
Architecture vs Industrial Design


hi all.....

so last night im cracking away at my portfolio for architecture which i have been planning for 6 months now.

then i realize, all i really know is that design is where i belong. the only reason i chose architecture was because i figured it was the ultimate in design and if i did that, then i would still have many doors open in the design world. but as far as i know, there is no drive for architecture itself....

then i thought, what about industrial design?

id be working on stuff right out of school...... starting salaries are ok....

i think im on to something and just wanted to get your guys' thoughts.

what are some of the top schools for industrial design? i would really appreciate this info so i can start to research. i haven't been able to find much info online.

funny enough, i also haven't been able to find solid industrial/product design forums.....


Oct 16, 06 3:47 pm

I agree with you Architecture is the ultimate level of design (Heavyweight champion). I konw of People who have an Architecture degree working in the design FIeld..

But if you are really interested in Industrial Design..
check out (Industrial designers Socieity of America) will have more info about I.D. it has a directory of all the accredited schools in also has alot of links for designers...

If you want to go to a good school...tyr Pasadaena Art Center College of Design.....

also try It has Industrial Design news and Discussions...

Either way you cant go wrong....

Oct 16, 06 4:10 pm  · 


indeed architecture is the ultimate design, but to even get to a point where one would be actually designing, youd have to wait 20-30 years and a bunch of other crup.....

so i really gotta see if my heart is really in the archi for archi's sake

Oct 16, 06 4:17 pm  · 

ahh, your link to core77 is money. just what i needed.


Oct 16, 06 4:22 pm  · 

I'm going through the exact OPPOSITE scenario as you. I mean, I still really enjoy design, but architecture is where my head and heart are truly at.

Anyway, good luck in your endeavours....

Oct 16, 06 4:22 pm  · 

Soooo many people switch majors during college, I'd advise you to apply to a school that is good at both. Look at University of Cincinatti and Pratt Institute, maybe Cooper Union? (trying to remember if they have ID, I think so). Anyway, if you go to a school that has both, you could try in one for a semester or a year and if it's not working out then you can transfer within the same school.

Oct 16, 06 4:33 pm  · 

catch 22.......

just work on doing i.d. stuff on the side and focus on you arch degree........

once you are labeled with a degree in hand, it's hard for people to take you out of that stereotype....

been there and still dealing with people that "label" me as an architect even though my strong sode is in human scaled


Oct 16, 06 5:13 pm  · 

yah, tis a tough call, i know that if i do architecture, i could always do design on the side. thats what i've been doing this whole time.

but it seems that architecture school is pretty intense, and the number of disciplines id have to learn, structures, etc....

i def think i should zero in on my focus and go full blast there.

Oct 16, 06 5:34 pm  · 
max jerz

Virginia Tech has good programs in both. In fact, their first year foundation studio has both disciplines together. Whatever you end up with, good luck to you!

Oct 16, 06 6:20 pm  · 

i dunno..for me architecture seems to be more rewarding than industrial design...mainly because you're dealing with spaces and environments...and that is something you don't get in industrial design...i might be wrong

Oct 17, 06 1:59 am  · 

good timing with this thread....i am in the same process...finishing my undergrad in arch. and moving into industrial design...i started undergrad arch. at Pratt and have bounced around a few schools and have ended up working full time for 3 years while finishing up the never ending degree, which ends next semester...a good friend who is 2 years out of Pratts ID program suggested this list of schools:
RISD, CCS in Detroit, Cincinatti, Art Center in Pasadena, Royal Academy in England (england is full of great ID programs), the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Pratt is getting better and better. SAIC has a couple new programs and an interesting Master of Design in Designed Objects (a mix of design fields aimed at todays design world, great program)
also, check this out - a list of top ID schools and the growing connection/cross-polination with business schools:

MIT is also doing some interesting things with their architecture/design computing (MediaLAB), which has more of an ID feel to it. A few of the guys i know overthere are trained in Arch. and have become well respected and accomplished young ID'ers..

Oct 17, 06 8:18 am  · 
Francisco David Boira

dzuy and all others:
If you want an example of this and you in NYC you can stop by and visit us and check out the direction our studio is taking. My wife and partner studied architecture at Columbia and I even worked for Enric Miralles back in the days of undergrad.
As we finished our graduate studies we decided that we definitely wanted to do something more than just work in architecture so we went to Pasadena and attended Art Center for a while taking night courses to get a glimpse a little more in depth about product design. Need less to say we loved it and now have full functioning studio and a gallery that we use for collaborations with the best designers in the world.
It's quite fun and I have to say that product design has that instant gratification value just like graphic design has in which we can design something and produce it right away on our own model shop with the mill.
BTW: on November 11th we have a big opening for an exhibition we teamed up with Kenzo Minami. If in town or have any questions please let us know.
And best of luck with everything!

Oct 17, 06 12:55 pm  · 

ahh damn, i wish i was in NY. an architecture degree + ID..... yah, thats a nice combo.

Oct 17, 06 1:01 pm  · 

If I ever get accepted to school (and complete it!) I will have a Master's of arch on top of my previous B.Des in industrial design...... I thought that might give me an advantage, but would it amount to something more than my future employers trying to exploit me by having me do two jobs while paying me for just one?


Oct 17, 06 11:56 pm  · 

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