 7, 09 10:13 am  · 

i guess the chinese restaurant i visited over the CNY holidays already had the plugin.

Feb 7, 09 10:48 am  · 

But frankly I wonder if this script realy deliver a genuine 3dh, -- rhat's one where you know each individual frame and overlap. See the examples I put in realy was many hours of work, soing each section each overlap amd before that, a model with thickness , floors, walls everything, -- see I did try contribuate with a genuine and solid result, not just something done in a few hours, some of the examples took weeks. U don't think everyone realise that, that I been into each corner, so no nick-pick critic spending a minute glancing, coukd pick some trivial foult.
But those day's are over. To many bad experiences.

I don't know the script, but it looks as the top grid are projected intp some curved surface -- and then we are there again ; 3dh is something that deliver a structure not just a surface, that's the whole idea and reson, to put smething there that can be build, and jettison the surface aproach architecture has. That it's natural if the architect just "throw a sketch" the most unhealty way about and attitude towards creativity.

Why do you guy's think things go down, --- has anone of you figured out how to make a house at a third the cost and in only one material, think avout what that would make.

Feb 7, 09 10:52 am  · 

Now "aspect" after we all again read another filth mail from you, maybe we can ecape the dirt throwing being your tallent, and maybe discuss this script. Everyone can see that all yhat is on your mind, is to harass Per Corell for sharing a good idea, but realy aspect, --- how can it hurt you so much, when Antisthenes share a script ?
I could understand if you was payed to harass some guy you don't know, but you seem to do yhis only to gain petty credit, the credit you can get from acting on the dictate of the class bully -- are you realy such an underdog aspect ?

Feb 7, 09 12:18 pm  · 

Why shuld I care, I paint.

Feb 7, 09 2:11 pm  · 

Tell me one reson people shuld profit clever building systems, and be refused cheap solid houses. One reson the most wanted materials can be transformed easy into building core structure, why make it cheap, by computers, when it also turn out many times the srength. Why even change anything, stay with what we know , those methods develobed some 200 years ago, some even 60 years before computers made everything change --- Why risk jobs in new circumstances, can pay the bill for anyone, why a new production, why try a lead in the direction, by testing something with an open mind, when the old stuff now pay so good ?

But in the end ; I wouldn't mind a heap of applications making 3dh a pointer. Then to stay with current evaluation, why not interfere in discussions that possible can deliver, just one program to generate a genuine 3dh , --- you realy must hate that thing, whatever it mirror in your fears, forget it, 3dh is not your enemy, how can a nice new house at a third the cost, ever be that ?

I am allway's open for a technical discussion, these unprovoked social issues that was brought against 3dh as a possible issue, seem very little relevant and acts as some reversed a discussion fora into a hounds fight, ---- will a strong digitaly produced on site with simplest awaible construction equipment ever be that ?

Newer one relevant issue about how it work, that's not inteesting, why even care there are a way, when it carry that strange name of something you maybe don'r understand, -- iy's frendsis, outlandish, proberly swedish, atleats when they talk about profiting the people, Why shuld they has cover over their heads if you can prevent it ?

Feb 7, 09 2:39 pm  · 

the pics i post is not an insult but a challenge^^ i bet you couldn't modelling it^^

Feb 7, 09 8:11 pm  · 

typo> couldn't model

Feb 7, 09 8:11 pm  · 

OF, you slay me.

Feb 9, 09 1:21 am  · 

Yes I know, -- it ask a bit profesionalism to deal with new methods, also an ability to look outside the box, then if your box has a very limited view, -- that could be that you just by chance dropped in, newer realy seen an acadamy from the inside, or maybe are a computer graphic's who draw houses and therefore think at yourself as an architect. ---- I reconise people with genuine interest in structures and architecture, to give positive response so it has allway's been, in fact my most fearcefull oppoment was an retired bicycle repairman.

And if you can't see anything in this image, if not one detail catch your eye, and ontop you don't reconise the need for new construction methods, --- then why do you comment ?

Feb 9, 09 8:00 am  · 

"the pics i post is not an insult but a challenge^^ i bet you couldn't modelling it^^"

Why shuld anyone, and what sort of childish challance are that ?
Are we talking about cheap houses and efficient new manufactoring or petty unreal, offtopic, images of what this discussion make of pictures in your mind only ?

You don't even comment on the starting image, give us a clue about how you think it's been coded ,, shall I ? see I think I know what the idea in the script is and how it work, do you ? Offcaurse I had to spell it in Lisp, what is your favourite scripting language ?
Wouldn't that be more relevant, --- or are you on thin ice when i is not a social talk so you can twist it into another mudthrowing sceem, or do you fear relevant discussions about programing and such -- anyway you shuld know a little as they learn that in the acadamy, don't they?

Feb 9, 09 8:11 am  · 

I see there are a huge difference in the images you and I , --- If architecture are your issue, then why did you post such idiotic picture and silli "challance" me to compute it ; why don't you think in houses, this is an architecture fora ?

Now that could have natural reson, maybe you realy are not into architecture so you couldn't think about something it would be nice to see in 3dh.

Now I think in structure, but maybe my thinking go a bit deeper than petty social issues, so let me add an image that proberly are none of your interest, but maybe others realise the joke, -- see there are jokes in architecture, it's not all poison so I would be happy if you tried register some of that; real humor not just social harasment, can you maneage ?

Feb 9, 09 8:36 am  · 

is it waterproof?

Feb 9, 09 8:43 am  · 

That all depend what you mean, NASA checked some more complex structures than the above, and aproved it. But you must know a bit more about how smooth it is, when engine foundations can be modeled so they weigh the halve, going in one with the substructure, things like how this would work in micro as in macro, -- just that each cross point are exactly known and can be digitaly described has it's own applications, -- but as you know, a house has a structure and a roof, now that wouldn't be so difficult to unfold from this. beside -- that all depend on density don't it ? A structure of any density will catch a portion depending it's area, then if just halve the moisture are cought by a lattrice, how will the inviroment under that change ?

Feb 9, 09 8:51 am  · 

:) I knew you would be interested.

Feb 9, 09 10:39 am  · 

Yrs emagine what such a plugin would mean, an instant suggestion for a structure for allmost anything, --- test the easiest way to have it build, ontop what seem so difficult to realise, how a lattrice can form around other items and carry them or gain from them. If you ever build an engine foundation for a heavy engine you will know how handy it is when the backbone of something, can be surrounded and incapsulated in a lattrice with as big transfere surface you requier. But this also mean a different way of realising structure, what is important ans creating strength and the limitations in depending on surface adding to strength.

But I guess we has to wait for the chinese.

Also I guess in the beginning 3dh will be difficult, but just realising how just it's flexibility is exactly it's pover compared rigid structures, that gas to be overengineered to compensate for what 3dh just has, - the same ability as all box structures has, to distribuate the forces working towerds it. How nice it would be, just to press the button, and see the lattrice you or allmost anyone can manufactor, with very simple means, -- that's not how most things work, but this will.

A partial 3dh from some project ;

Feb 9, 09 11:48 am  · 

It is true it is much easier with boats hulls. A simple 3dh surface lattrice is what shape the framework for these boats. But with that frame system, they are so much easier and faster to build, beside the ability for the 3dh to flex, is exactly what make it the best choice. The same thing is viable for lapstrake construction, but even here, it is the stringer-frame-paneling box structure, not a "keel" ot whatever unqualified will speculate, but a complex thing, that make a boat sail and survive. Structualy 3dh is made for building boat hulls, Houseboats or speedy combined sail-pover boats, will it build a house, what kind of house will that be.

That proberly a less relevant oposed what it will cost, and if it make new jobs, --- will computer designed houses make new jobs, will a new way to manufactor, what you use for building a house, make new jobs ?

Do we at all need new houses ?

If you doubt 3dh go build a boat. Not only will you get exactly what you need for a safe fast sailboat hull, but big enough, it will be a swell houseboat, -- designed by someone living in houseboats for 30 years.
By doing so you hpefully get inspired for more complex computer generated lattrice, what 3dh done to building that boat can be measured in huge efficiency compared, what you will never master and to complex to realise, into cutting with a jigsaw, from full-scale workplane drawings, just folow the black line.

After that, I suggest you try build the same the old way's, Atleast then you would know.

3dh proberly be more expensive and more edgy than it soon will be, when you realise a new way to build things, where you uses a 3D program, and combine, so your drawings can be brought out in real. I develobed this for building vessels, if you only fancy a fair nice allround sail-pover boat, there are plans to find in my Cyber-Boat group.

Feb 9, 09 2:01 pm  · 

Will you question this to be a realistic lattrice

Then what compared the rigid steel lattrices that is othervise the choice, the steel core for Bilbao and Disney new concert hall ?

Those sites they litteraly bended huge steel profiles, to form some structure, that would provide curved surfaces, sorry, -- but for me this figurem how long you will go, to stay with the old. With 3dh the same task would be creme cake, cost 5 pct of what that expired.

Feb 9, 09 2:22 pm  · 

Not yhat I suggest this to be a structure made from standard profiles, but what replace these, will be as strong and weigh much less, what I find exiting, is that constructing out of the tradisional planes, give 3dh an edge, so do the promises in blending lattrice in different scale and maybe even ground material. --- in this 3dh the frames can be sections close together, and fastned together to form a box frame. 3dh do not need to be a lattrice of individual sheet cut frames, there are many more options.

Feb 9, 09 3:10 pm  · 

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