
Changes in methods a build in engineer

Per Corell


With the new tools the architect don't need to care what the engineer say, --- the new tools will draw what can be made you simply draw what you can have produced in actural building elements, the computer make sure that what you draw will fit down millimeter when produced and assembled, detail is not expensive anymore but just some more meters to cut and Decor suddenly make sense ,quality will reflect the actural artistic skills a new form language and a new very different attitude that evolve as now a compleatly new way to "se" a structure is possible.
Well any new innovation even one that make things simpler and cheaper beside offer fantastic new options have a hard time, but if you just follow the link and realy look and realise that this is as simple as you se, that this mean a complete new aproach about structures , if you se how simple this "raw" idea can evolve into multible new creations ,how much innovation can build ontop in a creative process, then maby we can make computers acturly compute.
New jobs, new visions these things work together.

Maby you don't like the expression in the examples I can show, maby you think my examples are naive ,but they are only examples of what a new aproach can bring so

Aug 26, 04 8:36 am

Hi Per:

Thank you for posting this is a separate thread.

I've read through numerous posts about this 3D Honeycomb product in other threads, but I think it hasn't been clear in your posts what this product is.

I think many people were confused, thinking that what you have been talking about some new structural component itself, but is this really a sort of "3D structural rendering" software? Are you talking about something like a software for applying structural "filters" (to use a photoshop term) to a 3D geometry?

Is this a software package that converts any 3D form you produce into a detailed and accurate assembly of building components that appear structurally sound?

From those renderings, it seems that what your software does is take a 3D form and allow you to simply APPLY a number of different structural systems to it... In other words, to take a very simple example: if I extrude a box, the software converts that 3D solid into a "truss" or a "lattice structure" or "hexegonal any number of structurally sound iterations at the click of a button... Am I right?

Aug 26, 04 10:33 am  · 

In other words, is this a "built-in structural engineer" for 3D modeling packages?

Aug 26, 04 10:36 am  · 
Per Corell

The concept is the important issue, ----- you form a Solid model make it hollow to produce the actural walls, add floors as solids ,subtract Solids the size of the windows ,ass interiours you want to go in one with the framework, and this is your Basic model ,please look at the wall and floors;

Then the design idea is to use this model to produce an assembly framework like this ,again please focus on how the floors and wall sort of grow by magic, this is a very important issue ;

As you can se it is realy a very simple concept, only two intersecting planes and halve notches in each assembly cross , and you replace 2o different profiles and special fittings with frames cut from plain sheet material, ----- that be steel sheet or Plywood at your choice. When the framework is there it can go strait to the water or laser cutter ,the surface paneling can be unrolled from the 3D model to, so you could cut that aswell from plain sheet material.

It is a concept a new building method so simple that when you understand it, you will say "why havn't anyone thought of this before",

But it is also a revolution in our way to "se" a building, as this framework replace everything with a woven structure forming a super strong honeycomb structure , but not just a building, also the ribs in a plane can be replaced with interconnected rib structure, practicly any object that can be made as a Solid can be processed into an assembly framework and that framework don't just cover the outher shell. What's good about it is that sheet material replace everything.

It is more than a program it is an intire new building method that for once work with a computer ,you could spend the time and "do it by hand" and it is not that difficult to process a Solid model manualy but ofcaurse it is easyer just to point to the model , type in the scale and press the button. BTW in 3D-HoneyComb there are only two planes where we are used to 3 planes, think about it .

To ansver your question , yes this can be a Build in structural engineer, but if you are good with CAD and it is smaller objects ,you can "do it by hand".

Aug 26, 04 12:37 pm  · 
Per Corell

The concept is the important issue, ----- you form a Solid model make it hollow to produce the actural walls, add floors as solids ,subtract Solids the size of the windows ,ass interiours you want to go in one with the framework, and this is your Basic model ,please look at the wall and floors;

Then the design idea is to use this model to produce an assembly framework like this ,again please focus on how the floors and wall sort of grow by magic, this is a very important issue ;

As you can se it is realy a very simple concept, only two intersecting planes and halve notches in each assembly cross , and you replace 2o different profiles and special fittings with frames cut from plain sheet material, ----- that be steel sheet or Plywood at your choice. When the framework is there it can go strait to the water or laser cutter ,the surface paneling can be unrolled from the 3D model to, so you could cut that aswell from plain sheet material.

It is a concept a new building method so simple that when you understand it, you will say "why havn't anyone thought of this before",

But it is also a revolution in our way to "se" a building, as this framework replace everything with a woven structure forming a super strong honeycomb structure , but not just a building, also the ribs in a plane can be replaced with interconnected rib structure, practicly any object that can be made as a Solid can be processed into an assembly framework and that framework don't just cover the outher shell. What's good about it is that sheet material replace everything.

It is more than a program it is an intire new building method that for once work with a computer ,you could spend the time and "do it by hand" and it is not that difficult to process a Solid model manualy but ofcaurse it is easyer just to point to the model , type in the scale and press the button. BTW in 3D-HoneyComb there are only two planes where we are used to 3 planes, think about it .

To ansver your question , yes this can be a Build in structural engineer, but if you are good with CAD and it is smaller objects ,you can "do it by hand".

Aug 26, 04 12:37 pm  · 
Per Corell


Did I say english is not my first language ?

Aug 26, 04 12:38 pm  · 

Thanks for the reply Per.

Yes, I realized that english is not your first language. Out of curiousity, where are you from? Is this a part of your research at a University?

I think what you are describing has a very exciting potential.

I think it could be invaluable as a design tool: to be able to instantly visualize a 3D solid as a series to structural members that you could build. I understand the images you included in the last post, but I am wondering:

To what degree can you specify how this honecomb like structure is formed? Can you input specifications of, for example, the scale, the size of members, the material properties, etc? Can the software also convert solids into space truss type structures that are not cut from sheet material, but are built as rods and joints?

And how quickly does this operation process? Could I, for example, make a 3D object and have the software instantly show me 10 different possible structural arrangements, and then alter the 3D form and have the software show me 10 new structures?

Also, how compatible is this software for importing and exporting from say AutoCAD, 3Ds MAX, or Microstation?

Aug 26, 04 2:53 pm  · 

I realize that what you are describing is more importantly a new building technology (well, a technology that as not commonplace) But I guess the reason I am interested in the software itself is that these operations would be very time consuming to do "by hand" and would make this type of construction for complex 3D forms very expensive. With a very powerful software tool though, it becomes very simple, very practical, and cost-effective to create forms, as you say "with just sheet material"... If this type of software tool were to become as easily accessible as say CAD, it would open up alot of possibilities... Complex architectural components become inexpensive to build.

Also, I assume that once this 3D Honeycomb operation takes place, the model continues to be alterable? Do the individual ribs and members become separate objects in modelspace?

Aug 26, 04 3:33 pm  · 
Per Corell


I will try the best I can, there are not just one ansver to each question ,the one about generating the framework assembly into standard compoments is interesting but I think standard compoments to can change, that you just need a start for develobment and maby 3D-HoneyComb would process very different but even more efficient, with right founding.
It is very simple, the method was develobed to solve some fundamental problems every time I shuld build a boat, you se the ribs or framework system been the same old trouble even in the 17' century they started using boat plans, even since a lot of boatbuilders made without drawings ,but I was trapped by the promises in CAD and realised that I had to learn math. to make my own programs that did what I thought computers could do.
Please don't get disapointed about the link, but I guess you will find that Im'e not just in for dizzie framework, ---- things can be made beautifull esp. when an old craft get new pover ;

The rutines that make a sliced framework is made with Microstation or Mac, no difference in Math. Realy it is simple functions that yield where a line meet a plane, with most CAD programs the functions are already there if you collect the right, othervise you can in many programs load an application and it is no problem to enchange data within different platforms.

The option of having multible choices, as you say have several real-time redraws is possible, but I can only say that this is possible even reasoable easy, if you have the programmers , ----- please exchouse that I have to make some of the promises this way, realy artists in the old fasion even exist, they have the same trouble as anyone else their children behave as bad as any other children and money allway's is short, esp in Denmark ;))

Aug 26, 04 3:38 pm  · 

Thanks for your replies, Per.

I think this is fascinating work that you have been doing.

Aug 26, 04 4:29 pm  · 

Out of curiousity, are you a bota builder by trade? Or a software developer with an interest in boat construction?

Did you develop 3D Honeycomb as a commercial software, for your own use in boat design, or are you promoting the technology out of personal interest?

Aug 26, 04 4:48 pm  · 

*sorry typo... boat builder

Aug 26, 04 4:49 pm  · 
Per Corell


When realising the same old problems every time you se a set of plans you just make the same calculations in your sleep ,then one day you just know . As you can se the Cyber-Boat concept is several new way's to produce a wooden boat. Now these don't sell as good as they once did, you need a workshop and clients to make the investment in wood planks and building tradisional wooden boats is 10 different crafts in one, welding Epoxy layering fiddeling, all noble crafts but in the winter a workshop often is cold, clients never pay and sooner or later you lose a few fingers ,now I was lucky not to, ----- then computers shuld be safer and realy I belive that these old crafts is a good starting point ,atleast you learn easier when you se an actural thing being the result of what you projected and computed at the screen.

Aug 26, 04 5:04 pm  · 
Per Corell


Just want to bring another example, maby it is only Yahoo members that can view, but when you se the end walls you maby will think they will be heavy and huge ,but in 3D-Honeycomb it could be lightweight ---- well to produce the actural cutting codes is now putting two or tree different scaled and posisioned framework , then it will change expression very much , the end wall structure is btw also in inprint into the end walls ,so building the basic structure, will show beds for the end wall framework ;

Per Corell

Aug 28, 04 2:21 pm  · 
Per Corell


I wonder what style you would say is the above, then what style is this ;

Per Corell

Aug 28, 04 3:11 pm  · 

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