
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!

Juicy Gossip!

"Colleges Hiring Lenders to Field Queries on Aid"

Mar 28, 07 11:00 pm  · 

sci-arc package in the mail... not very exciting (as i was already notified via email) but this thread has gotten dull...

Mar 28, 07 11:01 pm  · 

namby, that's downright creepy. some scumbag mba probably came up with that scheme!

DubK -- definitely down with the coffee breaks this Fall. i'll let you know if i get in. where? on this friggin' thread, of course!!!

Mar 28, 07 11:39 pm  · 
broccolijet the phat sciarc package as well and was tempted by the $500 deferred acceptance option...maybe...for a second...

Mar 28, 07 11:41 pm  · 

yeah this thread has gone a little flat. another day and no MIT word for me. I think they are waiting until the last possible second to notify the rest of us, so that we have no choice but to be dumbfounded and go there if it's thumbs up. or, if a reject letter, shrug it off because we anticipated it.

Mar 29, 07 12:31 am  · 

LIG, any word from cornell yet?

Mar 29, 07 1:01 am  · 

Hey Rationalist, when did you graduate from USC? I'm '06.

Mar 29, 07 2:38 am  · 
Living in Gin

Nothing from Cornell yet, FROCCLI.

Mar 29, 07 7:57 am  · 

Damn those Nelnet people! So sneeky!

Mar 29, 07 8:06 am  · 

nothing for me yet either, but i did have to switch my address - so i think some of my mail is backed up. le sigh.

Mar 29, 07 8:15 am  · 

oh wow, broccoli. I had assumed you were applying for next year. how late do they take applications?

signore- '05

Mar 29, 07 10:53 am  · 

i'm still waiting on 2 schools, arizona and ga tech. i should hear from tech by tomorrow or early next week. i hope it's early next week, since tomorrow is my brithday. i had the worst dream about it last night! got home to find a huge package waiting for me from tech, just to open it and have it be full of the comments from everyone who viewed my portfolio and stuff, telling me how unfit i am for grad school! i was quite tramatized this morning when i woke up!!

laurilan, can't wait to see you tomorrow!! call me when the rehersal dinner is over, and i'll let you know if we're still at dinner, or if we're already at the club!!

Mar 29, 07 10:53 am  · 

rationalist -- deadline in june 1 (rolling admissions from oct-jun). i banged out the application over the last 2 weeks. just waiting on recommendations and transcript. taking the gmat on 4/11. this shit is SO much easier when you don't have to do a portfolio!!

Mar 29, 07 11:11 am  · 



Mar 29, 07 2:23 pm  · 

I just wrote MIT ejecting them instead of waiting indefinitely for their reply to my application...I just wanted this whole process completed...and now it is.

goodluck to everyone still waiting and to those of you who know where you are going and to those still deciding.

Mar 29, 07 2:23 pm  · 

Ha! That's excellent. May we see the wording?

Mar 29, 07 2:35 pm  · 

congrats jason! That must have been gratifying.

Pratt? MICA? CCA financial aid? C'mon, lets get this shit done!

Mar 29, 07 2:39 pm  · 

yeah really... I'm only waiting on MIT and money at this point. Although it's UCLA money I'm looking for and they already said they'll send letters mid April. Would be nice to get a UCLA package also... the letter that says "we'll send you the fun stuff later" is starting to lose it's sheen.

Mar 29, 07 2:49 pm  · 

haha. I'm supposed to get UW's official stuff any day now (supposedly mailed yesterday), but apparently no financial aid until June. So it's good that my department's taken care of the big money items up front!

CCA's financial aid is supposed to come out in 'mid-April', so I'm toying with the idea of giving them a call and letting them know that I'm pressed to decide by April 15th, so is there anything they can tell me now...?

Mar 29, 07 2:53 pm  · 

An Open Letter to the University of Minnesota

Listen, we both knew we weren't right for each other from the start. Yes, I thought about it for about a month, and strung you along, and for that I feel bad. But here we are almost 3 months later, and what have I heard from you? Nothing. Not a call, not an email, not even a postcard. I sent you $50, the least you could do is give me the courtesy of a letter!

I still don't want you. But I do want that letter.


Mar 29, 07 2:56 pm  · 

O.k. I'm just going to ask. What the Hell does dubK mean? I feel like I'm being left out.

Mar 29, 07 2:59 pm  · 

It's a nickname. For my screen name. Which only vaguely alludes to my real name.

AP called me "dubK" one day and it just stuck.

WonderK = WK = double-u K = dubK

Mar 29, 07 3:01 pm  · 

reject letter to UM???

so if cmu made a decision about me as early as tuesday, then maybe when i get home today there will be a package??? or tomorrow or saturday (considering if they ups/fedex)

Mar 29, 07 3:02 pm  · 

Dumb question:

Do you have to apply for the financial aid that you guys are talking about or do they just make an offer to everyone once you are accepted?

Mar 29, 07 3:28 pm  · 

You fill out a FAFSA and whatever supplemental information they may ask for... Then you cross your fingers and pray.

Mar 29, 07 3:31 pm  · 

Actual financial aid, yes. You have to fill out the FAFSA at minimum, and some schools have supplemental forms or use the CSS profile as well.

Scholarships on the other hand, are usually offered with admission. But again, a few schools do have specific forms to fill out.

I have not gotten a single real financial aid package yet, only merit-based scholarships.

Mar 29, 07 3:31 pm  · 

my letter was nothing shocking - just direct and to the point


I have yet to receive any information regarding the status of my application to the March program.

I am writing to let you know I have already decided on an MArch program; I will be attending Rice University.

Thanks for your time - Kind Regards,
Ignored New Mexican

Mar 29, 07 4:22 pm  · 

well done jason

Mar 29, 07 4:24 pm  · 

Balls. Big ones.

Mar 29, 07 4:24 pm  · 

Is anyone else goign to UCLA debating about taking jumpstart this summer?

would anyone who has done it already be able to check out my portfolio and let me know if they think i could get something out of it. I am just trying to see if the 3000 is worth it, and if having and extra quarter of history during they year could be manageble (what i would have to do if i dont take it) Any thoughts?

Mar 29, 07 4:26 pm  · 

mctwist - I did jumpstart last year and it was invaluable to me. I came into it with zero architecture background so everything was new from hand/computer drafting to not sleeping for 72 hours. The program lead directly to my decision to go to graduate school and(I'm sure) my acceptance to UCLA. What is your background?

Mar 29, 07 4:51 pm  · 

clarito, thats kind of why im wondering if i should do it. I have 2 years of experience at a firm in LA, have done extensive 3-D modeling, can use photoshop and illiustrator, and have built many models. what i havent done is gone through the stress of a crit and taken architectural history. I was lucky to find a firm that would be willing to teach me things from zero experience.

I just think i might be able to read a bunch of the books on the reading list and learn rhino on my own this summer and get a new computer with the 3k saved.

Mar 29, 07 5:16 pm  · 

Man, nothing in the mail today. I'm starting to get pissed.



I really feel like just calling and asking what the deal is.

Mar 29, 07 5:20 pm  · 

Baboomba - If you call MIT I'd love to hear what they say. I'm over it (am going to UCLA) and I'm not really angry since most schools say they'll notify "by April 1st" so they aren't really late yet... but I would like a response.

Mctwist - Sounds like you've got your answer. You'll get the stress of a crit soon enough. :-) Maybe just take a summer school arch history class to get those credits out of the way/adjust to homework and use the saved money on the computer.

Mar 29, 07 5:28 pm  · 

funny thing is that... MIT had one of the earliest deadlines..

Mar 29, 07 6:04 pm  · 

And isn't their open house next week? Probably means they've notified everyone who was accepted.

I decided not to call after I realized that they're an hour ahead and are probably gone for the day.

Mar 29, 07 6:08 pm  · 

Clairito and others who have done some sort of an architectural summer program,

I am considering taking another year to prepare for grad school and so I am thinking about attending a summer program to help prepare me. Do you think it matters which summer program I attend, be it UCLA's, Harvard's, Columbia's or SCI-Arc, or that I should just go to the one closest to me?

Mar 29, 07 6:11 pm  · 


Mar 29, 07 6:14 pm  · 

ditto to kristin_kai

Mar 29, 07 6:32 pm  · 


Mar 29, 07 6:38 pm  · 

Thanks kristin,

didn't think about the recs, that's a good idea.

Mar 29, 07 6:39 pm  · 

this thread is a ghost town

Mar 29, 07 6:39 pm  · 

it's an addiction... I wish I'd applied to more schools so I could get more mail.

Mar 29, 07 6:59 pm  · 

Give me your address, I'll send you my letters of rejection. Every last one of them.

Mar 29, 07 7:10 pm  · 

I have heard that at some bars you can get a free drink for every letter of rejection you have from a school. Similar to how Chuck E Cheese's used to give you free tokens for every 'A' you got in elementary school......only better.

Mar 29, 07 7:15 pm  · 

Damn! i didn't know Chuck E Cheese's did that! I should have tried harder in elementary school.

Mar 29, 07 7:26 pm  · 

Now I wish I'd applied to fewer schools. I should have left off SCAD and RIT and only applied to the great schools. Then I would have had more time for my portfolios and could have made them even better to get more $$$. But then, of course I say this now that I've gotten into 2 of my top schools. How was I to know? My boyfriend claims he always knew I'd get in everywhere, but I think he's just saying that.

Mar 29, 07 7:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've officially joined the ranks of the GSD rejects today. Hardly a surprise at this point, and I wouldn't have been able to enroll this fall anyway, but it still sucks.

The score:

Okay, Cornell, it's all up to you now. Help me avoid a total shutout here.

Mar 29, 07 7:54 pm  · 

All you need is one LiG. Good Luck!

Mar 29, 07 7:59 pm  · 

Sorry to hear it, LIG. So if you get into Cornell, can you go?

Mar 29, 07 8:33 pm  · 

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