
creative funding suggestions


i really really want to go to CMU... but at $16k/semester (and given my previous debt from undergrad- see student loan debt thread) i need some seriously creative ways to pay for it.

i was thinking of hitting up my old AIA chapter (they gave me a scholarship once before) and in exchange maybe having a lecture or an exhibition of work or something, i was also going to write my undergrad university president (i do know him personally and he wrote a recommendation for me) to see if anything could be worked out, and i have a mentor to talk to...

anyone come up with something (that doesnt involve a pole) to pay for grad school?

Apr 3, 07 8:59 am

You don't want to become a part-time firewoman or man and slide down the brass pole?

Apr 3, 07 9:05 am  · 

i also thought about being a surrogate- or selling my firstborn, but apparently kids arent worth what they used to be

Apr 3, 07 9:09 am  · 

Go to the school and talk to the graduate advisor and tell them your situation. Some schools will work with you to help make it more affordable. They have the money, just convince them that you really need it. Does CMU offer GAships? That generally covers a big chunk of tuition plus a cash stipend. And generally once you are actually enrolled in a school, getting free money is a lot easier because there is more available to you as a student.

Apr 3, 07 9:14 am  · 
Starland Vocal Band

what cpnorris said.....

i am planning on calling my school of choice today to see what kind of money i should actually expect to get. because i need a lot too :(

Apr 3, 07 9:21 am  · 

At least the cost of living is pretty low there. Rent a big house and become a landlord for other grad students, live for free.

Work part time at a firm near campus, lots of places are hiring.

If you are into the green architecture stuff, work part time as a consultant to area firms that do not have LEED certified staff members. Get certified to do LEED residential certifications. I don't think there is anyone in Pittsburgh certified to do that.

Apr 3, 07 9:46 am  · 

thanx everyone- i plan on begging if i have to...

as far as pittsburgh the city- my boyfriend who is also an architect may come with me- are there any great firms there? (we are coming from DC)

Apr 3, 07 10:14 am  · 

There are firms of all types, it depends on what he is looking for. Let me know, and I can give you some names. The market is really good right now.
Perkins Eastman is a big firm, deparate for people right now, so he could probably get a good financial offer there. They do mostly senior housing out of this office though.
Let me know what type of work he wants, large or small firm, etc. There are a hand full of "cutting edge" smaller project design firms too, that are looking. There are firms that specialize, in medical, school work, etc too.
If you want to live in the east end, near CMU, and he wants the cutting edge design firms, try EDGE architects and Andrew Moss's office is hiring as well.

Apr 3, 07 12:13 pm  · 

sell your soul to the devil and get a job with halliburton in iraq for a year then come back and go to grad school. sure, it's high risk but you can make as much as 250k in a year and i think monies earned in iraq are not taxable

Apr 3, 07 12:37 pm  · 

archie, i dont know if this helps- but he is at SmithGroup here in DC; really great firm and great firm culture... but he wants to do more design work. i think he is pretty open to any type of firm as far as size, but he is more into the cutting edge type of firm. neither one of us really know much about pittsburgh, so we are both interested in what is going on there

Apr 3, 07 2:04 pm  · 


Apr 3, 07 2:31 pm  · 

+i, congrats on this thread too :o)

Also, I know it's a lot but you'll be funded after your first year or so won't you? I mean if you are going into your PhD work, I thought that was all funded.....

Apr 3, 07 2:34 pm  · 

I would start with Andrew Moss and EDGE then. The owners of EDGE teach at CMU part time. There are lots of good small firms in the city. Let me know if you do move here, my firm may be hiring this fall.

Let me know if you want info on CMU or Pittsburgh. I graduated from CMU and my firm does design work on campus. You should check out a weekly email publication (free) called Pop City. Here is a link
It was started by a woman developer, Eve Picker, who pioneered urban lofts in the city of Pittsburgh. It features a different neighborhood each week, has lots of interesting info.

Apr 3, 07 2:35 pm  · 

thanks wonderk--- yeah, the phd work will be funded- but its a fast-track masters-to-phd so the first year to two years are not funded- although i am trying to squeeze something out of them. actually i am trying everything- everywhere to get some money, including previous employers, current employer (who apparently had some kind of grant with CMU awhile back), and old AIA chapter.

i have a very small outside scholarship of $3k which is renewable for four years- but CMU is $16k per semester- which would add up to roughly 64k for those first two years- and i just cant imagine having that PLUS my undergrad in loans... that's insane.

i mean with all the prestige and glory (i see will ferrell saying "glorious" at this part) you would think i could get some kind of partial grant/assistantship/fellowship or something

Apr 3, 07 2:41 pm  · 

Send me your email. I'll send you an application for a scholarship. There is National Association of women in construction $1500 per year scholarship available. You have to have a member (I"M one!) sign the form for you. There are three scholarships, I think. Every year for the last 4 years, someone I have sponsored has received one of the scholarships.

Apr 3, 07 3:38 pm  · 

thanks archie! i just emailed you!

Apr 3, 07 3:44 pm  · 

see if the schools do a co-op program. most state schools do and, at least in their case, if the firm takes on the student, they basically 'donate' money to the school equal to the tuition for each semester. the donation part makes it a tax write-off for the firm. in return, the students do 13 hours/wk at the office. kind of a win-win if you are really efficient with your time and can do what you need to in both places.

Apr 3, 07 4:59 pm  · 

i'm pretty sure it was phillip johnson that said all architects are pretty much high-class whores...though he didn't mean it literally, i think he was on to something!

Apr 3, 07 5:02 pm  · 

didnt pj design and build the glass house for his thesis project...?

what does he know about being a whore for money

Apr 3, 07 5:05 pm  · 

I don't know .....maybe pole dancing isn't such a bad idea.....check this out:

Apr 4, 07 6:51 pm  · 

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