
this nytimes piece had me laughing out loud this morning - this was up just before he "offically annouced."

Oct 17, 07 3:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So have we decided if he is actually running, or that this is just a long joke?

Do presidential ballots have a write in candidate option if his name isn't actually on the ballot?

Oct 17, 07 3:59 pm  · 

i'm not sure of the politics/reality of him running but just imagine what 4 years of colbert as the president would be like...

Oct 17, 07 4:01 pm  · 

I've been thinking about this, and although I don't want our political process to be made into a joke, I'd have to say I think it already has. Colbert is a genius.....he has the ability to not only expose people's hypocrisy but also to make you laugh about it. So, if he runs, I'm on board.

Oct 17, 07 4:04 pm  · 

ahem, "officially announced"

This is all part of his schtick where he never breaks character and makes fun of everyone. He taunts the liberals by carrying out his narcisistic impression of a conservative. I love it.

Oct 17, 07 4:05 pm  · 

There is no way I'd vote for Colbert as long as he's staying in character, and knowing him, he would.

Besides, he'd have all the bears killed.

Oct 17, 07 4:08 pm  · 

yeah after being barraged by the "real" news all day, its refreshing to have someone like colbert run for pres

Oct 17, 07 4:09 pm  · 

DubK I'm with you - but considering he's only running in South Carolina, I'm pretty sure it's a comic stunt. Although, I think he could very serious beat Fred Thompson.

Oct 17, 07 4:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Joke or not, what I'm wondering is if you can do a write in vote, and hundreds of people show up to write his name in, to the point that he effectively wins, does it count?

Oct 17, 07 4:13 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?


but you'll need more than hundreds of people

Oct 17, 07 4:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

well, can't you count 5 million as 50 thousand hundred?

Oct 17, 07 4:20 pm  · 

He might get a few % in SC

Oct 17, 07 4:21 pm  · 

it didn't work out for robin williams... that movie bombed

Oct 17, 07 4:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Funny this thread comes up today... I saw Colbert live at the SoHo Apple Store last night. He was doing a reading from his new book, and then did sort of an interview with some guy (I forget who he was; I had never heard of him) before taking a few questions from the audience.

He seemed like a pretty down-to-earth guy, and it was interesting to watch him read the book in-character and then do the interview and q&a in his real-life persona.

Somebody asked him if he ever went into character off the camera, and he basically said, "Hell no. My wife would kill me, and I don't want that guy in my house."

He did admit, however, that his TV show character isn't a total fabrication, but "it's nobody's business which parts are real and which parts are fake."

I was hoping he'd stick around for a book signing, but apparently that wasn't in the cards. I would have liked to have at least said hi to him.

Oct 17, 07 4:31 pm  · 

is this better than voting for gary coleman?
i don't think so

Oct 18, 07 7:21 pm  · 

or the governator?

Oct 18, 07 7:39 pm  · 

Ugh, and ugh. Let's see -- who was the first ex-Hollywood elected official ?
Have they all been Republicans ?

I've had the same impulse: "Molly Ivins for President" "Al Franken for President" "Nina Totenberg for President" "Bill Moyers for President" We've all said that sort of thing.

But, just because somebody is good at seeing the folly in others, it doesn't follow that that person would himself make a good leader -- does it ? It's tempting -- but really. If Al Gore couldn't get in, what chance does the cast of "Saturday Night Live" or "Mad TV" have ?

Now Firesign Theater -- THAT's another thing. . .

Oct 19, 07 11:54 pm  · 
some person
1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert

I just joined this group on Facebook last night. It's growing at an alarming rate (click refresh and you'll see what I mean.)

Oct 20, 07 1:28 pm  · 

hahaha! colbert's meta-campaign may get him in trouble with the fec! brilliant!

Oct 24, 07 7:30 am  · 

SDR - actually Hollywood types have very good odds of winning elections. Swarzenegger appeared to run a legitimate campaign, but Jesse Ventura won gov of MN on a total joke of a so much different from Colbert's stupid joke today. People are so apathetic about politics in this country they 1.) don't demand good canidates, all parties included, and 2.) vote for canidates based on stupid pop culture popularity. We deserve the elected officials we have.

I for one hope the FEC nails Colbert. He's just as feckless as the real politicans.

Oct 24, 07 8:30 am  · 


On the other hand, sometimes people who "accidentally" find themselves in positions of more leadership/power than they ever wanted or imagined can be the best at rising to the occasion and doing the job well. Unfortunately there's almost zero chance of ever having a president like that. Instead we get candidates who've been running since the day they were born.

Oct 24, 07 8:41 am  · 
He's just as feckless as the real politicans.

um, not really. accounts of him in person that i've read - situations in which he moves in and out of character - would indicate that he's pretty savvy and knows what he's doing. i expect that this fec thing, while it wasn't intentional, will be fodder for further poking/prodding on his part AND that he/comedy central have a host of lawyers to keep him out of real trouble.

Oct 24, 07 8:49 am  · 
Instead we get candidates who've been running since the day they were born.

I like to call them the American Royal Families...Kennedy, Bush, now Clinton....who's next?

Oct 24, 07 8:56 am  · 

Chelsea '16!

Oct 24, 07 9:00 am  · 

Katy Couric for VP ?

Oct 24, 07 11:26 am  · 

Who now -- even in California -- remembers Darrel Issa ? He was the man who gave us the Gropenator, by promoting the recall of Governor Davis. It is unclear whether Rep. Issa intended to seek the office himself.
Issa, who started recall, now tells voters to reject it
Risk of GOP vote being split prompts call to retain Davis

John Wildermuth, Chronicle Political Writer
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
The GOP congressman whose money put the recall on the ballot urged Republicans Monday to keep Democratic Gov. Gray Davis in office if neither Arnold Schwarzenegger nor Tom McClintock pulls out of the race by election day.
Though Issa promoted Schwartzenegger, at one point he reversed himself (as above), fearing that the vote would be split between the two Republicans, putting a Democrat into the governor's chair.

And I think Minnesotans would just as soon forget Jesse Ventura, wouldn't they ?

As to the future, see Mark Morford in today's Chron:

Oct 24, 07 12:57 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

^ yes i remember that, and gladly voted gray davis out (even though arnold has become a 'girly man' regarding his promises ..)

Democrats end Colbert primary bid

Despite stumping up a $2,500 (£1,250) deposit, Colbert's application to stand in South Carolina's Democratic primary was rejected by 13 votes to three.

One member of the state's Democratic executive council said Colbert was treating the Democrats as "suckers".

After his bid was rejected by a committee vote, executive member Waring Howe criticised Colbert's intentions in standing.

"He's really trying to use South Carolina Democrats as suckers so he can further a comedy routine," he told the Associated Press.

In addition, Mr Howe said, Colbert "serves to detract from the serious candidates on the ballot".

Not everyone was opposed, however.

"I think you're taking this a little too seriously," state lawmaker Gilda Cobb-Hunter told the committee.

Nov 2, 07 1:11 pm  · 

democrats are suckers

Nov 2, 07 1:21 pm  · 
1,366,566 Strong For Colbert
Nov 2, 07 1:54 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

stephen colbert drops presidential bid

"Although I lost by the slimmest margin in presidential election history — only 10 votes — I have chosen not to put the country through another agonizing Supreme Court battle," Colbert said Monday in a statement. "It is time for this nation to heal."

Nov 5, 07 9:19 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
Nov 5, 07 9:20 pm  · 

Colbert named Celebrity of the Year

Colbert says:

“In receiving this award, I am pleased that I was chosen over two great spinners of fantasy — J.K. Rowling and Al Gore. It is truly an honor to be named the Associated Press’ Celebrity of the Year. Best of all, this makes me the official front-runner for next year’s Drug-Fueled Downward Spiral of the year. P.S. Look for my baby bump this spring!”

Dec 20, 07 10:35 pm  · 


Dec 20, 07 11:03 pm  · 

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