
all things BRITISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From every Englishman emanates a kind of gas, the deadly choke-damp of boredom.

Heinrich Heine, German poet

Mar 30, 06 7:29 am  · 

had enough soul..or u want more.... ?

I'll be back

Mar 30, 06 7:30 am  · 

Do you intend reproducing the entire volume of quotations - if so, please let us know.

Mar 30, 06 8:17 am  · 

very nice very nice,

the reason there are no such insighful quotes about y'all over the pond is that we dont quite share the same rich history, though judging by the number of wars you waged last century and this-
you are catching up pretty fast.

1; we invented the sandwich, commonly misappropriated as the sub and hero over there -

2: Our red telephone boxes (Sir Geoge Gilbert Scott)

3: Our Red routemaster buses (San Fran streetcars come a close third)

Well ok I take it back maybe someone has said something about you after all

Mar 30, 06 8:17 am  · 

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.”

Winston Churchill

Mar 30, 06 8:18 am  · 

“To those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States.”

George W Bush

Mar 30, 06 8:20 am  · 

America is a cladding system


Mar 30, 06 8:30 am  · 

nevermore and sporadic supernova,

i'm calling it a truce because you are just no match for me. You guys just fancy bullying a young kid like me when all of u are grown-up 25s-30s architects and i'm just your average high schooler.

seriously, we had a nice war with words. But none of them had to do with architecture?

so this time round, minus the bitter words, lets make this thread more meaningful and productive.

Forgive me for haughty all the time.

Mar 30, 06 9:14 am  · 
sporadic supernova

haha ... what just happened?

Mar 30, 06 12:31 pm  · 

here is the results of my scientific and aesthetic and determined search for the truth;
beautiful british buildings = 3 pages
beautiful yankee buildings = 5 pages
fuck yeah. let the numbers talk for themselves.
my conscience is now clear and present.
sorry charles... you cain't always git whatcha want.

Mar 30, 06 1:01 pm  · 
Rim Joist

Sandwiches, phone booths, and red buses.

Can we blame you for being so smug, you clever bastards?

Mar 30, 06 2:27 pm  · 
vado retro
Mar 30, 06 5:36 pm  · 

a british fly

Mar 30, 06 5:43 pm  · 

who is, by the way, one day older than me.
if i were single i'd definitely like to celebrate

Mar 30, 06 5:57 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

English architecture is at its best when is in a garden. You bastards have some jolly grand gardens - I'll give you that much. - I think Edwin might agree.

Mar 30, 06 6:14 pm  · 

with her, that is

Mar 30, 06 6:21 pm  · 

one day yonger...not older

Mar 30, 06 6:22 pm  · 

I said keep in architecture folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want talk about british fly? though british gardens are suitable for this thread.

Mar 30, 06 6:50 pm  · 
Mar 30, 06 7:23 pm  · 

oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 30, 06 10:27 pm  · 


The English garden layout typical of its symmetry,planning etc was plagiarised...
OOPS ..I'm sorry

....'imported ' from the Hindu /Islamic style of garden planning in India/persia.

Learn your history properly.

Next example ?

Mar 31, 06 3:40 am  · 


let's take a tour down history lane...

This is the oldest surviving example of 'english' architecture

and it was constructed by scythian priests called "druids" as u may know who were migrants from"scythia" ancient region of central asia and eastern europe.

more laters.

Mar 31, 06 3:46 am  · 

Next we come to the Roman Period...the Romans invaded Britain in the first century AD.
In Latin the word villa means simply, "farm", so technically villas were any form of rural agricultural dwelling built in a Roman style.

That's your precursor to your Famed english villa styles which we find around 1500 years later.

Mar 31, 06 3:51 am  · 

then after the roman era..came the Anglo-Saxon period which produced some of the finest examples of churches and monasteries
(some of which survive even today )

Oh but wait...

The saxons were a germanic nation who were migrants to England.

Mar 31, 06 3:55 am  · 

then came the Norman period of art and architecture in Britain,
At the beginning of the Norman era the style of architecture that was in vogue was known as Romanesque, because it copied the pattern and proportion of the architecture of the Roman Empire.

hmm so can we call that 'british'...???

oh but did I mention ,The Normans were a mixture of the indigenous people of France and the Viking invaders.

silly me !

Mar 31, 06 3:59 am  · 

Now we come to a glorious era of architecture called "the gothic era"...

Gothic architecture is light, spacious, and graceful and many examples of english architecture can be found created in the gothic style.
e.g chantry chapel at Winchester Cathedral

wait up...before you stick out your stiff upper lip...may i remind you that the gothic style originated in france( circa 12 CE AD.)

Mar 31, 06 4:02 am  · 

next for the sake of reading brevity..Im more or less combining the medieval english era of manors, castles from the 1300s to the 1600s in one post...

the origins of which (i,.e the architecture ) as i already posted lay in roman and saxon culture.

Mar 31, 06 4:06 am  · 

and baroque style of architecture,the few examples of which are found in england --by archs Inigo Jones, Hawksmoor etc )

...originated in Europe,--> mainly spain and portugal.

Mar 31, 06 4:09 am  · 

next..we have more or less the era of "georgian architecture " of england ,Georgian classicism stolen from Palladianism, a philosophy of design of Andreas Palladio.
and that gentleman was an Italian architect of the 16th century who tried to recreate the style and proportions of the buildings of ancient Rome.

Mar 31, 06 4:12 am  · 

finally to wrap up things historical..I'll conclude with the victorian era which to put it very succintly was a REDERIVATION/REDISCOVERY of earlier styles Tudor, medieval, Italianate , gothic and saxon .....the arch was merely made larger and more ornate.

these earlier architectural styles as i have mentioned earlier were all imported from cultures,arts and philosophies of other nations/races.

Mar 31, 06 4:19 am  · 

so my good friend Soulkeit...

concerning historical architecture..there is NOTHINGreally british about "All things british !!!!! "

if you wish ..we could discuss what could be truely british about modern /contemporary architecture .

Tell me ifyou'd fancy that discussion.

P.S(If you dont Know where you came from ..You won't know where you are going.)

Mar 31, 06 4:23 am  · 

P.S--To clarify and corroborate my these earlier posts about the history of british arch..

may i clarify with anyone who wishes to disagree with me about whatever I posted is that..I have traced the "broad"underlying essence of the various architectures.(without going into the nitty gritties)

Mar 31, 06 4:27 am  · 

Ok me when you'r ready..

I'm just hopping out for a spot of tea .

(a concept stolen by the english from India )

Mar 31, 06 4:29 am  · 

The average American architecture student pulls more hours, twice as many all-nighters, and graduates with twice the education.

Mar 31, 06 5:50 am  · 

and i suppose nevermore,

that the americans were just a pack of people who came from nowwhere but outerspace.

Mar 31, 06 5:56 am  · 

we could always discuss what is british about comtemporary architecture............

but i can never guarantee my pride from rearing its ugly head..........

Mar 31, 06 5:57 am  · 

Soul,I wouldn't care..Im not american..I'm from India.

So now that we've eliminated anything british abt its history of arch,Yes..let's discuss what is british about its contemporary architecture............

You may commence this debate. Go ahead.

Mar 31, 06 6:05 am  · 

before this debate begin.........

where are u from........i mean which school of architecture did u attend

Mar 31, 06 6:08 am  · 

soul,Imfrom Bombay,India..You wouldnt be familiar with my college.
(It's not as Famous as the AA )

please start.

Mar 31, 06 6:12 am  · 

are u planning to study a masters in the Britain?

Mar 31, 06 6:15 am  · 

Soul..I shall not lie..well,I did apply to 7 univs in England.I got thru 4 (Including your AA and bartlett )..but I was not too comfy with the idea of investing my family's money in a nation that stole my country's riches for 89 years.

Yea ,Yea ,I know..It may sound strange ..I'm a little quirky and a die-hard,frothing at the mouth patriot.Nothing personal though.


Mar 31, 06 6:21 am  · 

an education at AA or Barlett would have open your eyes to a different world.

was it hard getting into first year at AA? I mean the portfolio wise? what other universities did u apply to?

Mar 31, 06 6:27 am  · 

soul..well,Everyone has their perspectives in life.

(as the famous quote goes-->Don't keep your mind too open , your brains will spill out )

If your planning to go there for masters etc ,want to get accepted ,.. Make your portfolio more inclined towards 'art'/free-flowing forms and experimentation in colours and shapes (They like that).
They stress less on your technical skills and undergrad arch academic record.

Im no expert but thats from experience (My portfolio was that were two of my friend's who also managed to get in there.).so thats my guess.

There are many people from the AA here..You may ask them too.

Mar 31, 06 6:37 am  · 

i'm applying for a part 1 Bachelors of architectural studies. I'm fresh out of high school and i don't know what AA or schools in the UK expect of me.

Mar 31, 06 6:56 am  · 


soul! dude, you are such a weasel. and i mean that in the kindest way. too funny. too funny.

i know a fellow who is teaching at the AA. Talented (extrordinarily, the bugger), and worth studying under. But you wouldn't like him, he was educated in the US and born in Japan. about as far from british as you can get really.

ah, i am still laughing. good luck with the applications, mate.

Mar 31, 06 7:15 am  · 

thanks mate.

nope. i was just fooling around albeit in a serious way with this thread.

i'm just disheartened to see british architecture academia falling behind their american and european counterparts.

u mind telling me who this fellow, or professor, is at AA?

Mar 31, 06 7:24 am  · 

i could. but it wouldn't help much as i know him only well enough to exchange the ocassional e-mail on holidays and cetera. so I'll save us both the hastle.

as for getting in, i've only been to AA and Bartlett etc to see a few lectures, so no idea. nevermore has the right idea though. try doing a search of the site and you should find advice for folks looking to get into the school of your choice. way things are lately you should find enough to choke on. luck.

Mar 31, 06 7:57 am  · 

I once had to give a small talk in a turorial about if you could detect the nationality of an architect by what they designed later in life. Was facinating really because I really shot to pieces the idea of nationality for starters then whent on to demonstrate that you could not tell where someone came from by what they later produced. So maybe the debate about US or Uk( is it the same as Britain) is not quite right.

Mar 31, 06 12:59 pm  · 

and of course there ia also the confusion that some how those across the pond cannot differentiate between English and British...not the sam thing atall as I am sure the Sotts and Welsh would tell you.

Mar 31, 06 1:00 pm  · 

I lived in England for 2 of the most greuling, annoying years of my life. Nothing happens there fast, and I truly believe the British strive to make EVERYTHING as incovenient as absolutely possible. I give it to the British they have some impressive talent and very innovative ideas. If they do it right, its the best, hands down. The problem with Britain is if they do it wrong, its the worst, ANYWHERE.
That being said, they have to be talented. There's not a lot else to do. The food blows chunks, it really does rain all the time, there is a horrible class structure (thanks Margaret), its outrageously expensive (for what I will never know), and the pubs close at 11. If there weren't innovation, talk about depression.
Architectural education in America and Britain are entirely different. American architects are more middle of the road but have the sense not to replicate some of the tackiest, most poorly built structures in the world. Britain gets an A for effort, but America wins overall. Its a lifestyle choice.

Mar 31, 06 2:07 pm  · 

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