
Thread Central


At least Orhan, someone is getting constructive again on the thread central. Congratulations for this achievement!

Apr 20, 06 3:10 pm  · 

ya Orhan, that's absolutely fantastic. well done.

you will go down in history as the architect who was deemed by the city of Lakewood to have developed a creative approach. well done indeed.

Apr 20, 06 4:11 pm  · 

i think creative approach equals to doing some sort of a dutch roof with nice and long roof pitch changes and introducing the first open plan living areas with 12' sliders (imagine a shooe box and replace the short walls with fleetwood doors in town.
but it still qualified as a creative project in lakewood. and boy translucent lexan sheets over the patio will be the talk of the sports town...;)

more important was, i am sure they will treat the next architect with a little more respect.

Apr 20, 06 5:40 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. wonderk ... no probs at all ..
and I will be watching crash later at night . thanks for the reco.

orhan ... mighty impressed with you... way to go man !!...

hmm and about what melquiades said about sheri, I did think of the same. I mean if sheri really is 14, then she does have a strong base for the proffession.. hopefully its just a fad and she'll grow out of it. and save us the trouble of having to work for her ... lol ..

now Auguste ... errr.. exactly what kind of correspondence have you been having with sheri ? .. haha .. I need to see everyone's ID now, before I respond to any posts..

sigh .. what's this world coming to??

Apr 21, 06 1:36 am  · 
sporadic supernova

mmm ...
check out the phalic logo thread

lol . it started as something else .. but thats just forgotten

Apr 21, 06 2:00 am  · 
vado retro

loved your updated bio myriam...

Apr 21, 06 6:24 am  · 

for those who still think that sheri24 might be 14, check out the buying a house thread.

orhan, congrats on your victory! that's the way things should work.

sorry you ended up having a hassle, but i appreciate that the commission/panel is there as gatekeeper, protecting what they think is the public interest (albeit a little heavy-handedly this time), and that there is also a staff person there to be arbiter - determining whether they met the requirements and spirit of the code.

i also appreciate that you didn't back down when you were convinced that you were in the right.

Apr 21, 06 6:49 am  · 
liberty bell

The Phallic Logo Winners on the Most Prestigious Firmthread as referenced above by sporadic is hilarious. It's from B3TA's website, which I used to read religiously every week: they send out an update on Fridays because they are of the opinion that on Friday you're not really working anyway, so why not read a bunch of funny internet crap while sitting at your desk pretending?

Ah to be an employee again.

Apr 21, 06 8:51 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Apr 21, 06 11:16 am  · 
liberty bell

Glad you survived the hangover puddles - are you up for drinking again tonight?

Apr 21, 06 11:19 am  · 

sheri: cant see your video

Apr 21, 06 11:28 am  · 

I'd just like to give a shout out to all my peeps who put their thread titles in title form: à la "Thread Central"

it makes me glow inside.

Apr 21, 06 12:14 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

3D STUDIO MAX 6 - Home Work Help Needed !!! is the most blatent example of do my homework i've ever seen. he's PAYING someone to do it for him.

Apr 21, 06 12:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Lately I'm getting by on coffee and protein bars.

Tonight I'll have one beer.

Apr 21, 06 12:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

my tongue still hurts...damn cigars

Apr 21, 06 12:41 pm  · 

Just got back from career day at the High was hee-larious. I talked so much I'm about to lose my voice. Also I opted for the crisp white shirt and skirt plus heels, as opposed to the suit - couldn't find any I liked. I do still enjoy being overdressed on Casual Friday though.

lb, I'm on board with the theory of not really working on Friday. Except when we have to send drawings out. What a drag.

Apr 21, 06 1:40 pm  · 

puddles. alive. copied. thanks.

any of you guys are attending the AIA06 in los angeles?

Apr 21, 06 1:43 pm  · 

I'll be around for the parties, but I've got a deadline that week so can't make it to the daytime fun.

Apr 21, 06 2:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

abra doesn't know this yet, but i'm coming to california and i'm going to intern for him.

he's the designer...i'll deal with the planning department

Apr 21, 06 3:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

and liberty bell doesn't know this yet, but i'm stopping by her place tonight to have a beer on my way to california

Apr 21, 06 3:26 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

anyone else in LA want to get a archinect shin-dig going? it'd be fun. we could introduce ourselves w/ real names and never mention our screen names and play the matching game.

Apr 21, 06 3:30 pm  · 

Definitely. Although any of us who are connected on Myspace have a leg up in that game. Just have to make sure that it's after working hours for me to show up though. Stupid clients want things in the middle of May, right when I should be allowed to take a few days to schmooze with the architecture community and meet all my archinecter pals! How rude.

Apr 21, 06 3:37 pm  · 

hello all

i just wanted to let you know that lula's blood tests came back today with no signs of liver problems. the first test was obviously a big mistake. her paw is doing better. it is still red but healing fine. she thanks you all for your support.


Apr 21, 06 4:38 pm  · 

that's a beautiful picture of lula!

Apr 21, 06 4:50 pm  · 

that's a beautiful picture of lula! glad she's ok.

Apr 21, 06 4:51 pm  · 

whoa. that was weird.

Apr 21, 06 4:52 pm  · 

thanks steven. the girl knows how to strike a pose.

Apr 21, 06 4:59 pm  · 

Just one hour to go. . .

Then i leave for mississippi for a week with Habitat International! It was so much work to get this going i haven't really had time to think about it but now that im killing my last hour on a friday i'm jittery as hell!

someone make sure the cd swap thread doesnt go nuts while im gone.

Apr 21, 06 5:06 pm  · 
vado retro

lookin good lula...

Apr 21, 06 6:50 pm  · 


Apr 21, 06 7:11 pm  · 

go lulaaaa, yayyy!!

Apr 22, 06 6:16 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

lula looks great ... quite a poser too .. :)

Apr 23, 06 1:10 am  · 

hope everyone is having a great weekend.

good to hear that Lula is well...

and WonderK, I'd love to hear more about career day...sounds fun.

Apr 23, 06 4:00 pm  · 

yes, i hope everyone is enjoying their weekend too. i am. i had a good dinner and some beers at my favorite place on friday night with my wife and one of my good friends. last night i played in a omaha poker tournament with six of my friends. it was a $100 buy in. i got third place and won $125. last time wa had an omaha tourney, i won first prize which was $450. i'm working right now but getting ready to head to a good friend's house for a bbq in a little while. he is the owner of said favorite place, and it is sunny and should hit 70 this afternoon.

oh, and lula loves you all. you rock. a special woof goes to mr. retro's pup above. what a cutie.

Apr 23, 06 4:26 pm  · 

^ I recall that link, to brouwers...nice logo ;)

Apr 23, 06 4:33 pm  · 
Ms Beary

e, my husband won both our tournaments last night, no-limit hold-em. $145 total. feels good.

Apr 23, 06 4:42 pm  · 

thanks AP. the owner is flemish and wanted a lion. i drew several options in that style and that's the one that won out.

it does feel good strawbeary. congrats to him.

Apr 23, 06 5:32 pm  · 

AP, career day was like taking a trip through the twilight zone. I had good relationships with a lot of my high school teachers, many of whom are still teaching there. So while I would be standing there, talking to a group of girls about architecture, one of my teachers would come running up to me and grab me and hug me. 10 years later and these people remember me. I have no idea how.

Some of my favorite topics of discussion among the sophomores, juniors and seniors that I spoke with (I had a constant stream of people, BTW) were:
-No, believe it or not, you don't really have to be great at math to be an architect
-Yes, DAAP is a highly ranked school. Yes, it's a good school. Yes, the entrance requirements are kind of steep. Yes, it's very much in demand. I heard "it's like, the best school in the country, right?" about 5 times. (do NOT start with me on the rankings, I wasn't about to start a philosophical discussion with these girls).
-Yes, you work hard. But, define "hard".
-Yes, I like what I do.
-No, we don't make as much money as you'd think :o/

Also, it's very possible that I might be designing a house for my HS gym teacher in the near future! How funny would that be.

All in all, a productive and silly day. But a good reason to escape work for a few hours.

Apr 23, 06 11:32 pm  · 

wow, that does sound like a good time, odd, but fun.

so, after hearing the truth about architecture, did any of 'em still seem interested?

Apr 23, 06 11:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

WonderK it sounds fun. And I'm sure you impressed them, you are so vivacious and snappy.

re: the "no you don't have to be good at math" thing: Steven Ward and I interviewed a high school girl recently, super smart and cool and creative and very curious about the world, but said she probably didn't want to pursue architecture because "I heard you have to be really good at math to be an architect." To which Steven and I simultaneously did the "pppfffttttt" sound and dismissive hand gesture. It was pretty damn funny.

You have to come talk to our kids this summer, WonderK, they'll love you.

Apr 23, 06 11:47 pm  · 

on another note, I was visiting Gainesville this weekend, staying with a friend from undergrad who went straight into grad at UF...he's part of a GTA program that gives graduate students an opportunity to pair with fellow grad students and teach first year design studios. Basically, a few of these teams of 2 answer to a professor, but essentially, they teach the studios. There is also an option to stay a year longer, after receiving the MArch 1 and receive a second Masters in design education - the pedagogy degree. ...

anyway, the 3 professors that acted as directors of the graduate teaching teams threw a dinner party for the GTA's +1. I was fortunate to be in town for it, and gladly accepted my friend's +1.
It was a blast.

the professor who hosted the event at her home is a one-in-a-million woman with an incredibly cool family...she was with a portion of our senior class for our final Fall semester in Vicenza, Italy, and brought her family with, putting her children in Italian we had 4 months of time to become familiar with one another...

so, we started with mojitos and chorizo, moved quickly to wine and cheese, and then to more wine and a spread of meat, organic veggies, and various other random delights. Five hours or, wine and more wine. Mojitos at the bottom of the stomach layered throughout. Hardcore buzzin.

I wasn't the only one...and it was a friendly, comfortable group, but damn. I haven't gotten that wasted in a while. (fortunately it didn't hit its hardest until after leaving the house with some friends and going to a bar)'s just too easy to keep drinking, all of the sudden it hit me like a crashing red wave. the next day was miserable. I usually don't get hangovers, and usually have the foresight not to end up with one the day of the company picnic...

ya, so even after arriving late after taking a nap and keeping my sunglasses on (even during a brief rain), I was called out by just about everyone there, from peer to principal. good times.

just thought i'd share...

Apr 24, 06 12:07 am  · 

lb, why the interview w/ high school girl? do you both teach at a summer career discovery thing or somethin?

oh, and on the math tip - UF recently downgraded the requirement from Calculus to Pre Calc.....after I already took Calculus, of course....

Apr 24, 06 12:11 am  · 
liberty bell

AP, you must not have read the bourbon thread, actually Steven's Derby thread, where we talk about our summer plans.

Sorry about the hangover, but it sounds like a night well worth a little pain the enxt day.

Apr 24, 06 12:20 am  · 

oh, I see, very cool.

Apr 24, 06 12:29 am  · 

Are the 2 of you the only instructors for the architecture studio?

(the creative writing course sounds pretty cool too...)

Apr 24, 06 12:32 am  · 

nevermind...I looked further on the site...sounds like a great deal of fun.

Apr 24, 06 12:34 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. wonderk. I sure you had a good time though .. at least you got a job right ? ... will your gym teacher be paying you ? ... :)

I was just wondering ... did any of you have an architect visit you on career day , when you were in high school ? ...

anyway .. looks like everyone's having a hangover ..

Apr 24, 06 1:25 am  · 

i know someone who lives here, guess who?

Apr 24, 06 4:00 am  · 
sporadic supernova

me .. me ... who else ...??

Apr 24, 06 6:31 am  · 

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