
What to see in Miami


I'll be in Miami next month and unless there's nothing left after the hurricanes that have pounded florida...what are buildings/areas that are must-sees in Miami.

Sep 7, 04 3:53 pm

screw the buildings - go to the beach.

Sep 7, 04 5:02 pm  · 

All the hot chicks?

Sep 7, 04 6:02 pm  · 

jas ure going to Miami and are looking for buildings?? are you sex-less?

Sep 8, 04 5:04 am  · 
David Cuthbert

go see the new School of Architecture by Tschumi <- that's about it there unless you want to drive far north to Sarasota

Sep 8, 04 8:21 am  · 

All of the above post are has plenty to offer sexualy/visual, but you are obviously interested in a few architectural sites to visit. Let me think about it for a little bit, and will re-post later.

Sep 8, 04 9:59 am  · 

check out theSagamore and the Delano Hotel by Philippe Starck. Also check out Lincoln Rd. in South Beach, plenty of good food, beautiful women and men, excellent atmosphere for relaxing, and absolutely check out the beach.

Sep 8, 04 10:13 am  · 

Oh yeah.....I almost forgot, you have to go to Little Haiti and Little Havana for some awesome food, there are also good Colombian restaurants. As a side note there is also a croc farm about 40 min away from Miami, you may want to ask about that. I also wanted to ride some swamp buggies but just ran out of time.

Enjoy, it's a great town to relax.

Sep 8, 04 10:19 am  · 

Miami/Miami Beach
No problems with the hurricane…I was there and it was very disappointing…light winds, a bit of rain and some small branches down. Getting to the point:
Miami Beach: As mentioned, check out the Delano (Starck) Albion (Zapata) and a few other hotels in the area. Zapata also has a pavilion on Washington/Lincoln which was meant to be used as a visitor center, but it currently houses dirt and homeless. Lincoln road is great to walk around and relax, although I haven’t been in years (issues with it’s mass-commercialization of recent years) Zapata also designed the vertical circ. Piece for “Publix Supermarkets” off Alton road and Dade Blvd. (walking dist from Lincoln Rd.) It wouldn’t be fair to not mention the “Setai Hotel/Tower” which I worked on 8 years ago. I think the tower is one of the best high rises on the beach. There’s plenty of “Urban” things to do in South Beach.
Downtown/Brickell Ave.: Arch: Santo Spirito Tower by KPF, Performing Arts building by Pelli, AA Arena by Arquitectonica, the Four Seasons Hotel/Tower by Gary Edward + Handell. The Rubell Familly (yes, related to Steve Rubell of Studio 54) collection @ 95 NW 29th St Miami, FL 33127-3927 Phone: (305) 573-6090 is worth visiting if you are into contemporary/strange Art. It’s only open seasonally so call ahead. The Design district is just up the road from there, and it’s been up/coming the past few years. Further south is coconut Grove where you can find “The Barnacle” historic house, built from old ship wrecks before Miami was on the map…
Coral Gables: the only other semi-urban part of town/although upscale. Everything in CG is very “Spanish” style, whatever that means. Check out the Biltmore Hotel (used in movies several times). While there don’t miss Versailles Restaurant on 8th Street: 3555 SW 8th St-Miami, FL 33135-4196-Phone: (305) 444-0240 a must is a “Cortadito con evaporada” which is Cuban Coffee and Evaporated milk.
You can always go out to the Everglades for an Airboat Ride or visit Everglades national park. Key West is 2.5 hours away, and even more laid back than South Beach (and without the pompous trash you find there). I will try to think of some more places to visit/see. When are you going to be down there?

Sep 8, 04 11:42 am  · 

what the F! all my comas, quotation marks, etc. were turned into ?

Sep 8, 04 3:50 pm  · 


Sep 8, 04 3:57 pm  · 

no worries...I know what i will be looking at recreationally..but the 1% of the time i'm not in south beach and such I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

I've heard great things recently about i'm looking forward to the visit.

Sep 8, 04 4:40 pm  · 

If you go to see the Zapata stuff, take some pics and post them. Any other 'attractions' would be nice too! ;-)

Sep 8, 04 4:43 pm  · 

The new terminal at MIA by Zapata is under construction. Which is your typical "aircraft" cross-section design. Nothing revolutionary, but in the context of the rest of the airport it looks foreign.
Good things about Miami?
As a native Miamian, I can offer the following. Miami does offer quite a bit when it comes to cultural/social differences with everything north of the Miami-Dade border. What you see on MTV is all true, but with a slight twist. One can go nights on end without sleeping, on one bug x trip from nightclub to nightclub. The majority of women are beautiful to look at, and occasionally there is an interesting structure thrown in there. The same things that make it special are it's downfall. The third world mentality brought on by the constant influx of south/central americans and lets not forget the cubans keeps the city from moving forward. Aside from an evergrowing snob upperclass, whats left is an un-educated latino population which is absolute garbage. Before I get the "you're such a fucking snob" comments, lets remember that I grew up there and I love Miami enough to visit twice a month. Having traveled a good part of the US recently, I see the throw-away/living in debt society group multiplying rapidly in Miami. Maybe it's the times we're living in, or the lack of education, but this social ailment is rampant in Miami. Go to the local suburban mall, and you will see SUV after SUV with 30k worth of bling bolted to it. Let's not forget that these same people are the local grocery butchers, factory workers. The population of Miami-Dade county has grown exponentially in the past 5 years, to the point where the infrastructure can no longer support the loads. In the meantine, the uneducated public votes against mass transit. Then again the local politicians are all corrupt (like in Latin America) All of this could be a reaction to my wanting to hold on to the days of a Miami as it was 10 years ago, when one could go to Zeke's Beer Shop on Lincoln Road and have a choice of over 100 beers, all for 2bucks a piece, or the days of Ave. A parties, which brought toghether the best DJ's/drugs.
Next time I'm down there (2 wks), I will try to take some pics and have them posted in some sort of gallery. In the meantime I will try to answer any questions you may have jas...

Sep 8, 04 6:02 pm  · 

I'll be heading to Miami in two days...just wondering if there any additional places anyone suggests that I visit or do while i'm in town.

Oct 13, 04 7:58 pm  · 

it was all so fine until you posted "...Then again the local politicians are all corrupt (like in Latin America)..."

at some point i used to denounce all latin american political class for corruption, after seeing the Enron gig and the US elections, i am only convinced that latin american political class are only APPRENTICES of what goes on in corruption in the US.

Since then i sincerily dissregard all comments like that because it only shows closed minded people........the politicos in the US are SHOWING the world how, real BIG TIME corruption is done.

sorry for taking this off topic.

Oct 13, 04 8:31 pm  · 

South Beach has amazing nightlife but bring your American Express. A good night there is out of the price range of most architects I know.

Oct 14, 04 1:37 pm  · 

"The third world mentality brought on by the constant influx of south/central americans and lets not forget the cubans keeps the city from moving forward. "

i don't know if this was meant to be racist and ignorant, but that's how it sounds. so lazy and corrupt is the south american mentality, huh? talk about stereotypes. i don't care where you're from, that's an incredibly ignorant thing to say.

Oct 14, 04 8:51 pm  · 

Greeeat! having lived there a good part of my life, and now 5 years removed you could say I am reflecting a little. Mau, I kindly accept your comments and can understand how they can seem everything you/aml say they are. In answer to your first part aml I do not mean that to be in any way shape or form ignorant. Racist, well you can call it that...I think it's just the plain reality. I accept hard working people from all walks of life, race, religion etc...what I am talking about is only aparent if you visit Miami. (specifically, go to Dolphin Mall on a Friday night and you'll see what I am speaking of). Miami is going through a pretty critical point in it's brief history and I am optimistic in the outcome. Hell, the same can be said about the current situation in DC, having the crime/education stats it has and yet the local govmt. is trying to convince the people to spend 1/2 billion dollars they don't have to build a new Baseball stadium! That is ignorant people I am reffering to. The Poor/uneducated people a sold with the promisse of jobs/wealth while the rich get risher. I'm begining to think there is a parallel between the 2 cities...a direct relation to the ever shrinking middle class. Lets not forget Miami has (for the second year in a row) made the top spot in the country for the Poorest City/Richest city.
Yes, we are the biggest thieves and constantly out-do ourselves with comparison to the rest of the world. I am more than willing to continue this discussion on a side bar, In the meantime...have a great time in Miami JAS.

Oct 14, 04 10:38 pm  · 

yes... I can't spell either...

Oct 14, 04 10:40 pm  · 

J3 - I would argue that Miami is one of those poorest/richest cities because the rich there are mostly celebrities and not wealthy industrialists that create local jobs. Miami Beach is known for it's swank clubs and be seen mentality. The Star island homes is a who's who of the music industry and hollywood. Those people don't own the factory downtown or started a multi-national company. But I would venture a guess many do like having FL residency for their lack of state income taxes.

Compare that to my current hometown of Minneapolis. Our extreme wealthy are all "evil" business owner types running companies like 3M, Target corp, Cargill, Best Buy, Northwest Airlines, etc. etc. We also have one of the highest standards of living in the country, low unemployment and lower poverty rates.

It's simple economics. Those companies employ people and make your city a better place to live. Thus I have no problem at all with those corporate execs.

Miami does have many corporations as well as other factors in play, but bottom line is that the celebs aren't helping the income gap and they aren't helping the poor & unemployed.

Oct 15, 04 4:43 pm  · 


Oct 16, 04 9:41 pm  · 

However...the same "poor" people are driving around in their Escalades and Hummers on 24's all over Miami!

Oct 18, 04 11:19 am  · 

J3, no doubt hispanics and blacks are as susceptible to consumer society as whites. i don't think you can draw a distinction down the race line, it is a matter of education, culture, and ultimately, individual choice.

my point was that no matter how much time you've lived in miami, you're only looking at a small side of the problem. you can't discuss immigration issues without knowing where these immigrants are coming from. meaning stereotypes you've perceived in miami are the end result of bigger, older problems in south america. and a lot of those are partly the united states's fault. only the us doesn't like to be in the 'bad guy' seat, so it must be those lazy south americans' fault. no way we're buying their products at bottom prices and then reselling them canned at top dollar. no, they must be plain lazy.

tell that to the millions of south americans that rise every day of the week and work their butts off to feed their children.

Oct 18, 04 3:17 pm  · 

aml, point well taken
This is a much larger problem of which I mentioned only the mere surface. We are not all lazy thieves, we are a mere product of this society. Many are looking for the elusive "american dream" and it is stupid of me to expect them to worry about building great architecture and a great (and lacking) infrastructure which miami needs desperately.

Oct 18, 04 3:33 pm  · 

jas, how was your trip? what did you think?

Oct 20, 04 12:56 pm  · 

I'm bumping this thread to see if there is any newer things to see in Miami since these posts are almost three years old. I know Chad Oppenheim is a big name in Miami right now but I don't know if he has any completed projects there or not. Anyone know of any Oppenheim projects that are complete or even under construction right now? Or any other cool projects to check out?

May 29, 07 11:21 am  · 

I want to see this:

May 29, 07 11:23 am  · 

Also go to 'Don Pan' and eat some arepas for me.

May 29, 07 11:24 am  · 

Yeah I really want to see some Oppenheim stuff too, I just don't know if these projects are actually being built or not...

May 29, 07 11:29 am  · 

I don't care what anyone says you can see there is to see of architectural interest in an hour when in Miami. It is the forgetton city, taken over by the commerce of tourism, sun, and the beach as such resembles much like the caribbean without the history.

Yes im starting a fight

May 29, 07 10:18 pm  · 

smoke some cubans

May 29, 07 10:32 pm  · 

Yes, go here for a small but nice Oppenheim bldg.:

+ I took this at a Job-site last week...some Arquitectonica, Stark/YOO, + some local guys...

May 30, 07 10:27 am  · 

plenty of decent stuff going up right now...but also lots of crap!
yes, Miami is still evolving...and I'm not sure it knows where it's going...(this comming from a native Miamian, who left and came back 2yrs ago)
Corrupt politicians, lot's of imigrants, wealthy europeans, drug almost feels like the 80's all over again. All we need now is the condo market crash (like in the 80's)...and it will happen!!
architechnophilia - not sure what you were trying to say...but you're will take a whole day! have you driven in Miami lately? fuck!ng sucks!

May 30, 07 10:34 am  · 

good point J3 - the traffic was murder. I'm dreading sitting in that just coming in from the airport next time i'm coming through

May 30, 07 9:54 pm  · 

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