
The future of Architecture influenced by nanotechnology


The human race is sitting at the edge of a revolution in the field of our immediate environment. Breakthroughs such as the industrial revolution sparked off a new generation of thinkers and a new approach to the way we think has reflected itself in Architecture.
As man's knowledge of his surrounding universe continues to increase, so does his ability to manipulate the very funamentals of existence.

Welcome to the world of Nanotechnology!
Nanotechnology has the potential to change the very fundamentals of the way we think about architecture. With Nanotechnology in it's infancy, and man's incredible potential to imagine, what could the future hold for us?

Jul 28, 06 4:39 am

virtual / physical environments... building materials that are transmitters... as we become part cyborg, there are layers of projected virtual on the real bricks and mortar...

Jul 28, 06 11:10 am  · 
le bossman

probably this:

Jul 29, 06 3:38 pm  · 

This thread needs vindpust.

Jul 29, 06 3:58 pm  · 

Yes if you want to make it small it is a good idea first to make it big, they will not send bricklayers to the moon ,ofcaurse not while the shuttles are still fragile cheramics and the rest plastic padding , not before metals and alloy replace the Epoxy, not before a space craft are designed in Titanium with a build in cooling function ,cut and micro welded --- not one percent of NASA's bugdet are wasted on innovation Epoxy still rule and if any innovation gone into it, it is not into how you could produce a space station in metal sheet , all innovation gone into refining already known methods, no micro robots building the ideal space station.

Jul 29, 06 5:12 pm  · 

Hi vindpust

what do u think about those micro-robots being assembled out of the waste components from building a space craft.In that case we would have more sensitive robots who would work on the project more intensely since the project is like their mother which they are born out of and they are like children and we would need less commands to control the robots . and the technological frequencies would match also ! we would not be able to use epoxy to build robots cos epoxy would melt in the extreme temperatures of space and then we would have robot juice all over the place but thats also an advantage because if the space commitee wants a new design of the robots then they would be easy to mould back,just like water can be made to ice and then melted and then frozen to give another shape of would be nice if we could do the same with those ceramic tiles which line the outside of apollo 440, probably that can be melted and we could have new shapes of the spacecraft ? but of course that would have to happen on the moon since they would be too much public opposition to spending money since normal public cannot understand the great innovations made by science and think that scientists are wasting tax-payer's money. but then also we could make the ideal space station in space since the robots would like it there.

Jul 29, 06 5:24 pm  · 

Welcome to the world of nanotechnology! Some things are in store. As things continue to get smaller, we become “nano” in brain. Welcome to a time of machines! Okay. We’re at the end of industry. I don’t need the stuff. What I need is much smaller than a smokestack, smaller and faster than a sowbug. I want the machine to, “roll my dice.” I want it to, “shake my drink.” Can we get to this extraordinary time in the future? Get on this ride, people!
It’s about time that I get that “full-body replacement.” Also, I’ve been thinkin’ bout blinkin’. I’m bothered by the expression, “in the blink of an eye.” A blink of the eye, in terms of nano time, is relatively slow and bothersome. How much stuff do I miss seeing everyday because my bodies blink mechanism is so damn slow? If I add up all the blinks, I’ll bet I’m missing about a minute of sight everyday. Too much! I’ll get my old lids the nano- treatment! Speed them the hell up with implants!
Now, this is just the first step. You’re gonna see a lot more where this came from. Nano this and that, nano everything! Listen. Have you ever wanted to get IN your machine? I’ll tell you, I’ve wanted it. I’ve wanted to MERGE with it. The screen glows and my desire is that of a moth to a porchlight! I’ve slammed my head against the monitor in super frustration. Time to GET OUT OF THE BODY.
Nano-birth. Nano-train ride. Nano foodstuffs. Nano-pet. Nano-man. Nano slum-lord. Nano ‘pee-chee’ folders. Nano grandma (nano nana). Nano Oakland A’s commemorative ball cap.
Endless possibilities!

Jul 30, 06 2:13 am  · 

are you guys on crack?

Jul 30, 06 4:21 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

nanotechnology = nanolame and nanoboring

Jul 30, 06 4:30 pm  · 
Let's Get Small
Jul 30, 06 5:10 pm  · 

seriously, nanotechnology is so 90s. Its all about macrotechnology now.


Jul 30, 06 5:30 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

765 ... I think I found some footage of your last studio project

Jul 30, 06 7:24 pm  · 
vado retro

is there a wikipedia article about everything???

Jul 30, 06 8:39 pm  · 

Yes there [url=

Jul 30, 06 9:39 pm  · 


Jul 30, 06 9:40 pm  · 

haha!! i like the way things are going here!...but seriously!

Jul 31, 06 1:29 am  · 

Nice things>

Not quite nano yet, but that doens't matter much, in my opinion! :)

Jul 31, 06 4:34 am  · 

Nevermore I think space are for robots not humans , atleast untill enough experience are there, and the epoxy have run out. The only reson for the clumpsy shuttles are just that heat fact , --- what about space elevators ,what about the recent private space programs , wouldn't that be there before, if more than one percent of NASA's budget had gone to innovation ?

Gee they gathered the experience from the boatsbuilding industrie that 60 years ago was those who invented the polyester and epoxy tricks , since then it's been epoxy, epoxy and epoxy. Even a modern jet plane are build with ribs and stringers as if it was designed by a row-boat designer ; look at it look at plans for the most modern aeroplane, it's structural design are as a row-boat.


For 30 years we been waiting for the wonders of nano ,where are the results --- only result are that everything been comfused ,there are no self repair robots , I would even question if the carbon tubes for space lifts realy are nano technike ; it's just thin tubes made with a laser proberly with the thought to be reinforcement for some lame Epoxy ,and none of the nano technike that the past 30 years taken the spark from more promising technologies, I bet we have to wait another 30 years before anything usefull become the result ; wouldn't it then in 60 wasted years have been possible to develob further on technikes based on Titanium alloy's ?

Jul 31, 06 6:31 am  · 


you have beautiful ideas.

Inflation technology:

> For 30 years we been waiting for the wonders of nano ,where are the results

Prob. will catch up field by field...


Aug 13, 06 6:21 am  · 

Micro bots doing are bidding is far off fantasy at this point but the field of study has lead to inovations in glass coatings and tints as well as ceamics, epoxies and composites.

Aug 14, 06 9:16 am  · 

nanotechnology in houses now

there are some links on that site...

Aug 14, 06 10:05 am  · 

does anyone have a detailed study as to how these ceramics, epoxies and composited which do these stuff actually works?

Nov 18, 06 4:04 am  · 

i read something regarding nanotechnology being the bridge which will allow buildings to function more like an organism.

A building is like an organism with various systems functioning together to perform a particular set of functions. in what way could nanotechnology affect the face of architecture? We're so used to thinking of a building as a lifeless thing with a set of "mechanical" systems. Could it be that one day nanotech allows us to control the most basic component of a building such that we have absolute control over the overall functioning of the building? - In such ways a building would become closer to an organism rather than a dead structure which is inhabited by living organisms?

I have a hunch it will be possible that this will be possible in the future however can anyone give me links to papers / articles related to this issue. Regarding the interface between nanotechnology and architecture.

Jan 16, 07 5:57 am  · 

> For 30 years we been waiting for the wonders of nano ,where are the results

Well, first of all, it has not been 30 years. Drexler introduced the word in the mid 80s when he was keen to describe technologies that are smaller than micro-technology (a popular term at that time); and if you're referring to Feynman's famous "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" lecture, that was in 1959. Regarding the second half of your comment, results are announced on a daily basis through a variety of new services and peer-review journals. You needn't wait for news when there are so many sources for finding it.

May 14, 07 5:13 pm  · 
vado retro

The new Ism is Whateverism.

May 14, 07 5:13 pm  · 

i am an accredited Whateverist.

May 14, 07 7:16 pm  · 

sounds like ice nine

May 14, 07 8:35 pm  · 

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