
Break out the daffodils.


Happy St David's Day

Her Majesty the Queen will officially open the Assembly Senedd on March 1, accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall.

A victory for architecture and democracy (Welsh politics aside!).


Feb 28, 06 6:27 pm

Based on the BBC pictures, all I can say is congratulations to the Welsh. They have both a spectacular new assembly, and it sounds like, the good taste and sense to recognize that. Very rarely is a contemporary building so universally lauded.

Feb 28, 06 6:37 pm  · 

...and it came in a good 400 million pounds less than the Scottish parliament. I know, I know, different sizes and such. But still. Wow.

Feb 28, 06 10:48 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

and i thought today was just Fat Tuesday / National Pancake Day...




Mar 1, 06 2:26 am  · 

Ah, just to clarify, March 1st is St davids Day. The bloody timer doesn't reflect my time zone!

Rumours that per square foot the Senedd is more expensive than the Scotish parliament. We don't boast about that one.

There is still time to make the 10am events, you have just over an hour to get down Cardiff Bay.

0800: First day cover stamp launch
1000: More than 500 guests arrive
1110-1130: Faith and judicial processions
1200: Royals arrive; view salutes and fly-past
1204-1300: Opening ceremonies inside Senedd
1400-1600: Public performances in Senedd
1455-1630 Formation ceremony for Royal Welsh regiment at Roald Dahl Plass
Evening: Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall attend WNO performance at Millennium Centre


And the stamps...

Mar 1, 06 4:03 am  · 

Just for clarity to the uniformed, the third stamp from the left is a leek - our national veg.

Mar 1, 06 4:07 am  · 

I thought you would resurect your old rugby post about last year's 6 nations, you've been remarkably quite on that front recently!! well at least the new assembly has restored your welsh pride since your rugby team has let you dowm so badly...

Mar 1, 06 9:24 am  · 


Mar 1, 06 12:28 pm  · 

cheer up. at least the tournament is still completely open this year. looks like the gaps between the northern hemisphere teams are getting smaller. good for the game.

Mar 1, 06 1:40 pm  · 
vado retro

jeepers. i'm leeking right now!!!

Mar 1, 06 10:42 pm  · 

mmm... leek soup...

Mar 2, 06 6:34 am  · 

"cheer up. at least the tournament is still completely open this year."

doberman - now I know you are taking the piss. Welsh rugby has imploded with resignation of the GRAND SLAM winning coach. The captain appeared on TV to embarrass himself and the WRU. The following day he colapsed with a burst blood vessel(stress) to be out for 12 weeks. Then a defeat to Ireland in a shit game.

On topic - A clearly happy Lord Rogers, an architect not of devolution but the nation's newest landmark building, afterwards declared, "I'm delighted. On Tuesday, when the building was working on a more normal day, I thought it was fantastic. People were using it like a great big living room - sitting, having coffee.

"The dream has been to create a place where the people and those they elect to govern can exchange ideas, can meet.

"Like all jobs it's not easy, but the relationship with the building team has always been fantastic. It's been a good job after a little hitch in the middle."

Oh yeah and the QoE was kitted out with a biscuit-coloured coat and matching hat with brown fur trim.

Mar 2, 06 11:42 am  · 

We love leeks but not leaks. Break out the unberellas!

It has been raining steadily in Cardiff since Tuesday morning and yesterday there were at least five puddles of water inside the building.

There are leaks in the public gallery and the access corridors that AMs and staff use to walk between the Senedd and their offices in the old building.

"Wet floor" warning signs have been placed around the puddles caused by the dripping ceiling and buckets were placed under the most severe drips.

And cleaners were yesterday hard at work mopping up puddles while the rain continued.

An Assembly spokeswoman said repair costs would be covered by the fixed contract with the builders.

Mar 9, 06 4:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

ha ha...puddles wins again! architects can't stop me, they can only hope to contain me...yeah, as if

anyhow that's a really delightful looking building, maybe i will move to cardiff. i've actually been (somewhat jokingly) talking about moving to wales for years. for an american, wales has always seemed like one of the least likely places in the world to me (sort of like how delaware in the usa feels to me) in that not much actually comes to's just sort of there. but when i pause to consider it for more than a moment or two, then i'm inclined to believe that it is probably a very nice place that manages to carry on it's business in a solid (if not spectacular) manner.

at any rate, i should probably visit before i babble anymore. congratulations. i'm jealous. enough said.

Mar 10, 06 9:43 am  · 

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