
working for puddles?

brian buchalski

hey does anybody like know what it's like to work for puddles? rumour has it that the exprience is unique but the pay isn't very you think it's worth the sacrifice to work for a starchitect who is at best the C-list variety?

and yeah, i heard that someone who worked there said it was tough...but only if you count staying up late & editing the bosses rants as being above & beyond duty.

so i guess the benefit would be a once in a lifetime experience best undertaken while still young (before family, kids, station wagon, etc.) but the limitation would be limited career advancement due to intense competition within the studio and, oh yeah, working for minimum wages.

did i just answer my own question?

Mar 21, 07 12:21 am

not a morning i need to wear shop clothes to work so i can get dirty.... and i would need a 5 button mouse and a large pair of headphones...... and i dont work during the day.....

Mar 21, 07 12:30 am  · 

puddles always has the softest toilet paper. So absorbent.

Mar 21, 07 2:20 am  · 

can we wait to work for puddles after he makes his move to the british west indies? if we can, then i'm in.

Mar 21, 07 6:57 am  · 

Do you have nude female models?

Mar 21, 07 8:23 am  · 

are your employees allowed to wear pants? or is it a requirement to go pantless like the boss?

Mar 21, 07 9:00 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm sure the boss is already drinking...right now at 9am...that place is going down

Mar 21, 07 9:23 am  · 
Chili Davis

I'll take it. When can I start? Drinking, I mean.

Mar 21, 07 9:28 am  · 

Supposedly the worst part of working there is the inordinate number of grizzly bear attacks. Something about him just pisses those omnivores off...

Mar 21, 07 9:53 am  · 
vado retro

a "friend" of mine worked there one hellish summer as an intern. the long hours were made worse by the former circus bear that lived in the space and regularly stole the employee's lunches. eventually the bear tired of the bland lunches that the underpaid staff brought in and devoured the receptionist. it was a tough day because all of the bosses calls went right into voicemail and thats a no-no in puddlesland.

Mar 21, 07 10:15 am  · 
some person

I've heard working with puddles is kinda soggy. A rainy day kind of activity.

Mar 21, 07 2:02 pm  · 

i have also heard that when puddles finds out that mistakes are made immediately puts on a garwondler outfit and turns extremely violent. He then towers over you and screams at you until you nervously pee your pants. Then he forces you to finish the day sitting in your dirty pee pants. it is very humiliating. it is something the other people in the office will never let you live will always be known as "pee pants guy"

Mar 21, 07 2:17 pm  · 

you will actually be known as "pee pants guy #x" because htis happened so frequently when i interned there that it was like, up to pee pants guy #7 and pee pants girl #4.

it was a long summer, though i look back fondly on the pre-noon drinking at the desk. good times.

Mar 21, 07 2:57 pm  · 

wait puddles is moving to my neck of the woods? Archinect party over here

Mar 21, 07 3:05 pm  · 

i'm selling my interns on should make a bid puddles

Mar 21, 07 3:06 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that guy is in such desperate need of having his ego stroked that he'd actually make an intern stay late and post a thread about "working for puddles" as if there were actually some kind of grassroots buzz about his talent.

oh...and he is visibly giddy about the fact that his thread is drawing more posts & rumours than a similar one about rafael vinoly

it'd be funn if i wasn't sad...i gotta get out of here

Mar 21, 07 3:48 pm  · 

i just heard that vinoly works for puddles

Mar 21, 07 3:58 pm  · 

Will puddles give me my name back ?

Mar 21, 07 4:04 pm  · 

leave puddles alone...he's got miles to run
and a marathon to train for

Mar 21, 07 5:40 pm  · 

oddly I keep thinking its the name of a woman...

Mar 21, 07 7:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that office is a dinosaur that's clearly been living off the fumes of their early buzz & glory days...but that's just the problem with architectural styles, live by 2nd empire, die by 2nd empire. they never did successfully transition to pomo (or even just mo) and have been in a tailspin ever since.

moreover, puddles still lives in that mansion he bought while riding the high tide of his later commercial success (catering to the m&a and lbo crowds of corporate raiders) even though he can't afford to maintain it. the heat's been off for years and the roof leaks but the guy insists on using his meager royalties from a hit song (recorded while still in high school?) to pay for a bartender and daily fresh flowers. the place, or the admiral as he likes to call it, looks a bit like this sketch...

oddly enough though, a rotting mansion seems to be the perfect fit for a delusional, under-achieving lonely old architect.

Mar 22, 07 12:18 pm  · 

that looks like a study sketch for edward scissorhands' house.

Mar 22, 07 3:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That sounds like the basis for a movie, similar to "Belly of an Architect" but without all the figs.

Mar 22, 07 3:56 pm  · 

I was told to ask you for an interview puddles

Mar 22, 07 9:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

puddles wears too much make-up...especially mascara

Mar 28, 07 7:21 pm  · 

I didn't know the job was still available...whats' the pension like puddles??

Mar 28, 07 7:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

pizza, pizza

May 23, 07 6:42 pm  · 
won and done williams

puddles, put the mojito down and just walk away from the blackberry.

May 23, 07 6:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh, i'm so steamed right now!!! get this, that crusty old wanker says you me yesterday afternoon "hey kiddo, you available tomorrow morning? i've got a hot project, everyone's booked so it's falling in your lap. 9am...don't forget the coffee" and then he bolts out the door to "catch a plane" as he likes to say.

i'm confused by all this, which is typical, so i follow up with the office manager and she informs me that it probably had something to do with a "pro bono" design for the local gov and cause its non-billable then it falls in my cheap-ass hands...whatever, i figure but at least i finally get at crack st something like design work.

so 9am, i'm here with the damn coffee and...i wait. finally at 11am jackass shows up, asks what i've done (nothing cept wait for him & watch his coffee cool), looks annoyed & says "well get working"
-i respond, "on what?"
-you're an architect right? make it up...that's what we do
-right, of course
and then he runs along muttering that he's late for brunch. wtf!! and i went too bed sober last night because i thought i had an important morning...bastard

Jun 16, 07 11:18 am  · 
brian buchalski

absolute egotist...totally worth avoiding

Jun 16, 07 11:20 am  · 
Ms Beary

aw, buddy

Jun 16, 07 11:25 am  · 
caffeine junkie

if you work for this puddles guy he will rope you into his world of video art installations. He will also try to force feed you experimental cocktails with Easter candy floating on them...this man is dangerous and should be stopped, be warned youth of the architecture world...our studios can not be safe with this type of character loose in them!

Jun 16, 07 11:30 am  · 
brian buchalski

thanks for reminding me...deliciously out of season, behold the...

easter lillet

- 3 ounces lillet blanc, chilled
- strip of orange peel, approx. 2" x 1/2"
- one marshmallow peep

pour chilled lillet into a glass* and then flame the orange peel over the glass by squeezing it next to a match such that the oil will spray out. drop the burnt peel into the glass for flavor and then garnish with a marshmallow peep.

*preferably a chardonnay glass used from the reidel "o" series

Jun 16, 07 12:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski

thanks for reminding me...deliciously out of season, behold the...

easter lillet

- 3 ounces lillet blanc, chilled
- strip of orange peel, approx. 2" x 1/2"
- one marshmallow peep

pour chilled lillet into a glass* and then flame the orange peel over the glass by squeezing it next to a match such that the oil will spray out. drop the burnt peel into the glass for flavor and then garnish with a marshmallow peep.

*preferably a chardonnay glass used from the reidel "o" series

Jun 16, 07 12:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski nice i had to post it twice???

Jun 16, 07 12:00 pm  · 
caffeine junkie

this is what I am talking must be stopped!

Jun 16, 07 12:04 pm  · 
le bossman

puddles what are you doing online? go to the beach man.

Jun 22, 07 10:28 am  · 
le bossman

this is where puddles lives, and yet he surfs archinect


Jun 22, 07 10:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

so i was invited to the admiral for a post-prandial apperitif after crossing paths with puddles at the "hot-n-ready" que and this is what i found...creepy...i thought i'd never make it out of there

Aug 17, 07 3:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

long-standing rumour...or maybe i should say, legend has it that puddles had one of his early mid-rise pomo towers tattooed on his penis and that he used to entice young women with the pick-up line, "i'm an architect. would you like to see me make a skyscraper?" while flashing a naughty smile.

this would be laughable...except his saggy old man's physique conjures images that are best described as pathetic and wonder he always so drunk & ornery...

Sep 21, 07 5:38 pm  · 

see, this is the kinda BS thread I like. Very funny.

Sep 21, 07 6:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, even though I posted up above, some how I missed your last post. I laughed out-loud....whups. I just keep thinking of how funny that would be. Do they make "skyscraper" condoms? Maybe I should start that. I could make them after the Renaisance hotel here in Dallas.

It also reminds me of a time in Rome when the Pasta Boys I hung out with tried to tell me how pasta dough rises, but said "becomes erect;" I had a hard time not laughing.

Oct 31, 08 8:51 am  · 

is this how you work a 4 hour work week? Please tell me how

Oct 31, 08 11:59 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

i would work for less than puddles at this point...time to make that sign and stand at an intersection

Oct 31, 08 1:54 pm  · 

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