
ORGANIC STRUCTURAL do they do that!!??


I've seen them around...but how do they do that???

3ds? rhino? maya?

If anyone knows...any resource you can direct me to for more info would be most appreciated.

much thanks!

May 7, 08 12:32 pm

I sense another for all you fancy grapics lovers comming up again!

May 7, 08 12:53 pm  · 


May 7, 08 2:15 pm  · 

looks like modeling combined with scripting?

def. Rhinoceros I'd bet. as it looks very fluid and accurate.

May 7, 08 2:30 pm  · 

The short answer: they do it because it's required by their college course.

The shortish answer: Definitely not 3ds. Rhino is likely. The designs are not really all that organic, and would not require what Maya has to offer. They seem form driven, with patterns applied as an afterthought.

Those images are awful, by the way. Better examples abound...

May 7, 08 2:36 pm  · 

Ah that second image gives me a headache. And no blurring can hide that awful and thoughtless crotch design near the top.

May 7, 08 2:37 pm  · 
fine line

Looks like it could be something like this...

May 7, 08 4:20 pm  · 

it looks like it might be 3dh

May 7, 08 4:25 pm  · 

paraclouding !!!!!!
that's all


May 7, 08 4:39 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

i like that term, paraclouding. like a parachuter with a dysfunctional parachute, thereafter forever haunting the heights.

May 7, 08 5:20 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

that 2nd image is the cover for evolo's new book

May 7, 08 5:43 pm  · 

I was also going to say

May 7, 08 10:21 pm  · 

looks like, oh, a million other projects... these lame twisty towers are the new international style.



May 7, 08 10:38 pm  · 

I wonder why American architecture colleges are pushing these types of classes so much. A quick look at the image gallery clearly shows that this paramectic scripted organic architecture is pretty much standard at these colleges. At the same token, the USA is the last country to embrace this architecture. You can barely find such classes in European architecture schools, while oragnic architecture is more common there.

May 8, 08 4:01 am  · 

I love the fact, that somewhere in the 3d files, these lattrice are exactly documented.
That mean there are a basic for a digital controlled manufactoring of the individual building compoments. --- With these images, there are not much room for fiddeling it together, these images call for manufactoring based on the information stored in the 3D files. But I don't think acturly easing the building process was the entrance to these nice graphics.
---- And there lay the main difference betwen 3dh and what often lookalike ; basicly 3dh work from inside out -- it don't just offer a buildings surface but act within the structures core, intergrating floors and walls. That is different than smoothening the surface into a pattern, but offcourse that also mean limitations, only a few , but the advanteages of knowing everything that you model , can be calculated into a buildable lattrice made form sheet material, worked by simple N.C. cutters , that is as important as the total freedom designing whatever form.
Guess what I want to say is, that still 3dh is still the only method that deliver exactly what you design, still the only method that realy build what you design.

May 9, 08 4:59 am  · 

spread the word...over and over

May 9, 08 5:02 am  · 

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