
(check the video also)

Dec 21, 06 12:26 am  · 

Yikes is the word.

Robotic plants?! It sounds like a Disney World for botanists.

Dec 21, 06 12:37 am  · 

for some silly strangely attracted to this flickering light... even though it will prolly zap me if i get to close...

Dec 21, 06 12:45 am  · 


Dec 21, 06 1:34 am  · 

i'll see your gehry, and i'll raise you a polyp

Dec 21, 06 2:06 am  · 

I may be kinda buzzed right now, but i think that's probably the coolest shit emerge from ghery's studio in a long time.

Dec 21, 06 2:23 am  · 
Yipes, stripes! It’s Fruit Stripe gum!

Ooops. Wrong thread.

Dec 21, 06 3:10 am  · 
liberty bell

I thought it was just a story (curtclay's comment, about 12 down from the top), but oh my god it actually exists:


See how those folks on the right are standing knee-deep in water? Watch out for the piranhas!

Dec 21, 06 9:24 am  · 
Gabe Bergeron

Jellyfish Heaven - by the Dead Milkmen

Gotta go somewhere
When you die
So why not see the world
Through jellyfish eyes

Jellyfish heaven
Where jellyfish go
To get away from mormons
And drunk eskimos
Jellyfish heaven
Is a lot
Like L.A.

If you're bad
You'll go to hell
And jellyfish will sting you
And your body will swell

Jellyfish heaven
In the big blue sea
Where it's too cold to surf
And it's too warm to ski
Jellyfish heaven
Is full of dead

People always saying
"I won't eat jellyfish
'Cause they ain't got no bones
And you can't make a wish"
People always shouting
"Don't go swimming near those things!"
But when they're close to dying
You can hear them sing

Jellyfish heaven
Is not like Japan
Jellyfish heaven
Is not like Thailand
Jellyfish heaven
Is a lot
Like L.A.

Sweet jellyfish! (x2)

I've been dazed and confused
For so long it's not true
I wanted a jellyfish
Never bargained for you
Lot's of people talking
Few of them know
Soul of a jellyfish
Was created below!

Papa don't preach!
I'm gonna keep my jellyfish!
I've been tied to the jellyfish
Tied to the jellyfish (x2)
Oh lord, I feel like I'm dying...

Dec 21, 06 9:38 am  · 

i think those are supposed to be glass benches, either way, what a shitty pic...

but gehry's work ceases to be meaningful anymore, it's seriously doing damage to the profession...

we can't just squeeze programs into meaningless forms with incedental moments of interest...just because it looks good on the cover of a magazine?

Dec 21, 06 9:41 am  · 
liberty bell
but gehry's work ceases to be meaningful anymore, it's seriously doing damage to the profession...we can't just squeeze programs into meaningless forms with incidental moments of interest

I totally agree, postal. Gehry's work is interesting to me, in a lot of ways, but I think most people - meaning non-architects - see his work being very flashy, expensive, repetitive, poorly functional, and selfish.

Dec 21, 06 9:51 am  · 

...yet, despite this, they like it enough that everybody who wants architecture wants gehry?!

Dec 21, 06 9:56 am  · 

too true steven.

i think his work falls down a bit when he gets into master planning big things like this...

on other hand is relatively interesting and much better than a lot of the shite out there. funy that bland-itecture never raises much of a peep (how often have people posted a pic here of the dime a dozen big box-a - topia going up in a town near you?) , but this does; cuz it costs money (or sumthing)...not sure why he is always picked out.

as far as i can tell gehry is being held up as the object of desire and of hate at the same time.

very freudian, your average architect.

am still unsure why buildings are required to "function" at all. even corbusier knew better than to stop with just functioning...actually, do Gehry's buildings truthfully not function? the buildings i have been to by him were all pretty tame on the inside and worked just fine, and i haven't read of any problems with his interior planning skills. is it apocryphal or a real issue?

btw, my mum thinks peter zumthor's work is also flashy, wasteful, looks like it would not be functional, ego-based shite, and a big ol waste of money. no joke, we have had long talks about it. i think the everyman pretty much thinks ALL architecture suks, not just Gehry's...just a thought.

Dec 21, 06 10:23 am  · 
liberty bell

It's peer pressure - every US university these days is afraid they are "not cool" if they don't have a Gehry building.

Dec 21, 06 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

not just everyman jump...

Dec 21, 06 10:35 am  · 

I think Gehry has just found his profitable niche and is sticking with it. Like so many other starchitects his designs have become pretty recursive. Personally, I prefer the work of, for example, OMA who at least question each project individually as opposed to simply exploring their own little bubble/niche (take Zaha as another prime example). Don't get me wrong - each practice has it's own style, it's just that oma/HdM etc seem to maintain a constant approach rather than constant result.

It seems to me that everyone wants a piece of Gehry atm because he's trying to carve his reputation as the 21st century Gaudi. I guess the Unis see tourists pouring money into their gift shops 20 yrs from now.

Also, I was trying to remember what that hideous column on the left reminds me of. Then I remembered...

Dec 21, 06 10:36 am  · 

we got a rem, citag! and a jahn!

jump, i think those are two seperate "beefs"...

we can't convince the masses to understand, like, VALUE, good architecture for the everyday...which sucks for us, cause most of us have to go to work and churn out crap...

with gehry, he has the opportunity to actually put a ton of thought and money into and perfect a building for our enjoyment and cultural history...(i realize he may be a victim of his own popularity for past work, but he sold out)

so why give our power away? is there such a movement as indie architecture?

Dec 21, 06 10:40 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, re: your mom's reaction to Zumthor's work, I totally understand that too!

I'm trying to think of a project that is appealing to everyone - architects and everyman too - and the best I can come up with is someone like Lake/Flato, for example their Texas State Cemetery building:

And that's all I can say for now because I have a meeting.

Dec 21, 06 10:45 am  · 

That is actually a collaboration with Greg Lynn, so he deserves to share some, i daresay most, of the blame/credit. They lost the competition anyhow.

Dec 21, 06 12:05 pm  · 

my boss used to date Kerzner’s daughter...that could have been our project

Dec 21, 06 12:38 pm  · 

I guess Frank Gehry's the Mariah Carey of architecture. Great voice, but only in small doses. The first image *is* beautiful though; amazing and spectacular. As I said, like Mariah Carey.

Dec 21, 06 1:24 pm  · 

at least its only a ridiculous robotic water park and not an MIT campus building. although mit built robots might lurk inside.

one thing that is positive about this, is that something such as this can actually be contemplated for being built! think of what is possible when we move into those positions (now 24 yrs old). ahh.. i cant wait!!!

Dec 21, 06 4:29 pm  · 

lol. good luck spaghetti.

nice analogy solidred. sounds about right.

's a tuf one LB, finding work laymen and architects can both enjoy. your example is nice (though pretty close to 180 degrees from what i aspire to, which sorta figures)...

my brother loves jon jerde's stuff...especially the mall in osaka, close to where he lives...and me dear ol mum would def agree. his work is in fact pretty good with the people moving and the button pushing for emotional contenment...architecturally sucks hind teat, but urbanistically often well some ways gehry pushes the same buttons, especially with bilbao. very visceral place that.

by chance i just saw the documentary "sketches of frank gehry" seems to me his is just doing his thing, like all of us here. his preoccupations are not the same as ed mazria's (for example), which is maybe good maybe bad...i am leaning for the moment with the idea that it is a good thing cuz mazria, love him as much as i do, is a horrible gods awful architect when it comes to design content. and the world is a better place for the bilbao at least, if not the rest...

Dec 21, 06 7:19 pm  · 

kerzner doesn't have a daughter

Dec 23, 06 6:14 am  · 
chatter of clouds

postal: "we can't just squeeze programs into meaningless forms with incedental moments of interest...just because it looks good on the cover of a magazine?"

an amusing design. i don't see the need for the heady concern if its not an environmental disaster, not colonialising its context and not being financed by criminals. sure, its not very intellectually stimulating, but i expect it would be fun.

jump- i also share your mother's dislike for zumthor's works. they're sensually onanistic. there is something sleazy in his baths, bare surfaces and wanna-lick-me materiality or are bath houses always potentially sleazy? the materiality of the walls in, say, the barcelona pavilion is more supportable because the architecture is not didactically telling you these are walls to be licked. they're interesting as well as materially evocative, zumthor's is just neither interesting nor fun. and why isnt it as equally theme-parkish in dictating éxperientialism' as gehry's aqua-vulva land?

Dec 24, 06 11:28 am  · 

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