
Accepted but I've heard nothing from GaTech??


I am set to attend GA Tech this fall for my MArch 1. However I have heard next to nothing from the school. I don't know when I register for classes, I don't know what classes I need to take, or which I can exempt. No idea how much my tuition will be and when it is due. Is this normal? I am doing a co-op in less than a month and my employer needs to know my schedule for school but I can't tell them anything because I don't know what it is myself. Anyone going to Tech having similar problems?

I've tried calling and emailing but have gotten no response from the university. Short of going down to the achitecture building and meeting face-to-face with someone I don't know what to do.

Jul 16, 06 2:42 pm

just from my experience with michigan, sometimes (especially in summer) you have to call a bunch of different people and expect to wait a few days, or weeks, for a reply.

if you've tried every possible office and individual and have had no response, there is only one conclusion; GA Tech has either ceased to exist, or (more plausably) it never actually existed in the first place. in 1874 the "university" was "founded" by con artists looking to rip off the state, only they got greedy after their initial success and have perpetuated this scam year after year. many decades, and thousands of graduates later, the hoax continues. but now you, cvankle, have stumbled upon their scheme. it is up to you to expose this hoax on the good people of gerogia!

or, you can just keep calling and emailing. if worse comes to worse, i'm sure teh dean's phone number is in the white pages.

Jul 16, 06 5:17 pm  · 

I wouldnt worry to much about it! I am a new 3.5yr student at Gatech and we registered the first day of classes. We had a crash course orientation and registration the first part of the day. However, keep calling and emailing the architecture dept. and I am sure you can gather some information.

Jul 16, 06 5:38 pm  · 

This is the time of year that administrative people are typically encouraged by the universities to take their vacations. So you might find the schools short-staffed, especially in departments that don't run many, if any, programs in the summer.

But: it's very strange not to be informed as to how much tuition will be! I would think you would have gotten some kind of paperwork on that - perhaps with your financial aid offer? Also most schools send at least some sort of "welcome" package of papers - telling you when to show up, what the general housing options might be in the are, pointing out fabulous local attractions, that sort of thing... If nothing else, the student health office almost everywhere spends all summer relentlessly collecting proof that everyone has had their measles shots.

You did officially accept their offer, right? (Send them some kind of confirmation, and probably a deposit check?) If so I'd just email and phone until you get someone alive and working there in the summer.

Jul 16, 06 7:13 pm  · 

a few people to contact that i have seen in the arch program office this past week:

Chris Jarrett; Assoc Director
Beverly Brown; Admin Assitant for the Arch program office
James Spencer; academic advisor
randall moody; academic assitant

COA Faculty Email and phone listings

a friend of mine who is going to be starting as a grad student in the fall is scheduled to have orientation the week of Aug 14. It is set up differently for the 2yr than the 3.5yr students since the first summer is kind of one big orientation for the 3.5 year group.

Jul 16, 06 11:42 pm  · 

Yea I did accept, and they did tell me when orientation is. I was also able to finally find out when registration for classes is....I just don't know what classes I need to register for. I have never seen anything substantial about tuition, I got some info, but nothing giving a final amount or when it is due(although I guess this doesn't matter since I'm doing a co-op and my firm is gonna pay the tuition). I'll probably just keep emailing and calling till they answer me just out of frustration with my incessant voicemails.

colcol-you may be right although my brother "claims" to be an EE major there I sometimes find it hard to believe he could possibly have had any hint of a college education. I think its time I go down there and see what they really keep in the architecture building....I'm thinking some sort of cloning vats probably.

Jul 16, 06 11:46 pm  · 

you will find out everything that you need to know at orientation... assuming that you have an undergraduate degree in architecture you will have to meet with somebody (probably chris jarrett) to review the classes that you took as an undergrad and whether or not they will count towards prereqs and advanced standing... if you still have official descriptions of the classes and/or syllabi, go ahead and pull them out... you're going to need them... after that bargaining session you will know what classes to register for...

also, chris jarrett is probably the best person to try to contact regarding your issues... and you'll probably have to get through either randall moody or beverly brown to get to him...

Jul 17, 06 8:46 am  · 

wow, ranadall moody still works there? that guy is a real a-hole. avoid him entirely if you are looking for any answers. my best advice is to befriend beverly brown. she will get things done for you if you are friendly.

Jul 17, 06 12:15 pm  · 

to add to what i said earlier... just chill until orientation... orientation will cover everything that you need to know, and you can't do anything until then... as far as the cost of tuition is concerned, it is included in just about every publication that the university publishes... for reference, see below...

Tuition and Fees at the Office of the Bursar

Schedule of Tuition & Fees for Fall '06

you're about to be a graduate student... it's time to start doing your own research...

Jul 17, 06 1:16 pm  · 

but i dont wannnna do my own research. Nah I appreciate it, like I said im not all that concerned about tuition because its covered by my co-op, but the info about orientation will be useful. I'll have to try and track down those syllabi from the last couple years.

Jul 17, 06 5:54 pm  · 

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