


Again after 24 years Italy brings the gold cup back home!
Forza azzurri!!!

Jul 10, 06 11:12 pm

wooohoooo!!!!! the 12 year curse is true!!

Jul 11, 06 2:17 am  · 

damn nipple twisters....

but as brightside "and its about time you guys win a little something anyway..."

Jul 11, 06 2:31 am  · 


re. your comment "i dont hate italians though.. only cause you guys make great pizza and awesome plumbers...=)"

from your other posts, I see you are planning on attending architecture school. architecture is for the open minded. I hope you learn not to be as close minded and ignorant of other cultures as you comment above suggests.

Jul 11, 06 3:28 am  · 
sporadic supernova

yeah .. yeah ... good one mate ....

congrats ...

Jul 11, 06 4:04 am  · 

seim...i think the emoticon as you included in the above
statement that you copied would suggest that he's joking...

get a sense of humor.

Jul 11, 06 10:18 am  · 

..i guess i should be more sensitive..but what part of the
statement was really offensive..that they make great
plumbers i guess..but that's obviously a joke and not racial/
or culturally slanderous. or was it that they make good that i understand deserves a good kick in the nuts.

congratulations with the world cup...must've been amazing to
be in rome last night.

Jul 11, 06 10:22 am  · 

how is reducing an entire culture to being only good for making food for you and fixing you toilet funny?

i really don't find any kind of cultural / racial stereotyping funny. Is this really that surprising.

Jul 11, 06 11:53 am  · 

i guess the 'only cause' part is what reduces the entire culture?
i guess i understand your offense there..of course again it's
not racial stereotyping obviously...and i guess it is cultural
stereotyping. i'm not italian, but i wonder if someone said..

"i don't hate norwegians only cause they make really nice
sweaters and i really dug that whole raping and pillaging
thing they did as vikings..."

if i'd be offended...
it's entirely possible that the guy actual had a plumber who
was italian..(i know that i've met several italian plumbers)
and he really likes pizza..(i mean they do really
make great pizza..that's not's true) but i dunno.
i don't usually make the leap of a stupid little statement to a person
defining his entire world view regarding a culture.

but i guess i'm just not at all pc and not easily offended and i'm
always surprised by how easily other people are offended
and want to make sure other people know it.

and i said 'it was a joke' i didn't say anything about it being funny...
just that he didn't mean it in he actually didn't think
that's all italians were good for.

end of thread hijacking

Jul 11, 06 12:15 pm  · 


your comment:
"it's entirely possible that the guy actual had a plumber who
was italian..(i know that i've met several italian plumbers)
and he really likes pizza..(i mean they do really
make great pizza..that's not's true) but i dunno."

come on!!
you really believe this?!

I know you said it was a joke...but you felt inclined to comment none the less in his defense. Why defend a joke that lacks such creativity and in is the lowest form of humor? nothing to do with being pc...everything to do with having a lack of patience for ignorance.

end of my thread hijacking.

Jul 11, 06 12:41 pm  · 

it would be enough if people stopped mentioning food everytime they mention any way, if they talk about pizza, or if they go "i love italian food...mmmmmmh..." when listing what they like about the country. it's really freaking annoying. it's not about stereotyping, who cares about that, it's about showing how ignorant you are and how little yo know abut the world. and if yo don't know anything about somethin', don't talk about it biatch. that's it.

i've never lived anywhere where italians' occupation are either only catering or building service mantainance, it might be true of the states, but to an italian born and raised it's not even remotely funny, even aware as we are of the perception other people have of italo-american (and let's draw a line here, they are not italians as i intend being italian), Sopranos and all. it's just not that funny.

oh, by the way, all americans are fat ignorants.

Jul 11, 06 2:11 pm  · 

bigness and seim..

i respect your opinions. and maybe i'm in the wrong. i think the
original little joke when taken completely out of its context could
be offensive..and if that's all he REALLY thinks italians are good
for then f'em...but i think it was meant completely in jest and to
say that he really didn't think that's all they were good for.. it
seems more as though the both of you are taking him seriously.

in any case i lived in rome for four doesn't make me
italian, but i love the country and have been back since..and
would live in rome if i could. tried to learn the language and all.

i just find it interesting that people see one thing and get offended.
the sopranos for instance...yes if i've never travelled anywhere and
i haven't read any books or seen any tv or whatever..then maybe
i think that all italians are like that...(of course they do exist and
there are still mafia towns in italy)..but i wouldn't say that all italians
are 'connected' because of a tv show.

as far as mentioning food when people say i guess you
never do anything similar about any other culture. is it a stereotype
to say that italians are good at making food? alot of their culture
does revolve around the dining table...sunday dinner when mom
takes over the kitchen and makes four courses...their amazing
sauces etc. how does a person say how they love a prosciutto
sandwich with mozarella and basil or spaghetti or whatever show
how ignorant someone is about the world?

Jul 11, 06 3:05 pm  · 

mmmm, Italian women, madonna!!!!

Jul 11, 06 3:13 pm  · 

if it makes you feel any better my cousin is ignorant

Jul 11, 06 4:49 pm  · 

Thank you for enquiring into the Department of Standardization. We at the department are working on your behalf to standardize the world at large. We have held many joint conferences and have come to our self selected standard conclusion that by the the year 2100 all races will be evenly mixed. The color of everyones skin will be standard grey. Thank you again for your enquiry.
Please submit all further standard grey questions and standard grey AIA forms to your local standard grey AIA president.
May the world at large submit to the righteous joint conference high chair, this by the relocated light standard on 35th and Vine.

Jul 11, 06 5:24 pm  · 

o.k....i'll bite...

ignorance is the basing of ones idea of what is and isn't "sheltered" on what one sees on TV

ignorance is basing ones level of comfort in making culturally specific jokes based on what one sees on TV


Jul 11, 06 5:28 pm  · 


Jul 11, 06 7:26 pm  · 


...i have a question..

do you find eddie izzard to be funny? do you dig his
skits on italians riding motorini and saying ciao? or
do you find that culturally insensitive and therefore
ignorant? or is it all about the context of where things
are said?

Jul 11, 06 7:37 pm  · 


i have no idea who eddie issard is.

Jul 11, 06 11:09 pm  · 

brightside. you say very dumb things.

Jul 11, 06 11:18 pm  · 

"is it a stereotype
to say that italians are good at making food? alot of their culture
does revolve around the dining table...sunday dinner when mom
takes over the kitchen and makes four courses"

bla bla bla bla bla...i'm not sure that ever happens anymore, it's not all a dolmio advert around here!aaaaaah, sorry, i'm too in love wih my country at the moment to listen to this stuff.

Jul 12, 06 5:11 am  · 

i remember a guy telling me that Alabama is the only state where when you get a divorce you're still brother and sister. That really made me laugh, but hopefully it doesnt make me a racist, surely we can all take a bit of stick occasionally and see the irony in things, and fuck PC once in a while, cant we??

Jul 12, 06 6:03 am  · 

I never thought that CANNAVARO and Co would give me the greatest birthday gift of my life..........

CRAZIEST week in my life and it's only wednesday!!!!


Jul 12, 06 9:17 am  · 

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