
is there a law to pay income taxes?


just curious...

i watched this video and it has alot of info....... makes you think about the taxes/computer chips in people/ world order/etc...


Apr 1, 07 2:29 am

unless you want your ass to end up in jail...

Apr 1, 07 6:34 am  · 

yeah, i HAD a friend that told me how there is actually no law or constitutional amendment that forces one to pay taxes, but you be the one guy that tries and like the mdler said.

Apr 1, 07 6:40 am  · 

i know a guy who spent a year in jail for not reporting tips that he made....

Apr 1, 07 6:43 am  · 

wow he really pissed off the wrong person, mdler???

Apr 1, 07 6:47 am  · 

i still think that this government is ran by idiots and that theres no hope for the u.s. to mind it's own business

just beef up the borders and thats' that........

and by the way...i pay taxes and i still have to buy my own insurance and all that stuff........

why support a government that is being ran like shyt

Apr 1, 07 11:42 am  · 


He was a barber. One of his clients was an IRS agent. He asked her if he was required to report his tips...out of curiosity; he wanted to do the right thing.

By law, she was required to turn him in

I dont think he cuts her hair anymore

Apr 1, 07 12:18 pm  · 


You are correct, our country is run bu idiots. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do at this point. I suppose you can email your congressman, but they dont give a fuck

Apr 1, 07 12:19 pm  · 

My aunt tried that shit.... and her wages have been garnished to pay back her debt to the IRS (plus absurd interest and penalties) for the past 15 years.

Apr 1, 07 12:20 pm  · 

blackwater's scary.
the number of add'l contractors in iraq (both to support troops and paramilitary) are at about 85k now.
how's that for a surge? most of the supplemental bill goes to pay for those douchebags. meanwhile, my brother has to pay $30 out of his much-smaller-than-merc pay for a clip he lost.
i'd be perfectly happy with removing the troops, and leaving bush's paramilitary in iraq. if you're going to screw the constitution, what better way than to do it royally, so to speak.

Apr 1, 07 12:49 pm  · 

and they compared iraq to detroit..... i'll find the link somewhere

my friend is over there and seen alot of shit....

if we stop paying taxes, how will they fund this b.s. war?.... shit has to stop soon......


Apr 1, 07 2:45 pm  · 

stop paying taxes.....yada, yada=====express ticket to jail

Apr 1, 07 6:59 pm  · 

hey...just a question....... but i guess everyone likes how the government uses our tax dollars to take care of other countries/etc.......

what about the poverty/crime/schooling/diaster relief/etc that is being cut here in the u.s.

i'm just tired of hearing all the b.s. that comes out of the idiot running the country and his side kicks.......

cant really travel outside of the u.s. and say you are american since everyone in this world hates the u.s......

my rant is off

no back to your regular scheduled program

detroit vs iraq

Apr 1, 07 9:25 pm  · 

cryzko- that's something I've thought a lot about. I would greatly prefer that my tax dollars be put to work inside the US before they support causes outside of it. But I think the reality is that we're basically paying other countries to not try and kick our asses, accept what little exports we send out, and generally maintain a lower level of hostility than would otherwise be present. Think of how much the world would hate the US if we WEREN'T giving them tons of aid!

Apr 1, 07 9:47 pm  · 

We really aren't giving the world aid. We are essentially using our taxes to strenghten those parts of the world that hold great value for private, corporate interests

Apr 1, 07 10:13 pm  · 

In July 1846, Henry David Thoreau was arrested in Concord and briefly jailed for evading a poll tax. His friend Ralph Waldo Emerson visited him, and peered through the bars.

"What are you doing in there?" Emerson asked. Thoreau replied: "What are you doing out there?"

The choice is yours. Both guys died more or less broke.

Apr 1, 07 10:32 pm  · 
binary aid...... strengthing other and people bitch about not having jobs here...... it's bad enough that the auto industry is moving to the south for cheaper what ends up in the north?..........maybe i'm just pissed of because of all the bullshit going on in this world/nation...... sort of makes me think why i'm even here........ as much as we all struggle to put food on the table/etc..we are still suffering as a people....... we are just enslaved to the country to pay taxes on everything we own/do/ do we get in return?.... i dont see the government paying my health insurance... i dont see the government rebuilding the poor areas...

maybe i'm making it more than what it is.......


Apr 1, 07 11:06 pm  · 

Funny, i posted something about that vid a year ago.

I just like how all this money goes to pay INTREST on the national debt. This nation buys wars like a homeowner buys a house, by morgaging the goddamed country. Just think if china wants to trade in its dollars for much stronger euros? And our economy is supposed to be on the up-and-up. Americans are all owned. We were bought and paid for the second we left our mother's womb. We are slaves to the banks/corporations/government powersturcture, and they dare call it freedom. The saddest part is, most americans buy it.

Apr 3, 07 1:37 am  · 

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch...

Apr 3, 07 2:59 am  · 

i've been giving serious thought to stoping with the bitchin and starting with the action, violent action

Apr 4, 07 2:29 am  · 
black francis

The only way true freedom is possible is by complete individual seclusion. The minute we bring one person into our life we have to compromise with them, thus forfeiting "true" freedom. (married with family and you will understand this) The funny thing is that the vast majority of human beings would much rather have company/love/relationships/ect.. than true freedom. Add living with millions of people into the mix and the compromise only becomes greater.

I guess what I am trying to say is that the constitution of the US is a pretty damn good compromise considering its job is to keep millions of people as "free" as possible. It allows those who like to bitch, to actually take charge even if they were not born into a family that was already in charge.

Americans think they deserve so much, that their government should provide this that and the other for them. The only thing you deserve is the skin on your back and hopefully some good parents to teach you your right from your left. Everything else is earned.

I am all for getting rid of taxes, but then where would all your precious social programs come from? Charity is a personal responsibility, and not a responsibility that should be forced on you by your government.

Apr 4, 07 4:53 am  · 

"I am all for getting rid of taxes, but then where would all your precious social programs come from? Charity is a personal responsibility, and not a responsibility that should be forced on you by your government. "

yeah, but these things (taxes, social programs, charity) don't have that much in common.

Social programs are meant to give people the "equal opportunities" that are the foundation of freedom, and these aren't as expensive and impossible as they are made out to be (look at heatlh care in some european countries). Charity is charity, patching things up after they go sour. And taxes (the real money) go to the feeding of the military.

Apr 4, 07 5:32 am  · 

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