
Desktop Computer CPU Cabinets


Alright! I'll get straight to the questions! This is with regard to the normal Desktop Vertical Computer Chassis.

>Have you ever faced problems with your computer cabinet?

>What formfactor motherboard are you using?

>What are the problems you've faced? - with regard to the layout/serviceability & maintenence of the system?

>Do you have trouble with the airflow inside the cabinet? Does your processor overheat?

>Do you think there could be a better way of configuring the internal layout?

> How many optical drives do you normally have?

> How many hard drives do you generally have?

>Do you think the smps (Power Supply Unit) is too bulky? Could something be done about that?

Would really appreciate your resposes.


Jan 22, 09 3:15 pm

how about one submerged in mineral oil??

from Hardcore PC.

Jan 22, 09 4:11 pm  · 

mL, i've heard about mineral oil submersion. Apparently there are videos on youtube where overclockers just submerged their entire motherboards in a fish tank full of mineral oil.

Jan 22, 09 4:19 pm  · 

ml, I saw that nerd porn in a magazine at Borders. Ridiculous and awesome. One February in undergrad, I took the case off my PC, put on a coat and gloves, opened the window and turned on a desk fan to see how cold I could get my computer. Great nerd fun.

For the questions asked:

For my last two cases I used Lian Li Aluminum cases.

I had a dual Opteron machine, I think it was ATX.

No real problems. Only had to bust the thing open a few times. I had SATA so the wires were all tight. Bought a round cable to the optical drive. The Lian Li cases were pretty good. The whole assembly just slid out.

No heat problems.

Never had a major problem with the layout. Sometimes RAM seems a bit tight, but I think a lot of it has to do with function. You hear all the stuff about even having the cache some number of microns from some other part increases speed. It's tricky.

One optical.

Two HDDs minimum: a system drive and a data drive. Usually back up to an external. RAID could be nice next time. Although the one that has 3 drives so if one fails you can assemble the data. Drives are cheap enough these days.

Don't know what you can do about the PS. It's fine. The case is already big anyway. At that point it doesn't matter anyway. I'm more annoyed by the cinder block of a power supply for my laptop.

Jan 22, 09 8:32 pm  · 

I'm not really sure why this is being asked on an arch. forum. I doubt that many people here mess with their computers to this level.

Archie taking an ID class?

Look into intel's BTX spec - they came up with it to deal with hotter processors

>Have you ever faced problems with your computer cabinet?

I've been through a few finding one that was quiet enough (my PC is also where I play all my A/V). The one I use now can be run completely fanless (only noise is from the HDs) and not get too hot. There are two fans that I keep on low most of the time, and turn up for rendering overnight.

>What form factor motherboard are you using?


>What are the problems you've faced? - with regard to the layout/serviceability & maintenence of the system?


>Do you have trouble with the airflow inside the cabinet? Does your processor overheat?

modern processors don't really overheat. They just throttle down when they get too hot. Mine will throttle if the fans are off and the room is above ~85 F while running stressprime.

>Do you think there could be a better way of configuring the internal layout?

That's really a question for an EE.

> How many optical drives do you normally have?


> How many hard drives do you generally have?

I need fewer as they get bigger. right now I have 3 internally and 5 in a backup case.

>Do you think the smps (Power Supply Unit) is too bulky? Could something be done about that?

That's really a question for an EE.

...and opening a window on a cold day to cool your computer is just asking for a condensation problem.

Jan 22, 09 9:24 pm  · 

Well, for one, i know of a lot of Architects and students who use their computers a LOT or at least have desktops which they use regularly. Some are hardcore gamers as well.

The other aspect i was looking at is that a lot of times, we take for granted the products we interact with in daily life. We adjust ourselves to the current system of usage without really stopping to think - Is this the best way for designing?/Interacting? with this product? Hence my probe

Jan 22, 09 9:47 pm  · 

laistm - due to your last post, i enjoy the nature of your inquiry into such things... therefore will allow my nerdom to participate.

>Have you ever faced problems with your computer cabinet?
the cabinet itself = nay... just cleaning it's air filter which is quite easy
the bits inside = yes

>What form factor motherboard are you using?
dual opteron @ E-Atx

>What are the problems you've faced? - with regard to the layout/serviceability & maintenence of the system?
none, it's not supposed to be tinkered with much
I upgraded ram no problem
swapped and added hd's no problem but the case was designed for this.

>Do you have trouble with the airflow inside the cabinet? Does your processor overheat?
nope ~ thanks to big + loud fans that move plenty of air

>Do you think there could be a better way of configuring the internal layout?
no ~ the way things are in cases these days is a response to the thermal needs of the bits inside. it's an evolution. once the parts put off so little heat, they can be crammed next to one another... all of our computers will more resemble bricks or hockey pucks than the big vibrating metal boxes we currently sit next to

> How many optical drives do you normally have?
... but it depends.
rendernodes have "0"

> How many hard drives do you generally have?
no less than 2 (currently 1 for OS+programs and one for storage) but ideally no less than 3 in a raid 5 array

>Do you think the smps (Power Supply Unit) is too bulky? Could something be done about that?
dunno ~ never dissected one. but consumer parts to seem a bit on the chunky size. i've seen 1U parts that, well, fit into a 1U case which makes them thinner than a pb&j sammich

also - my computer is a boxx... it's purpose-built not to break.

fwiw, i built 4 really beat-ass cases for some overclocked dual xeon rendernodes... respecting nothing but airflow and an "on" switch. I needed to fit them under my studio desk and couldn't get 5 e-atx cases hidden without getting witty about it. dual 120x25mm Scythe medium flows in front, with uber high-flow Panaflo 120x38mm High Speed out back to move air. I went with aftermarket HSF's to keep the OC'd xeons cool...

damn i'm a nerd.

i'll try to get some pics posted.

Jan 22, 09 10:31 pm  · 

or better yet, email me so as to not derail your thread.


Jan 22, 09 10:33 pm  · 

laistm I hear what you're saying about not really thinking about how we interact with a product. On the other hand, the CPU case gets put on a desk, under a desk, wherever and you don't really mess with it until it breaks. In the case of say, a 'normal' cell phone vs. an iPhone, the question may make a bit more sense. There is a new way of interacting with a familiar product. In a way, it's like a car motor. I only interact with my motor to add fluids, clean a filter etc. So for me, I don't really care what it looks like, how it goes together etc. I do find it interesting, like knowing basically how it works, but I'm not a gear head so I don't tear apart engines. Much the same way I like computers, I've built computers, but leave it up to Mr. Intel to figure out where to place the components.

Something interesting about interacting with computers could be how we interact with video games. From old school Nintendo to Xbox 360, the way that controller is used is very different. Especially the Wii. And now with things like the Xbox Live dash board, it's a new world of interaction. But really...the actual console hasn't changed much. It's still a box that sits under your TV and more or less hasn't even changed size a great deal other than the second generation PS2 and the Wii.

I'm rambling. I sound like a dude on a Rotten Tomatoes message board. Sorry, tired, bored, should go to sleep.

Jan 22, 09 11:31 pm  · 

As a former IT professional, I would have to ask... what exactly is your goal, the reasons for these questions? You've stated your concerns, but some of them might not be relevant to your goal.

Jan 23, 09 7:11 pm  · 

Hey Guys, i've prepared a more detailed questionnaire, do fill it out. Thanks

Jan 24, 09 12:50 am  · 

hah, well that makes a lot more sense.

Jan 24, 09 12:54 am  · 

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