
> OMA >> READY? >>> GO!


lets try to complete this list:

...who else was Rem's apprentice...


Sep 14, 06 5:15 pm

Sep 14, 06 5:26 pm  · 

Studio GANG, i think i've seen this in a thread before...

Sep 14, 06 6:50 pm  · 

i have no idea what happened with that link

Sep 14, 06 6:52 pm  · 

xavier de geyter
mass studies
ww architecture

Sep 14, 06 6:56 pm  · 
one architecture
Sep 14, 06 7:17 pm  · 
Sep 14, 06 7:54 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke
Sep 14, 06 9:12 pm  · 


Winka Dubbeldam| archi-tectonics


Sep 14, 06 10:08 pm  · 

Sarah Whiting and Ron Witte: WW Architecture

Sep 14, 06 10:12 pm  · 

Studio (n-1)

Sep 15, 06 12:26 am  · 

WORK (dan wood, amalie et al)

Sep 15, 06 12:28 am  · 

Aarron Tan, RAD (formerly OMA Asia)

Sep 15, 06 2:34 am  · 

i wonder how many of these names would be there if you said OMA << READY << GO [more than 1 year or at least 18 months]

i think you would find few names fall within a slight sprinkling of the magic constraints beyond that time...and just were passing a young intern.....

Sep 15, 06 3:15 am  · 

lest we forget......

Sep 15, 06 3:16 am  · 

eduardo arroyo of NO.mad

Sep 15, 06 6:09 am  · 

i knew he was in Rotterdam and the netherlands in his last student years, but im not sure he was actually at OMA....

by the way:

Sep 15, 06 6:34 am  · 

bRink... or knows anybody else the link of Aarron Tan's, RAD (formerly OMA Asia) office in Hong Kong(?) I'm wondering what he's doing now

Sep 15, 06 11:12 am  · 

martin felsen

Sep 15, 06 11:17 pm  · 

@MADianito: I think I saw his name name credited somewhere in Content (Edu Arroyo). Or was it in KM3 by MVRDV? Oh, I am all confused now, I'll check again.

Sep 16, 06 7:20 am  · 
Will Prince

in light of the today's oma-fest in the nytimes . . . let's make a proper list, in order of when they started, minimun 18 mos and ALL worked as architects (in addition to any time as

80s-early 90s

Mathias Sauerbach - Sauerbach Hutton, Berlin
Mike Guyer – Gigon Guyer, Zurich
Kees Christiaanse – KCAP, Rotterdam
Willem Jan Neutelings - Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Rotterdam
Winy Mass – MVRDV, Rotterdam
Alejandro Zaera Polo, Farshid Moussavi – FOA, London
Xaveer de Geyter, Brussels
Christophe Cornbert – push, LA
Sarah Whiting, Ron Witte – ww, Princeton
Jan Willem van Kuilenburg – monolab, Rotterdam
Julian Montfort, Paris
Gary Bates, Gro Bonesmo - space group, Oslo
Kamiel Kasse - nl architects, Rotterdam

Mid 90s

Aaron Tam – RAD, Hong Kong
Minsuk Cho - Mass Studies, Souel
Phillipp Oswalt – shrinking cities, Berlin
Winfried Hackenbroich – Hackenbroich Architekten, Berlin
Dan Wood, Amale Andros – work ac, NY
Galia Solomonoff - Galia Solomonoff Architecture, NY
Josh Ramus, Erez Ella – REX, NY
Jeanne Gang, Mark Schendel – Studio Gang, Chicago
Sarah Dunn, Martin Felson – Urban Lab, Chicago
Tina Manis – Tina Manis Architecture, NY
Fernando Romeo – LCM, LAR, Mexico City
Matthias Hollwich – xpekt, Berlin
Olivier Touraine - Touraine + Richmond, LA

Late 90s - 00s

Markus Schaefer - Hosoya Schaefer, Zurich
Matteo Poli, Isabel da Silva - 99ic, Milan
Olga Aleksakova, Tammo Rinz, Andreas Huhn – Buro Moscow, Moscow
Bjarke Ingels – BIG, Copenhagen
Julian de Smet – JDS, Copenhagen
Sze Tsung Leong – Coda, NY
Stefan Bendiks – artengineering, Rotterdam
Kate Orff – scape, NY
Kelly Ishida – notoscale, SF
Hilary Sample – mos, new haven
William Prince – park, NY
Paz Matin - fun dc, Rotterdam
Theo Deutinger – STAR, Rotterdam

Sep 19, 06 3:14 pm  · 
Will Prince

I meant to say . . .

ALL worked as architects (in addition to any time as a stagier)

Sep 19, 06 3:16 pm  · 

who else has this much of a lineage?? eisenman? gehry? i cant see anyone else even being close...

Sep 20, 06 12:12 am  · 

sullivan, louis

Sep 20, 06 2:17 am  · 

Will Prince, a proper list? you left off my first post above:
studio (n-1), SF (Christos Marcopolous)

Sep 20, 06 4:50 am  · 

and, 43N88W - uh, ever heard of Le Corbusier or Frank Lloyd Wright?

Sep 20, 06 5:08 am  · 

corb, mies, and gropius all worked in peter behrens' office.

Sep 20, 06 7:34 am  · 
vado retro

jenney had one or two guys who went on to do some substantial work.

Sep 20, 06 8:55 am  · 

Will Prince - I just find it scary that you know this information on OMA grads...

Sep 20, 06 9:06 am  · 
Will Prince

there is potentially an exhibition of the progeny hence the list; its not exhaustive but any means . . . but anyway when you are there for a few years a lot of people pass through, i've worked with over half the list and had a few more as professors.

sorry bothhands, i didn't know n-1. i'm sure there are a lot more to add.

Sep 20, 06 10:05 am  · 

the number of people opening offices after time at OMA/Rem Koolhaas has little to do with the quality of work that they are producing.

there are some strong firms in that list, but more times than not the spin-offs end up trying to out-Rem the man himself.

Sep 20, 06 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

saturn ate his children...

Sep 20, 06 10:48 am  · 

neutra had a good lineage; harris, soriano, ellwood, ain...

bothands, who are le corbusier and frank lloyd wright? architects?

Sep 20, 06 1:31 pm  · 
curt clay

whats the formula for success??? this is what I want to know...

Sep 20, 06 3:43 pm  · 

the formula:
be as opportunist as you can! They was. And i think that, in a G-8 country its not so difficult. All this empty architectural show is a spectacular superficiality.

Sep 20, 06 5:29 pm  · 

so lets philosophize about the formula...
what is a formula?
I try: variables put together with a certain ...strategy...pattern a diagram ...conzept ... or is the conzept the result we are looking for

lets put all of these therms together and thats maybe useful to get to a theory... like the "hyper rationalism"
actually i think that not the formula itself is the key but the right selection of the right variables. the "relevant" ones. setting priorities in the design development exclusively to this "formula" is then impotant for getting a cognitiv readable objekt ...form ...(and award winning) building.
after reading christopher alexanders "the synthesis of form" I strongly belive that streching the "form-context boundaries" (in making a picture or the forces, the context) is the real formula.

context + concept = content

Rem said: "FUCK THE CONTEXT" (cit) now I know it was a bluff..

Sep 20, 06 6:40 pm  · 

Tina Manis is my studio critic this semester. I like her. I think she really has it together and is both personable and doesn't seem like she's going to take too much BS. Matthias Hollwich is teaching the studio next to mine. He seems pretty solid too.

Sep 20, 06 10:12 pm  · 

so finaly here's the big picture:

thanks to:


If you have been following this blog for any period of time you may have noticed several reoccurring patterns in my posts. One of which is my not so subtle insistence on working for a famous architect as seen for example in post number 5, titled Work for a Famous Architect. If that didn't do it for you I reenforced it here and here.

So when I saw this poster in Metropolis magazine a few weeks ago I thought it would be a good opportunity to do it again.

However, in this post I will let Metropolis editor Paul Makovsky do it for you in a well illustrated poster. But this time we get a little more specific. Working for any ol' famous architect is definitely going in the right direction but working for Rem is well...the next best thing to a guarantee.

This poster, by virtue of showing the staggering amount of star-riffic practices OMA has produced is impressive. Whats even more impressive is that the list was incomplete, since it is missing a few including Space Group in Oslo, DnA in China and the appropriately named Rotterdam based STAR architects. Yes! they did name themselves star-architects.

The other lesson in this poster that I have pointed to in this blog is that you should marry an architect, for example in post number 24 Marry an Architect. You will notice that a few of these startups are married couples or partners who have met while working at OMA.

So the big lesson of this post is?: Go get a job at OMA and when you are there find a nice girl or guy (depending on your sexual preference), get married and start a firm together.
It's as simple as that.

Mar 1, 11 7:29 pm  · 

marry a female architect from OMA doesn't work. They either are thin or unattractive.

They should try like this. Ole must be a smart guy, otherwise how can he have so much time to be around with his Maggie.

Mar 4, 11 11:46 am  · 

I admit some of the listed persons are talented, but most of them don't deserve being called a star-architect because they are just one of REMs.

I think the reason that many people from OMA get famous is because they are already talented and rich, and on top of that they use the "political" connections from OMA.

However, "Work for Rem if you want to be famous." looks like a commercial scam. It's just as same as saying "Go to IVY if you want to be a star-architect.".

Since being truely talented and having singularities, Mies, Corb, and Grupious are all different even if they all had worked for Behrens. But, most of people from REM look same. They, of course except a few people, are basically a bunch of REMs.

Mar 4, 11 2:11 pm  · 


I would agree with you almost like I agree with Glen Beck. All his facts are correct but its just the conclusions that I have a problem with. Except you don't have all your facts straight like Beck.

1. I agree some are talented but not all are rich.

2. What commercial scam??? Of-course nearly every starchitect goes through Ivy-league and then work for another star. But where is the scam in that? By calling it a scam you are implying that someone is being duped? who?

both Ivy-leage collage and student benefit from their relationship. both star-architect employee and employer benefit from each other.

3. "Truly talented"? is there such a thing? who defines what is "truly" or "Fake-talented"? You?

What? because Mies, Corb, and Gropious seem very different to you makes them true geniuses?

they may seem that way to you now, but remember we are looking at them through the prism of history. But just like the Rem school, all of them were working with and developing on the same set of principles. They were all leaning on what they learned from their former employers until they found their own way.

Mar 6, 11 1:19 pm  · 

I want to tell you just one thing about the definition "Truly talented".
True talent or genius always comes with original Idea or Philosophy.
Saying in Deleuzian term, we could say true genius comes with intensive Depth or Singularity.

Their political connections are what Deleuze said "extensive relations" which covers or blocks true intensive depths.

All Rem's political things came from midunderstanding of Deleuze's and Foucault's philosophy.
And his politics is proliferating a bunch of his own clones some of whom are being called "Star-architect".
I admit, of course, some of his pupils are talented, but the current system is making all of them, even the talented, mere his clone, namely one of REMs.

Mar 6, 11 5:43 pm  · 

With all due respect to Deleuze and Foucault, I vehemently disagree with them. I don't believe in the idea of genius or the idea of originality.

Nothing is ever original in this world especially in architecture. We are always taking something old and questioning it or responding to it in some way: twisting it, bending it, turning it upside down, or building on top of it. That is not originality that is innovation.

The problem with the idea of genius is that it puts individuals in a kind of a pantheon-like pedestal where they are a bit beyond human reach or criticism. You get phrases like "oh he can do that because he was a genius".

Meis, Corbu,and the rest of the so-called geniuses were incredible networkers with political connections that Rem can learn a thing or two from.

like I was saying, the geniuses of the past all were in principle clones (as you put it) until they found their own way. Give them time and you will see that they (the rem babies) too will go off and innovate on the principles they learned from rem.

You can already see that that happening to the first generation already. It would be a stretch to argue that Zaha Hadid is a clone of rem at this point in her career.

They one thing I agree with you on is that some of them are a bit young to be honored with the insult "starchitect": Because they have not found their own way yet. They are still clinging on to their old masters principles as a crutch. Only time will tell.

Mar 7, 11 4:36 pm  · 

where is JDS website?

Mar 22, 11 4:37 pm  · 

Even if you are saying like the clones are Simulacra, the clones of these days in Architecture are "Platonic Copies" of Rem.
If they are Simulacra, the model, that is Rem, wouldn't tolerate with them.

See how ridiculous it is that Rem was obviously wrong at interpreting contemporary philosophies that he had used to gain his fame in his early career but no contemporary "Avant-gardes" have criticized that.
They only have tried to cover up his mistakes.
I really admire Rem's works but he is not young any more, and time needs to pass on.

If everything in Architecture is political, it is because Architecture is dying and being boring. Everything creative always comes against the Politics by "Poetic leaps".
In these days, so many mediocres pretend "genius" by virtue of their political connections. I am just being tired of looking at such pretension, aren't you?

Mar 22, 11 6:40 pm  · 

I really love nomad design and presentation.

Big and JDS architects are the best. REX is good too.Why there is no such firms in chicago?

Martin felson project is too small and lack of direct problem solving strategy. Why there is no such firms in chicago?

Mar 23, 11 10:40 am  · 

Does any body know why BIG and JDS separated?
I kind of like their works which remind me of creativity of Rem's early days.

Mar 23, 11 1:33 pm  · 

Sorry I would like to take back what I said about martin felson's urban lab. After reviewing again their site, I found their solution to the problem is relevant and straight. Very clear, this also apply to their presentation.

Apr 1, 11 11:47 am  · 

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