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School starts all too soon...and for some reason I'm a bit more hesitant than excited. Did anyone else feel this way before they started? What can I do to pump myself up? New trapper keeper? Any inspiring texts? Rocky soundtrack? Or should I just sleep a lot now while I still have the chance? (I did find that avoiding archinect threads regarding school for a while helped)...

Don't get me wrong...I know I want to do this....but I have zero architecture experience, a lot of new debt, and I am worried I may be getting in waaaaay over my head.....thus, apologies in advance to any really talented fellow students out there when I offend you with tons of inane questions and some hurtin' designs...

Aug 29, 06 8:56 pm

Seriously, don't get worked up. It can be a lot of fun, too. That's why we do it, right?

Aug 29, 06 9:08 pm  · 

listening to the rocky soundtrack could be a correct answer for everything. or perhaps finding yourself a personal "mickey" to shout slogans at you.

Get up you greesy bum!

Aug 29, 06 9:11 pm  · 

gut sooooo unbelievably fucked up you break something very valuable and vomit on something that's not yours...preferably your friends lap... then wake up the next morning, think about what you did... and be like "whoah, maybe i need to take a step back? i think i'll head over to studio and get some work done"

works like a charm

Aug 29, 06 9:21 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

hey strugs... where did you decide? are you joining me at columbia?

Aug 29, 06 9:27 pm  · 

with no arch background - i went into orientation at WUSTL a little uneasy; 95% of march 3 had some sort of drafting experience while I did not. I was already stressing during our week long orientation when we started on a small project which gave us a taste of what studio project is like. I would recommend getting plenty of sleep while you can!

Aug 29, 06 9:58 pm  · 

Dude, you're going to love it. Architecture school is a hell of a lot of fun. Chill out!

Aug 29, 06 10:03 pm  · 

Wherever you are right now, just pretend that you're on vacation until classes start. That new loan debt needs some imagination, too: a transvestite pick pocket stole your credit card in Times Square, successfully raised your credit limit, and then maxed it out -- you'll be telling that story for the next 15 years! What a hoot!

I fed off of the energy of the sparkling new freshmen being welcomed to campus yesterday, but I was hungry at the time and they were feasting on free hot dogs. I received my inedible copy of "Inside New York 2006" today, which is maybe the programs way of teaching me how to fish (for hot dogs).

shaybug, do you know of any happy hours or anything going on for 1st years (or 2nd or 3rd or all?)? I suppose we'll all be meeting one another soon enough, but I still only know my roommates.

Aug 30, 06 12:14 am  · 

Hooray! I think these might be some of the first comments I've seen that arch school might be a decent time! It's like that feel-good bizarro version of the Office Annoyances thread...I've just heard so many horror stories about reviews and emphasis on all-nighters and blood, sweat and's good to hear that at least a few people had a good time...

...and as orEqual said, I can just make up the crippling debt woes by only eating free food....the first week is easy, with all the orientation events and whanot...after that, only the skilled survive...

Shaybug -- good to hear from you again, but I'm not telling...if I'm at Columbia, I'm just going to sit next to you and say oddly insightful things about you to freak you out....

Aug 30, 06 9:42 am  · 

Just in case you're starting to feel OK about everything, consider that Maynard Ferguson, the composer of that great trumpet riff in the Rocky theme song, died last week.

Aug 30, 06 12:17 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

i've found architecture school to be something that could go both ways: one day you love it, the next you hate it and life as you know it. the majority of the time i feel the first, otherwise i wouldn't choose to subject myself to three more years of it. you'll know what i mean at 4:30 in the morning when you've had no sleep, nothing substaintial to eat in the past few days, and a belly full of caffeine. you'll love it.

orEqual...there are happy hours every friday after studio where they serve beer out of a keg, chips, and other misc. snack food. they play some good music too. i got jealous at the sight of those free hot dogs too! not to mention that fact that all these parents are on campus, probably buying their undergrad kids even more food which will most likely come as a distant second to the bud light on their shelves. i need to find myself an undergrad friend with a meal plan ;). that naked cowgirl in times square probably gets some pretty good tips...i guess there's always that option.

strugs...not if i do it to you first.

Aug 30, 06 2:11 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Personally, I was so stressed when I started school, I lost about 20 pounds. Use it to your advantage.

Aug 30, 06 2:29 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

it's the architect's diet. i lost 10 lbs on it last fall!

Aug 30, 06 2:32 pm  · 

the furst 4 years are all about fun. if not you make it to be. the afterwards is more stress because you are in in, you can't escape bout it is getting on your nerves to.

fun while you can.
god luck.

Aug 30, 06 2:48 pm  · 

trapper keeper

get yourself a sweet new trapper keeper... maybe one with garfield on the cover?
or if you want to make sure all the kids know how hard you are, transformers? thundercats? GI. Joe?

there is nothing like a trapper keeper to lift ones sagging spirits


listen to Gil Mantera's Party Dream
fantastic band from ohio will surely lift your spirits

Aug 30, 06 2:59 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

yeah, look for me...i'll be rockin' the trapper keeper with a unicorn on it.

Aug 30, 06 3:07 pm  · 

...If I see anyone rockin' a unicorn trapper keeper, I know all will be well.

Aug 30, 06 3:40 pm  · 

Why settle for a trapper keeper when you could decorate your studio space with a unicorn action figure:

Aug 30, 06 8:19 pm  · 

Holy...if I someone rockin' that unicorn statue, I would be seriously concerned....what is that stance? wait, why is it even upright? Wow. I would be worried, unless that person also had this:

Aug 30, 06 8:42 pm  · 

I like postal's method.

Aug 30, 06 8:54 pm  · 

wait till you hear my method for end of semester all nighter motivation, i can't give away all my patented secrets, but it involves rc cola and paulie shore...

scary, right!?

Aug 30, 06 9:13 pm  · 
maya mcdifference
Aug 31, 06 12:18 am  · 

anything involving paulie shore has got to be scary...!!

Aug 31, 06 12:20 am  · 
maya mcdifference
Aug 31, 06 12:21 am  · 
maya mcdifference

the artistic sensibility in these illustrations is frightening

Aug 31, 06 12:23 am  · 
maya mcdifference

oooh...i forgot to give credit to the artist...

delphins kick ass

Aug 31, 06 12:24 am  · 

Ohhhh my.

"ADULT CONTENT Me and my husband. 'Vicodin Land' is our pet name for making love."

Ok, I'll be the one talking about "Vicodin Land" in my first review.

Aug 31, 06 9:27 am  · 
maya mcdifference

yup, there is nothing sexier than a pair of naked unicorns in the missionary position. hehe...i'll buy you a beer if you mention "vicodin land" at any point in your first review.

Aug 31, 06 11:52 am  · 

Wow.....just wow......when I began this thread, I was hoping for a lil' advice of any sorts....but never....never once did I imagine that this thread would somehow incorporate fornicating fantasy is just so , so, so odd....

...and somehow I am feeling way better about starting school soon! Hooray supine equines!!! Hooray Vicodin Land -- where happiness is inevitable!

Aug 31, 06 9:10 pm  · 

Thanks Shaybug! Now I can't stop clicking through the friggin' unicorn are all equally hilarious and did you ever find this page? I can't stop sending these to people.... many questions...must clear cache of all unicorn pr0n

Sep 1, 06 5:38 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

strugs - i have my canadian friend to thank for all the stupid humor he brought to studio. i too have many questions for this chick...wondering why she has spent so much time (~5 years) illustrating these silly things, why her husband thinks this sort of behavior is acceptable...what would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend showed you this drawing of the two of you? i spent the day at coney island...saw a turtle with a human head...maybe i'll take up a hobby drawing these human-like turtles in compromising positions, drop the architecture gig. we'll see how this first semester goes before i make that leap...

Sep 4, 06 2:41 am  · 
maya mcdifference

so yeah...i'm getting pretty nervous about the start of the semester...talked to a second year last night who told me you don't go to columbia to design buildings, only concepts...where would we be if a project stayed in schematic development for the life of the project? stuck with a bunch of ideas with no built work to back it up? i was afraid of this before, but as time wears on it's only getting worse. originally i applied to the school excited about all of the history/theory electives available, with particular attention to new and innovative design methodologies. but never did i think i was going to be ONLY creating sculpture/ART and call it architecture. i'm getting the impression that some schools are intended for people who are interested in architecture as a hobby, and would much rather work in other fields after graduation. maybe i'm missing out on something for the time being and i'll learn to like (un)buildings. was anyone else concerned about this (even the slightest bit)?

regardless of all the anxiety, i decided to tough out this semester and make the most of it. hopefully i'll be proven wrong.

Sep 4, 06 2:08 pm  · 
vado retro

yer first project will be lacanorama. no matter the project call it lacanorama. ie if god doesn't exist, everything is prohibited. bed! your first 100 score...

Sep 4, 06 4:11 pm  · 

@ shaybug-

I think it's okay if you don't learn how to design buildings. As complex and architecturally masterbatorial some of the stuff'll learn to think about complex problems in a context and in thought logic that could develop you for the better. No worries. You have plenty of time to learn how to design buildings while you do IDP or while you spend summers working at firms. I'm aslo scared shitless of school starting and the impending debt I'll be paying off till I'm like 100.

Have fun.

Sep 4, 06 5:48 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

okay. someone has posted a picture of 'vicodin land' on the door to our studio. which one of you is it? i can't get enough of those naked unicorns.

Nov 6, 06 8:48 pm  · 

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