
Happy Birthday America!



you bet your ass, why else would she lobby Ahnold?

Jul 6, 07 10:21 am  · 
Cheers to 231-year old experiments in governance "by the people"....yeah right

I stand by my comment but the sarcasm was aimed primarily at the "by the people" part. I think the idea of our country is great, and we've been through a lot and done a lot of wonderful things as a country, that perhaps many other governments didn't have the balls to do. But I do think we've gone astray. Perhaps the last 30-40 years is our experiment in "when a good country fucks up, how will it right itself?" Sometime in the 60's, between Kennedy's assassination and the Vietnam war and the treatment of blacks in the south, we lost our way. Electing Nixon in '68 surely didn't help matters. I look at Nixon's time in office and wonder if there is anything he did right, besides resign. I hope he has a nice warm cubbyhole in hell.

But I digress. I love this country, and its diversity, and its free speech. What I can't stand is the hypocrisy, the posturing, and the greed which seems to have leaked out from the politicians and permeated every facet of society. Lately I feel a lot like "by the people" means "by the people who have enough money to pay off lobbyists, politicans and regulators". With the 95% of us who don't have that kind of money, is it any wonder that people don't vote anymore?

Jul 6, 07 10:23 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

because arnold is really a california democrat

don't believe the myth of his 'bi-partisan' approach - the way he gets things done is to give in to cali democrats

he became a girly-man after the unions fooled california voters to vote against his special election back in 2004

Jul 6, 07 10:27 am  · 

he's left like Giuliani.

but when it comes to his money he's right, right, right...

Jul 6, 07 10:32 am  · 

dubk, Nixon going to China was the one right thing he did.

Jul 6, 07 10:33 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

(my comment was to [beta])

regarding nixon: he created the environmental protection agency (epa) and occupational safety and health administration (osha)

he did some very bad things, no doubt, but a lot of good during his years of public service. i wouldn't exactly wish him a 'warm cubbyhole in hell'.

Jul 6, 07 10:34 am  · 

I'm sure everyone has heard this but...

"If you're not a democrat when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not a republican when you're older. then you're not using your head"

I guess it boils down to two questions. When we're young it's "how can I help everybody?". We still have the compassion that lletdownl is talking about. But when we get older it becomes "how can I help myself?" I've heard the "why should I pay for services I don't use?" question start coming from my parents and their friends as their kids get older and aren't in school any more, and they begin the journey to the right in the effort to protect the money they have earned.

When we're younger we are more in tune with the social issues facing society. But as we age the Fiscal issue become more apparent/important until we reach the point when we realize that all issues boil down to the monetary aspect. We have the power to do whatever it is we want, we just have to be prepared to pay for it. The problem is that most Americans won't accept the tax structure of the Nordic countries to pay for the social services that those countries offer. I think this is the big issue with the left. They see how much we are spending overseas and we see the money that could pay for the social services that we want. The issue with the right is that they think we are paying too much in taxes as it is.

priorities priorities priorities

Jul 6, 07 10:43 am  · 

[beta] - are you billy joel? I know you didn't start the fire, its always burnin, since the world's been turnin'.

Jul 6, 07 10:48 am  · 

Nixon also pulled us out of 'Nam, of course that was after escalating it but hey at least he turned round in the end. Unlike some other soon-to-be-former president I could name...

Jul 8, 07 10:48 pm  · 
Travis Woodward

"When we're younger we are more in tune with the social issues facing society. But as we age the Fiscal issue become more apparent/important until we reach the point when we realize that all issues boil down to the monetary aspect"

I would say that when we're younger, most of us don't have financial independance and want state support to pay for what we want.

When you become an adult you become the one paying for all of those things the government might subsidize when you need that money to pay for other things for yourself.

So really both sides are selfish.

Jul 13, 07 4:05 am  · 

Dude, I'm young and I don't want State Support, I want my money back. Beer is a way better use for money than blowing it on bombs to kill brown people I have no beef with. Gimme my social security back too, I'm gonna put it into a retirement plan I'll actually be able to get money out of.

Jul 13, 07 5:11 am  · 

I guess you'd also rather spend that money on beer rather than have:

clean water
clean air
safe buildings (building inspectors)
no occupiers (the military)
no polio
poisionless food

Jul 13, 07 10:39 am  · 

roads- not covered by federal income tax or SS (believe they are covered by a road tax)
Bridges- see above
clean water- check your mail, there's a bill for it
sewers- see above
clean air- should be free anyway
parks- not covered by federal income tax or SS, nor any federal tax for that matter, try local property tax/sales tax
safe buildings- again see above, most likely covered by municipal property taxes
electricity- check your mail, there's a bill for it in there
no occupiers- we haven't been occupied since 1812, no problem with military spending (military overspending however...)
no polio- I pay an HMO for that
no poisonous food- the FDA is overrated, the only country i've ever had food poisoning in is America
Your income tax goes to pay interest on our national debt, which comes from military overspending, check with China to see how their doing with our interest payments to them, that CCTV is mighty impressive.

Jul 14, 07 5:55 am  · 

wow you are being quite dim. roads don't pay for themselves, unless you drive the NJTurnpike or GSParkway and even then they pay more salaries than roadwork. there constant federal appropriations for infrastructural improvements, nothing on par with WPA but monies for infrastructure does come from taxes. if you think our taxes are too high, then what are we paying for?? i say we are not taxed enough, especially for the way people in this country fall through the cracks, and our quality of living is below that of many developed countries.

polio was erradicated through the fed.
electricity - who do you think subsidizes the building of those facilities?
safe buildings - again taxes pay for the guarantee
parks - federal parks - are paid through our taxes
clean water - what bill are you getting?

Jul 14, 07 7:10 am  · 

yeah, apurimac, that's a pretty uninformed/simplistic list you've made there. check again and get back to us? maybe look into your local congress members recent appropriations, for example.

as an aside, only tangentially related, so many people think that they could get rid of waste in gov't by simply starving the programs by reducing taxes. it's not like these programs are going away just because of lack of funding. the people will still have jobs (because jobs are a big thing politicians can't really take away) and the legislation that put the programs in place will still be there. so the starving of the programs just assures that they'll be ineffective and wasteful.

Jul 14, 07 7:21 am  · 

it was an uniformed, simplistic list to begin with. Look i have no problem with taxes, but people need to realize that their federal income tax, the tax that takes the most from americans, does not go to pay for the things we consider so dear, like our national parks (i thought crow meant municipal parks, sorry my bad.) I figured my response would garner criticism from the liberals on this site who feel taxation equals salvation and everything has to happen on the federal level but every american should know where their money goes. Look I know highways/power/water are federally subsidized what I'm saying is that your income tax does not go to PAY FOR THOSE SERVICES! It pays interest on our national debt, that wouldn't exist in the first place if our country didn't spend TRILLIONS on defense! Defense from who, terrorists? Islamists with a bad attitude, who are frankly kicking our asses in Iraq with sweet words, IEDs and AK-47s as we throw at them "the greatest military ever assembled".

And to your aside, those programs are already being starved as money is taken from other federal taxes to pay for our absurd war habit. What do you think the estate tax, the cigarette tax, the Liquor tax and all the other federal taxes cover? You want to know what your INCOME tax pays for, where that money goes? Seriously, go to China, their the ones getting the interest payments, and Saudi Arabia, the EU, the UAE, and all the other lender states that keep covering our nation's ass when our presidents decide to mortgage the nation to cover a nice expensive war.

And i checked with my congressmen, they appropriated twice the pork projects this year than they did last.

Jul 14, 07 11:40 am  · 

Ok, that's cool. Shoot me down and then don't respond when i make an actual thoughtful post containing useful infromation in response to all of your requests for clarification.

Jul 16, 07 9:51 am  · 

So are you pissed that taxes are bad no matter what, or that they're just going to the wrong place? Because to my quick response, you seem to be on both sides of the fence on that one.

Personally, I'm all for taxes that go to the right place. And I think that not all needs of the people can best be served by the "free" market. (And I could mimic your complaint about taxes almost parallels the fact that our supposedly "free" market is a protectionist racket against all but the biggest companies) The only thing that will allow money to go where it should is sunshine - free and unfettered access to the books by every tax-paying american. The way to bring justice to nearly all criminal activity - follow the money.

Oh, and I was meaning that the federal government ponied up a lot of the money and resources to build the infrastructure that makes this country great. You may pay for the water you drink, but the water treatment plant most certainly was paid for from the federal coffers (at least the biggest chunk of it)

Jul 16, 07 12:39 pm  · 

i love how a post celebrating america's founding/birthday turns into a bullshit tax argument.

Jul 16, 07 12:59 pm  · 
vado retro
Jul 16, 07 1:00 pm  · 
vado retro

back to the office to pay for the war.

Jul 16, 07 1:03 pm  · 

Im gonna take eca's post to heart and make this my last response to clarify, even though it can be said our country wouldn't exist if it weren't for a tax revolt and hence bitching about taxes is a historical American tradition.

"Taxes are a necessary evil", there are somethings people can't pay for on their own, and thats where the community steps in to help, that's pretty much what civilization is all about. Whether that community is a town, a city, or a state, it is none the less a community and a community has an obligation to its citizens. Government should represent the best interests of the people, which can only happen on a small scale. This goes to the very core of the American experiment. I have a problem, a huge problem, with the idea that my tax money goes towards things i have massive moral qualms with, like bombing brown people i have no beef with and propping up dictators who kill millions of their own people. This wouldn't be so big an issue if the American government wasn't supposed to be "by the people, for the people" but everyday i feel lied to, because as you said "it [the "free" market] is a protectionist racket against all but the biggest companies". A racket our government is very much a part of. Everyday these corporations benefit because our government does things outside our borders, with our tax money, that would never be tolerated within them and I fear we as the consumers benefit as well. It's been going on for a lot longer than the Bush admin has been around too. I made a quick post above, but I still stand by it, I would rather buy rubber dog shit than let our government spend another cent starting wars it doesn't need to start and killing people it doesn't need to kill. They wanna hunt radical, death-to-everything Islamists and Al-Qaeda? Cool, i can throw some money at that. Just don't come to me asking for permission to spend my money to kill people who are not my enemy and are not the enemy of the American people.

Hope that clears everything up, and as you said originally "I know you can be scatterbrained sometimes, but we still love you[America]" I will stand by that no matter what. I will always have love for the American people, and the Dream that is America.

Jul 17, 07 12:08 am  · 

I agree with you on several points. I wish we as Americans could have a line item veto power to opt out of certain areas when it comes to where our tax money goes, and what it is used to pay. Imagine how different everything would be if you gave us a choice of paying for the war or how much to pay for a war that only one man wants.

Perhaps the biggest thing I'd change is who pays taxes, homosexuals should not have to pay taxes, I mean how can you prevent - and by virtue of preventing negating their existence - a whole class of people from participating in the "American Dream" and still ask they pay taxes? Wouldn't that be like asking Jews, Poles or gypsies to pay for the building and running of concentration camps??

Why shouldn't my tax dollars go to schools, pay for stem cell research, curing autism, ending alcoholism, eradicating cigarettes, paying for the next Frank Gehry memorial...?

This country is full of inequities.

Jul 17, 07 5:06 am  · 

Hey Ap, I meant what I said too!

Jul 17, 07 12:21 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

oh yeah!!!

Jul 4, 08 1:59 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

happy birthday, beautiful!

Jul 4, 08 2:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

just watched joey chestnut destroy koboyashi in the nathans hot dog eating contest


actually, i can't believe chestnut won...he looked like he was about to vomit hot dogs throughout the contest

speaking of hot dogs, whatever happened to famed archinect poster hot dog eating champ? he used to show up every now and then and brag about eating more hot dogs than the previous posters

Jul 4, 08 2:06 pm  · 
i think there is a lot to celebrate about America. The fact that you can openly criticize the government and the president without fear is what makes this country great.

I think you can burn the US flag and nothing happens, right? the law won't do you nothing.. like they did in the sixties to protest against Vietnam... well, you burn a Spanish flag here, as a couple of Catalans did last year, and they put you 2 (not one, but 2) fucking years in prison...

there are some things that I don't like about the USA, but they are nothing compared to the things I don't like about other countries (especially Spain) ... you're more fortunate (despite Bush and despite whatever you want to put on the table) than you think you are...

happy birthday US!

Jul 4, 08 4:13 pm  · 
Jul 4, 08 4:17 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?
Jul 4, 08 6:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jesse Helms is dead.

Happy Birthday, America.

Jul 4, 08 7:01 pm  · 

That is news!

I thought Madonna was making a comeback with a baseball player....

Happy Birthday, America

Jul 4, 08 7:12 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants; it shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his property and each of you shall return to his family.

Leviticus 25:10

Jul 4, 08 7:20 pm  · 
el jeffe

"anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death."

Leviticus 24:16

....uhhhh yeah, there's some wisdom to live by.

Jul 5, 08 12:56 pm  · 

i didnt hear much gun fire in the "D"....... maybe with the cost of gas and the shit economy, people are stacking the ammo for "other" actions.

Jul 5, 08 1:13 pm  · 


I am Mr. Bill Richards. a certified, reputable, legitimate & an accredited private money lender.
I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance.
Do you have a bad credit or you are in need of money to pay bills?
I want to use this medium to inform you that i render reliable beneficiary assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan.

Service Rendered includes:

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Please write back If Interested.
Upon your response you'll be provided the loan application to fill.
No social security and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed.

I Look forward permitting us to be of service to you.
I shall await your response at your earliest convenience.

With Kind Regards,

Bill Richards

[email protected]

Jul 5, 08 1:48 pm  · 

hahaha...... with a hotmail account...........hhahahah

i'm mr tuff guy that is actually a loan shark based out of nyc.... i want 15% in 2 months...if not then vinnie and earl will visit.....

[email protected]

Jul 5, 08 1:52 pm  · 

oh .... dick dick the lender guy has been here...go away scum bag

Jul 5, 08 5:32 pm  · 

here i go, about to be pummeled by 99% of the archinect population:

huh, america is a continent. you guys live in a country called the united states. of america [of the continent, america]

there was this guy called americo vespuccio. ever heard of him?

[runs for cover]

Jul 5, 08 10:34 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

was actually born april 18, 1984

Jul 6, 08 12:29 am  · 
liberty bell

You're right, of course, aml.

Why did the USA pick such a boring-sounding name as United States of America anyway? I mean, it sounds idealistic, certainly,but it also sounds purely technical.

Did a spec writer choose our name?

Jul 6, 08 9:13 am  · 

usually where I am we call the USA just US (that is, Estats Units)... we all know you're in America so .. the same with the UK, we don't call it the United Kingdom of Europe (both because they probably don't give a damn about Europe and because the 'kingdom' refers to just an island)
it's probably different with the United Arab Emirates... that sounds like a religious organization rather than a geographical community.. maybe they should call themselves United Arab Emirates of the Persian Gulf... but then proabably arabs are familiarized with the UAE just like westerners are with the USA..

in the end, calling the US 'the United States of America' is like saying the France of Europe, the India of Asia, the Egypt of Africa, the Colombia of America or the Austrialia of Oceania...
I wonder what argentinians, peruvians, or brazillians think about being "american", do they feel America is their place just like you do... or what canadians think about americans without being .. 'americans' (that is northamericans of the US)

Jul 6, 08 9:35 am  · 

: )

ecuadorian here. actually, the name 'american' has of course diseminated through the globe [just like the language and the culture, of which i'm also a participant] and if you hear 'american' here you know it means someone/something from the united states. but 'america' is still the continent. the country is 'estados unidos' [eeuu for short].

you never hear someone here say they are 'traveling to america' or 'visiting america'- only instance of that happening is someone that has actually grown up in the us.

Jul 6, 08 12:22 pm  · 

Hello Mr. Bill Richards, certified, reputable, legitable and an accreditad private money lender! Nice to see real people here again on archinect!

well, lets start from the begining! I want to buy archinect [please dont let it out!] then I am looking to buy Per's honeycomb cereal / software company because it gets such great press here then ...well thats just the start of it all! How 'bout some spondules?

Of course I can get a fully unsecured 100% guarenteed student loan for harvard say? i need about $120 k ...upfront small a brown bag.

but as I am growning near to social security does that mean its a big 'N-O' for me? boo hoo -

but maybe you have some cracked software you would like to share? phone blocking?

I await your email swiftly! [email protected]


Jul 7, 08 8:24 am  · 
you never hear someone here say they are 'traveling to america' or 'visiting america'

When traveling I mostly hear people refer to the USA as "the states." Usually when asked where I'm from I'll mention the state. After all that's what makes the USA unique, the fact that we are a collective of 50 states. And quite frankly California is not like NY which is not like TX which is not like IL, etc. etc.

I could say the same for Canada as Ontario is not like BC which is not like Alberta, etc. Then again my Canadian family does not travel to Europe or Asia and mention which province they are from. The USA in unique in the state pride thing, which I tend to enjoy about "America."

Jul 7, 08 3:58 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

stevie colbert says:

happy birthday baby!

Jul 4, 09 11:09 am  · 

Americas Birthday in a Financial Crisis....I never thought I would see the day. There was alot of talk of canceling the Fireworks in our community this year in order to save $40,000.00 in the city budget.
There is alot of rumbling about if your letting teachers go because you can't fund the schools why in the Hell are you having Fireworks?
I have remained neutral on this one cause I think it is a no brainer. America is a America and we do things the way we want to do things.
Well that is how the Political People work. So tonight most of the people in my community will jump in their cars and drive to the edge of town where they will watch 15 minutes ($40,000.00) of flashes which are a product of China and listen to all the booms. Then drive back home burning up all their foreign gas in their foreign made cars.

Have a wonderful 4th of July America!

Jul 4, 09 6:20 pm  · 

salute from boston family... america's own...they hate the fireworks too.

(see thread central #223 for further info on the doggies)

Jul 4, 09 7:23 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

friggin subliminalized nationalists!

how relevant this is, is debatable but i was watching skinny Tyra talking to Fat People on her show...and the show ended with a "YES WE CAN" (naturally about getting Fat People to be closer to Tyra in stature).
I wonder what will happen to this idea of YES WE CAN if at the end of this fundementally pessimistically optimistic Belle Époque shepherded in by Obama (fundamentally pessimistic since to a large extent it sees itself as remedying and rehabilitating recent american history and lineage of leadership, digging beyond rotten foundations as substance to the soils of a mythical american version of humanist but not socialist "one for all and all for one" rhetoric, a humbled down post-economic crush American Dream).

What if, at the end of this époque, this pessimistically YES WE CAN turns, by route of SHIT NO WE COULD'T, to an optimistically pessimistic YES WE CAN'T like a starred and striped lemming knowingly and joyfully rushing towards its downfall.

and as a side note: its hardly necessary to live in an exemplary democracy to be able to freely bad mouth your leadership or indeed any political figurehead. in my home country, hardly exemplary, this is a national sport.

Jul 5, 09 1:51 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

happy birthday to you
happy birthfday to you
i went to the zoo
i saw a monkey
and it looked just like you

Jul 5, 09 1:54 pm  · 

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