
Studying Architecture in Europe



I’m new here, and I hope I could get some advice from you at this great website. I’m currently in my final year of a diploma in Architecture at Singapore Polytechnic, and it’s about time I start searching for universities overseas to further my studies.

I have two questions, the first being what is the programme I should be looking for? B Arch or M Arch? What is the difference between the two? My aim is to become a registered architect, and as of now, I will eventually obtain a Diploma in Architecture come 2008.

The second is what are the schools that I can go to? I’m keener to know about European schools outside of the UK that are in taught in English. (I don’t mind learning a new language, but English would be ideal) I already know somewhat about the UK system, so we can leave that out here.

Any suggestions of which are good? (I know that “good” is a very ambiguous word, but I’m not sure how else it can be phrased)

Currently I have this basic list of schools(non exhaustive), though I’m not sure which I can even gain entry to given my current qualifications. I’m looking for a school that has a programme that can lead me from B Arch to M Arch from my Diploma. I don’t quite understand some of their websites, and are lost. Could you help please?:)

University of Applied Arts - Vienna
Ecole Speciale D'Architecture - Paris
Institut d'arquitectura avançada de Catalunya - Barcelona
Domus Academy - Milan
TU Delft - Delft
Berlage Institute - Rotterdam
ETH - Zurich
Architectural Association School of Architecture - London
Edinburgh School of Architecture - Edinburgh

Sep 17, 07 9:10 am

pfffffffffff...this is such a hard question to answer, and one that is asked many times on archinect.

my advice to creally look at what students are doing in all these schools, and does it resonant with what your interests are.

as to whether you will gain admittance - you have to start communicating with the respective schools that you may apply for.

as to registering, it depends where you want to end up doesnt it. but mostly ppl do not go to these schools to get registered - they go to immerse themselves in an design/academic environment. practicalities like registering, deal with that later.

sorry my answer isnt more specific.
i think you have to research and then narrow down your options.

Sep 17, 07 10:19 am  · 

Thank you very much! I really appreciate any form of input, porbably not for the actual information, but for the assurance and the kind of humaneness not found in those terribly hard to navigate websites.

I've searched though many sites, its time for me to Email them.

Sep 17, 07 10:28 am  · 

school in Mendrisio, i think Botta dn Zumthor teach there.

Sep 17, 07 11:10 am  · 

I've heard a lot of good stuff about the arch school in Edinburgh from friends who transfered there for the second half of their educations. It seems to come highly recommended.

I guess I can also mention that because of a high(ish) percentage of foreign exchange students the three Swedish architecture schools (although perhaps not among the cream of the crop) are usually taught in English from the third or fourth year on. Guess things would be similar in the other nordic countries.

Good luck with your studies!

Sep 18, 07 6:27 am  · 

Argh! The Board of Architects here in Singapore only accepts certain schools, and they happen to exclude most of europe. My choices now are UK, Germany and France.

aemkei, maybe your comment came at just the right time, Edinburgh, hmmm....

Sep 18, 07 10:04 am  · 

I will recommend you to visit the school website or try getting the prospectus. I decided to take a break from thesis while in Undergrad... and I decided to visit the A.A. for an informal interview, I did not get any thing out of it, just the opportunity of meeting some of the students to check what they where working on. But when it came to the staff, I found them not helping at all, really disappointing. In the other hand, Berlage was better, I really enjoyed the staff and the students interactivity. So I would recommend Berlage, but they are way to different in the sense of programs. So it is something you should think about

Mar 24, 09 3:03 am  · 

If you are already getting a diploma in architecture in Singapore why does your second degree also need to be recognized by them? Was this a 4 or 5 year degree? ...if so youre looking for graduate programs (ie MArch).

I suggest you go where you think you'll find best education to match your goals and to the country you would like to be living in for the next couple years. Who knows you might end up staying in Europe for longer than you think right?

Limiting yourself to France Germany and the UK is okay, but i think there are better schools in other countries. Why not take a month and visit some to see what you might be getting into?

Best of luck.

I also suggest looking at Mendrisio, and maybe the Bartlett in London.

Mar 24, 09 4:14 am  · 

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