


You guys should get excited about things other than architecture once in a while. Kobe scored 81 points against the raptors last night. History being made.

Jan 23, 06 8:05 am
sporadic supernova

What !!!??????? you gotta be kidding me !!... lemme check

Jan 23, 06 8:15 am  · 
sporadic supernova

shit its true .... he scored 81 out of the total 122 !!! crazy ...

i suppose he must be second in the all time list now.. ol' wilt's scored 100 ... against the knicks.. ( i think.. )

pretty good .. though i cant stand the guy !!!

Jan 23, 06 8:19 am  · 

:D i love you kobe

Jan 23, 06 8:28 am  · 

what does it mean when you get ALL your sports news off archinect?

oh yeah, 81?!?!?, that's f-in crazy. I don't think I could hit that many baskets unopposed during the timespan of a game.

Jan 23, 06 8:36 am  · 

now I dont wanna be an architect anymore. I wanna be an NBA player.

Jan 23, 06 8:40 am  · 

this is news? how about this; Kobe rapes women, gets away with no time, and oh yeah by the way scores 81 points. the guy is a fucking punk, and i thank the stars he did not break Wilt's record. oh, and yeah, the F*kers, i mean Lakers suck.

Jan 23, 06 9:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

kobe sucks...and who the hell are the raptors anyway? isn't that the team the globetrotters always smack silly?

Jan 23, 06 12:34 pm  · 

Yeah he scores 81 and also takes 160 shots.

IMO he is a chump.

Jan 23, 06 12:45 pm  · 
this sounds like teamplay

Jan 23, 06 12:49 pm  · 

Exactly what Im talking about.

He cant go to any other team becayse they wont put up with his bs.

Jan 23, 06 12:53 pm  · 

Ball Hog

Jan 23, 06 1:06 pm  · 

that's not a joke? i thought i was reading the onion..but it
seemed semi legit...although a team member being allowed to
put in a layup off a rebound wasn't that seems a bit

kobe will never win another championship in my opinion...
he's reverted to michael before pippen...he's a good player
without a sidekick who thinks that if he scores sixty his team will
win...didn't work for jordan..doesn't work for iverson..won't work
for kobe. the epitome of the 'me first' athlete...why would any
free agent of any quality sign with the lakers.

Jan 23, 06 1:06 pm  · 

to answer your question, nobody would.

Jan 23, 06 1:10 pm  · 

you know Phil wanted me to fill in for Kobe but I don't like LA so I'll guess I'll have to forgo the offer.

Jan 23, 06 1:11 pm  · 

appreciate the man for what he is, people.. no one's saying he's as good as MJ or anything.. but the fact is that no one else in the NBA is capable of playing the way he is right now. period.

Jan 23, 06 1:13 pm  · 

Yes there is but no coach is stupid enough to let them take as many shots as Kobe takes.

Jan 23, 06 1:16 pm  · 

What we know about Kobe...

Admitted to commiting adultry
Accused of being a rapist

Oh and he can play basketball

Wow, what a role model.

Jan 23, 06 1:21 pm  · 


Jan 23, 06 1:26 pm  · 

Yes, maybe his 81 points will make up for the way he treats women.

Or not.

Jan 23, 06 1:29 pm  · 

it is true that noone is playing like him...and i don't think i
could follow any team that played like they do...kobe somehow
convinced his owner to get shaq out of town...freakin shaq..the
single most dominating player in the NBA...and as has been
mentioned..the guy took 46 shots? 20 foul shots and
is still complaining about not getting foul calls? i don't know
who kobe compares to.. but i'd compare him to any player that
has no idea what it takes to win a championship and who is
unaware that he was unbelievably blessed to have a player
like shaq...and all he could do at the time was complain.

imo..wade is a better player. i think any top ten player could
score 40 or so a game or more if he dominated the offense
like kobe does.. but what about the total package...mj would
lead the team in all categories...same with larry bird. all kobe
cares about is scoring and himself...therefore it's difficult for me
to care about his game.

in other words i don't hate the player..i hate his game.

Jan 23, 06 1:31 pm  · 

my thoughts exactly.

Good post.

Jan 23, 06 1:37 pm  · 

ball hog or not, 81 points in one game is still incredible.

Jan 23, 06 1:38 pm  · 
Philip Gentleman

kobe's numbers are better than michael jordan's AND he gets anal. all you whiners can cry a collective river.

Jan 23, 06 2:11 pm  · 

actually philip...the facts (other than anal) don't add up...

looking at their career stats...
mj v. kb
mpg 38.3 35.3
fg% .497:.452
3p% .332:.334
ft% .835:.832
off rb 1.6:1.3
def rb 4.7:2.9
rpg 6.2:5.1
apg 5.3:4.4
spg 2.35:1.45
bpg .83:.60
to 2.73:2.85
pf 2.6:2.7
ppg 30.1:23.2

i realize that kobe would fare better with /48 minute numbers..
and that his career numbers will probably improve as he gets
older...but for the time being his numbers aren't as good as

i agree the 81 points is imporbable...and a feat worthy of some
accolades...after all i believe there were only five players to score
over 60 before last that's something. i wonder if shaq
got the ball, and shot it, every possession how many points he
could score..

Jan 23, 06 2:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

first of all, kobe should be in jail.

secondly, i could care less if he scores 200 points. basketball is a team game not pinball.

Jan 23, 06 2:55 pm  · 

Amen to that.^^^^^^^

Jan 23, 06 2:56 pm  · 

lars larson put it perfectly

kobe seems to play for the name on his back - like what was he thinking on pt 80: "hmm.. i could pass it to..uhm....whats-his-name, but I could score 90! f+ck him! he cant play as good as me anyway" swoosh!

KB trots back with that "I'm better than you" swagger and smirk to play half assed defense....

Jan 23, 06 5:20 pm  · 

regardless of the numbers, Mike is untoucheable.

Jan 23, 06 5:43 pm  · 
Minimal Animal

They should change the name of the team to Los Angeles Laker !!!

Jan 23, 06 6:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i thought this was meat rating post...

81 aint the record anyway. wilt the stilt scored a 100 and slept with 20,000 women.

Jan 23, 06 6:43 pm  · 

absolutely. well said lars...

D-Wade is better. GO HEAT!

Jan 23, 06 6:45 pm  · 
vado retro

have the heat ever scored 81 points in a game???

Jan 23, 06 7:49 pm  · 

I have a feeling kobe's gonna score 80+ again. This season.

Jan 23, 06 7:52 pm  · 

considering the heat average 100.1 pts/game...yes.

Jan 23, 06 7:52 pm  · 

everyone keeps using his excessive shots total as a negative of his stat line, yet no one mentioned that he shot 61% from the field!

I don't care what you think of the guy, thats absolutely phenomenal, especially for a two-guard, most of whos shots are 18-20 feet from the basket

Jan 23, 06 8:07 pm  · 

i would hate to be on a "team" with kobe bryant. if other stars in the nba ignored there teammates, they too could pull this off, so i don't find his 81 to be that great. two things i can't beleive though:

1. that a modern day defense would allow one person to do that. if i were a coach for toronto, i would have double teamed him all night and left someone else open rather than let my players be humiliated like that.

2. that phil jackson and everyone else on the laker squad was so impressed by this, and then phil had the nerve to say he had never seen anything like it before. i beleive the assistant coach who said it was impressive but it doesn't build chamionships should step up.

sad part is, i can now see that all will soon be forgotton. he'll get an MVP or something to go with his scoring title, nike will start with more commercials putting his shoes on the street, and he'll be in a whole lot more commercials touting worthless yet overpriced goods. I'll start calling him Mr 81 now, at least until he decides he has to be Mr 101.

Jan 23, 06 8:26 pm  · 

Aparently it was his 666th game. Coincidence?

Jan 24, 06 2:51 am  · 

hold on... did any of you people actually watch the game?

the lakers were down by 14 points at the half, basically most teams would expect to lose... kobe was sitting out most of the second quarter, and he came in the third quarter on fire and scored 55 of the points in a very difficult comeback in the second half to get his team the win. His teammates were giving him the ball because he was on fire.

kobe may be taking alot of shots, but he's getting them in... he is an incredible shooter, common, wilt scored 100 but he did so with his size, kobe drains difficult shots, three pointers from all over the court, under pressure...

sure he does most of the scoring on his team, but so did michael jordan. he scores, and his team wins. he rallies his team. kobe hustles more than any player... he also gets boards, he gives his team an edge, he draws double coverage and gets assists, steals the ball, makes his team better. he shoots because thats his role. he's the best shooter on his team, has had 7 3-pointers a game... and he never gets open looks because he's always hounded, so he shoots from way outside the arc.

he could have easily scored over 80 points in another game a few weeks ago: he had 61 points by the third quarter and then sat out the rest of the game. phil jackson took him out the entire fourth quarter and kobe had no problem with that because its not about scoring titles, its about winning.

he did get double teamed all the time, and he still scores, or he dishes it off... you can't double team all game, or he will pass to the open man... beyond that, when your teammate is on fire, you get him the ball, and you get the win... everybody plays roles... smush parker gets assists, steals, 3-pointers, lamar odom and chris mihm get boards and blocks, and they all get assists by dishing to kobe, kobe scores. a team is about role playing, different teams are built differently, every team plays the cards their dealt, so sure if kobe had a stacked team things would be different... nobody thinks the best player is the necessarily the one who score the most points anyways...

if kobe sucked and he took so many shots, then he would be a ball hog. as it is, he's just a great shooter.

Jan 24, 06 2:55 am  · 
sporadic supernova


Just read that article ..... it'd riddiculous ...are you sure its not taken from the onion ??!!

crazy .... !! .. i'd love to hear what Shaq has got to say about it !! lol .!!

and imagine if Shaq was still with the lakers!! ...

Jan 24, 06 4:13 am  · 
sporadic supernova

whoops ... just read the fine print (well not so fine) at the bottom of the article !!

Jan 24, 06 4:15 am  · 

I fucking hate Kobe.

Also, when Kobe plays LA the unwritten rule is that you are not ALLOWED to play defense against him or you will get a foul called on you. Actually, you are not allowed to get within 5 inches of Kobe because a perceived foul results in a foul in LA.

Kobe played awesome, but no way should he have scored 81 if the raptors were not tentative on defense cause well, you are not really allowed to play defense.

Jan 24, 06 5:51 am  · 

Kobe was an incredible shooter for 1 game. Have you looked at his season average? His shooting % is not remarkable.

Basically, Kobe won the lottery yesterday where a lot of his shots fell and lady luck was on his side (ie. the Refs in purple and gold).

Jan 24, 06 5:53 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Well yeah .. you kinda get to thinking ..
what were the rators doing ?? ...

Jan 24, 06 6:06 am  · 
sporadic supernova

sorry .. that should read raptors

Jan 24, 06 6:06 am  · 

i can see sort of what you're saying...kobe shoots cause he's the
best player on his team...but that's his own fault at this point...he's
on a bad team because he made it that way.

and 81 points in this era is pretty incredible...wilt score 100 before
the advent of the three second clock i believe...i think he's actually
the reason why they created the three second clock. so his 100
points is sort of tainted..

as far as kobe and the say it is his role to be the scorer
to me is sort of ridiculous. any team that's going to go anywhere
in the playoffs is going to need at least two legitimate scorers.
duncan-ginobli-parker; wallace-billups-hamilton; bird-mchale-parish;
erving-malone-cheeks; worthy-jabaar-johnson; bryant-oneal; jordan-

i'll have to look at kobie's numbers to see if your argument of him
hustling more than any other player holds water...

Jan 24, 06 9:38 am  · 
can we love kobe again?

from LA Times.

Jan 24, 06 10:45 pm  · 

nobody said they were a championship team, but they are doing alright this year, better than expected. They have some good young players, smush parker chris mihm lamar odom... they wont win a championship, but they might make the playoffs.

Jan 24, 06 10:48 pm  · 
brian buchalski

bryant's been hot lately...but it'll be interesting to see how he does against detroit (this sunday, right?)

Jan 25, 06 11:51 am  · 

It seems like there are a lot of people commenting who really dont know the game of basketball or have ever played at a competetive level. When you are in the zone and shots are falling you are expected to (it is your obligation as a member of your team) to shoot. lamar odom has been there, chris mihm, has been there, smush parker has been there, (hell, i've even been there). All of these guys have been in the zone, and I bet you if you asked them, they would have no problem with what kobe did (his team won, by the way). I remember when Luke Jackson (yes the pine-rider in Cleveland) was a senior, Oregon playing Notre Dame in the Semi-Finals of the NIT, and scores 29 straight points for Oregon (33 of Oregon's last 35 points) including the game winner at the buzzer. Absolutely amazing. Luke is a team player, but he was in the zone and he had to do what he did, for his team to win.

I have always hated Kobe, but its weird, with all of these Kobe haters out there, I'm starting to like the guy.

BTW...Wilt's 100 came without the "in the circumference" rule as well. a lot of wilt's baskets were makes by other people. 81 is sicky, sick...and to think he probably could have done it twice in one season...insane.

Jan 25, 06 12:21 pm  · 

I agree with you about him being in the zone that night.

But I have seen him not in the zone and still take a ton of shots he shouldnt have.

He is a ball hog and will always be.

Jan 25, 06 12:36 pm  · 

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