
Please stop saying "sort of"... thanks!


It's ON!!!

Sort of...

Feb 2, 09 12:29 pm  · 

"even the act of filling must mean something unique to the filler and telling to the reader. "

Why must it mean anything profound/great/abstract/post-modern etc?

My own motivation is not to dismiss the discussion of why people do these things when they are presenting or playing a major part in an instance of dialogue. I want to understand it and so understand my own bias in regards to the phenomena - which, at this point, still maintains that it is less valuable because it lacks 'enough' of any meaning. While "filling" the person-as-a-whole is withdrawing from the present experience - I see this as problematic, and perhaps indicative of larger cultural problems given the prevalence of this phenomenon.


Feb 2, 09 12:57 pm  · 

"we are so used to hearing these fillers that most people don't notice them unless they are excessive or they are specifically listening for them."

Only if we are operating in on autopilot in an unconscious way, where persona and habit can take over and run a majority of the conversation allowing attention-of-self to get lost in thought and disconnect from the immediate.

Which in a crit, we should not be - I think its just plain unfamiliar territory which makes people anxious (students don't know themselves, don't know their projects, don't know their jury, etc etc). Intentionally using 'kind of' or 'sort of' is one thing - but one thing the persona does is passively pick up on the autopilot programming of others for its own use when necessary.

Ever listen to the current White House Press Sec. during a daily brief?

Feb 2, 09 2:27 pm  · 

I think it'd be most accurate to simply state that some people are often annoyed by other people.

Feb 2, 09 2:30 pm  · 
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saying sort-of occasionally to express tentativeness is fine.

saying sort-of twice or more within each sentence makes me annoyed.

Feb 3, 09 10:56 am  · 
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in a relative world it is 'nearly' impossible not to state the uncertainly so as not to appear as a absolutist or bigot on issues.

Feb 3, 09 12:09 pm  · 

J nails kurt.

Feb 3, 09 1:37 pm  · 

Recently I heard a commentator on a radio talk show address this topic. He played a recording of a well-known broadcast journalist (I can't remember who it was) and rang a little bell every time she said "sort of" or "kind of". It was an unbelievable number of times, but we're so used to it we don't even hear it. It reminds me of 'upspeak' a rising tone at the end of statement that makes it sound like a question. What is so bad about uttering a simple declarative sentence?

Feb 9, 23 3:15 pm  · 
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The only thing worse than uttering a simple declarative sentence is resurrecting a 14 year old thread about nonsense

Feb 9, 23 3:41 pm  · 
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I'd add the disclaimer "I don't know ..." to the litany of "You know", "Like", "Kind of" weasel words.

Feb 9, 23 5:16 pm  · 

I limited myself to using the f-word no more than three times a day. I am at my limit today. I don't like using "fricking" instead.

Feb 9, 23 6:39 pm  · 
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I love that, Orhan. I'm trying to cut way down on the profanity these days myself. "What the effing F?"  or "F this S" are becoming more common phrases these days.

Feb 9, 23 7:02 pm  · 
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i don't know if this helps, but they say "frack" in battlestar galactica.

Feb 9, 23 7:55 pm  · 
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Sometimes, words matter.

I agree by limiting using "kinda, sorta, hmmm,. maybe, perhaps..." it will make the speaker more CERTAIN, therefore taking a more strong stand on their points.

But saying ALL OF THEM ARE BAD, or most of them make you sound dumb, is just plainly judgmental.

Taking into account different personality, people speaking different languages, have different speaking patterns...let's be kind, just be kind.

Feb 10, 23 1:29 pm  · 
Le Courvoisier

sort of a stupid pet peeve, sort of 

Feb 10, 23 5:23 pm  · 

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