
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I am buying a car for LA.... When I lived there (2005) I spent the 60% of the whole time waiting for the bus...

Apr 10, 08 5:42 pm  · 

haha. my only condition for buying a car is one thats big enough for me to sleep in.. just in case

Apr 10, 08 5:43 pm  · 

fuck that sentence didnt make sense

Apr 10, 08 5:44 pm  · 

kind of

Apr 10, 08 5:48 pm  · 

I am going to UCLA without a plan to buy a car. Crazy , I know...but I am thinking, I will live close.
I was really turned off by commuting 30 min. I am sure by the end of the year I'll be ready to buy one though.

Apr 10, 08 6:03 pm  · 

yayyy so many LAers ! I'm driving my car there. Can't wait.

Apr 10, 08 6:08 pm  · 
swia prez

noritabonita & anyone else who received an acceptance package from parsons...

the other schools i applied to all sent me a piece of paper to fill out whether i will or will not be enrolling this fall for their school, you know check 'yes' or 'no'... parsons however, only included a self addressed reply envelope with no way to let them know that i will not be going there.

is this a mistake or will they just assume that when they don't receive my deposit, etc. by their (very vague) deadline that i will not be there and that they can accept someone else/give away $ to someone else.


Apr 10, 08 6:12 pm  · 

re: where everyone is going -

for me, its either umass amherst or wait a year. heading out there soon to check out studios and make a decision.

Apr 10, 08 6:27 pm  · 

Ryan -

Go to the open house with your documents and demand answers!

According to the agenda, the program directors will be holding their presentations from 2:30-3 in rm 354west. If not there, stakeout in front of the program office, rm 350west.

Apr 10, 08 7:03 pm  · 

afrdzak - weren't you going to UMich 3 pages ago or something?

Apr 10, 08 8:58 pm  · 

yeah, changed my mind.

Apr 10, 08 10:10 pm  · 

ybth hahah dude! let me know if you go to pratt! we'll meet up and cry about school. and then get drunk

swia - yea i had to fill out an "acceptance form"... that's def a mistake. call them or e-mail Henry Smith-Miller, i think they just need a written confirmation.... Did you decide on parsons?

and TKO - were you at the open house today? if so, what did you think?

Apr 10, 08 10:59 pm  · 

Gt open house is Friday. I was on campus today tho. Their program is very structured it seems. Not sure if I like that, we'll see.

Apr 10, 08 11:21 pm  · 

norita. I usually get drunk first and then I laugh about school :D
Don't want to cry about to school anymore ...

But seriously .... Would you like to live in Manhattan?

Apr 10, 08 11:32 pm  · 

marik: your convoluted and yet totally legit question on the previous page about scholarship money is a question i have thought about ... and actually presented to the director of a program i was interested in but from which i did not receive funding.

i thought it would make complete sense for that money to go back into the pool. and since i am sincere, smart, loving the program and in serious need of money, i should be considered second best, right? yeah, no way no how. money goes straight back to the school. and that's the end of that.

as for where i'll end up? not sure yet, but the name of the school will definitely start with the letter "C" (as in cookie!).
cca or ccny.
west or east.

Apr 11, 08 12:11 am  · 

I was accepted to GT this morning. I am not sure if I can get away from work for the open house. I have a lot of thinking to do and no time to do it in.

Apr 11, 08 10:09 am  · 

congrats ryhane! where else are you considering going?

Apr 11, 08 10:40 am  · 

This is just a general question for everyone:
I'm wondering if anyone has come across curriculums that truly allow for students to take electives in other topics besides architecture.
I'm not talking about later on in your thesis where you can generally research what you want or joint degrees specifically.
What I'm really wondering about are more flexible M.Arch degrees that don't put you on a narrow course of required classes throughout your time there but allow you to branch out and maybe take classes in economics, geography, public policy, etc.

Anyone come across something like this?

Apr 11, 08 11:25 am  · 

lmnop15 -

Berkeley. You'll notice on their website there's no curriculum. That sort of course flexibility is why.

Apr 11, 08 11:44 am  · 

I haven't posted on this thread in a while...

Got accepted to UMass today.

Rejected from GSD, RISD and Cornell back in March:(

My options are:

Go to UMass - not sure what the financial package is yet.

Wait another year, be a 2009 Commiserator. My GRE's are out of the way. I could just focus on the portfolio and kick ass... and build character.

Apply to structural engineering programs for spring 2009. I talked to some people in few civil eng programs and it sounds like I could even get started with my coursework over the summer - after being admitted. It's 3+ year program as well - about 1 year of undergrad coursework and 2 of grad. One school told me I could even take art classes while I was finishing up the undergrad coursework, if I could fit those art classes into my schedule. Funding seems more generous too. I'm just so antsy to get started in whatever I'm going to do.

decisions, decisions

Apr 11, 08 6:37 pm  · 

YBTH i need to live in the city... I kind of want to test out how commuting would be first tho.. living near parsons is EXPENSIVEEE.. so if i do move it'll be 2nd semester

Apr 11, 08 7:11 pm  · 

i need to learn autocad rhino and 3dmax before i am taught how to use them in school.. if they teach me.. any suggestions? should i play around and figure it out on my own? or are there like little introductory courses that i could find somewhere in nyc?

really dont want to spenda whole year playing catch up

Apr 11, 08 7:13 pm  · 

arrived in toronto on thurs. yvonne isnt available until monday, so i have an appt that morning. in the meantime just visiting friends and trying to find a place where you can find reasonably priced american whiskey. 50USD for a bottle of kentucky bourbon?!~ please!

ran across this info on the online today. anyone know if this is way out of date for UofT?

19 full-time (5 women), 5 part-time/adjunct.

Student Population:
57 full-time (33 women), 3 part-time, 7 international.

Student Statistics:
157 applicants, 42% accepted.

the lady just called -- im off to get into trouble. hope everyones enjoying their weekend!

Apr 12, 08 2:32 pm  · 

whats wrong with Canadian Whiskey?>

Apr 12, 08 2:55 pm  · 

It sucks ... but even the american bourbon sucks. I like scotch

Apr 12, 08 3:08 pm  · 

pikesville rye whiskey from maryland - $10-15 a bottle.

Apr 12, 08 3:33 pm  · 

Johnie Walker ... Red Label

Apr 12, 08 3:36 pm  · 

not a thing! im rather ecumenical in my affection for whiskeys. nothing at all wrong with canadian or scotch varieties. each has its own hand of lovely, lovely traits.

nnn. mouth watering.

Apr 12, 08 3:47 pm  · 

Just returned from WashU>UCLA>Columbia>Rice tour...

The SCI-arc acceptance landed somewhere in the middle, as did a crazy financial offer from CCA...

but to answer the call for impressions of the UCLA open house from a page or so back... impressive. The structure of the core/option/research studio sequence just feels like a really solid step in building skills for today and tomorrow.

Wash U was also great... and worth the experience of going just to meet people and see how a school can operate as a community of folks who genuinely dig what they are doing and who they are doing it with... 2009 commiseraters... go check it out.

Apr 12, 08 4:43 pm  · 

so , where are you going to go?

Apr 12, 08 5:41 pm  · 

oh, I'm a Bruin fo sho!

Apr 12, 08 8:03 pm  · 

is anyone going to UVa next year?

Apr 12, 08 10:15 pm  · 

sayyes: when you say "crazy" offer from cca, do you mean crazy good? or crazy bad? just wondering ...

Apr 13, 08 2:31 am  · 

Im not sure if its the same with sayes, but I had an offer from CCA which made it cheaper to go there than UCLA, with in state tuition... But I think I might be joining sayyes on the Bruin bandwagon anyways. Sorry CCA.

So, sayyes, you have any ideas on where to live? Im leaning towards westwood to be close to the arch studio, but I dont want to pay $1500 a month for a studio apartment. Culver City perhaps? or maybe Koreatown, with a long-ass commute?

Apr 13, 08 5:39 am  · 

yayyy bruins
i'm submitting my acceptance tonight...

Apr 13, 08 3:10 pm  · 

anyone accept mit. do they want a cheque?

Apr 13, 08 3:12 pm  · 
swia prez

norita, thanks for your help. i've emailed henry smith-miller to notify him of the mistake. to answer your question, no, i will not be at parsons, i'm going to risd instead.

(i don't trust myself living on loan money in nyc...)

best of luck there though!

Apr 13, 08 5:30 pm  · 

omg... crazy good, hard to turn down an almost free MArch in San Fran...

WittyUser... I'm thinking Culver City too, but not to sure yet. Honestly the cost of an apartment is the biggest drawback to UCLA (or Sci-Arc). But I do have a truck so at least during the 1st (out of state tuition) year , I'll be commuting... really it'll only be a pain in the ass if you are going back and forth at normal human hours... arch studio hours should at least save us from rush hour...

does anyone know how bad the 405 from the San Fernando Valley can get?... Would that area be to far out for UCLA?

Apr 13, 08 6:59 pm  · 

andytee- pikesville rye whisky?! wow... you're probably the only other person here thats heard of pikesville.. im from there! heheh

Apr 13, 08 7:01 pm  · 

skycaptain, no check for MIT, just an email confirmation will do.

Apr 13, 08 8:28 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans


the san pornando valley is a bad idea- very hot and awful commute over the hills. i would stick to culver city, palms or west la- i like downtown culver city over all those options

Apr 13, 08 9:30 pm  · 

Swia - No problem! Thank you - Best of luck to you as well! :)

Apr 14, 08 12:12 am  · 

I second the Valley's shittiness as a location for a UCLA student. I have never, not even once, driven on the 405 in daylight hours and not been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.

Apr 14, 08 1:22 am  · 

hey, just wondering - does anyone know how long does it take to drive from LA-Anaheim on a friday afternoon? 2-2.5 hrs?

Apr 14, 08 7:15 am  · 

sayyes -
what made you choose LA over rice/columbia/wash?

Apr 14, 08 1:58 pm  · 

accepted to CU Denver this morning.

Apr 14, 08 2:14 pm  · 

Jsun,...are you going there?

Apr 14, 08 2:39 pm  · 

toronto update -

met with the coordinator this morning and had a walking tour of the al&d building. lots of bleary-eyed students who didnt know quite how to respond to my guides chipper greetings. the first year arch studios are pure chaos. trash/materials/paper everywhere. looks like fun. the landscape studios are, by contrast, serene. neat little piles of work, potted plants, lots of light.

i sat in on a number of end-of-term reviews, mostly for the first year design studios. i was pleasantly surprised by the average level of work. better than what i had seen at UVA, for example. i also sat in on a 3rd year studio review with the current occupant of the gehry chair - a fellow named mayer. the project i saw was so-so, but was dealt with really well by the critics and clearly showed a developed set of skills in design and presentation. though the session began with heady theory, i was pleased that some critics kept us grounded by considering problems of budget, policy and the limits of physics and HVAC.

so far i am pretty impressed all around. the atmosphere is friendly and open. everyone complains about a lack of funds, but it seems to me that people have everything they need to complete their work and then some. tomorrow is another day of reviews, this time with second year students.

details i picked up today:

total students in al&d - about 300
new 1st year students 08/09 - about 70
anticipated 1st years 09/10 - slightly fewer. 65-70

most are non-arch/design backgrounds.

Apr 14, 08 4:06 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

mrbren: glad you liked AL&D. I have friends in 1st and 2nd year there who are really having a good time. Some of my buddies got in this year too and I'm kind of sad that I won't be joining them.

Apr 14, 08 9:58 pm  · 

ff33o- probably, I am on the waitlist at V.Tech, I would rather go there but most likely I will be in Denver in the fall.

Apr 15, 08 8:43 am  · 

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