
i cant figure this one out


any thoughts on G-dub's hard on for alternative energy all the sudden??

Feb 21, 06 12:26 pm

Green puberty?

Feb 21, 06 12:27 pm  · 

The present global price rises which are hurting everyone, particularly the US which is such a massive importer of energy. Very costly.

Watch Sweden who are looking to be carbon-free by 2020.

Feb 21, 06 12:29 pm  · 

He's setting himself up for a national spoksman postion. That way, when his term is up his face will still be seen on TV... got to put food on the table somehow

Feb 21, 06 12:30 pm  · 

it seems like this happened overnight w/ bush, however

Feb 21, 06 12:39 pm  · 

was wondering the same thing this morning.

the article i read, however, noted that a factory he visited this week, where they demonstrated the escape hybrid with new lithium ion vs current hybrid battery, had developed the new battery technology while on gov't contract. now they're going to push toward selling the newer better-performing and smaller battery in new hybrids.

so: gov't funds corporate r+d and then corporations put the results up for sale to the public at a premium. (i.e., we pay twice.) this is still the same game of corporate subsidies, but this time i'm all for the results.

its easy to be cynical about this but, until i learn what the dark side is, i'm going to cheerily accept it as a good thing.

Feb 21, 06 12:50 pm  · 

wonder if this has anything to do w/ the big three automakes going down fast...i believe that Bush said something to the effect a while ago that making cars and trucks more fuel efficent would hurt American jobs

Feb 21, 06 12:54 pm  · 

mdler drives him a Japaneese car

Feb 21, 06 12:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'd be more impressed if g-dub acquired a recent hardon for mass transportation and denser residential developments.

as it stands the president is among those who are finally beginning to realize that the world is running out of oil and if americans are forced to pay $10/gallon to get everywhere in their far-flung, low density suburbs then this will have major economic and political implications...and possibly much sooner than we suspect. the republicans, much like any ruling party, are absolutely desparate to keep the good times going so that they can maintain power.

Feb 21, 06 1:04 pm  · 

im not saying that the UAE promotes terrorism, but this is a strange change in policy as well...

Feb 21, 06 5:02 pm  · 

That story is slightly bizarre. To me it sounds like "Bush is pushing for his Arab buddies to make a ton of money in the US whilst Senator/Animatron Bill Frist might have actually grown a brain/some balls and is voicing concerns on the issue".

As usual, I will wait for Jon Stewart at 11 pm to tell me that it is all OK so that I won't yet have to make a run for Canada.

Feb 22, 06 1:02 pm  · 
R.C. Barn

Anyone else have a problem with the fact that Bush witnessed this new energy being used by a Ford Escape? Not even the new hybrid Explorer, but that disgusting SUV who's side view mirrors always stretch to the next lane.

Feb 22, 06 1:11 pm  · 

so he slashes research funding, and then goes and does photo-ops. the hypocrisy of this administration would be comical if there weren't real-world implications.

Feb 22, 06 2:26 pm  · 
R.C. Barn

Wonderk, what's in Canada?

Feb 22, 06 2:29 pm  · 

well, RCBarn, I was going to say "freedom!" in a real William Wallace kind of way, but then I remembered that they just voted a big conservative in because of the liberal party's corruption. So I guess I'm going to have to go back to my original plan of fleeing to Holland. It's OK, the Dutch are crafty, I'm cool with that.....

Feb 22, 06 5:26 pm  · 

There is "OIL SAND IN CANADA" They say there is enough oil in the sand in Canada that we could just call them North American Arabs....Interesting thing is one of America's Richest Oil Men of course from Texas...has 10 % of his money invested into Canadian Oil Sand.
So Let George Talk....and Talk...but I can tell you where his blind trust
investment money is at the moment....OIL SAND.

Feb 22, 06 6:04 pm  · 

norm's got the right read of the situation. G-dub's trying to cover up the fact that he's not FUNDING energy research by giving it a lot of face time. He's distracting from the real issue.

Feb 22, 06 6:20 pm  · 

smoke and [side view] mirrors

Feb 22, 06 6:27 pm  · 

i am planning on taking myself of the grid. switch my truck over to vegetable oil and start hangiong out with willie nelson. have heard that the new diesel motor from ford will have cleaner air from the exhaust than goes into the motor in some cities and you won't have to drive a shoebox.


Feb 22, 06 6:51 pm  · 

yeah...but you will be driving a Ford

Feb 22, 06 7:01 pm  · 
Josh Emig

mdler, your Japanese car comment may have a lot to do with it.

"[...] there's a related aspect of the emerging economy space that should give the optimists among us cheer. In spite of the tendency for emerging economies to adopt northern models and aspire to that lifestyle, the horrendous environmental challenges that countries like India and China now increasingly face are also likely to inspire considerable innovation in terms of green technology development. These new ideas can then be exported ("trickle up") to the rest of the world -- a point stressed recently by New York Times writer Tom Friedman. That doesn't mean wealthy nations can simply sit back and wait for this to happen. Northern investors should make strategic (and patient) investments in these areas, and northern companies need to participate in the development of these technologies, unless they want to be taken by surprise the way Detroit's automakers were by Japan in the 1970s."

[url =]The Whole Story[/url]

Feb 22, 06 7:32 pm  · 
Josh Emig

Damnit. The Whole Story

Feb 22, 06 7:33 pm  · 

coal is actually the most likely alternative energy source for america. we a have a crap ton of it which will far outlast oil. oh...also according to the cute actors on tv we'll have cars running on ethanol...CUTTING energy consumption is out of the question.

Feb 22, 06 7:39 pm  · 

by 'alternative' you mean nuclear right?

Feb 22, 06 10:53 pm  · 

yeah crispy, except for all that fun noxious smoke it produces, and the fact that it is still a non-renewable resource....

The world did the coal thing. Then it moved on because the world of soot was pretty nasty. I also want to say it's not very efficient, but I'm too lazy to check the facts on that one. It's also not terribly portable when compared to other energy sources.

I'm not saying that oil is a great thing, but I think we need to move forward on the energy problem, not backward. I agree wholeheartedly with your sarcastic implication that reducing demand is at least as, if not more, important as discovering new supplies.

Feb 23, 06 1:02 am  · 

as someone who cleans up the sticky thick coal dust that sprays out of the walls every time he tries to do any minor renovation on his 108 yr old house, i'll just say 'hear hear' rationalist.

Feb 23, 06 7:14 am  · 

and as long as we keep having mining accidents in ky and wva and the coal industry keeps taking the tops off of our mountains, 'clean' coal is going to have trouble getting traction as an alternative fuel.

Feb 23, 06 7:16 am  · 

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