
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I just know the CCA and Pratt history as I was into all the art schools out of high school in 89 and having worked in the graphics field for a long time I have friend that have gone to and taught at both...dont know about the Maryland school...I have heard iffy things about SCAD of all the ones you listed.

Portfolio Center in Atlanta gets overlooked a lot due to it not being a degree program...but it is a great place...also the Art Center in Pasadena...that was my dream school...but ACC had to do, along with a ton of self motivated learning.

Mar 5, 07 12:46 pm  · 

namby- that's really funny, because their house is often mistaken for the 'Animal House' house. We used to get questions from people all the time, "was that Animal House movie filmed here?" I'm kind of suprised actually that nobody had come up with an Animalhaus theme before, because when you post it, it looks so damn obvious.

Mar 5, 07 12:48 pm  · 

Hmm, in my work experience, I've had basically all fantastic bosses, male and female. Only in two work environments did I have any negative energy, and those were both fashion magazines (go figure.) Neg energy came from males and females in those offices, as did positive energy... it was all dependent on the people. In my academic life, I've had an equal amount of incredibly wonderful/supportive male and female mentors as well. Some of them are the "balanced" type and some of them are the "career at expense of personal life" type. Definitely haven't had the shrewish-female-superior experience AT ALL!

I have only had one really awful boss, a male, who sexually harassed me and even mildly attacked me once (fought him off very easily, but still!!).

Mar 5, 07 12:48 pm  · 

I needed to get out of LA, so Art Center is not for me. Everyone keeps asking me why I didn't apply there, but I'm so done with LA that I didn't even look!

Mar 5, 07 12:49 pm  · 

Yikes, we're clipping along today.

Do you get the feeling that this thread is populated by all the people that did their grad school homework, while the "accepted yet" thread gets more of the wide-eyed, "fresh" types?

Mar 5, 07 12:51 pm  · 

you ,ight enjoy this old tshirt design of mine rationalist...or anyone with font love.

Mar 5, 07 12:53 pm  · 

JASON! I want that.

Mar 5, 07 12:54 pm  · 

We sold out in a day at flatstock 3 years ago...I guess I should reprint a run.

Mar 5, 07 12:55 pm  · 

I have the problem with my female bosses attacking me at work all the time. I usually just say, "Hey, babe, not at work. Okay?" and that takes care of it.

Mar 5, 07 12:55 pm  · 

Yes. The "accepted yet thread" is for wanna-bes.

Mar 5, 07 12:56 pm  · 

nicey: I did my undergrad at Parsons.....BFA in Product Design. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with the school. Pros: They're pretty generous with scholarships, small class sizes, real "community" feel, great location (all the resources you could need right at your fingertips), most of the instructors are full-time employees at top design firms. Cons: I was a bit annoyed (at least when I was attending) that the focus seemed to be more on creating "beautiful things" rather than "innovative things," I don't feel like they taught us all of the necessary computer programs for the industry, some of the teachers were huge egomaniacs (although I"m sure this is true at any art school). But that was just my experience......I'm sure the graduate architecture department is a whole different story. The best thing to do is to talk to someone who is currently in the program.....maybe twotwotwo can hook you up with an email address? Or you can even do what I did last year when I was curious about Michigan which is to look up people on myspace who are in the program (sounds cheesy, but people actually wrote back to me with some interesting information).

Mar 5, 07 12:57 pm  · 

O.k. I'm gonna post every 10 seconds until I get a decision.

Mar 5, 07 12:58 pm  · 

Me too. I kerned the CRAP out of that portfolio. Not that it really shows on the screen at the scale coroflot shows at, but trust me, the word "ARCHITECTURE" autokerns like ass.

I also rather like the zip-up sweatshirts that say 'KERN', so visually you get: KE ! RN with the exclamation point being the zipper. But they're so commercial now that I'm in no rush to go out and buy one.

Mar 5, 07 12:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've noticed that phenomenon as well, WonderK. There's definately a lot of low post counts when you look at who's responding to that thread... [Seinfeld voice]Not that there's anything wrong with that...[/Seinfeld voice]

I've worked for a wide variety of crappy bosses over the years, of both genders. One thing I've realized is that working for so long without a professional degree has forced me to pretty much scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of which firms I end up working for; I typically end up the firms that can't attract or retain people who have the credentials for better career options. My current firm is by far the worst one I've ever worked for, which has had the effect of kicking me in the ass and giving me the incentive I needed to finally finish my undergrad and get into a decent graduate-level program.

Mar 5, 07 12:58 pm  · 

Just kidding, but did I say "I LOVE YOU GUYS"?

Mar 5, 07 12:58 pm  · 

jasoncross PLEASE REPRINT THAT!!!!!

I will so buy one and post it to the archinect shirts thread!!!!

Mar 5, 07 1:00 pm  · 

jasoncross, please PM me and let me know when I can have one of those T-shirts. I can pay you for it or we can barter with some of my photography. Either way.

Mar 5, 07 1:00 pm  · 

jason...i would def buy one of those if you decided to reprint.

i'm assuming it ends with "out" (cropped off the image)?

Mar 5, 07 1:04 pm  · 

I did find it extremely odd that people were mentioning on the 'accepted' thread that they didn't really know much about one of the schools they just got accepted to. Maybe they're just not as excited about the process as I am? Because I have googled these schools to death, talked to people who went there, talked to people who interviewed people who went there, and generally squeezed every ounce of information I could out of my computer. I feel like I have a pretty good picture of every school I've applied to despite not having visited. I guess UW is a test case: we'll see how expectation lives up to the visit, and then I'll say whether I think I know my schools or not.

Mar 5, 07 1:04 pm  · 

ok, I will see what I can do.

Mar 5, 07 1:04 pm  · 

yeah rationalist, that puzzled me too...why would you apply somewhere you had no idea about?

Mar 5, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Or a mix CD. LOL.

namby's photography would be better bartering material, though. So I'll probably just write you a check.

Mar 5, 07 1:06 pm  · 

I don't even own one of my mini cooper/APX shirts. Mine got eaten by dryer gnomes or something. I plan to steal my boyfriend's before heading off to grad school. Maybe I'll swap it for an 'Architecture Sucks' t.

Mar 5, 07 1:08 pm  · 

hey rationalist, did you call pratt yet? ask them if i got in too while you're at it. we east coasters 3 hours ahead by the way.....

Mar 5, 07 1:11 pm  · 

I called, my admissions couselor was either not in (oops, guess I called at lunchtime), or being deluged by calls from other applicants who have been left without a clue of what's going on at Pratt.

I was just planning to ask whether my materials were all accounted for (damned well better be!), and when decisions would be made/mailed.

Mar 5, 07 1:14 pm  · 

rationalist - I'm the same way as you. I've been on Archinect plotting my application to M.Arch programs since I was probably a Freshman in college.

That's somewhere between six and seven years!!!!!!!! I was like 18 when I joined this thing!!!



Yet I still don't feel adequately prepared. Hahahahhaha.

Mar 5, 07 1:19 pm  · 

namby -- the more exclamation points one uses, the more likely they're a Type A personality.


Mar 5, 07 1:26 pm  · 

My friend just got into the Wash U M.Arch I program! I wanna hear from MY schools!

Mar 5, 07 1:27 pm  · 

wonder, lig, namby. thanks for all of your condolences. i just e-mailed them (my calm before the storm).

namby. i agree i think publishing had the worst bosses! the women in finance/consulting were stressed control freaks (with their moments of support) but never were they vile or vicious. publishing is a whole different story. i think there are just too many women in that industry and they're all being asphyxiated by the hormones.

rationalist, beautiful portfolio! i love all of your product designs, especially the moma camera. a sophisticated gadget (in the sense that i can't personally make one at home) enshrouded in all the signs of disposability. and i didn't realize you were so young! you sound so mature and well-lived on the thread :)

Mar 5, 07 1:29 pm  · 

broccolijet, I just took the test, how Type A of me. :P

Range of scores 35 - 380
Low Scores are Type B
High Scores are Type A

I scored 199... pretty close to the middle between A and B. Conveniently, I have provided this thread with something to do to distract itself. Post your personality type!!!

Mar 5, 07 1:33 pm  · 

FROCCLI, personally I would LOVE to be in an all female work environment with all those hormones in the air, but that's maybe a leetle ulterior-motivated of me. ;)

Mar 5, 07 1:35 pm  · 

jeez namby, i should talk...i just scored a 215. i must need more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for the link!

Mar 5, 07 1:40 pm  · 

I scored a 169. It's not a very good test though. I often wanted to click off multiple answers.

Mar 5, 07 1:40 pm  · 

Not that I didn't love an excuse to not do work...because I did!

Mar 5, 07 1:41 pm  · 

I'm a 256. Solidly Type-A, which I would have never considered myself. Hmmm.

Think the question, "How often do you worry about future events?" was thrown off by grad school applicants? I had to answer 'Constantly' right now, though usually my answer would be 'Sometimes'.

Froccli- I'm even younger than you think, too. I graduated high school at 16.

Mar 5, 07 1:42 pm  · 

194. Damn, Rationalist, 256. You must be a real pain in the ass.

Mar 5, 07 1:46 pm  · 

205. I guess that fits...although I despise personality tests...too many assumptions.

Mar 5, 07 1:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

169 here, too. I'm actually surprised I didn't score lower.

Mar 5, 07 1:54 pm  · 

yeah, too many assumptions and not enough choices. my ideal choice for activity during free time isn't to watch tv, but i had to pick that since the other options were even less applicable to me.

Mar 5, 07 1:55 pm  · 

I agree. Reading is what I wanted to pick, but it wasn't a choice, so I picked shopping, because I'd rather shop than watch tv.

Mar 5, 07 1:57 pm  · 

btw, i think we all want this impression that we're laid back because that's the cool, calm, artistic way to be...despite the fact that most of us are closet stress cases or we wouldn't be on this thread.

Mar 5, 07 1:57 pm  · 

yeah, where was "taking my dog for a walk" or "Riding my bike"

shallow and would be silly to put any stock in it...but i have found myself to be silly at times.

Mar 5, 07 1:57 pm  · 

the comedy here is that it's inherently Type A to over-analyze an online personality test.

Mar 5, 07 1:59 pm  · 

I don't necessarily think that. I know that I'm an active, willful person, with strong opinions and little patience. But I tend to associate a 'Type-A' personality with someone who finds social situations easy, which I don't.

Mar 5, 07 1:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin


[rips off shirt, screams, and then cowers in the corner sobbing for the next hour.]

Mar 5, 07 1:59 pm  · 

i would imagine anyone too far to one side or the other would find social situations difficult.

Mar 5, 07 2:00 pm  · 


rationalist, it all makes sense now....I was trying to figure out how you had gone to architecture school but were somehow working in the field for a couple of years up to this point. Many of my friends went to Latin School and also graduated at 16. Most of them are characters. All of them are quite bright.

Mar 5, 07 2:07 pm  · 

I just figured out one day that I didn't really need four years to take all the required classes, so I did it in three. Apparently my parents let me do this because they feared I would drop out if forced to stay there all four years. This bit of logic was divulged to me this past christmas... Thanks for your confidence, Mom!

Mar 5, 07 2:13 pm  · 

just checked princeton's website....."Admission decisions are e-mailed to all applicants no later than March 15. " Eek! 10 days or less to find out!

Mar 5, 07 2:14 pm  · 

just checked princeton's website....."Admission decisions are e-mailed to all applicants no later than March 15. " Eeek! 10 days or less to find out!

Mar 5, 07 2:15 pm  · 

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