
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


kristin_kai- hundreds of people did that project. I'm not kidding. There were about 85-90 people in my class at the time doing that project, and I know that the year before mine did the same project, as well as several years after that. Even if she was in my year, there's no guarantee we had the same studio professor, as we were broken up into groups of 12-15. And there was a ton of plexi being used in second year, ubiquitously. It was somewhat of a fashion at the time, and I can think of two girls in my studio who could fit that description, much less those in other studios, or other years... anyway, I guess I'm saying that there's a slim chance that I was actually in studio with this person, and even if I was, I'd need a way bigger hint to identify them. = )

Mar 5, 07 2:50 pm  · 

all right, now THAT's a hint I get! I saw her a couple of weeks ago actually, seems like she's calmed down a lot. So she was actually in my year, but I don't think I was ever actually in the same studio as her in the entire five years.

Yeah, once the professors at USC find a project they like, they assign it year after year. They might decide to change the site, or something about the program, or the scheduling of it, but some projects become somewhat of a tradition (at least in first and second year), and the library was one of them. Unfortunately, they don't let them build boats anymore. I thought about putting my boat in there, but my pictures were all crap so I left it out.

Mar 5, 07 3:00 pm  · 

Yay, an opportunity to use my psychology degree!

From my abnormal psychology textbook: "..the Type A individual has an intense and competitive drive for achievement and advancement, an exaggerated sense of the urgency of passing time and of the need to hurry, and considerable aggressiveness and hostility toward others." Of interesting note, you are mostly at risk for coronary disease/heart attacks if you're a hostile Type A person.

Furthermore, "A significant problem is the vague terminology that has been used (anger, hostility, cynicism) and the lack of agreement among measures used to assess these concepts." Basically, the question is, how do you measure hostility? Is it what a person feels inside? Is it how a person relates to others? How can you measure something like that from a self-report questionnaire if the person isn't aware of how their actions are perceived by others?

That test seems to not parse out well people who have general anxiety problems, and those who are anxious because they're so desperate to be the champions of the world and beat everyone to the finish line.

Mar 5, 07 3:01 pm  · 

And thanks for all the lovely compliments guys. My boss asked to see my portfolio when I told him about all this, to talk about me taking over the graphics in the office (until some urgent set of shop drawings comes in, that it.... *rolls eyes*), and I'm a bit nervous. I'm actually kind of scared that he'll tell me it's crap, and I won't know if he means it or he's just trying to keep me from leaving architecture.

Mar 5, 07 3:02 pm  · 

Just got into UCLA! Got a voicemail from a prof! SIGH OF RELIEF!

Mar 5, 07 3:05 pm  · 

arrghhhh that means ucla is calling people RIGHT NOW!

Mar 5, 07 3:11 pm  · 

CRAP!!!!! UW initially told me that interviews would be between 1pm and 4pm next Friday, and they'd get back to me with a specific time. So I went and booked a flight that lands at 9:07am that day, figuring I'd have plenty of time. So what happens? I get an email today stating that my appointment time is at 10AM!!!!! FUCK!!!! There is so, sooooo much that can go wrong when I have only 53 minutes to get off a plane, onto a shuttle, and over to the UW campus. Assuming that the flight is on time, which is always an iffy prospect.

Contgratulations to 222!

Mar 5, 07 3:21 pm  · 

Man, chill. Just tell them that your plane doesn't get in until 9:07 and you might be a little late. Not your fault they gave you the wrong information.

Congratulations 222.

Mar 5, 07 3:24 pm  · 

yes, just communicate your constraints.

and, congrats 8

Mar 5, 07 3:27 pm  · 


Rationalist - you should just call them and let them know. They can probably reschedule you or just start the interview late. Splurge on a cab from the airport!

Mar 5, 07 3:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, 222!

Mar 5, 07 3:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Rationalist: I don't think SEA-TAC is all that far from UW, so you should probably be okay if your flight is on time and you grab a taxi.

Mar 5, 07 3:30 pm  · 

twotwotwo - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

(Would you mind saying what letter of the alphabet your last name starts with? I'm hoping I hear from them too, but my name is toward the end of the alphabet, so I'm hoping that there is a logic for why they haven't rushed to call me, other than me not getting in :) )

Mar 5, 07 3:32 pm  · 

Rationalist - you should reschedule your appointment. I am sure they will understand. It's not *that* far between UW and the airpirt (probably a 30 minute drive in good traffic conditions, plus finding out where the hell your interview is on UW's ginormous campus) but the traffic on I-5 can suck unpredictably, especially at that time of day.

Mar 5, 07 3:33 pm  · 

ok, they were quick. I'm rescheduled. 1pm. It's all good. Sorry for freaking out on you guys there, I'm just a little stressed right now. I'm sure you guys understand.

It didn't help that we've been seeing all these huge delays at airports (including SEA-TAC) on the news lately.

I also got out of the the precise location of my interview, and the fact that I will be meeting with three faculty members. 15-20 portfolio review, then talk about curriculum and answering my questions. Damn, I'd better come up with some questions! Right now my only planned question is, "So am I in?"

Mar 5, 07 3:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I got mine in for all schools on February 1st (Yale's deadline).

Mar 5, 07 3:38 pm  · 

Congratulations twotwotwo! Man I want a phone call! Wwwaaaaaaaaa!!!

Mar 5, 07 3:44 pm  · 

My last name starts with K.

Also, yeah, phone call was from an acquaintance on the faculty there (met her this summer at the Jumpstart program). So maybe that's why the phone call. Good luck to you!

Mar 5, 07 3:47 pm  · 

But they might have looked at my app under B because my maiden name (now middle name) is with a B and they might have used that by mistake. Who knows?

Wow, having a maiden name is a weird concept. Like, when I have kids they use my maiden name for like identification and stuff. Sorry, had to get that out. Weird.

Mar 5, 07 3:49 pm  · 

congatulations 2's!! did you apply to m.arch 1 or 2?

Mar 5, 07 3:51 pm  · 

my name's with a b as well, but no call yet for my case "b" is for bad omen.

Mar 5, 07 3:52 pm  · 

who didn't apply ucla? everyone wants to go to LA? how so? In state tuition?

what did you guys get on your GRE? Just curious.

Mar 5, 07 3:56 pm  · 

I didn't apply to UCLA.

Mar 5, 07 3:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I didn't apply to UCLA, mainly because A) I want to get back to the east coast, and B) UCLA wants their M.Arch. I students to begin in the summer, which won't work for me. (I dropped Cincinnati and Oregon from my apply-to list for the same reasons.) It sounds like a very good program, though.

Mar 5, 07 3:59 pm  · 

i didn't apply to UCLA either. forgive me for maybe asking a question that has probably already been addressed, but who on this thread is coming from an arch. backround? ie: BS Arch, BA Arch ?

Mar 5, 07 4:02 pm  · 

I got really good GRE scores.. uh that's about all I want to say about that. I don't think they're important.

Mar 5, 07 4:02 pm  · 

Not me. I have a bachelors in mechanical engineering.

Mar 5, 07 4:02 pm  · 

oh, BFA background, non architecture.

Mar 5, 07 4:02 pm  · 

yeah. sucks that some of them begin in the summer. you can't even enjoy the vacation before hell.

Mar 5, 07 4:05 pm  · 

i also did well on the gre. i live in los angeles and i'm not leaving, so ucla or sciarc it is.

in-state tuition is also a huge factor when you're getting a degree from a program whose reputation is rapidly catching up to (if not already on par with) the ivies.

Mar 5, 07 4:06 pm  · 

LiG -- at the ucla fall open house, they mentioned that attending the summer session (jumpstart) was "highly encouraged" but not required. has this changed into a tacit (or stated) requirement?

wouldn't make much sense to make it a blanket requirement for all m.arch 1'ers since some people (like twotwotwo) have already done it.

just curious...

Mar 5, 07 4:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I think I remember reading on their website that their M.Arch. I was a 3.5-year program that began in the summer. I could be wrong, though. Too late to do me any good now, but if I somehow don't go to grad school this year, UCLA would most likely be on my list of schools to apply to next year.

My background:

I began my BA degree in the 4+2 program at UIC in 1995, left the program in 1999, took a few classes in Drexel's B.Arch. program in 2002-2003, left that one as well, and I'm now finishing up a liberal arts BA at DePaul University. In the meantime, I've been working at various architecture firms for about 11 years now.

So, even though I don't have an official pre-professional degree and probably won't get advanced standing, I do have somewhat of an architectural background with a few studios and a lot of professional experience to my credit.

Mar 5, 07 4:24 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

i also got a call from UCLA

Mar 5, 07 4:28 pm  · 

thanks - i have a bs arch. received it in 04. so i'm applying for 2-year m.arch first professional degree programs w/ emphasis on urban design. that said - i've heard back from 2-schools so far:
UW - Seattle. accepted - really stoked about that. got a letter today.
Clemson. accepted as well. i e-mailed them and they told me in response to that e-mail.

Still waiting to hear from Michigan, UVa, Maryland, Colorado

Mar 5, 07 4:34 pm  · 

good news or bad news Chase?

Mar 5, 07 4:36 pm  · 

So I haven't received any calls yet, nor accepetance packages in the mail, but I did receive an utterly "charming" missive from WonderK that made my day :)

Mar 5, 07 4:36 pm  · 

Chase must have good news, because can you imagine a school personally calling people to tell them they *didn't* get in?

That's what the short generic letter is for!!!

Mar 5, 07 4:37 pm  · 

M.Arch I

I applied to LA schools because my husband accepted a great job there. We also went out to LA last summer and loved it. So... I probably won't even get the in-state tuition until next year unfortunately...

GRE scores. Oh god, that was a disgusting test. Truly vomitous. I honestly don't think schools care very much, but I got a 710 math, 620 verbal, and 5.0 writing.

Mar 5, 07 4:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

"Hi, Chase? This Thom Mayne from UCLA. I'm just calling to let you know that you have not been accepted into our program. Good luck in your future endeavors. Thanks."

Mar 5, 07 4:39 pm  · 

wgp3 - just out of curiosity why did you apply to colorado?

Mar 5, 07 4:40 pm  · 

yeah, i guess that was a stupid question huh?

LiG's scenario would be pretty friggin' funny though.

Mar 5, 07 4:40 pm  · 

wgp3 - would you choose maryland over UW?

I visited Maryland - I like their facility. they don't care if you use PC or Mac. In fact, 50% are PC users, 50% are mac for grad class 2006.

I got accpetd to UW too. I'm planning to visit.

over all, where do you wanna go?

Mar 5, 07 4:41 pm  · 

OMG, people are already getting calls/letters. I havent heard back from anybody yet!

Mar 5, 07 4:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

"Yeah, Chase, we'd normally just send a polite form letter, but your portfolio was so exceptionally bad that I decided to call you personally."

Mar 5, 07 4:42 pm  · 

cpnorris - i'm local. it's a backup option, and a very realistic option financially. i'm not super impressed with their program but they do offer a master of urban design, which is a major plus for me. i'm applying for their dual march/mud option.

Mar 5, 07 4:43 pm  · 

hey 222, your verbal score is damn good. They others aren't bad either, but I was completely stumped on the verbal portion, so the fact that you broke 600 is awesome to me.

Why does UW put art students through the hell of travelling for interviews, but architecture students get accepted without them? I'm going to be a nervous wreck by the time I get on that plane next friday, so I'm going to need some drinks with the Seattle archinectors to calm me back down.

I want an acceptance!!!!!!! If I could get a 'yes' from one school before I went up to Seattle, my nerves would be far less frayed...

Mar 5, 07 4:43 pm  · 

dude, you're killin' me over here!! hahahahahahaha (or as they say in these internet circles: lol)

Mar 5, 07 4:44 pm  · 

wgp3 - I'm local to denver too. I went to CU Boulder for undergrad and know quite a few faculty members at denver. did you go to CU Boulder too?

Mar 5, 07 4:46 pm  · 

ding - the only reason i would choose maryland over UW is because i'm interested in their community planning program along w/ the m.arch. at this point i've pretty much written off maryland for other reasons but depending on what the end financial situation looks like - that could still be a factor as to why i'd go to maryland. overall my top choices would be either Virginia or Michigan. right now i'm leaning toward virginia but i'm not holding my breath about getting in.

Mar 5, 07 4:46 pm  · 

cpnorris - i actually did my undergrad in idaho. yeah, idaho...
any insider thoughts about the program you'd like to pass along?

Mar 5, 07 4:51 pm  · 

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