
how productive where you today?


there seem to be this thing with fridays...
today all i managed to do was to print 4 pages of my portfolio, break my printer down. the cartridge tray gets stuck. and that's it: no report done, no work on the project, nothing.

you? what did you do today?

Jan 13, 06 2:44 pm
liberty bell

Finished drawings and sent plots to the print shop at 2AM (that counts as today).

Woke at 6 to get son dressed, fed and delivered to daycare (and discovered I had forgetten to buy coffee beans the day before so I had none after 4 hours sleep - that's indicative of the day I've had).

Picked up drawings and went to meeting at 10AM.

Leapt in car at noon and headed back to office, forgetting I had to measure something on site where the meeting was for drawings due on Monday. Turned car around.

Surveyed space while fending tons of questions re: "when is this cafe gonna open, anyway?!"

Dropped off drawings to client.

Now I can get in two hours of drawing time before it's back to daycare.

So I both have and have not gotten a lot done - three things sapped my prodcutivity today: meetings, surveying, and forgetfullness.

But these next two hours will be full-throttle!

Jan 13, 06 2:55 pm  · 

have been horribly unproductive... trying to find a good time to go tell my boss im out!

but i did read up on the counterscript

Jan 13, 06 3:05 pm  · 

-Finished Printing a proposal
-Created a Mailing list
-Had lunch with my wife explained to her the difference between Randall Stout and Frank ghery
-Designed a Web Page (1 page only, inital layout only)
Up next:
-Meeting with prospective client and boss

Jan 13, 06 3:08 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Woke up, folded laundry that I feel asleep while it was in the dryer.

Rode bike 20 minutes (to work). Reveled in the fact that it is Friday and it is nice out and I ride my bike to work.

Office meeting, joked with co-workers over coffee cake and coffee. Talked about work a little as well.

E-mailed client some questions. Got answer, integrated answers into design.

Assembled folder of cut sheets of materials to be used in building.

E-mailed landscape architect, mechanical engineer, structural engineer, lighting rep. Called fake stone rep, concrete rep. Bitched about fake stone to fellow designer, we both laughed.

Selected curtain wall and glazing, currently integrating into drawing and wonder what the heck it attaches to. About to go ask someone if my details make sense or if they are nonsense.

Check archinect a million times, my e-mail and even myspace a few times.

Jan 13, 06 3:12 pm  · 

i just had two beers at lunch...
before that i was totally into some sweet sweet details.

who knows what the rest of the day has in store for me.

Jan 13, 06 3:13 pm  · 

Well, I read Liberty Bell's Post, and....well, I'm Exhausted. I'm going home.

Jan 13, 06 3:18 pm  · 

I was working until 1:30 a.m. on my portfolio, got home at 2.

Woke up at 6 a.m. and was back at work by 7:30 to work on my portfolio. I don't drink coffee, but I did have a Diet Coke and 4 cans of Red Bull. I got my portfolio done (finally) and printed 6 copies at noon. Between trips to the printer's, I started some shop drawings and selected some new p. lam. because what the contractor told us was available is, in fact, not. Sigh.

I also sent out a supplemental instruction that has been sitting on my desk for two weeks, but that is not totally my fault.

But I did get my portfolio done, despite working 45 hour weeks (probably not as impressive a work load as LB lately, though).

I don't feel very productive, though, because I've been in and out of the office all day, and even though I've been "working" it's not billable time, so I will have to make up about 5 hours this weekend.

Jan 13, 06 3:26 pm  · 

got home late last night from playing poker where i won $50. woke up early. wrote a proposal for a new job. worked out a project schedule with an existing client. pulled together a presentation for another client, and prepared for a kick off meeting next week for yet another client. updated a client's web site.

is it 5pm yet?

Jan 13, 06 3:59 pm  · 

Friday Rule Number One:

Don't draw anymore in the morning
than you can erase in the afternoon.

Jan 13, 06 4:12 pm  · 
Rim Joist

Am headed to a late Friday afternoon meeting... and a potentially contentious one at that. This oughta be good.

Jan 13, 06 4:18 pm  · 

went to bed at 6, woke up at 8. got some drawings together for marketing material. redlined draings at the city. finished drawing sections for a house - landscape and electrical plans to finish before 6. after that i am going to eat a couple sugar cubes. planning on the nervous breakdown that is going to happen next week.

Jan 13, 06 4:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good luck Rim Joist! Have a drink after!

I've gotten a ton of resolution and communication re: questions that came up in the morning meeting accomplished in the last hour and a half.

But as to your original question, bigness: in my old firm Fridays were always minimally productive unless I was on a deadline. Usually if something happened like the printer getting jammed or a computer crash and reboot anytime after 3pm on Friday it was an open invitation to grab a beer from the office frig and work while drinking and gossiping with coworkers for the rest of the afternoon.

Jan 13, 06 4:22 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

Woke up late, fed animals, had some cereal, washed dishes
Filled recycling bin with broken down cardboard
Finished entering accounting info into quickbooks for last year, printed reports for accountant
Worked on some legal forms for sale of partnership & stock (3rd partner leaving as of today...)
Going to eat lunch now - planning to do some invoicing and maybe a little design after lunch - preparation for some as-built verification and client meeting tomorrow morning - saturday fun. Oh, I also get to pick out some carpet samples and exterior light sconces tomorrow. yipee.

Jan 13, 06 4:38 pm  · 

i was very productive last few days.
there is this new remodeling job in torrance for a retaired airline stewardess and her high school teacher husband who has several guitars set up.
schematic design turned out really well and they came to me because they liked this project i did last year for retired professors.60's generation people who appreciate architect's work and don't interrupt for nothing.

Jan 13, 06 5:01 pm  · 

now i will try to fix my printer.
i will also put some oven chips on.
i will only damage the printer further, so that tomorrow i have an excuse to go out and buy another, more expensive, model.

then i will eat the chips.

sounds like a fucking plan.

Jan 13, 06 5:07 pm  · 

wake up at 6 am cuz that is when my kids get up (if you have kids you know they are in control of your life), cook breakfast, wake wife, let her dress the kids, eat breakfast over the news, play with daughter

wife takes oldest to kindegarten and my day starts. redo furniture drawings for renovation cuz the structure has a few surprises yet (who the hell was supervising the building when it was built? this place is crazy).

call contractor and explain what i have in mind, send drwgs to partner who prints and takes to contractor and explains properly on site.


do outline for lecture to profs students, coming up next week.

finally begin map with data collected for research. looks too cool. might even be able to present it. soon.

oldest comes home. play with kids for an hour, then supper.

call contractor to make sure he understood the drwgs, work out detail over the phone and promise to check next week on site.

read books to oldest while wife rocks the youngest to sleep.

pour some wine. watch the daily show, start drawings for another project, while wife watches the tele. to bed by 2am, cus i gotta get up at 6...

..actually that was a few days ago. i broke my foot last week and finally got into surgery day before last; am now sitting in the hospital bed. today i plan to get that lecture wrapped up, but am feeling kinda loopy from the medication....

they have some seriously amazing meds here.

Jan 13, 06 6:57 pm  · 

counted the number of units in a senior housing project plan...
...what?...thats all i did in an 8 hour workday!

Jan 13, 06 7:02 pm  · 

-Woke up at 6.
-Kept eyes half-closed position until 8.
-Pain meds and coffee and granola bar at 8 and watched the Comedy Central morning movie - Dudlee Moore was some crazy ad man?
-Read a little Sarah Vowell then dozed off.
-Had lunch around noon.
-Pain meds at 1 and watched some more boob tube while contemplating my future.
-Called girlfriend at work.
-Pain meds at 5 and email (can't believe I held off on internet all day). Helped niece decorate my crutches with stickers.
-Dinner with mom, dad, and niece.
-Now: Internet and Monsters Inc.

Note: Extended vacation due to bone breakage. Feeling lazy.

Jan 13, 06 7:55 pm  · 

printer fixed with a bit of superglue. i think i just delayed the inevitable until the end of the year. out of desperation, going out and buying a 400 pound printer will feel less painful.
the day ended with a game of america's army onlyne, on the same server as my housemate, talking to eachother over the internet, when we live 2 meters from each other. now off to bed and hopefully to do some work tomorrow.

garpike: at the beginning i thought pain med were some kind of californian take on pain aux chocolat, it took me a while to get you mean pain medications. i though you were planning on gettin fat...

Jan 13, 06 9:13 pm  · 

-Went to all 5 classes I have today.
-Site analysis for latest project.
-Attempting to find some evening plans.

Jan 13, 06 9:54 pm  · 

Ha ha I have had some chocolate, but unfortunately pain meds are just pain meds:

(post surgery #2 - no pins sticking out this time)

Jan 13, 06 9:59 pm  · 

hey garpike, did you keep the external fixator?

Jan 13, 06 10:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice sideburns, garpike! Maybe draw some on the cast? (seriously I like them, I kinda have a thing for them)

jump, I usually draw while the hubby watches daily show and colbert across the room, so I can hear it too. The domestic life of the self-employed architect.

Jan 14, 06 1:14 am  · 
vado retro

i need an external fixator. man, do i ever...

Jan 14, 06 1:54 am  · 


my wife still doesn't believe i can work while listening to tv but it is kinda a ritual now nonethless, and a relaxing way to work...nice thing about being self-employed....

garpike, man that looks painful. my foot has just two screws in it (none visible!) and the surgery and all the shit that goes with it were more than enough to be getting on with. my hat off to ya man. especially that you seem to be so positive after doing it twice!

Jan 14, 06 2:05 am  · 


Nah. That external fixator was probably worth more than my car. It was German engineered and made of titanium and carbon fiber. I should have asked for the pins, though. I can't imagine they re-use those.


lb, yeah, I can't bring myself to shaving them... I'll never grow up.

Jan 14, 06 2:12 am  · 

external fixator, up close

Jan 14, 06 2:19 am  · 

what the fuck did you do to that leg man?!
(i wish i had sideburns...there's like a 2 cm grap between my hair and my beard)

saturady is not looking too good for productivity, got up ten mins ago and i'm already thinking of playing online for a bit. crap.

Jan 14, 06 7:24 am  · 

i wrote a poem today.

and im thinking of writing another one...

If I may..

"If it were not for the day I saw the whirl of the wine-filled urn,
The questions will be subservient to the moments before the answers,
The stars shall be made to surrender to the sun,

If he attaches to my unbecoming....I swear on the moment of the thunderclap..

the dancing sufi shall BURNNNNNNN !


Jan 14, 06 7:43 am  · 

reading that poem just made my day a little less productive.

j/k nevermore

Jan 14, 06 8:42 am  · 

bigness, sideburns are all i've got! They used to be a little dettached. I tried to grow a beard, and felt my name should've been Patches McGee. I kept it for 2 months for my friend's infamous Beard Banquet he holds in Erie, PA everything Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving. After the turkey I shaved it. And for a month after the guy in the mirror was a total stranger.

Well, about the injury you can read what happened on my MySpace Blog, and for those of you who don't visit that site to find out what really happened, I'll sum it up: I was saving kittens from a burning building. Sixth floor. Really! Ok. Not exactly like that...

Jan 14, 06 11:21 am  · 
liberty bell

So wait, garpike, are you saying you broke two bones in your calf and had to have two surgeries as a result of turning around to talk to someone?

Or did I miss something?

Jan 14, 06 12:45 pm  · 

Ha ha that's it, lb. Sad, uh? Kind of scary. I was drunk, so not sure if that made my body react too late to correct the problem. I keep playing the night over and over in my head trying to find some obvious reason it broke, but to no avail. Eitherway, it happened.

Jan 14, 06 1:01 pm  · 

one time i saw a guy snap those same bones while running at very low speed...and he was like 16 years old. shit happens.

nice one tho, hope you can get back on the board as soon as possible.

Jan 14, 06 1:01 pm  · 

Thanks, bigness. Maybe I should start a separate thread for my leg. I hope that wouldn't be too selfish of me...

Jan 14, 06 1:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

garpike the only thing that's sad about it (I mean besides the fact that it's sad that you have to endure surgery and pain) is that you don't have some crazy idea, madcap escapade, "Hey Bubba watch this!!" kind of story to tell!

Jan 14, 06 1:11 pm  · 

start a thread where people can make up their own stories about you injury...
ok, that's it, i need to start working. motorpsycho on, and lets start this motherfucker.

Jan 14, 06 1:20 pm  · 

Ha. I can only imagine the responses.

Jan 14, 06 1:22 pm  · 

ha! garpike you made my non-productive sunday dude. my wife is still laughing at me cuz i broke my foot dancing with the kids at my daughter's old daycare.

we were visiting her folks in the (japanese) alps when it happened so if i don't correct them everyone assumes i must have been skiing. my mother in-law told me she'd just pretend i WAS skiing or that i fell in the crazy snowfall we just had cuz she couldn't bring herself to believe i broke my foot i can tell them it isn't just me. cheers!

Jan 14, 06 4:55 pm  · 

Ha ha. Glad I am not alone, jump. When I told the folks in the pre-op room one nurse said "You need to come up with something better. You need to say something like you were rescuing babies."

Let's just hope lightning doesn't strike twice.

Jan 14, 06 5:06 pm  · 

speaking of injuries. when i was 10 i had just seen Hooper - Burt Reynolds stunt movie - and i decide while riding my chopper bike to become a stuntman, well that was a bad idea. my "stunt" involved putting my feet on the tube that ran from forks/handle bars to the seat and then let my hands go. problem was i didn't have a good understanding of the concept of center of gravity. i wobbled left and right and then down. i skidded across my chopper pedal, the chopper pedal without the rubber pedal - so basically a metal rod. when i hit the ground and sat up it felt like the wind was knocked out of me, that is until i lifted my t-shirt and saw blood. so i lifted the shirt more and saw a large laceration across my abdomen. i freaked, then like all 10 year olds, spread the wound open and looked inside myself. whoa! the pedal/bar cut a 4-6 inch long gash and penetrated the stomach, nearly hit the ribcage and had it been any higher would have hit lung or heart. i tell you looking inside your body is one wild experience....

Jan 14, 06 6:20 pm  · 

I prefer to mash things up inside a closed sack of skin.

Jan 14, 06 6:27 pm  · 
vado retro

i was very productive
got up at 10:30
went to breakfast and read the paper
went to an art gallery
went to pier one
went to target
went to a coffee shop
walked around
went to a bookstore
came home

Jan 14, 06 6:38 pm  · 

people are too fragile

Jan 15, 06 12:52 am  · 

25% only ... and its monday!

Jan 16, 06 2:58 am  · 

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