


i see nothing here discussed about the new osx so assume you are all panning it and it is a flop. is this the case? excuse me if it has already been discussed on this forum. I have seen it nowhere.

Oct 31, 07 1:20 pm
Living in Gin

It hasn't been discussed except in passing, but I've been following it closely on some other forums. I'm not yet a daily Mac user myself, but hope to be soon (as soon as my budget allows), but I work two blocks away from the huge Apple Store on Fifth Avenue, and I often go in there on my lunch break and play with the expensive toys. Based on what I've seen of Leopard, it looks very cool and is very powerful under the hood. According to some forums I frequent, there have been a few minor bugs with certain applications, but that's normal with any operating system update and fixes will soon be available.

I just wish Time Machine would let me go back to 1997 and buy lots of Apple stock.

Oct 31, 07 1:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i haven't used it either. in fact i hardly use computers anymore. but i haven't heard any bad news about leopard either! hope that helps.

Oct 31, 07 1:52 pm  · 

my copy of leopard has been sitting on my desk staring at me for the last two days. i'm a little worried about installing it and finding it's incompatible with all my favorite apps and widgets.

Oct 31, 07 2:07 pm  · 

I've got it running…everything is OK, though there's some weird color shifts happening with the itunes artwork screensaver and maxwell seems to be rendering in less saturated colors (tested using the benchmark scene) compared to Tiger. it IS faster though…

Oct 31, 07 2:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i thought this was about the lampedusa novel. never mind.

Oct 31, 07 2:25 pm  · 

i haven't purchased it yet... but i'm planning on getting sometime before the end of the year... i've heard nothing but good things...

Oct 31, 07 2:27 pm  · 

Just ordered the family pack yesterday. Hoping to do a clean install ( mindset) but may have to wait til thanksgiving or winter break to do so, so it doesn't clash with studio work. Been reading some reviews and I have also been hearing good things.

Oct 31, 07 7:13 pm  · 

yes- its all very nice- i had planned to do a clean install, but couldn't be bothered to reinstall all apps afterwards- so i opted to upgrade- which took about an hour.

It is a good solid upgrade of the os with some fantastic new features- and its early 2 so still getting used to it all.

Spaces is a great feature where you can create unlimited desktops for yourself- or virtual screens that can be added to- eg internet and mail in one, or 3d model stuff in another. I made it sound a little pointless, but its a great idea once you use it. The finder has also seen a fantastic update- being able to preview almost any file without opening the program that created it.

Time machine sounds great too- i just need to clean up a disk so i actually have enough space to back it up. If anyone has any specific questions then maybe i can help

Oct 31, 07 7:20 pm  · 
snooker close you to the Mega Mac have no reason to be depressed!

Oct 31, 07 10:51 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

The most comprehensive review is at Ars Technica.

I've got it installed on my 12" Powerbook - its quick - Spotlight in particular is much faster, and Quicklook is absolute gold. Most of the changes are under the hood. There are a few silly visual changes - the reflective dock and the transparent menu bar are silly, but there are ways to fix them. I think its worth the upgrade.

I just made sure I was all backed up in case anything went bad, and did an upgrade install. No problems, no fuss. There's really almost no reason to bother with a clean format and install.

Nov 1, 07 1:32 am  · 

Has anyone had any problems with leopard? is vectorworks working alright?

Nov 1, 07 8:54 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for that link, agfa8x! My partner's partner has the family pack and we may be putting it on my husband's non-school Powerbook, it's good to read the upgrade-only option is fairly problem-free.

I'll repost if we make the switch and explain how it goes...

Nov 1, 07 8:57 am  · 
Slate's review
Nov 1, 07 9:32 am  · 
FOG Lite

So is it true they are toasting the old bootcamp and I'll be forced to upgrade to Lepid? (def lepid friggin' rawks!)

Nov 1, 07 10:03 am  · 
Living in Gin

CNET: Leopard will open the Mac OS X floodgates (and embarrass Microsoft)

Apple Insider: Apple sells 2 million copies of Mac OS X Leopard in first weekend (The previous Mac OS X release, Tiger, took six weeks to sell the same number of copies.)

Nov 1, 07 10:05 am  · 

what are they going to do when they run out of big cats?

Nov 1, 07 10:46 am  · 

FOG--you don't have to upgrade, a bootcamp partition created with the beta release will still work. You'll only need to upgrade if you want to modify that bootcamp partition, or if you're experiencing driver issues on the XP/Vista side (hopefully you upgraded to the latest beta version right before Leopard came out--I haven't noticed any difference between that version and the leopard one).

Nov 1, 07 12:30 pm  · 

made the switch!! everything seems to be running smoother and even faster. Whole update took about 1.5 hours. I am doing the Time Machine right now, will report as it comes on line.

Nov 1, 07 1:26 pm  · 

I bought it the night it was released, and have been running it without a hitch on Creative Suite, Vectorworks, Sketchup, and a variety of other programs. Haven't had a single problem.

Nov 1, 07 3:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Anybody using ArchiCAD on Leopard yet? I'm looking forward to making the jump to Leopard myself, but I need to buy a Mac first. Unfortunately, more expenses keep coming up.

Nov 1, 07 4:05 pm  · 

I'm in the same boat as LIG - hoping to get the iMac at home soon and am curious about Leopard and the software issues. I asked my computer-guy friend and he is looking into how it works with Parallels Desktop (run Windows within a desktop window w/o having to re-boot computer). anyone out there utilizing Parallels with Leopard?

Nov 1, 07 4:20 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

You can set up a windows partition on your hard drive. If you restart, you can run windows fully native, at full speed: games, AutoCAD, Max, whatever. Or you can use Parallels to run Windows without even leaving OSX. Not full speed, but 2D drafting should be fine. Best of both worlds.

Nov 1, 07 6:15 pm  · 

quillian - didn't know you were a vectorworks user. any opinions/experiences with vw on the new os? we just our copies of vw2008 this past week, and are of course now reluctant to install them until we have a break between projects.

i'm hoping that leopard and vw2008 play nicely with one another.

Nov 1, 07 6:26 pm  · 

hey mighty,

when I bought my mac i decided not to use parallels or bootcamp but to get immersed in mac software so i've taught myself vectorworks and i love it!

anyway this is what Nemetschek says about the transition into leopard. I have just opened a few files and everything seems to work fine.

Nov 1, 07 6:31 pm  · 

I am using vectorworks 2008 for students

Nov 1, 07 6:32 pm  · 

q - i had heard/read the same thing, but was looking for anecdotal evidence from the trenches! sounds good so far. i think we'll be making the switch to vw2008 before leopard, but it's nice to hear what we're in for, or not , as the case may be.


Nov 1, 07 6:41 pm  · 

anybody know if Time Machine will work wirelessly??

Nov 1, 07 7:41 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

It will with a bit of hackery-pokery. Support for backing up to a HDD plugged into an Airport base station was supposed to be included with Time Machine, but it was pulled at the last minute due to some bugs. It is very highly likely to be included again in an update.

Nov 1, 07 7:55 pm  · 

Anyone see the "Mac & PC" ad on the home page for "Leopard vs. Vista"? I just saw it....I think it's pretty brilliant actually. It involves banner ad space and a sidebar. I've never seen anything like it AND it's clever.

That being said, I just heard tonight from a friend of mine that while installing Leopard on her Mac, which had Parallels on it, her computer crashed, and that she is unable to reinstall Parallels now that she has Leopard. So I guess I'm sticking with Tiger for a while.

Jan 17, 08 10:56 pm  · 

I've been referring to it as Leotard around the office.
"How's the new Leotard"
"Is Leotard working for you?"
"After three months, I am so done with this Leotard"
It was Leonard for a bit, but that didn't draw enough confusion to offset that which is the new OSX and how tarded it is.
Why would you ever want a thumbnail to be so huge?
I can read all of my co-workers' recipes from ten feet away.

Jan 17, 08 11:24 pm  · 

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