
Happy Good Friday?!?!


WTF is the matter with people?

Filipinos crucify and whip themselves on Good Friday


Also in the same article, the following sentence:

"The atmosphere was festive, with hawkers selling beer, ice-cream and souvenir whips. Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" blared out from speakers before the penitents approached the crosses."


Apr 6, 07 1:12 pm

i just ate pulled pork. i feel good, and its friday...

Apr 6, 07 1:14 pm  · 

Did you read the article?!?

People in the Phillipines are nailing themselves to crosses.


Apr 6, 07 1:17 pm  · 

There was no traffic on the freeway today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 6, 07 1:18 pm  · 

yeah but it would be better still if we didnt have to come to work!

Shit, how come jewish peeps get to take off for passover/roshsoshanna/yom kipur, etc. and we cant even take good friday off? (sorry for bad spelling of the religious holidays, obviously I am not jewish)

Apr 6, 07 1:20 pm  · 

I dunno WonderK, That is a long standing tradition in the Philippines and a ceremony I've actually always wanted to see. I've seen video of it, and, while brutal, it is in some instances no different then the idea of giving up something for lent. "To make a sacrifice in rememberance of the sacrifice that jesus made for us." (as the story goes, not trying to start a religous arguement here) personally i find it a lot less repulsive than people who try and force their religion down other peoples throats, at least they are just doing it to themselves.

Apr 6, 07 1:25 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Well, it's me and the receptionist today. I don't like her much so I'm hiding out in my cube all day. No work to speak of. The cafeteria in the building is closed today and she just reheated some awful smelling leftovers and now she's on the phone with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, I bought a tuna salad sandwich, a bag of chips, and a diet pepsi from the vending machine, and I have an apple in the fridge from earlier in the week. I'd go home but we're supporting another office on some projects, and I need to be here if they need anything. I imagine their office is much like ours, ie. a receptionist and a pion waiting for the phone to ring. I'll be spending much of the rest of my afternoon playing Galaga on my cell phone. Good Friday indeed.

Apr 6, 07 1:31 pm  · 

oh, cool, self-flagellation. what a great way to celebrate!

Apr 6, 07 1:32 pm  · 

i've seen this in action when i was a kid living in the's a re-enactment of jesus christ's crucifixion. the filipino jesus christ lugs around a heavy wooden cross while pontius pilate and his boys are whipping him (bloody)...they parade around different neighborhoods and the people offer jesus water and other offerings...i've seen many spectators cry (usually old devout ladies) it's interactive...

the main idea is that it's an interactive theatrical representation of the story of the crucifiction in the bible and there isn't a separate stage...i vaguely remember an atmosphere of festivity but i think i was too young to notice. it seemed gloomy and weird to me at the time.

and yes, they nail the dude playing jesus on the cross...the holes though his hands are just like body piercing...

Apr 6, 07 1:33 pm  · 
Chili Davis
Apr 6, 07 1:33 pm  · 

People actually get this day off work?!? It's full staff where I'm at as usual.

Apr 6, 07 1:39 pm  · 

ha ha ha, wow! wikipedia's got a pretty dense entry on farting!

Apr 6, 07 1:41 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I know, I just read the whole thing!

Apr 6, 07 1:44 pm  · 

i'm reading right now! it's pretty interesting, actually.

on the social context of flatulence:

"Flatulence is a potential source of humor, either due to the foul smell or the sounds produced."

i wish they had delved more deeply into this. like, how flatulence is probably the first thing human beings laughed @, like the first joke ever, or somthing.

ha ha ha, it's so funny how a most absurd mundane thing such as flatulence can connect us all as human beings!

Apr 6, 07 1:48 pm  · 

actually, they do list a couple of resources:

the history of farting

who cut the cheese: a cultural history of the fart

Apr 6, 07 1:51 pm  · 
vado retro

Was Good Friday ever meant to be a Happy Day?

Apr 6, 07 1:58 pm  · 

i feel ghastly every good friday

Apr 6, 07 2:00 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Good Friday gives me gas.

Apr 6, 07 2:01 pm  · 

dub K; for once CNN has it correct "extreme displays of religious devotion." In in JA and its a holiday...with over 80% of the island being christian affiliated its no surprise. Surprising is that this is the second biggest party weekend....right after heroes weekend << another time for reflection. I'm not being pious and subjective mind you; if i were able to I"d be there within the masses.

Apr 6, 07 5:11 pm  · 

but as odd as the mutilation is (BGSM?) I'd be more attuned to that than sitting in freeway traffic for 2 hours. Worse since being in Monty driving more than 10 mins to work seems like a bad joke that never stops

Apr 6, 07 5:13 pm  · 

i may have skipped that part in the Bible, but when did jesus tell people to reinact his cruxifiction?!?! thats like the exact thing that people should not be the story goes, Jesus suffered for all our sins which in my mind means, NEVER will i be seen on a cross! id like to talk to a priest in the philipines and see whats up!

and i think making a sacrifice for Lent (even though im not catholic) and cruxifiction reinactment are 2 different things! if anyoneis catholic, can you give up flatulation for LEnt? hmmmmmm

Apr 6, 07 7:34 pm  · 

Homer's original doomsday calculations:

(a×b²)>2=7(2+2b²)-144,000 - 0 = 3 15 05 18 (which he interprets as 3:15, 05/18) where 0 is the number of Filipinos in the Bible.

Apr 6, 07 7:43 pm  · 

yes, precisely jonjon! I just posted this because it kind of horrified me. Also the part about people being crucified whilst onlookers drank beer and listened to Led Zeppelin struck me as completely bizarre. Honestly everything in the article is bizarre.

Apr 6, 07 7:45 pm  · 

hahaha that is comedy garpike! i like that one!

Apr 6, 07 7:47 pm  · 

Jesus is shaking his head while trying to hide his snickers.

Apr 6, 07 7:47 pm  · 

.....and officiating a football game....

Apr 6, 07 7:50 pm  · 


Apr 6, 07 7:58 pm  · 

squirrely you gotta be joking with this right??

"Shit, how come jewish peeps get to take off for passover/roshsoshanna/yom kipur, etc. and we cant even take good friday off?"

do you really know any jews that take off of work on passover? hell no.

seriously. look at the calendar. how many federal holidays are their because of jews?? none. zero. zilch. nada.

why are any religious holidays grounds for days off?

a bunch of baloney if you ask me.

Apr 6, 07 8:14 pm  · 

Actually I know many people who have today off. And they were at work on Monday.

Jesus hogs the holidays.

Apr 6, 07 8:17 pm  · 

"personally i find it a lot less repulsive than people who try and force their religion down other peoples throats, at least they are just doing it to themselves" -quixotica


Apr 6, 07 9:17 pm  · 

yes!...i agree with quixotica...i'd rather see a group of people tell a story than be around someone trying to get in to a religious argument like this jonjonthephnomnn character...

jonjon...i worship satan...argue that...

Apr 7, 07 7:55 am  · 

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