
radiohead: in rainbows


@ lletdownl
Yeah Big Ideas-Nude was always one of my all time favs.
I didn't realize that it was going to be on this album...
I heard it and it sent chills through my body!

Oct 10, 07 10:28 am  · 

totally a beautiful re-write... they have proven they can do that though...
morning bells for instance
there are several versions of true love waits
several versions of motion picture soundtrack

Oct 10, 07 10:30 am  · 

also manamana i gotta disagree on the fucking up of videotape...
i agree its different but i still like this take of it... its more structured but that seems to be the theme of the album...
it would have been to easy to let that song lull and speed up again... like pyramid song ...
if they had recorded that im sure that would have been the first comment.
i like the structure and the eventual breaking down of it

Oct 10, 07 10:49 am  · 

there's a seamlessness to this album that i really enjoy.

after listening to the eraser for a while, this one is one i could listen to over and over without skipping any songs.

i hope they start touring soon...

Oct 10, 07 11:12 am  · 

I had gotten the live bootlegs of all these songs last year and my favorite of all of them was a song called Open Pick, so when I saw the tracklist for In Rainbows, was disappointed it wasn't there, but imagine my surprise when listening to Jigsaw Falling Into Place and it's the same song...

I agree with them doing justice to Big Ideas

Oct 10, 07 11:18 am  · 

all in all im gonna say it feels more natural and refined... less knee jerk than Hail to the Thief... it could possibly be better than amnesiac once ive listened longer. i think its more coherent than amnesiac... and the song writing seems more parsed out... but i still really like amnesiac so we'll see.. i would put it 5th right now in terms of overall quality. It could pass the bends... only time will tell how high it will climb.

kid a
ok computer
the bends
Hail to the thief
Pablo Honey

Oct 10, 07 11:53 am  · 

pass The Bends? You have lost yer mind |ld| !

Oct 10, 07 12:02 pm  · 

my album rankings would be:

OK Computer
The Bends
Kid A
In Rainbows
Hail to the Thief

Pablo Honey

Oct 10, 07 12:40 pm  · 

I think they have a recent history of fucking up the last song on an album. motion picture soundtrack was AMAZING live, just dull on the album. maybe they just overproduce comedown songs post street spirit.

Oct 10, 07 12:54 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

kid a
ok computer
hail to the thief
the bends
pablo honey

(haven't listened to rainbows yet .. guessing it will be between computer and thief for me)

Oct 10, 07 12:55 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

ha! both atease and mortigi tempo are down

mortigi's message:
Everything is broken. BRB. Jonathan

Oct 10, 07 1:41 pm  · 

I had forgotten that today was in rainbows day: what a wonderful surprise!

Oct 10, 07 1:44 pm  · 

I honestly can't see how any human being with any musical self-worth could actually rate amnesiac or, even worse, HTTT anywhere near the top 3 radiohead albums. neither one, AS A COMPLETE ALBUM, delivers in the songwriting department. Sure they have cool noises and cool production ideas, but those need to support the songwriting. I don't think I need to illustrate the parallels in architecture.

Now, for those rabid fans blinded by their zeal for all things radiohead who will no doubt immediately respond with a "well you just don't get them", or an even more insightful "you suck", please note the stressed phrase. Look kids, Radiohead is a band, a great band, one of my favorites. That does not mean however that if they crapped on a plate that I am going to eat it and think it is the best tasting steak I have ever had. Everyone has different criteria for music and I guess I am just one of those that think the songs are the most important thing. That as my divining rod, I can safely say that HTTT was the aforementioned turd steak for me (AS AN ALBUM - There, there and Scatterbrain, good songs as well as a number of moments throughout the record that were hinting at greatness that just never went anywhere) that I will not eat.

In Rainbows appears to be a solid step back into the great songwriting that Radiohead has proven they are capable of. I will not include it in my ranking as I will need time to actually digest and consider.

Once again, let me clarify by stating that my opinion stinks just like everyone elses. My hope is that everyone is actually being honest with themselves and not jumping on musical bandwagons. So all you diehard, radiohead zombies, feel free to bring on those "you suck" messages....

Rank and Comments:

1 - The Bends: could beat Ok Computer by a micron only because front-to-back, every damn song is flawless. Each stand on their own yet are absolutely cohesive as a group. Though perhaps not the most musically adventurous, good songwriting will always superscede pure experimentation. Unless of course that experimentation has good songwriting as evidenced by.....

1a - Ok Computer: my personal favorite - took the songwriting strengths of the Bends and screwed with it just enough to make it absolutely fresh. A perfect balance of songwriting and experimentation

3. Kid A: though it loses out to the previous two on songwriting strength, the experimentation usually works, mainly because it still supports the songs. A few tracks didn't really work all the way for me, but still, an amazing album.

4. Though I am sure to take flak for it, I would actually put pablo honey here. There are 2 or 3 absolutely horrible songs on Amnesiac that even the few amazing songs can't recover from while PH is an example of consistent tepidity. Since this is an album rank, I would almost rather listen to a bunch of sub-par, non-annoying songs than sit through the absolute tripe surrounding a few great songs.

5. Amnesiac: for every Pyramid Song and Knives Out, there is a Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors and Hunting Bears. ouch.

6. HTTT: After listening to The Eraser, I can see how this album went so horribly wrong. Not one idea sounds finished except for There There. Sadly, there are gems of ideas that are buried amidst the confusion and process that never quite manifest themselves. Just about every song has a part I like, but save 2, I can't think of one that actually moves me as a complete song. even worse, we don't even get lyrics.... two words: the raindrops.....

Oct 10, 07 2:36 pm  · 

I got version one, and I bought the discbox. what did everyone else get?

Oct 10, 07 3:29 pm  · 

in defense of Amnesiac, for me it is a complete album because it has its own sound, its own tone, its own persona just like Kid A/The bends/OK Computer. I couldn't even imagine Amnesiac without Hunting Bears. I'm not arguing for Amnesiac being the best, but just that it most definitely belongs with the other 3.

Oct 10, 07 4:07 pm  · 

Wow i definitely dont agree with Dr. No but thats totally fine.

Kid A is, for me, BY FAR the best radiohead album. I find the songwriting breath taking. Its the perfect synthesis of everything they have ever done well and in my opinion it is the climax of their career.

the songs Kid A, Dissapear Completely, Idioteque, Everything in its right place... the best songs they have written, and the best songs they have produced...

Oct 10, 07 4:39 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

yes kid a is definitely number one

and pablo honey (while good) is definitely the 'worst'

in between can be whatever - except for ok computer which this zombie says must be number 2

Oct 10, 07 7:12 pm  · 

after years of waaaaiiting...

Oct 10, 07 8:16 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

something came?

Oct 10, 07 9:02 pm  · 

holy canola - you kids must be young....

ok computer, hands down, is THE most significant radiohead contribution. it completely took their work to another plane and was as influential an album (inside the music community) as 'nevermind' was in 91. did it get the commercial success it deserved? hell no, mostly because 'music' people didn't know how to respond to it. but it was a landmark production, far more than the bends (which established them as a pretty solid brit band) or any of the subsequent efforts.

on my personal favorites list:

ok computer
kid a
the bends
in rainbows (it's growing on me quickly)
hail to the thief
pablo honey (just can't quite get into it)

i do think what a lot of us are saying, though, is that they're back to writing actual music again. hopefully this portends well for the next cd....

Oct 10, 07 10:31 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

yes i could see ok computer or kid a at the top - there are arguments for each as being radiohead's best

only DrNo and other 'cryogenically frozen bends fans' put the bends at number 1

Oct 10, 07 10:49 pm  · 

I can't imagine trying to rank RH's albums....what I think of each one varies depending on my mood.

I remember hating Kid A for the first week or so I had it...then I put it in my discman for a long solitary walk to the grocery store one cold Sunday afternoon. After that I loved it, most of the time.

I think I really need to take a walk with this one. if only it'd get cold. I think videotape is growing on me though.

Oct 11, 07 12:47 am  · 

i just found my activation link in the junk folder...

Oct 11, 07 3:53 pm  · 

manamana i was the same way with both ok computer and kid a...

i owned the bends and enjoyed it... wouldnt have considered it my favorite anything but i liked it well enough to buy OK computer. Which litteraly sat on my shelf for a year or two before i actually gave it a real chance... it was my theme music for most of high school...
once Kid A came out... same thing... i was a HUGE radiohead fan by then but it still took me a few weeks to get into it.
My awakening on that album came on a walk home from school my senior year of highschool. Winter, so it was already dark by 5pm... absolutely a perfect moment and maybe one of the saddest moments i can recall so vividly... but it was that good sad... that only the most moving thing can get out of you... kid a has done that to me dozens of times ... by far my favorite album of all time... not even a close 2nd place

Oct 11, 07 4:24 pm  · 

i found this recording to be much nicer than the one on the album. i think it was done a year ago.

Oct 13, 07 2:16 pm  · 

Jesus videotape hate? Reminds me of the people crying over the missing beautiful angel line years ago. The new hidden offbeat on videotape is an audio miracle.

OK Computer
The Bends
Hail to the Thief
Pablo Honey

easy. God knows where In Rainbows fills in, near the top though Im sure.

Ha and theres an in rainbows thread on every message board I post at. I just love how ubiquitous radiohead geekdom is ;)

Oct 13, 07 7:17 pm  · 

"All i need" could be my favorite radiohead song since Kid A

oe i agree totally with your rankings... and i think in rainbows is gonna end up between OK computer and amnesiac.

what a relief... i dont know what i would have done had this album been bad... it would have meant the collapse of my musical reality...

i barely, barely survived weezer's green album... and i was much more resilient then

Oct 17, 07 5:33 pm  · 

I am listening to 'All I Need' as we speak.

That's some weird Archinect vibes.

Oct 17, 07 5:34 pm  · 


radiohead rules the earth

the funny thing is... when i get to be my dads age i bet anything ill be swearing on my life that my sons music is nothing compared to radiohead... just like he would say "radiohead? you should hear the beatles...thats real music"

Oct 17, 07 5:39 pm  · 

all i need is def. my fav these days

Oct 17, 07 5:51 pm  · 

n_ ... you wouldnt by chance be in na$hville would ya?

Oct 17, 07 5:51 pm  · 

In Rainbows is phenomenal.

I was concerned at first that the structure of the album might be a sequence of discreet songs, in contrast to Kid A for example which is structured more as a soundtrack. But after a week of listening, well really only after a day, I am convinced.

The thing I love about Radiohead is their richness and complexity. I dont think there is another band that is more conscious of the fact that what they create music they are expressing a [complex] 'world' view that the listener can participate in across different levels and to different depths.

There is also a noticable lack of gimmick or fashion - there is little reenactment of old forms. I have been listening to another mix by a friend that contains a song called Elouise by Maps. This song seems so contrived and hashed to a level of pretention that it is barely listenable.

Oct 17, 07 6:02 pm  · 

videotape reminds me of arcade fire's neon bible and all i need reminds me of moby's play album

Oct 17, 07 6:05 pm  · 

MOBY!!! ... OH NO!!!

Oct 17, 07 6:06 pm  · 

at the moment, my favorite song is "bodysnatchers"

Oct 17, 07 7:55 pm  · 

just paid 10 pounds for the radiohead album. i haven't paid for music in about eight years but i loved their concept and wanted to contribute. holy shit, this is the BEST ALBUM EVER (this year).

Oct 17, 07 10:24 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

i likey 'house of cards'

it's got those jazz chords throwin' back to blow out (last track on pablo)

hey hey

Oct 17, 07 11:04 pm  · 

^^ I cant believe we like the same band ;)

I mean Arpeggi and videotape are the obvious epics, but Im really digging Jigsaw and Faust right now. The latter particularly is really like nothing Ive ever heard, such an irrational little masterpiece.

Oct 17, 07 11:19 pm  · 

has anyone else noticed that on some of the tracks, thom's vocals sound a lot like herbert, the creepy old pervert from family guy?

i keep picturing his face when i listen and it cracks me up!

Oct 18, 07 1:20 am  · 


Oct 18, 07 8:14 am  · 

i think i used to work w/ you n_ ... b4 I took off to chicago

Oct 18, 07 10:27 am  · 

Indeed. We are fellow coworkers.

I'll be in Chicago in a few weeks for GreenBuild. We should meet up and share some drinks and reminisce about the G.

Oct 18, 07 4:48 pm  · 

word ... Stefanie (straight outta memphis) is gonna be hur too.

Oct 18, 07 4:52 pm  · 

I am wearing Stephanie's company-logo cardigan as I type away. It's freezing cold in the office. Again.

Oct 18, 07 6:02 pm  · 

HA! thats awesome ... i remember how terrible that thing is. Corporate merchandise is so choice.

Oct 18, 07 6:08 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
NSC spokesman Gordon Johndroe said he was "90 per cent sure" he had some Radiohead music on his iPod. When asked if he had any songs from 2003's 'Hail To The Thief' he replied "not that one", reports Undercover News.

ah ha ha

Oct 29, 07 5:24 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
Radiohead: 01 and 10
Oct 29, 07 5:28 pm  · 


Try syncing it Spy Kids II Backwards. If you listen close to the end of reckoner you can see Antonio Banderas visibly mouth "ED IS DEAD".

Oct 29, 07 8:26 pm  · 
vado retro

radiohead may be the next steeleye span.

Oct 29, 07 9:57 pm  · 

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