
2004 iPod Post - 2007 iPhone Post


So, I was looking back at some old posts, and I found this one from 2 years ago discussing where Apple will go with the iPod, it's interesting what some people predicted 2 years ago.

Link to Post:

So, now that we have the iPhone...almost... where do you think apple could possibly go next, or better yet, what capabilities would the iPhone Architect Edition have?!

Feb 24, 07 12:03 pm
brian buchalski

i'd like my iphone architect edition to come with a rotorary dial

Feb 24, 07 9:31 pm  · 
vado retro

people talk on their phones all the goddamned time as if they actually had something to say. the cell phone phenom is not about communication; it is about self importance.

Feb 24, 07 9:40 pm  · 

i'd like my iphone architect edition to look like a hammer and can also be used as a hammer...

Feb 24, 07 10:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i spelled rotary wrong.

Feb 24, 07 10:42 pm  · 

You took the words right out of my mouth vado.

Feb 24, 07 10:42 pm  · 

>applauds extremely loudly at Vado's opening comment and nods head vigorously in agreement!

Feb 24, 07 11:06 pm  · 
FOG Lite

There's a great Umberto Eco essay about the cell phone phenom, vado sums it up quite succinctly. I think it was included in "How to Travel with a Salmon."

Feb 25, 07 9:25 am  · 

Yeah Vado. What the hell did people do before the cell phone? How was all this important information transmitted before someone could talk on the phone every second of the day?! I love the people that have clearly just left their house to drive somewhere and are already on their phone. Or the guy that kept answering his phone during my UG graduation "DUDE, I can't talk, I'm at graduation."

TO answer the question, the special edition would have a signal jamming device so I could F with the dumbass undergrads while they were trying to talk to people.

Feb 25, 07 9:49 am  · 

Cell Phone Flask - Just about everyone carries a cell phone these days, but probably not like one of these. Just strap our high quality polished chrome cell phone flask to your belt, and sneak your favorite beverage wherever you need to go. Holds up to 4 oz. Includes handy leather carrying case with belt clip so it's always by your side. 5"H x 2"W x .75"D.
Feb 25, 07 2:46 pm  · 
Queen of England

I predict the giant gps in the dash of your car will make its way into apple's devices sooner or later.... you say into the thing 'find nearest chinese food' and it gives you three options... or when one of your contacts calls you it shows their location on the screen...

Video phones have already flopped, I've had a 3G UMTS phone for over a year and rarely make video calls.

Feb 28, 07 7:19 pm  · 

whats about architects and eschewing all technology?

Feb 28, 07 8:05 pm  · 

iphone = ipod, mobile phone, calculator, sms device, email device, pda, calendar, gps device, keyless car entry, camera, alarm clock, photo editor, dictionary, scanner, business card reader, media player, video camera...

Jun 23, 07 9:33 pm  · 

iphone doesn't seem to have GPS, actually.

Jun 23, 07 9:54 pm  · 

You mean for $600 I don't get a gps...damn. Steve can I get mine custom?

Jun 23, 07 9:58 pm  · 
black francis

I drop my phone way to much to consider buying one of these things.

Jun 25, 07 12:37 pm  · 

what about a phone that doesnt drop calls???

Jun 25, 07 12:42 pm  · 

I think we should replace the cell phone with a surgical procedure - implant a chip in one's head – that way we can get rid of the annoying hardware (or ear bud). When you are ready to talk to someone, you simply say, "call mom". We can use GPS by putting on a pair of Geordi Star Trek like sunglasses that have a miniature television camera that displays the directions right in front of your eyes!

Jun 25, 07 12:55 pm  · 


i've been wanting to do a similar idea with architectural monuments...
a gps/mapping device where you could enter your location and find
different monuments/buildings of interest in the area... for instance,
in a place like rome. somehow you'd also be able to update it with
information from fellow users with random points of interest as well.
maybe telephone numbers/contacts/opening hours/days or ways of
gaining access into various sites as well.

i think they already do this with restaurants and the like..but if you
could somehow seperate it by user groups and the like that'd be
very cool.

Jun 25, 07 1:04 pm  · 

people at mit have been doing something similar for a while.
of course not the chip in the head..but with sunglasses that
have face recognition/ email/ web browsers...of course they're
quite bulky at the moment, but the idea is to get them to a
user friendly size.

Jun 25, 07 1:07 pm  · 

I have always wanted a breath-a-lyzer on my phone so that if I have had too much to drink, I wont call or text people that I am not supposed to

Jun 25, 07 2:36 pm  · 
"Why You Don't Want An iPhone"

I don't think I'd get one until they come out with a 20-40gig model.

....errr, should I say, until I graduate from grad school and get a job.

Jun 27, 07 11:06 pm  · 

lars - yes, i am familiar with that technology :)

mdler - ask and you shall receive - "Though right now only offered in Korea, The LG breathalyzer cell phone has a small spot to blow into, which if you’ve had too much to drink shows a wobbly car crashing into traffic cones. But that’s not even the best part, the phone also has a feature that won’t allow you to dial certain phone numbers if your blood alcohol is over .08; meaning to more embarrassing phone calls to your ex!

iPhone - regardelss of the techology, I recommend always waiting for the second product version so they have time to work out the will be happy you did :)

Jun 27, 07 11:28 pm  · 

anyone going to wait in line today?

Jun 29, 07 1:55 pm  · 


Jun 29, 07 2:07 pm  · 

Headline of an article on

iPhone mania hits flagship stores

Eager buyers are lining up at Apple stores on both coasts, playing Scrabble, eating pizza and foie gras, and waiting patiently to be among the first to own one of the highly-anticipated phones.

Are you effing kidding me? foie gras?

Apparently the New York line started on Tuesday night....I hope their current cell phones were adept enough to keep them on top of all that work they were missing....

Jun 29, 07 4:12 pm  · 

I kept reading the article....the guy that ordered the foie gras was a graphic designer.....ha

Jun 29, 07 4:15 pm  · 

hahaha...interesting. It's funny how 100's of people have been lining up at the apple stores for days...

Meanwhile, AT&T stores are selling them too and the one by my work [maybe] has 20 people outside.

Jun 29, 07 4:17 pm  · 

here's the onion's blurb about the iphone's features.

this is my favorite:

Comes with an iPhone hat, so people know you own an iPhone during the brief periods you're not using it

Jun 29, 07 4:19 pm  · 
vado retro

probable conversation:

phone rings to the tune of myhumps:
girl: hello?
guy: (excitedly)HEY GUESS WHERE IM AT?
girl: where you at?
guy: GUESS! Youll NEVER guess!
girl: just tell me. You not in jail are you? you ASSHOLE.
guy: NOOOO! Its all good I am The APPLE STORE!!! TALKIN ON MY NEW IPHONE! Youre the first call I make cuz I LOVE YOU!
girl: you where? buyin an Iphone? ah baby you so cool come over and lemme touch it.
guy:Yeah its only six hunnert dollaz. Lets hook up later and you can touch it if you're a naughtygirl.
girl: later...

Jun 29, 07 4:22 pm  · 

people are selling there spots in line...

Jun 29, 07 4:30 pm  · 

W2D....that is RIDICULOUS!

Jun 29, 07 4:40 pm  · 

The Mayor of Philadelphia has been in line at an AT&T store downtown since 3:30 am. Apparently he was 3rd in line.....

Jun 29, 07 4:47 pm  · 
vado retro

i need a phone that calls me to tell that i am loved.

Jun 29, 07 4:48 pm  · 

when your mayor is in line waiting for a cell phone you know it's time to move.

Jun 29, 07 4:52 pm  · 

vado...u r pretty

WK...hmm...and i was proud that i'm moving to Philly ;) I might try to get a couple to sell.

Jun 29, 07 4:58 pm  · 

I just drove by an ATT Phone Store......I couldn't believe people were actually standing in line in our little ass about 50 people...So that is like $25,000.00 in phones and $36,000.00 in rate usage in for the first year...Yikes....on a summer the end of June. Think I will hang with my lg.....cause I would sure as hell loose an i-phone.

Jun 29, 07 6:22 pm  · 

I want to be on big on Steve Jobs: i-house

Can you imagine the bucks they guy will sell.....he will be way bigger than Martha Stewart!

Jun 29, 07 6:41 pm  · 

steve jobs should open a pancake house called ihop...

Jun 29, 07 6:47 pm  · 

Jun 29, 07 7:27 pm  · 

why do so many people spell 'lose' as 'loose'?
(see ad posted by wtd)

Jun 29, 07 8:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i wonder if any of the stores an the equivalent of the soup nazi. no iphone for you. come back in one year!

Jun 30, 07 12:11 am  · 

or even worse! Hell's kitchen!

Gordon: "What the hell were you thinking? You were going to stroll in here and pick up an iphone? Where are your credentials? You suck! You are scum! No - even worse - You are the scum attached to the scum on the bottom of my shoe!"

Camera pans to floor where Gordon grabs the iphone from the customer and smashes it into the floor:

Jun 30, 07 12:21 am  · 

iPhone killed the early adopters.

Yay hype!

Jun 30, 07 12:23 am  · 

just went to my local att&t/cingular store to pick up a new phone for the missus. she's into the really basic models thankfully, which leaves funds for me to toy around with my treo and what-not.

while i was there, of course, i spent a few minutes playing with the iPhone.

first thought: it was filthy and i wanted to wash my hands afterwards.
second thought: if i paid $500 for that underwhelming p.o.s. i'd be really disappointed.

the touch screen does not work cleanly. when typing texts/emails, the lame-ass qwerty keypad g.u.i. has a very low tolerance for error and i wound up with many typos.

while looking at the NYtimes page (of course i had to compare to the 'ease of use' from the ads) i found the zooming in and out to be rather cumbersome and not too accurate. additionally, because you're looking at the actual page, not a mobile version of it, as you scan around, you wind up clicking on any of the many links on your average nytimes page.

lastly - this has been said before, but for what this thing is supposed to be (video iPod, camera, phone, pda, etc) the 4g storage on the base model is a joke. $600 gets you 8g but still...that's not much considering most people who use an iPod video will put 20-30g of movies/music/etc on it, so if you're travelling alot, that's a pretty pokey amount of stuff to hold.

that all being said...the g.u.i. sure is sexy, no surprise.

i imagine they'll get some of these kinks out in the second and third gen versions.

my $.05 advice is to wait until those models come out.

Jun 30, 07 9:45 pm  · 

couldn't agree with you more mightylittle™ ! Better to wait for v2/v3!!!

Jun 30, 07 10:16 pm  · 

Would any of you get an iphone nano?

Jul 10, 07 4:58 pm  · 

the lady in front me at the drive thru today was using a magenta iphone (i could see through the side mirror)...she looked like she was talking into a calculator

Jul 10, 07 8:29 pm  · 

attn: fellow conspiracy theorists

iPhone a Trojan Horse For Government Surveillance?
Backdoor spyware module allows state, corporations and hackers to listen in Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, July 20, 2007

An alarming white paper concludes that the Apple iPhone contains a backdoor spyware module that allows hackers or the government to conduct secret surveillance of the user, part of an established trend of corporations and the state working hand in hand to eavesdrop on citizens via widely-used software and hardware products.

Earlier this week, a technology group in Russia released the results of their attempts to reverse engineer the iPhone, concluding that the product has "A built-in function which sends all data from an iPhone to a specified web-server. Contacts from a phonebook, SMS, recent calls, history of Safari browser - all your personal information can be stolen."

The module could act as a backdoor for trojan developers or AT & T, said the report, adding that "government structures" would have access to the information. Since AT & T displayed no hesitation in handing over information about their subscribers to the U.S. government as part of the controversial and illegal NSA wiretapping scandal, it would be no surprise to learn that included in the trendy new must-have gadget is a spyware module that allows the government to listen in to your conversations.

keep reading...

Yeeaah! I just got my ass wiretapped by the government!

Jul 21, 07 1:49 am  · 

who cares about iPhone when you can get the Microsoft ZunePhone

Oct 16, 07 12:52 am  · 

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