
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!

Living in Gin

That's a bummer about MIT, and a bummer about your boss. Why did he fuck you over like that? May him and all his children be cursed with chronic flatulence and a painful rectal itch.

Nothing in today's mail from Cornell, nor from anybody else for that matter.

Mar 30, 07 7:38 pm  · 

Tonight I'm going to drink like a motherf*cker and sing the UT fight song all f*cking night. And I don't even like sports.

Thank you UT. I will love you forever.

Mar 30, 07 7:38 pm  · 

dude, scisipak...or however you say that..

don't try and step ....with freaking Honda rebel.. I laugh at your Rebel!!!!.....I am sorry that misses the point for Scooterology!!!

, but ...Congrats on your UT acceptantance

Mar 30, 07 7:42 pm  · 

Thanks Baboomba and congrats on UT, you should be proud!

Did you get MIT info via postal mail or email?

Mar 30, 07 7:43 pm  · 

baboomba...have you already taken college calc & physics I & II for UT's pre-reqs? If not, how are you planning on taking them? I'm not sure how I can fit them in!

Mar 30, 07 7:50 pm  · 

yeah well, sorry Form...but my Rebel will kick your scooter's a$$

Mar 30, 07 7:51 pm  · 


With each drink I drink tonight, I will raise a toast to you and pray to God that you get into Cornell.

Mar 30, 07 7:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks.... An acceptance letter from Cornell would certainly re-kindle my faith in a benevolent diety.

Mar 30, 07 7:57 pm  · 

Has anyone heard anything from Cal Poly Pomona?

Mar 30, 07 7:57 pm  · 


I've already satisfied the UT prerequisites, so don't have to worry about it. Had lots of calculus and physics in as an engineering undergrad.

Maybe you'll have to go early and take the classes this summer. They just sent me my required program in the mail and I think there might some information in that packet when you get it.


I got a letter in the mail from MIT.

Mar 30, 07 7:58 pm  · 

cool, I expect mine tomorrow then.

have a great weekend everyone and goodluck to those still holding out for answers.

Mar 30, 07 8:01 pm  · 

I'm hoping for a UW packet in the mail today.... hopefully NOT saying that I need prerequisites. I got something from CCA the other day saying that I was strongly encouraged to take a three-week jumpstart type program at the end of the summer. It would be nice to be admitted somewhere without all kinds of bullshit attached to it...

Mar 30, 07 8:03 pm  · 


Thanks for the words of concern. I haven't decided yet, but am leaning toward going to school. I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather do. Still, it's a very difficult decision to make.

I'll let everyone know what I decide very soon.

Here's another item on this topic.

I am slowing down
As the years go by
I am sinking

So I trick myself
Like everybody else
The secrets I hide
Twist me inside
They make me weaker

So I trick myself
Like everybody else
I crouch in fear and wait
I'll never feel again

If only I could remember
Anything at all

Mar 30, 07 8:06 pm  · 

Honda Rebel!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHA!!!!!! That's like trying to intimidate someone with a pink water pistol.....

Mar 30, 07 8:21 pm  · 

I want the pink buddy scooter! but I'm not trying to intimidate anyone with it (that is what angry stares and wild banshee attacks are for)

Mar 30, 07 8:24 pm  · 

baboomba, I am really annoyed on your behalf. That bullshit about your boss really, really upsets me. Because if you've done good work then who is he to drag his sorry-ass problems into your life and muck it all up?

Don't mean to throw a wrench into the decision but I really hope you go to UT now and tear it up. I mean, do all sorts of off the wall shit, get published, and then you should send one of your least spectacular models (because all of them will be spectacular) to him and make sure you leave it on his fucking door step.

Have a drink for me. My stomach hurts. Again. God I hope I don't get an ulcer.

Mar 30, 07 8:34 pm  · 

This is very important, but unrelated to my last post:

Archinect Scooter Gang

....for all of you who don't venture too far from the grad school thread :o)

Mar 30, 07 8:42 pm  · 

boomer, that is one of my FAVORITE Cure songs of all time...great pull.

Mar 30, 07 9:23 pm  · 

haven't heard anything from cal poly pomona, yet either.

Mar 30, 07 10:04 pm  · 

baboomba- sorry to hear that. you are not alone, I think I will get my mit rejection letter in the mail tomorrow. You think I should find out why?

Mar 30, 07 10:04 pm  · 

If you want , I will ride my scooter, all on fire. through his window at your work if you like. I am not going to grad school so i have nothing to live for anyway.

Mar 30, 07 10:19 pm  · 

similar to chuck norris...

Mar 30, 07 10:25 pm  · 

hey bamboomda - i had someone once write me what i would consider a less than stunning recommendation letter which i really took as 1] really not knowing how to write it because they are not connected to school and 2] really not knowing me. luckily i got it before it went on and suggested i write it for him and he just add the bits he wanted - and he did it!

so now i always always for the most part write what i will call 'guide points' for the persons who i am asking to write the recommendation [thinks about me / my experience that could effectively be cut and pasted into a letter] or with some people specifically -just write it for them - give them the file and have them edit as they wish!

these recommendation letters are really looked at seriously so if you dont think your going to get a good one out of someone dont ask them. the grant i was applying for required me to get this person to write it - it wasnt my first choice but fortunately i got the edit alternative.

Mar 31, 07 7:52 am  · 


i still havent heard from MIT... can i ask you where you live?

Mar 31, 07 4:55 pm  · 

Birdman, i got my letter from columbia like two or three weeks ago.

Mar 31, 07 5:40 pm  · 

I just got back from the UMichigan recruitment. I was surprised that it seemed so theory based. Anyone else go to it?

Mar 31, 07 5:57 pm  · 
Nell Lime

I got my final rejection letters today:
accepted + attending = UO
rejected = UBC, UW, + UC Berkeley

Mar 31, 07 6:02 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

what's proper attire for an open house? t-shirt and jeans? or should i dress nice if i want to ask them to give me more money?

Mar 31, 07 7:22 pm  · 

if you dress nice, then they will think you dont need more money.

Mar 31, 07 7:53 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

the commiserating has definitely slowed down a bit here. didn't anyone get any news yesterday at all?

good thing April Fools Day is a Sunday so no one is second guessing any mail that they got!

Apr 1, 07 11:57 am  · 
Living in Gin

No news here. I'll call Cornell tomorrow and try to find out what's up.

Apr 1, 07 12:00 pm  · 

nope, no news. Not even my expected packet from UW. Big fat nothing.

Apr 1, 07 12:19 pm  · 

no news. waiting on carnegie phd program- still.

but i did go to the UVA Open House this weekend- and i am *almost* sold on going there :) it was fantastic- all of the professors were very laid back and approachable, there was really great work going on by students in all the paths (path A, B, and C) - i will be path C and i will get to set up my own research plan and curriculum, which i find fantastic... and it was really great to see all the study abroad opportunities... the professors were very encouraging with research as well...

and the weather couldnt have been more beautiful to showcase TJs campus... like i said, i am pretty much sold on UVA (even bought a t-shirt haha)

Apr 1, 07 12:37 pm  · 

my god i wish i had known about this thread during the terrifying, panic-stricken five month preceeding this one.
is there anyone thinking about cornell or columbia? i got rejected from UT austin (my top choice) and penn - now it's down to c&c.

Apr 1, 07 2:17 pm  · 

rationalist - i just got back from the UW open house. the financial aid office said that they don't have award letters ready yet. he said it would be soon, but they still were waiting on some tuition information for next year...i don't know if that's what you were waiting for or not (assuming maybe you were expecting recruitment info from the mfa program??) but just fyi about loans, etc.. . based on what he said i wouldn't expect anything for at least another week.

Apr 1, 07 3:30 pm  · 

Fin de application

Rice (attending)


Happy to be done with it and excited about heading back to Houston.

Apr 1, 07 3:40 pm  · 


Apr 1, 07 3:43 pm  · 


i had exactly the same reaction about UMich. i was definitely expecting it to be more practical-oriented. but then again, they've been hiring a lot of faculty from sci-arc...

i think it's UT Austin for me, it seems like a really well-balanced program

Apr 1, 07 3:43 pm  · 

w3- thanks. I was just waiting on the official notification that should include how much the tuition deposit is, where to send it, etc, plus any other details about the program and whether I have an open house date or any of that fun stuff. They had emailed my acceptance and told me the official paperwork would go in the mail last wednesday. I already got the recruitment info from the MFA program- one quarter per year TA w/ tuition waiver for that quarter and $4300 stipend, and a $3k scholarship. Basically I'll end up taking out about $12k in loans for the first year, and $2k in loans for the second year (yay for residency!), so it passes the benchmark for affordability.

Apr 1, 07 3:53 pm  · 

oh, and w3, do you think UW's where you'll end up? How was the architecture program?

Apr 1, 07 3:54 pm  · 

rationalist - right now i do think that i'll be in seattle next fall. man i love that city. i was really impressed with the program - the open house really reinforced that the program is a really good fit for me. $$$ is a problem - they didn't offer me anything in recruitment, and they said that they don't have much for recruitment anyway. i'm not super worried about that right now since it seems like such a good fit - they said that they have a lot more money available for students once they're in the program...whatever that means, but yes...yay for residency after the first year!
i am going to clemson next weekend for their open house (stark contrast to seattle). so i'm expecting to make my final decision then. its tough because clemson did offer me an assistantship w/ full tuition remission...i just don't know if that will outweigh the opportunity in seattle. we'll see in a week - but right now i'd say my chances of going to UW are strong to quite strong.

Apr 1, 07 4:03 pm  · 

That does make for a hard choice. I feel lucky that (at least so far) the place that offered me the best situation financially is a place that I would be very happy to be.

Apr 1, 07 4:09 pm  · 

that is great for sure - regardless i think i'd regret it forever if i went to an option further down on my list just to save some cash...not to make money an insignificant factor as it can't be, but if i know a program will be a better fit, then i'm willing to pay for it if the opportunity to go is there.

Apr 1, 07 4:16 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

reason enough to go to yale?

Apr 1, 07 4:59 pm  · 

I believe this is the granddaddy of all sexy Architecture rock videos.

Apr 1, 07 6:01 pm  · 

Sorry to pass the message along: Matisse didn't make the GSD cutoff. So he will be working in the office for another year. Frito Jack did make it into MIT...but will take a year to accept because he doesn't want to be alone in Beantown with out Matisse.

Apr 1, 07 6:11 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

snooker, are these people that we should know? the names look vaguely familiar.....

wait a second, are those your dogs?

Apr 1, 07 6:23 pm  · 
snooker boys....!

Apr 1, 07 6:27 pm  · 

namby: now that was hot

Apr 1, 07 7:10 pm  · 

oh it is so quiet here....

I've got an official acceptance letter from SCI-Arc today. (I received an email notification previously). However, it was not addressed to me. What's also interesting is the date of the letter: may 23, 2007.
very interesting indeed.

Apr 2, 07 6:33 am  · 

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