
road to hell


ok so here is my problema
i got a 2.6 gpa i want to go to Notre dame
i've already spent 3 years at a college and dont think i can make it with the Gpa that i have
option 1 go to another school and start all over
option 2 continue and do better on the rest of the classes
here is the catch i have 10 W (withdrawls) my transcript aint looking pretty
what should i do

Jan 31, 07 1:45 pm

Frankly, I don't know if any other school would accept you, unless you somehow have a truly kick-ass portfolio. I really think you've only got option #2.

Jan 31, 07 1:47 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Going to Notre Dame to study architecture? You're right, that would be the road to hell. You better study the Greek orders and learn how to incorporate a peristyle into every building.

Jan 31, 07 1:53 pm  · 

see here is the deal I dont know why but when i was younger i hyt saw myself there '
ofcourse there is other schools to go to that are near me great schools but somehow i feel like if i wont feel accomplished if i dont go there

Jan 31, 07 1:56 pm  · 

But how/why do you expect another school to let you in with a 2.6 GPA?

Jan 31, 07 1:58 pm  · 
Chili Davis

When I was younger I saw Rudy too, but I don't want to re-design the Parthenon. There are a lot of schools in the mid-west worth checking out. Where are you at now? Are you an archi major? What is wrong with the current program (other than you not being able to pass a majority of the classes)? Why do you need to go to Notre Dame to feel accomplished? Sometimes, just getting my ass out of bed in the morning makes me feel accomplished.

Jan 31, 07 2:00 pm  · 

It would seem that if you want to go to Notre Dame, you would want to go to Notre Dame and no where else. It's my understanding that their program is the only one in the US teaching classical architecture.

ivace, this may be a stupid question, but is that why you are interested in Notre Dame?

Jan 31, 07 2:03 pm  · 

Funny but no It wasnt Ruddy though i could see why you would think that. I'm in Los Angeles we got great schools like Sci-Arc , USC Woodbury and other good ones maybe i'm just tired of living in LA.

Jan 31, 07 2:05 pm  · 

lol Chili!!

I was thinking the same thing.
Listen Lad......You need to really research schools. Understand their underlined manifesto, and or the manifesto of the dept chair, or dean, because this will give you insight into the programme you will be getting into. Furthermore, know what it is you like about architecture and go where you will flourish in that particular programme.

There are programmes out there that may overlook the whole GPA thing, if you have a portfolio that shows conviction. So don't close yourself off on it is, it's probably not the best place to go to, unless you subscribe to their teachings/style there.

Jan 31, 07 2:07 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Indiana? Nothing against it, but why Indiana?

Jan 31, 07 2:07 pm  · 

Sometimes getting away from the environment that you've been living for the last 20 years is necessary to reboot yourself
Why- Indiana I cant really say why because i myself dont know
Going to another city country would probably do the trick but Notre dame maybe its just the Ego perhaps i just want to say that i went to a Top rated school. Why lie right

Jan 31, 07 2:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

hope you can watercolor

Jan 31, 07 2:15 pm  · 

though the reasons why I want to study architecture are far fom the ones that i want to go to ND.

Jan 31, 07 2:15 pm  · 

then that answers things for you right there (your statement)

if not at the very least it should bring more questions to the surface.

Jan 31, 07 2:18 pm  · 

i dont even think you can get into the local community college with a 2.6 gpa

Jan 31, 07 2:21 pm  · 

you could but giving the fact that i have 2 classes i have to retake i could possibly be back at 2.8 its not great but i still have a couple of GE's i need to take so I'm looking at possibly ending up with 3.0
that's if everything goes right

Jan 31, 07 2:24 pm  · 

arch schools are their own animal, ivace. i feel fairly confident in saying that architecture at notre dame is different from 'notre dame', just as the tulane architecture experience was different from most tulane students' experiences, cornell arch is different from cornell, etc. you need to know what architecture school you want to attend, not what university.

Jan 31, 07 2:31 pm  · 

this is hilarious...please keep posting.

Jan 31, 07 2:32 pm  · 
Chili Davis
They'll see the Fighting Irish are the Fighting Irish yet.
Jan 31, 07 2:37 pm  · 

you evil people--- don't ever change

Jan 31, 07 2:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

What about pursuing Notre Dame in some other field - art history? liberal arts? general studies? - that might be an easier department to get accepted to. Get your undergrad degree, then if you still feel like you want to pursue architecture get a Master's somewhere else.

I strongly identify with the desire to leave your hometown and go "somewhere else" - anywhere else, really - for school. To try something new, broaden your horizons, have an adventure, etc. Personally I think the experience of uprooting yourself is a significant part of the education that college gives you.

Of course I desperately want to leave Indiana, so I can't quite sympathize with your desire to come here.

Jan 31, 07 2:43 pm  · 

I am failing to see the need to go to ND to feel accomplished. What is more important than the program? Especially when we are talking abouit one of this type?

Wait, is there someone special currently at ND? I don't get it!

Jan 31, 07 2:47 pm  · 

well...the football team's revenues is paying for all the Grad students expenses to go to Rome this year...

Jan 31, 07 2:49 pm  · 

Garpike-it's like when you were a little kid didnt you ever want something that made you say when i grow up i want to be here, have this, be this.(figure of speech) if you desire it much once you grow older your life would not be complete unless you do what you wanted to do when you were a kid. did that kinda explain it or did i just creat more trench holes

Jan 31, 07 2:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

My school's curling team's revenues paid for matching jackets for the 4 members.

Jan 31, 07 2:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Also, I used to want to drive a cement truck.

Jan 31, 07 2:53 pm  · 

who wouldn't want to drive a cement a truck?! Especially if you're building a bridge-as they do in those Discovery channel shows-building monster things. I would do that...but my real job is AutoCAD-ing, which I need to get back to

Jan 31, 07 2:55 pm  · 

thats nice but i ment things that would make your life progress

Jan 31, 07 2:55 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Sometimes when I AutoCAD, I pretend I am behind the wheel of a cement truck, going to pour someone a new driveway, or pave a new road, or build a new bridge. I also often pretend I am invisible, but that's a whole other story.

Jan 31, 07 2:57 pm  · 

well that settles it i could go to any other school near here and I could just prettend I'm going to ND wow you've just enlightened me

Jan 31, 07 3:03 pm  · 

ivace, yes I have felt that feeling before. But I would hope, for professional reasons (including those things that would make your life progress) you would reconsider such a blind acceptance of a program so specialized. The fact that Notre Dame and SCI-Arc appear in the same thread astounds me. You'd be much much better off using Chili's method so you can find a proram that suits you. Or maybe careers mean nothing and justified t-shirts mean the world. To each his own.

Jan 31, 07 3:14 pm  · 

Whoa. Name change. That's fancy!

Jan 31, 07 3:15 pm  · 

I think you're missing the point here ivace.

whilst we do have some cynics and peanuts in the gallery, some comments are really light-hearted humor, don't take it personally. Furthermore, I think you need to adhere to what Steve suggested up there:

you need to know WHAT ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL you wish to attend, not which UNI.

I think you need time to reflect on these things. By no means does this limit you from leaving LA and california...I did, but it was only after I got my 1st professional degree (b.arch). Partly for me was cause I was paying for my own school and didn't have parents giving me money to go to school/paying for school.

Jan 31, 07 3:16 pm  · 

yeah new to archuinect put the wrong name in so i guess you know my password ......

Jan 31, 07 3:18 pm  · 

oh and I should add.....I love all you peanuts living within these galleries! (no offense)

Jan 31, 07 3:18 pm  · 

i seriously think i would hang myself if i wound up at a program like ND, being stuck in the past. hell, i'm glad u of miami rejected me. now i'm working with a style of architecture i like and kicking academic ass in the process. ivace, be sure you can look beyond the name of a school, don't go somewhere just because it has that name recognition to it.

Jan 31, 07 3:20 pm  · 

sorry didnt mean to offend anyone I ment archinect .....

Jan 31, 07 3:20 pm  · 
Mulholland Drive

With 10 withdrawls, I think you should seriously consider a JOB.

I don't say that to a catty, a-hole manner, but my sense is that you are looking for a place to run away to. Leaving Los Angeles for rural Indiana after a mediocre GPA and 10 withdrawls?? According to my math, I think you need to take a step back and realize that earning an education is a priviledge (even for Notre Dame) and perhaps stepping into the shoes of the uneducated working class would make you realize that.

Jan 31, 07 3:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i see no problem with studying classical architecture. it is not as if what is studied in most universities is any more applicable in the real world. in fact, as long as the prevailing wind is blowing toward "traditional" architecture, i would appreciate it if people knew a thing or two about entablatures, friezes, architraves etc... if you want to go to a particular uni, i suggest just moving to that city, in this case south bend/mishawaka and enrolling in n.d's continuing ed or part time classes etc, that are open to the general populace. after getting a few good grades doing that, i would then apply to the uni.

Jan 31, 07 3:25 pm  · 

squirrelly about not taking anything personal i know most people in the architecture field seem completely heartless assholes or whatever i know cuz i am like that and well most of my classmates are like that its the stress of the job or maybe it's because mommy and dady didnt give us enough attention when we were kids boo hoo
squirrelly its all good i get it no hard feelings

Jan 31, 07 3:25 pm  · 

buy a ND sweatshirt, bumper sticker, license plate holder, coffee mug, window decal for the car, one of those car window flag things, trapper keeper, etc...

show up at the local community college on the first day of class with all the above mentioned swag

Jan 31, 07 4:20 pm  · 
vado retro

mdler obviously you have been to northern indianastan!

Jan 31, 07 4:24 pm  · 

I always thought ND was somewhere in Ireland.....

Jan 31, 07 5:35 pm  · 

No, it's where they store most of Fargo.

Jan 31, 07 6:34 pm  · 

When I was a kid in CA I wanted desperately to live in Boston, "where the history was"... so after college I moved there, and it sucked, and so I left that sucker far behind, and now I am happy again.

Indiana also sucks, trust me. They have undercover traffic cops there who pull you over on the interstate in a beat-up 1987 Ford Mustang!!!

Childhood dreams are overrated.

Jan 31, 07 10:32 pm  · 

cement truck?!? what's that?

my uncle drives a butt dumper in california.
he makes almost three times what i make.
sometimes, even i want to drive a concrete mixer.

Jan 31, 07 11:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i grew up in indiana just down the road from notre dame. it sucked
i moved to boston to write songs for a rock n roll band. it sucked
i moved back to indiana to go to college. it sucked
i moved to new mexico to go to grad school it sucked
i moved to chicago to work in architecture. it sucked
i moved backed to indiana just the road from notre dame. it sucked
i moved to indianapolis from where i type my sucking biography...

Jan 31, 07 11:09 pm  · 

your band would've made it big if you used those for lyrics...and called it road to hell

Jan 31, 07 11:13 pm  · 

exactly, vado, exactly.

Jan 31, 07 11:16 pm  · 

If it was a B.A. in Architecture, I would say it go ahead, since you'd have to get a Masters elsewhere anyhow, and the strength of a 4 year degree is much more dependent on the quality of the non-architecture curriculum than anything else.

However, ND's program is a B.Arch, and it is laughable to think that anyone coming out of the program is fit for licensure without a lot of additional self-directed learning. I was a juror on a 4th year crit in Rome, and the program seemed totally focused on denying modernity. I don't mean modernity in the aesthetic sense.

In brief:
-If you are intent on going to ND, change your major. May I suggest pre-law? Try getting around the GPA problem by working your ass off for a semester and getting an atheletic scholarship to a non-revenue sport.
-Apply to Ball State, which is perfectly decent, and visit your girlfriend on weekends. I didn't read the whole thread. There is a girlfriend, right?
-Go to any other architecture school, and find a new girlfriend.

Jan 31, 07 11:23 pm  · 

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