
How do I get a floorplan


sheri, i'm a little confused that you are of the opinion that no one here understands nor does your teacher. maybe it's not us.

Apr 19, 06 5:41 pm  · 

There are SO MANY interior views of the house at the link that you posted that you should be able to draw some pretty accurate plans from the photos.
This is not a "complicated" house. If you look at the pictures first for the general overall organization you can locate the large rooms to the proper directions, locate the stair, the major interior walls, and then start to "zoom in" by adding more interior walls, windows, doors, etc. Then move on to the built-ins, soffits, other details.

If you'd spent the past week doing that you could have had some very thorough plans by now.
If I had been calling the architect all week I would have thought to myself that maybe he wasn't going to call back and started working on a backup plan at least 4 days ago.
Oh silly me - I see you have a backup plan to work on your tan. Have fun.

Apr 19, 06 5:41 pm  · 

nevermind, sheri, nevermind.

Apr 19, 06 5:43 pm  · 

e- my teacher wants me to give him a floor plan that is that
you guys dont seem to understand that I have to work with an excisting floor plan.

and now I understand that if I have to draw it my self, thats it.

Apr 19, 06 5:47 pm  · 

i'm from jersey, so pardon my sarcasm...

archinecters i've got an emergency!

i need to deliver 50% cd's tomorrow, and i'm like, totally 10%.

the project is a well known hotel in downtown lalaland, and it's really modern. you know, clean lines and all minimalist crap, so it should be really EASY to detail, because all that modern crap is like, SO easy to draw.

anyways, the prob' is that i spilled apple juice on my mies chaise and i like def' need to be at home when the guy from Corbu Cleaners comes to clean it, sooo...i'm going to wait by the japanes garden and relax in the cedar tub until they show up, but in the meantime...

like, does anyone know how i can get the remaining 40% cd's in like, 10 hours? i mean, c'mon, like i said, it's minimalist.

can someone help me?!? i've got the clients coming over tomorrow, and they're like, so not into the valley and all, and i just need someone to draw this stuff.

pictures are online somewhere, but i left the nameof the hotel at the office, so i can't find it, and the internet is sooooo big,

does someone here know the name (or have plans/sections/elev's) of that new modern hotel on west la cienega blvd?

Apr 19, 06 5:56 pm  · 

it seems to me the prof picked this building for you because he knew that the plans were not available, but photos were. So it is an excersise in you either reconstructing it from the photos, or social engineering yourself a copy of the drawings.

Apr 19, 06 6:05 pm  · 

Is "mightylittle" the size of your brain or penis?

Apr 19, 06 6:06 pm  · 

I think this is a joke, and not a particularly funny one...

-Boutique Hotel
-Dentists Offices in a former rich people's shoe box

Now, thats an education.

Apr 19, 06 6:09 pm  · 

bob- no, I chose the building, not my prof.

Apr 19, 06 6:10 pm  · 

Sheri24: we get it.
To summarize: Your teacher wants you to have a plan. You are required to work with an existing building. Either you or your teacher has decided that this is the building that you must work with, and either you or your teacher is inflexible on that at this point.

You assumed that you could get a plan from the municipality. You couldn't.
You assumed that you could call the architect and get a plan from him. For several days he did not return your calls, but you continued to assume.
While you were waiting you decided to go photograph the house (a smart move) and you thought that if the owners were not at home you would break in (not a smart move.)
Damn! The owners were home.

The architect called back. He said you can't have the plans.
Oh no!
You can't find the plans published anywhere else.
Oh no!
It is a matter of hours before your crit. All you have are photos of nearly every wall in the house - right down to the master closets.
What do you do? The obvious: give up and tan.

Well, that's my understanding. If the facts are different then you're right, I don't understand - but this is what I read from your string of posts.

My current understanding is that you are lazy and/or that you can't produce a plan from very detailed photographs. How could someone with either of those qualities get to thesis-level?

Good luck.

Apr 19, 06 6:10 pm  · 

I guess I'm a bit late in coming to this thread. But, actually, I DO know Ed Niles. And he's a pretty awesome guy. BUT, the catch here is that he hates it when students slack off. So he's probably rejecting your requests because a)the house is on the market for a price that only a famous person who would like to keep their privacy could afford, and b)he thinks you're not doing enough work yourself. And so far, I'd have to agree.

May I ask what school you go to?

Apr 19, 06 6:13 pm  · 

"bob- no, I chose the building, not my prof."

should have made sure you could get the plans first.

Apr 19, 06 6:14 pm  · 

sheri you should try knocking on the door and explaining your project. Home-owners can be pretty nice to architecture students. (Although not always!) I suggest you bring a sketchbook but NO CAMERA, this may make them more amenable to letting you make some quick prelim. sketches.

What school do you go to?

Apr 19, 06 6:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin


A) I had to pick a building for an adaptive re-use project, and
B) I knew ahead of time that existing plans were required on said project,


1) I'd be sure to pick a building that I can easily acquire or create plans for, and
2) I'd allow myself more than 24 hours before my deadline to do it.

Bloopox sez:

"My current understanding is that you are lazy and/or that you can't produce a plan from very detailed photographs. How could someone with either of those qualities get to thesis-level?"

I work for several such people right now. Hell, Sheri24 will probably end up as my project manager before long.

Apr 19, 06 6:22 pm  · 


Apr 19, 06 6:31 pm  · 

wanna get some coffee?

Apr 19, 06 6:32 pm  · 

This thread is hilarious. The fact that Sheri24 has only a day left to finish the project and has no work to show for it, yet spends the majority of the day responding to posts from us smart-ass archinect-ers is friggin' hilarious. Way to prioritize!

My advice to Sheri would be to switch out of architecture now and start interning at Ultimate-Tan. We need to thin the herd a bit...

Honestly, any city's building or planning department has records and permit drawings on pretty much anything built in at least the last 20 years (on microfiche). Anything built is a matter of public record, so it's on file somewhere. It requires some digging, and you'll have to pay for any sheets that you want to copy.

Apr 19, 06 7:22 pm  · 

this is getting unfriendly.

Apr 19, 06 7:29 pm  · 

hey, i asked her out for coffee...does that sound unfriendly?

Apr 19, 06 7:41 pm  · 

because of my connections, i've obtained a signed copy of the plan. this should put a new twist behind the facade and reveal more of the further complexities the student two4 has to deal with when she is tanned.
my source for the drawing told me, during the construction ed's original concept was changed little bit, so, perhaps with the study of the real estate pics, it can be adjusted. the facade was kept intact.
scale= each curved detail is 50' across.

what a surprise HA? thanks friend.

Apr 19, 06 7:49 pm  · 

for my opinion, most of the archinecters here are pompous dicks.
Who here has not been a student with nothing to show a day before the presentation? I suspect very few.

and dml955i, do you want to show your work here a little bit? before being judgemental on students?

its this attitude - ' we sweated it out in our times, now the kids need to sweat it out', that bothers me a lot. Thats why, ( i hate to say) most of you will be stuck in your stupid idiosyncracies for the rest of your lives making $12 an hour. Sure Sheri is being a bit naive in her research, but why dont you accept that thats the way a lot of us were??? rather than picking on her?

Apr 19, 06 7:52 pm  · 

sameold, two things:

a) wait until your client threatens to sue you in order to extort you into finishing a project without being paid--and THEN you will learn the value of copyright protection on your designs, and yes, they are copyrighted, just like inventions

b) fuck that shit, no one is trying to get sheri to do any kind of extreme work here: the "we went through shit and you have to too" attitude is simply not in evidence in this thread. rather it is: "you signed up for an education, now you have to do the minimum of work that this education requires... because that is the value of your degree when it is conferred upon you"

holy fuck, man. get off your high horse. we gave her good advice in here, and frankly making one phone call and one site visit for a week of work is really not a whole lot for a thesis project. the times i slacked like that in college i deservedly got called on it, as we all did. don't be swayed by the tan, man!

Apr 19, 06 7:57 pm  · 

"Call the client, if he's okay with it, just hand over the drawing. And for people talking about 'working drawings', im sure that there must be design drawings done too."

this is what i said in one of the previous posts, for the record.

Im trying to tell the others in here to get off their high horse, and im just telling the others to be bit more friendly to students looking for research. Im sure the site visit would do her good, but at the same time, that is no excuse for the architect being non-cooperative.

Apr 19, 06 8:01 pm  · 

orhan, i might have to lift ed's signature. a martini glass? that's sweet.

Apr 19, 06 8:02 pm  · 

actually, myriam your comment "sheri you should try knocking on the door and explaining your project. Home-owners can be pretty nice to architecture students. (Although not always!) I suggest you bring a sketchbook but NO CAMERA, this may make them more amenable to letting you make some quick prelim. sketches."

is something i really appreciate, sorry i did not read it before. Most of my comments were directed towards the people here that feel that architect's rash and irrational behaviour towards students were warranted.

Apr 19, 06 8:04 pm  · 


well impoliteness is rarely warranted, i agree.

Apr 19, 06 8:13 pm  · 
Apr 19, 06 8:15 pm  · 

damnson, thats what im talking about.....

its never easy after going out drinking on a wednesday afternoon.....

Apr 19, 06 8:32 pm  · 

did someone say drink?

Apr 19, 06 8:33 pm  · 

and myriam, here's to you..

as is obvious, our office hung out at the local 'british' pub (the bosses are out of town)

Apr 19, 06 8:34 pm  · 

e, i wish i was in seattle, we;d have gone to browers pub (the one you like)...

Apr 19, 06 8:35 pm  · 

thanks, sameold :) didn't mean to get short with you.

Apr 19, 06 8:42 pm  · 

doctor, if you ever make it this way, we will be there.

Apr 19, 06 8:47 pm  · 

thanks sir, it will be soon!

Apr 19, 06 8:48 pm  · 

time to go home for me...i'm gonna make some mint julep...

Apr 19, 06 8:53 pm  · 


are you truly a 14 year old female as your private myspace profile (which you link from your archinect profile) lists?

if so, things are beginning to make sense (e.g. your diction).
and i'm starting to have some legal concerns.

mmmm, that mint julip looks good.

Apr 19, 06 9:32 pm  · 

did i hear someone say mint julep?

Apr 19, 06 9:55 pm  · 

I did get the floor plan, and I did some sketches in class before my presentation, I always get what I need done, and the last thing I am is lazy. My mistake was to try to get some ideas and help from you guys, but what I now understand is that you guys are just waiting for someone to post something and attack with your silly comments

Apr 20, 06 12:28 am  · 

hey.... i did not attack you....

Apr 20, 06 12:33 am  · 

okaaaaay so how did you get the floorplan ms. sheri? so that you can help others who come here.

Apr 20, 06 12:40 am  · 

Forget about all this, I only asked if you guys knew any other way to get the floor plan, THAT’S IT.

Did I ask for your opinion? NO
I don’t understand what the problem is. Ok, so you guys think I'm lazy, based on what? That I had to present today, and I didn’t have a floor plan? And all week I haven’t been doing anything? Well, I’m not going to sit here and tell you guys about every single thing that I have done for my project.

My presentation went very well, and even though it was impossible to get the floor plan


Btw. My tan looks great

Apr 20, 06 12:52 am  · 

you guys didnt help me, why should I help you???


Apr 20, 06 12:54 am  · 


damn, sameold, you put your money on the WRONG horse!

sorry yo. i will buy you a drink and we will commiserate together.

Apr 20, 06 12:56 am  · 

i know myriam....ive put money on the wrong horse a time too many...

Apr 20, 06 12:58 am  · 

Anything for the doc

Apr 20, 06 12:59 am  · 

sheri, clearly you don't need any help in this profession. you're well on your way to classic architectural impolitesse.

Apr 20, 06 1:04 am  · 

"This myriam girl is a hater" - impolitesse is not a word

Apr 20, 06 1:18 am  · 

So why did you want to know if anyone knew Ed Niles?

Apr 20, 06 1:29 am  · 

Because I really like his work and maybe if anyone knew him they could help me get the floor plan

Apr 20, 06 1:33 am  · 

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