


I've heard of architects who said that they have no regrets pursuing this profession and that they absolutely love what they do, and those who have exhuasted themselves and have been disillusioned by the profession.

why is there a huge difference? those who love what they do probably don't share the jobs of those who hate it right?
is it because of the different expectations each started with are different? or the type of job that they have makes them feel this way or that way? or is it more age based..where older people in the higher ranks of a firm feel more fullfilled because they can do what they've always wanted to do more than those who have just started out?

May 24, 06 7:19 pm
le bossman

i think a lot of architects have a martyr complex. a large percentage [perhaps not "most"] of architects i meet aren't in it for the job, for the work, the problem solving, teamwork or opportunity for self-expression or otherwise improvement of the built environment. they're in it because they like to call themselves architects. they have become entranced by the mystique of the profession and the prestige of being able to tell people at a party that you are an architect. these seem to be the people who complain the most. they don't really love what they do as much as they love what they are, and thus are unhappy. now, architecture, at least good architecture, isn't easy to achieve, whether you are a student or a professional. but neither is anything else that's really worth doing.

May 24, 06 7:49 pm  · 

People don't always hit on the right career the first time around. In fact, very few people do. So those who have made the wrong choice get beaten down by the profession very quickly, even if they have what most would consider a good job. I don't know if other field make you feel this way - I haven't tried other fields, but architecture feels pretty trapping, like it would be hard to break out of because all of our classes and all of our energies have been archi-centric for so long...

May 24, 06 7:50 pm  · 
I've heard of architects who said that they have no regrets pursuing this profession and that they absolutely love what they do, and those who have exhuasted themselves and have been disillusioned by the profession. and the same...

May 24, 06 10:51 pm  · 

There are many different "hats" in the field of architecture...
There are hardhats and then there are the befeathered peacock hats that some people will not take off for shower or bed. Find your hat and do what thou will.

May 25, 06 9:25 am  · 

I have no regrets with the proffession. My employer and their attitude to architecture and susbsequent management are something worth getting disolusioned over.

Don't fret I've woken up and handed in my notice!

May 25, 06 9:25 am  · 
Norman Blogster
My views are in this parallel thread.

I've handed in my notice too and am leaving this most sorry of ailing professions.
I guess that's what happens to all those who can't stand it - they leave.
Then you're left with only those who either like it or won't say or do anything.

"History", they say, "is written by the victors."

May 25, 06 11:03 am  · 

I might also want to teach architecture in the case I ever die out. I love teaching as well and what better other subject for me, is better to teach than architecture!

May 25, 06 11:25 am  · 
job job

hi justin (I've got really good recall - it's a curse),

don thou first the holy hat of school before seeking yon opinions. otherwise you won't know the answers for the rules ie. the count shall be to three, then throw ye the holy hand grenade - counting to four is right out.

why are these polar conditions the only 'types' - fulfilled or thwarted. I think this can apply to juuuust about every job

so move out of your parents', begin cornell's b.arch, get a parallel38 critique and stop whining - you'll be fine[d].

and that's my good deed!

May 25, 06 11:55 am  · 

This is a universal human curse- to love having a title but hating the work associated with the profession. How many doctors are there that just want to be called 'doctor', and how many lawyers just want to be called 'esquire'?

Those who love to do- do it.

Those who don't - whine!

Yeah, so architecture schools mislead many poor students into dreams of design grandure and not how to be a great team player- just look at all the threads about which school is better then 'nother. At least we have a few months untill the next round of applicant start crowding the threads with reduntant and pissant questions that we all have answered dozens of times already.

May 25, 06 2:01 pm  · 

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