
CD Swap!


wow, first comment on page 8. nice.

but also, it should really be UNsignups are this friday. Cause I'm basically going to take the people from the last swap list and add in the ones who have requested to join. If you don't want to be in this next round please specifically state that. (here, not at my email address)

Nov 7, 06 11:41 am  · 
liberty bell

Awesome, I'm in! But wait, if it's opposites, does that mean if I say I'm in I'm actually out? Do I need to tell you I'm out so I'm actually in?? Wait, I'm so confused....

Nov 7, 06 11:49 am  · 
vado retro

when i was in junior high we developed an opposite language. the worst thing you could be was "too neat" which translates into "you're a total loser" i'm out. i mean i'm in...

Nov 7, 06 12:06 pm  · 
vado retro

i suppose squeeze's "if i didnt love you, i'd hate you" will be required.

Nov 7, 06 12:08 pm  · 

I would still like to be apart of this... How can I get squeezed in?

Nov 7, 06 12:22 pm  · 

i'm in/out. i'm (not) starting right now.

to get you guys primed, here's the sesame street opposite song. pretty racy if you ask me.

I go up, you go down
I go in a straight line
You go round and round
I go over and under, you go through
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?

I go left, you go right
I travel in the daytime
You prefer the night
Wherever I go away from, you go to
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?

Well, when I come in honey, you go out
You’re sure of yourself and
I am filled with doubt
When I want more, you give me less
When I say no, you say
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Honey, you hang loose
And I’m uptight
You know I’m heavy, baby
and you are light
When you stay false, how can I stay true?
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?

Nov 7, 06 12:33 pm  · 

Oooh, please say we're doing the good/evil mix this time - I forgot who suggested it, but that sounds excellent.

Nov 7, 06 2:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, no way - that's totally racy!

Nov 7, 06 3:40 pm  · 


Nov 7, 06 4:48 pm  · 

haha crowbert its opposites so good/evil is a perfectly acceptable example

and Nica your in (out?) in.

Nov 7, 06 4:58 pm  · 
James Meyer

I'd still like to be in

Nov 7, 06 6:14 pm  · 

quixotica, i don't know if you saw it, but i did get your cd, thanks! liked it a lot, a good jumpstarter. i'm not sure about going in this time, but i guess if the deadline is after the holidays, i could do it... i'll probably need to find some new tunes though.

Nov 8, 06 11:11 am  · 
Chili Davis

Count us in...

Nov 8, 06 11:22 am  · 
vado retro

You say yes, I say no,
You say stop, I say go, go, go.
Oh no.
You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t why you say goodbye I say hello.
I say high, you say low.
You say why and I say I don’t know.
Oh no.
You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello.
Why, why, why, why, why, why, do you
Say goodbye, goodbye, bye, bye.
Oh no.
You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello.
You say yes, I say no (I say yes but I may mean no)
You say stop and I say go, go, go (I can stay till it’s time to go)
Oh, oh no.
You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hela, heba, helloa.

Nov 8, 06 11:42 am  · 

no problem aml, enjoy it!

in case anyone was wondering heres the track listing for aml's "keep me awake on those long studio nights" CD:

1. Bruce Springsteen - From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come)
2. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away
3. DeVotchKa - Ocean of Lust
4. The Hush Sound - We Intertwined
5. Talking Heads - Stay Up Late
6. Iggy Pop - The Passenger
7. Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire - Satisfied
8. Stephen Lynch - Craig
9. Lyrics Born - Bad Dreams
10. Nick Cave & theBad Seeds - There She Goes, My Beautiful World
11. The Killers - All These Things That I Have Done
12. The Soviettes - Blue Stars
13. The Faces - Stay With Me
14. John Butler Trio - Zebra
15. The Max Levine Ensemble - Cartoon World
16. Local H - California Songs
17. Rock & Roll Soldiers - Funny Little Feeling
18. New Found Glory - Glory of Love
19. The Roots - Don't Feel Right
20. Sons & Daughters - Checked
21. Ted Leo & the Pharmasists - Counting Down the Hours
22. Sweet - Ballroom Blitz

Nov 8, 06 12:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, I listened all the way through to the serendipitous "Design Music" mix last night - it was quite enjoyable, and decent working music!

Nov 8, 06 12:42 pm  · 
vado retro
Nov 8, 06 12:56 pm  · 

>timeout< heh, I really wanna to play.

Nov 8, 06 1:05 pm  · 

I haven't been around much lately with school back in session, but count me in please, this one sounds like a good one.

Nov 8, 06 9:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

spaceghost's awesome post on the Baby Come Back video has inspired me to make sure this swap is still alive - I need to haul out a bunch of my Time-Life 20 Solid Gold Soul cd's and put together a soul mix!

Nov 21, 06 9:58 pm  · 

hey, quixotica, to whom shall i (not) send my collection of songs that doesn't (not) have an opposites theme?

Dec 9, 06 3:15 pm  · 

Speaking of Solid Gold Soul L Bell, I just finished up watching "Scrooged" with... the Solid Gold Dancers!!!

Dec 10, 06 6:39 pm  · 

my work here is done. i just need an address...

shall i make the assignments, or would that be usurping quixotica's role?

Dec 10, 06 7:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

I am raring (sp?) to go on this one too, but I think quixotica may just be too busy with school (right?) to handle it - he hasn't posted in a month - I'd say if no list is up by 20 December (school should be done by then), Steven, you should take over.

Dec 10, 06 11:13 pm  · 
liberty bell


Dec 12, 06 10:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, so sorry - what a dork. It's like 60 degrees in my house and I'm trying to finish a drawing but my hands are freezing so I mis-posted. SO sorry.

I was trying to say even when I'm in a lousy mood this one song - Toots and the Maytalis singing "Take Me Home Country Roads" - can really perk me up.

Back to the site plan.

Dec 12, 06 10:14 am  · 

did I miss the swap list or is it not up yet?

Dec 12, 06 2:31 pm  · 

not quite yet.

Dec 12, 06 3:09 pm  · 

i signed up for this once, and got a cd from someone that did not work in my cd player.

i never sent one out to whomever i was supposed to, and felt like a real jerk. but managed to block it from my mind.

however, i do happen to have a whole batch of cds to give to special people this holiday season.

they are not winter songs, or holiday songs, or my favorite songs of 2006. it is just a mix, and if anyone wants one, you can e-mail me your address.

Dec 12, 06 3:37 pm  · 

i sent you an email stephanie, but then realized that archinect mail won't tell you who it's from. it's ME!

Dec 16, 06 9:04 am  · 

hey everyone! I'm back! I am so sorry about being gone, and leaving everyone in the lurch. My life has been completly insane over the past month, not because of school actually but a variety of different reasons. some of the highlights include getting engaged, getting a new job and totalling my car, so yeah, it's been a little hectic. Anyway, I promise i will have the list up by the end of the day today.

Dec 19, 06 9:29 am  · 

he lives and breathes!!!

welcome back and congrats on the engagement and job. and, maybe, on getting a new car.

Dec 19, 06 9:30 am  · 

Thanks Steven. To make up for my recent untimeliness, i'm posting the list right now. It's getting to the point where some of you may have a person you've had in the past. I verified that no one had the same person they had during the last swap but beyond that it's too much to go check. if you do have someone you had before, think of it as catching up with an old friend. . .that you've never actually met.

Theme: Opposites Attract.

Due date: who the hell am i to give a due date out right now? i say sometime in january.

Giver > Receiver

(PS. some people might not realize that i've posted this. so please inform others)

Vado Retro > crowbert
Nica > rococco
Steven Ward > wilsonjd
liberty bell > quixotica
crowbert > Chili Davis
weAREtheSTONES > 3d grafitti
aml > Nica
rococco > weAREtheSTONES
Chili Davis > aml
Franklloydmike > Vado Retro
3d grafitti > Steven Ward
psyarch > Franklloydmike
Gabe Bergeron > psyarch
wilsonjd > liberty bell
quixotica > Gabe Bergeron

enojoy everyone.

Dec 19, 06 10:04 am  · 

I'd like to partake in the next swap

Dec 19, 06 10:42 am  · 

sent my two new discs to wilsonjd on tues: yin yang (clockwise) and yan yin (counter-). the opposites theme was followed loosely, but the interaction of opposites suggested by yin yan is always interesting to me, so i kind of took it that direction.

wilsonjd will have to be patient with my recent digging out of my music from the 80s, but there's also a variety of other things. he might have to use the ffwd button liberally. will post the list when i hear he's got it, as usual.

Jan 5, 07 9:47 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, jeepers, how did I mniss this?!? Welcome back quixotica and thank you for putting the lsit together. I will get something out by, um, let's say the END of January, is that ok?

Yay for the swap!

Jan 5, 07 9:53 am  · 
Chili Davis

Oh shit, forgot about this. End of January sounds good to me too!!!

Jan 5, 07 9:58 am  · 
liberty bell

Actually wislonjd did send to me for the last swap, but I love the music he sent so I don't mind getting another one from him! However, wilsonjd, if you want to switch around so you're not sending to me again, that's fine - maybe you send to quixotica and I send to you? That might work....

Jan 5, 07 10:06 am  · 

that sounds like it will work liberty. Sorry about the mix up

Jan 5, 07 10:31 am  · 

sounds good. look out for the email quixotica ...

Jan 8, 07 12:51 pm  · 
Rogue Agent

How does one get involved in this?

Jan 8, 07 6:14 pm  · 

just keep paying attention, rogue. after all the swaps from this round are complete, quixotica puts out an all-call for the next round.

Jan 8, 07 9:38 pm  · 

Guess I got the first of round 4(I think round 4?) . . .

Steven, got the cd's yesterday. Fifty years of opposites. Its great! Havent heard Tones of Tail in awhile. I'm a sucker for Peter Murphy, so I enjoyed the Bauhaus spinoffs. Same with John Doe ... big fan of X. 'If 6 was 9' was brilliant. Wish I had thought of that one. I also liked the liner notes - made it a bit more personal. Thanks again!

quixotica, got yours started, hopefully will be in the mail this week.

Jan 10, 07 10:02 pm  · 

glad you liked. here's the list

yin yan
-1 opposite day, andrew bird + the mysterious production of eggs. 2005. of course.
-2 i scare myself, thomas dolby. 1984.
-3 almost cut my hair, crosby stills nash + young. 1970. ^but i didn^t/and i/wonder why^.
-4 cat claw, the kills. 2002. ^you got it/i want it^.
-5 all night long stay, the sights. 2001.
-6 last night i dreamt that somebody loved me, grant lee phillips. 2006. smiths track from phillips^ new collection of covers: nineteeneighties.
-7 (we^ve reached the) beginning of the end, jimmie logsdon. 1957. hillbilly/rockabilly great who still lives in louisville.
-8 you don^t have very far to go, lucinda williams. 1994. from a tribute to merle haggard called tulare dust.
-9 right place, wrong time, dr john. 1973. it^s hard not to start moving when the piano riff hits, isn^t it?
-10 create + melt, dali^s car. 1984. after bauhaus split peter murphy and mick karn of japan teamed up for this one. we weren^t ready for it, i guess. (are we yet?)
-11 real life, tones on tail. 1983. ...and the rest of bauhaus got together for tones on tail before re-forming as love and rockets.
-12 his circle + hers meet, peter murphy. 1988.
-13 in love, the datsuns. 2003.
-14 i can^t hold myself in line, john doe. 1994. former x man from same haggard tribute as no 8.
-15 cigarettes + spearmint, garrison starr. 2005.
-16 ideas for walls, men without hats. 1982. this almost made my studio music collection, but i saved it for opposites. ^inside/outside/which is the right side?^
-17 whatever gets you through the night, john lennon. 1974. ^wrong or right^. moral relativism from mr lennon.

strange. no beck this time around...

yan yin
-1 no need to worry, folk implosion. 1999. ^think that i^m a loner/but i^m never alone^.
-2 friend or foe, adam ant. 1982. adam has to make an appearance on almost every mix i make.
-3 love is more thicker than forget, the story. 1991. we tried to get someone to sing this at our wedding but it^s really difficult. i would have sung it, but i was busy - and a little nervous. poem/lyric by e.e. cummings.
-4 anger, marvin gaye. 1978. from marvin^s album chronicling his divorce from anna gordy. court had ruled that the proceeds of this ^next^ album would go to anna as part of the divorce settlement. marvin turned the situation into art. album title ^here, my dear^.
-5 fat, joe henry. 1998. ^gambled i would lose, i guess i win.^ as i said on the first swap mix, joe henry^s discography would be my desert island music, no problem.
-6 zombie, low pop suicide. 1995.
-7 girls + boys, prince + the revolution. 1986.
-8 that^s not really funny, eels. 2001.
-9 dirty love, j*davey. 2006. an r&b take on a zappa track.
-10 helps me helps you, midnight oil. 1984.
-11 i never cared for you, willie nelson. 1998.
-12 guess things happen that way, johnny cash. 1958.
-13 the hunter gets captured by the game, massive attack/tracey thorn. smokey robinson classic, twisted almost beyond recognition. (has also been covered by ella fitzgerald, blondie, grace jones, and jerry garcia over the years.)
-14 everything is everything, lauryn hill. 1998.
-15 voices inside (everything is everything), donny hathaway. 1970.
-16 never do this again, the m^s. 2006.
-17 if 6 was 9, jimi hendrix. 1967.
-18 watching the wheels, john lennon. 1981.

Jan 14, 07 9:33 am  · 
vado retro

i have yet to get started on this one...

Jan 14, 07 11:20 am  · 
liberty bell

Okeydoke, my CD is ready to go!

My "Opposites" theme started as a collection of originals plus covers, but as I worked on it I realized I was more interested in differing production values - the raw and the cooked, so to speak. Then I realized most of what I was selecting were songs that sound either very produced, or sound very raw, but actually may be a combination: a tightly choreographed live performance, an aching raspy vocal over a delicate string composition. And since I don't know music very well, these readings of the songs may all be in my mind. But in any case it's a fairly broad mix of songs, I think, and I sure love listening to it.

However, I'm not sure who to send to, as my modified-swap idea above doesn't work out...if wilsonjd got one already from Steven, I shouldn't send to him - so I'll go ahead and send to quixotica as per the original list. But if he's getting one from wilsonjd...

...hell, anyone who wants email me your address and I'll send you a cd. Steven, you can pick your copy of it up Sunday, and vado, when I sign your papers I'll give you a copy too. (Let's hope that is soon, damned paperwork!)

quixotica and wilsonjd, look for my email because even if I sent you one before I'm not sure I still have the address.

Jan 30, 07 12:20 am  · 

Sucks that I'm 2500 miles away (nearly 4K usually)

I love to hear favourite at the moment being Tori Amos version of Smells Like Teen Spirit

Quite frankly I should be focussed on exposing you to intense reggae music beyond Marley, Tosh or Jimmy Cliff.

Jan 30, 07 12:54 am  · 

hey Vado, I had a bit of a medical issue to deal with this past week, so your cd is late but not forgotten.

Feb 7, 07 1:58 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Despite studio pressures, a greater work load, and trying to save a library, I do have a CD put together. I had a hard time follwoing the theme of opposites, so I just made a mix of what I'm listening to right now. I'm just awaiting a shipping address. No rush though, it will give me some time to make a label and some cover art!

Feb 7, 07 2:35 pm  · 
vado retro

oh hell i forgot all about this...

Feb 7, 07 10:55 pm  · 

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