I was looking for some good examples of houses based on circular floor plans (or something similar). Don't necessarily have to be houses though. I'm not really looking for those kit homes, dome houses. I've seen plenty of these and think many of them look a little clumsy. Looking for more international style, modern or minimalist circular designs.
Round House in Australia - Alex Jelinek
Not really round, but similar theme
Wing House by Wallace Cunningham
Variation on the dome in Australia - McBride Charles Ryan Architecture
A couple by John Lautner - Elrod & Malin Residence
if you can get his web-site to work, look at Zvi Hecker's Jewish Elementary School, Berlin (1990-95). not a circle so much as a spiral from a central point.
honestly, i wish i had pictures of a house i visited in eastern kentucky that was made of an upright steel underground oil tank. they poured a foundation, set the tank up, cut windows in, and then built an interior. they wrapped the outside in a greenhouse made of a frame covered in cast-off windows. it's really beautiful.
the window openings in the tank had depth to them: they made two horizontal cuts with a vertical in the middle - I-beam shape - and folded the wings out and built the window into that opening.
i loved that one but couldn't steal the image from the place i found it. good one, orhan. reminds me of playing in those 'tunnels' on the playground when i was in 2nd/3rd grade.
Steven that's a nice one. Besides just looking cool, his crescent house was a very thoughtful design on a number of levels. I remember reading his list of objectives in building that house a while back. Even though it may look somewhat "exotic" it seemed like a very practical design.
I lived in a round housing unit in college. Each of these "mods" houses 8 5-bedroom apartments in a donut formation with a round space communal space in the middle.
It was weird living with all those angles, and quite difficult to fit furniture into wedge-shaped rooms.
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Circular Houses
I was looking for some good examples of houses based on circular floor plans (or something similar). Don't necessarily have to be houses though. I'm not really looking for those kit homes, dome houses. I've seen plenty of these and think many of them look a little clumsy. Looking for more international style, modern or minimalist circular designs.
Round House in Australia - Alex Jelinek
Not really round, but similar theme
Wing House by Wallace Cunningham
Variation on the dome in Australia - McBride Charles Ryan Architecture
A couple by John Lautner - Elrod & Malin Residence
if it doesn't have to be a house, you might look at niemeyer's niteroi contemporary art museum.
a few of those look line "DXF" 'circles' aka sketchup max polygon 'circles' ;)
if you can get his web-site to work, look at Zvi Hecker's Jewish Elementary School, Berlin (1990-95). not a circle so much as a spiral from a central point.
one of my fav early sejima's
this foto doesnt really show you that its round but if you dig out an old el croquis, worth it
get it out of your sleeve when you're young and then never do another one again
rolf disch, heliotrop house
fuller's dymaxion house...
some older instances as well might be more interesting:
trulli (puglia)
kivas @ chaco canyon
whoops, here is the disch house
eeayeeayo, I TOTALLY read your link as "Christ Is Great Estates" and was expecting some bizarre evangelical crucifix/sanctuary house!
in Aurora, Illinois by Bruce Goff.
Bruce Goff Bavinger House
[img]http://www.schildrotharchitect.com/images/Goff%20bavinger_house.jpg/[img] Bruce Goff Bavinger House
wright did some circles and some 'hemicycles' (basically tracking the movement of the sun):
lykes house, az:
curtis meyer house, mi:
jacobs ii house:
this one in hawaii: http://www.flickr.com/photos/billadams/2299419072/
house by wright-apprentice don erickson:
llewelyn wright house, md:
...and then there's this one by ken shuttleworth, which sorta borrows from wright's hemicycles: http://arkinetia.com/articulos/art137.aspx
...and another lautner:
...and it wouldn't take long to search bruce goff and bart prince and find some circle-based stuff.
i dig this one:
um, yeah:
honestly, i wish i had pictures of a house i visited in eastern kentucky that was made of an upright steel underground oil tank. they poured a foundation, set the tank up, cut windows in, and then built an interior. they wrapped the outside in a greenhouse made of a frame covered in cast-off windows. it's really beautiful.
the window openings in the tank had depth to them: they made two horizontal cuts with a vertical in the middle - I-beam shape - and folded the wings out and built the window into that opening.
the houses that Search/Bjarne Mastenbroek designed in a former sewage treatment facility?
Note exactly round but:
Future Systems.
I tried to design a circular library once, but it turns out books dont stack well around a circle unless its very big.
ah, ok.
house in a water cistern
Mario Botta - Casa Rotonda
Not a house... but housing.
In the theme of recycling old round buildings or structures:
Coop Himmelb(l)au
And three more designed by other architects next to this one.
would this be rectangular or circular?
vertically circular
horizontally rectangular
i loved that one but couldn't steal the image from the place i found it. good one, orhan. reminds me of playing in those 'tunnels' on the playground when i was in 2nd/3rd grade.
silverlake, good dig on the botta. his early houses are the only projects of note, outside of tamaro and mogno chapels.
not a house but architecture nevertheless
Villa Spies / Villa Fjolle - Staffan Berglund
The dobson house overlooking the Rio Grande gorge...an earthship with a circular west end on the main building.
for those who missed it in my post above because i buried it among a lot of other less stimulating stuff, check out the shuttleworth:
more here:
Steven that's a nice one. Besides just looking cool, his crescent house was a very thoughtful design on a number of levels. I remember reading his list of objectives in building that house a while back. Even though it may look somewhat "exotic" it seemed like a very practical design.
Sleeper House, Gennesee Mountain, Colorado by Charles Deaton
This is a house by Art Dyson in Florida:
An other round house (mine) can be found here:
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Build: 1951
Renovated: 2008-09
Interisting and very motivation reading - thank you.
I lived in a round housing unit in college. Each of these "mods" houses 8 5-bedroom apartments in a donut formation with a round space communal space in the middle.
It was weird living with all those angles, and quite difficult to fit furniture into wedge-shaped rooms.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=hampshire+college,+amherst,+MA&ie=UTF8&hq=Hampshire+College&hnear=Hampshire+College,+Amherst,+MA+01002&ll=42.32398,-72.529356&spn=0.019799,0.038418&t=h&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View Larger Map</small>
Sorry, try this link:
The American octagon house typology is analogous to the circular house:
There's a whole website with examples of round and curved houses -
I particularly like this one, designed by Jack West in 1960 -
Hi friends!
This is just like coming home in my round house...!
Round and Passive
An other initiative - Cal Earth:
250 exemples (and more) on my blog : https://autrecarnetdejimidi.wordpress.com/
Have a good trip !
Be sure to look up plans for all the above, otherwise it's impossible to tell why the shape even works
Standard House by KWK Promes:
Also the Circular Spaces Instagram feed is fun:https://www.instagram.com/circularspaces/
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