
new apple computers announced!


apple has announced the formal switch to Intel Core Duo chips for their systems......does anyone have any idea if this will lead to Apple computers supporting PC software and OS?

Jan 10, 06 3:55 pm

the question this leads to is, when will there be a fully functioning port of mac os to pc....

there's a hacked version out there but it still has problems.

Jan 11, 06 12:17 pm  · 
Philip Gentleman

why would apple computers run pc software? cynic? more like naive...

the mac os is what distinguishes it from windows. apple computers do not need to run pc software - they run the software apple has optimized their machines to run, namely graphics, film and music editing. obviously this is a question leading to whether or not they will run autocad and rhino. it has been clear for a long time that architecture is not an industry apple is intersted in competing to win over.

Jan 11, 06 2:12 pm  · 

look phil,

(i hope you don't mind that i call you 'phil')

i don't believe you answered my question....

naivete has nothing to do with the fact that the MacBooks and PowerBooks are beautiful machines!....sorry, do you work for Apple....then why do you care what they do, or will do, with their products?

i don't care about the Mac OS, and i know that Apple is not intereseted in our industry......that is exactly why i hope that they allow their hardware to support PC OS and software.

all these nay-sayers.....

Jan 12, 06 8:13 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

for the record:

The release of the first Intel Macs has rekindled speculation and discussion about Apple's long term plans with regard to their platform and the level of "openness". This comes in two forms.

First, is the possibility of running Windows on the Mac. As mentioned previously, Apple's official stance is one of indifference - That's fine with us. We Don't mind. This, however, may require some work. Of note, MacWindows claims that Microsoft execs said that while the current version of Virtual PC won't run on the Intel Macs, the company is "committed to porting the emulator to the Intel Mac platform." No time frame is given. This delay may be due to claims by eWeek that the Virtual PC team was caught off guard by the Intel Mac announcement back in June 2005 and that "Apple has yet to provide developers with the deep hooks needed for such virtualization".

Meanwhile, Businessweek discusses the flip side of that scenario -- opening Mac OS X up to run on generic PCs. While Apple has no plans to do such a thing at this time, that doesn't stop analysts from asking "What if..." The author gives a balanced look at the options Apple might have and even notes that Microsoft's license-platform-to-all strategy may be hurting the consumer adoption of their Windows Media/MP3 players.

Update: One reader notes that the new Intel Macs use EFI instead of BIOS. And that Windows XP 32bit does not support EFI at this time, so booting Windows XP may not be possible directly.

--While this is from a rumors website, the statements made by apple exec Phil . . . (cannot remember last name), seem to be true.

Jan 12, 06 8:19 am  · 

It seems inevitable. From what I've read, it's just a matter of time.

This is great news for everyone (well, not the snobbish Apple folk).

PG - Apple does need PC software. Look at architecture - it's 99% Autocad and 3D Studio, neither of which run on a Mac.
I also agree with cynic - I hate the Mac OS. I just fail to see how it's superior and I found it cumbersome (I was using OS X on a dual G5).

Eitherway, I need to run Max but LOVE the quality and looks of Macs. I'd pay more for one of their laptops and I'd consider it for a workstation.

It makes good business sense and seems entirely possible.

Jan 12, 06 9:27 am  · 

architecture is not actually 99% autocad.

Jan 12, 06 10:46 am  · 

Our office use both platforms to run ArchiCAD. I've found the MAC OS nothing but cumbersome and slow. The only advantage I see is many of the networking issues are much simpler on MAC OS, however I am inherently distrustful of software that tries to do everythign for me!

ANyway, who wants to pay twice as much for a pretty looking laptop which will need replacing in 2 years anyway? Check out the new Fujitsu lappys...

Jan 12, 06 10:59 am  · 

macs will now take over the world.
architecture may be 99% pc based but interesting architecture is 72.3% mac based. Regardless, this is good for both sides of the digital divide. If i can run 3d studio effectively native on a new powerbook hooray, and if a gaming nerd wants to run OS X on a cheap box with half a uv goldfish tank sticking out of the side, that is fine too. PC's are used in architecture because they are cheaper, but one of the benefits of using the intel chip is that it will reduce the overall cost of the machines- imacs and powerbooks are getting to be pretty good value+ you can probably fire most of the it support, as you wont really need it if you switch. That and the bundle of goodies they come with- a pc with a built in camera? Free software that is actually usefull? Ok pc lovers, i'll leave you to download the next critical fix for your lovely operating system...
And no i dont work for mac, but some comission would be nice.......

Jan 12, 06 12:48 pm  · 

When you say slow & cumbersome, are we talking about seconds or minutes here?

I was just contacted yesterday by some apple sales guy after i saved a cart with the powermac pro in it. Man those guys are quick at trying to rope you in...

Jan 12, 06 1:45 pm  · 

hey mao,
where did you get those 'interesting architecture' firgures from?...

Jan 12, 06 2:47 pm  · 

What I want to know, is who in the hell came up with "MacBook Pro"?


Jan 12, 06 4:07 pm  · 


Steve Jobs?

The general consesus is that the MacBook will replace the iBook and the MacBook Pro will replace the PowerBook. I guess that "power" is out of the naming scheme (most likely because it related to the PowerPC processors), which leaves a lot of people wondering what the replacement for the PowerMac will be.

Jan 12, 06 4:20 pm  · 

well, if you follow the formula of "drop 'power', add 'mac' and 'pro'", you get:

macmac pro

that's fun to say out loud.

I think it'll simply be the mac pro.

Jan 12, 06 4:40 pm  · 

i made them up.
convincing wasn't it?

Jan 12, 06 4:57 pm  · 

when will the pc companies hire good industrial designers???

Jan 12, 06 6:13 pm  · 

some of the new PCs look half decent (note - only 'half'). I like the new Dells, at least compared to other machines and certainly compared to old Dells. My mother just got an Inspiron 6000 and it's pretty nice, decked out for $1350 (gig of ram, nice hard drive, best screen, etc.).

Still, I'd pay a little more of a better screen. Sony has stopped making a good 17", which was the only alternative to Dell (with a good graphics card).

Jan 12, 06 6:46 pm  · 

gimme a mac where i can run windows as an os and not as an emulator, just for the sake of max and rhino, and i will rule the world. i mean, i'll be a walking one man office. trow an a3 printer in the equation and there willl be no oma, no foa, no piano.


it would be so good.

Jan 12, 06 6:54 pm  · 

this brings up a point about good/bad design...why do companies design ugly products??? It cost no more to manufacturea decent looking product. I never understood why GM cars are so ugly

Jan 12, 06 6:55 pm  · 

this brings up a point about good/bad design...why do companies design ugly products??? It cost no more to manufacturea decent looking product. I never understood why GM cars are so ugly

Jan 12, 06 6:55 pm  · 
Philip Gentleman

chairman mao - excellent points all around. cheers!

Jan 12, 06 7:44 pm  · 

while it's not the best designed computer in the world -- nor as well designed as the apple lines -- my hp pavilion is quite a nice looking computer.

frankly, i used to hate windows. i worked in an NT shop on ancient dells until 2003, when i moved to a place that ran on macs. i came back to pcs last march and was immediately blown away that my XP wasn't crashing every thirty minutes. i bought an hp laptop so i could work at home and i've loved it, actually. but have to say, my iPod mini rocks and i'd never give it up.

Jan 12, 06 8:52 pm  · 

"architecture may be 99% pc based but interesting architecture is 72.3% mac based"


what about all the built or unbuilt paper-based works designed prior to the computer era?

Jan 13, 06 8:36 am  · 

they're so last year....

Jan 13, 06 9:02 am  · 

ive seen VAIOS better looking and @ better value, than the mac.laps.
i like it when "they" are called snobby

Jan 13, 06 9:19 am  · 

if you're running archicad on a mac, it's not OS X that's slow, it's archicad.

the word going around slashdot is that Windows Vista will run on the new macs when it's released Q2 2020, but XP won't run on them. the good news is that Codeweavers pledged to port Crossover Office to OS X on intel, so you'll be able to run autocad 14 on your new laptop. ;)

(crossover office is an implementation of the windows API, basically providing most of the systems calls that windows programs need)Virtual PC isn't necessary anymore, since there's no more need to emulate an intel processor.

Jan 13, 06 5:47 pm  · 

So Apple is becoming an Orange....sad thoughts!

Jan 13, 06 6:17 pm  · 

got one of these acer travelmates 3 months back - they really rock!!!

Jan 13, 06 6:31 pm  · 

Jan 13, 06 6:33 pm  · 

godamnit...some one please show me how to restrict the size of the images....

Jan 13, 06 6:34 pm  · 
Jan 13, 06 8:06 pm  · 


Apparently just won a PC Mag award. I like the camera and will consider getting it when I (finally) get a new laptop.

Jan 13, 06 8:10 pm  · 

trace, great choice! my acer 8104 is the pentium m 2.0 ghz version of this puppy and its really good. At the same time though i should mention that the amd turion chips are also wickedly good. actually in some cases better than the pentiums, since there is some way the motherboard does not bottleneck the speed. (there is a review on if you are interested). I will wait till there is a dual core turion, worth checking it out.

this is a great review i was just reading!

glad to see you like this acer!

Jan 13, 06 8:21 pm  · 

yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah...they still suck compared to a pro book, sorry, but you know it's true!
it's like buying a creative mp3 player and then pretending it looks better than an ipod...give up!

Jan 13, 06 9:16 pm  · 

bigness i hope you are kidding

this acer will kick the g4 powerbook pro (or whatever dumb name they gave it) ass any day. As far as looks go, id say the apple stuff looks better (and that is subjective too), but in terms of performance, suck it up apple ! and if looks are all you are concerned about, more power to you

and for the record, i just gifted a samsung tiny mp3 player to my sister, and even that kicks the ipods butt in terms of sound clarity and battery life (this player has 42 hours on a aa battery) its much better than the ipod.

Jan 13, 06 10:04 pm  · 

my creative mp3 is just as good as any damn ipod! ;-)

seriously, I agree, but you also pay a huge price for looking better. I'll reserve my opinions for when they are released and magazines can actually compare them, as the op will be the only difference now. I'll bet Apples will be close to 50% more than the competition. Big gamble on their part, unless they can bring prices waaaaaay down from what they just announced.

I hope I am wrong.

Jan 14, 06 8:41 am  · 

i was only talking about looks, should have been clearer about it...
anyway, a pagani zonda is faster than a 550 maranello, yet i would still buy the ferrari any's just better.

Jan 14, 06 9:22 am  · 

I was just kidding about the creative. I bought mine because it had a voice recorder (that I've never used) and a FM tuner (that stinks). So, I wish I had bought an ipod.

I would pay more for a great screen and nice looks, but we'll have to see how much more they'll cost.

pagani zonda? Never heard of them. I am guessing they're a nische/custom fabricator?

Personally, I would prefer a Lambo for the Ferrari's cost. Just can't imagine paying hundreds for a front engine car! For that, I'll have to lean towards the Astons or the new M6 (0-60 in 4.1 and you can drive it to work - talk about practical!)

Jan 14, 06 4:40 pm  · 

sameolddoctor and others:
You apparently don't know much about recent processor technology -- the MacBook Pro (along with just one top model each of Dell, HP, Acer & Asus so far...) all have the new Core Duo processor (code name Yonah, which will be replaced by the even faster Merom processor later this year). These new dual-core machines, including the Mac, blow away the performance of past laptops based on Pentium M, Pentium 4 or even AMD...The Powerbook G4 was indeed dated, but it's replacement the (lamely named) MacBook Pro is a whole new animal. Also, OSX is anything but cumbersome and slow on it (maybe ArchiCAD is...). Word is there will be a workaround to get Windows (to run on it, for AutoCAD, Max & Rhino). And the Fujitsu mentioned above for half the price will give you about half the perfromance...

Jan 18, 06 2:06 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

I just recently bought a Dell M70. Personally, I was trying to hold out for the dual core macs, but after waiting for about 8 months, I could no longer wait. I needed a machine for school. I am very Happy with the M70, but I look forward to the day when I can sell it and get back to OS X on a mac. Really is a pleasure to work on. While both systems have their advantages which I learned about while Directing IT at an undergrad arch school, my personal feeling is that the OS gets less in the way when working in OS X. When I am doing 4D, 3D, and 2D work, then I do not want the OS to come in the way, When I want to get machines to twlk to each other, then I do want to interface with the OS more, so Windows Server 2003 works for me.

But this should not be about PC/Apple . . . it is the right tool for the right job for the right person. I have no issues with my M70 running Windows XP Pro, but then again, there are certain things like IP sec rules that one can set to tighten the communication to and from your computer. SO the claims that Windows is a virus magnet only depend on the person using them. Whatever, I've said too much . . .

Jan 18, 06 4:45 am  · 

LF - that will change, though, right? I mean, that's hafl the point - Macs can now be used for 'everyone'.

Personally, I don't like OS X. I've only used it briefly (on a dual G5), but found it to crash often (just running PS), and those icons have to be some of the ugliest things I've seen!! But it's more about Max being compatible.

bothands - which Fujitsu are you talking about? That Acer that I posted is one of the first Duos out, and, I believe, is faster than the Macs.

Has anyone compared prices? Same processors in a PC vs. a Mac? I am anxious to see the inevitable comparisons now that we can really see the exact performance difference.

Jan 18, 06 8:35 am  · 

trace, i've never had osx crash on either my desktop or my powerbook.

i did get a 30g video ipod recently as a gift from one of my clients. now that thing has been a torn in my side. it freezes up often. very annoying.

Jan 18, 06 12:09 pm  · 

My biggest OSX pet peeves:

- Unless you use the expanded view in the Finder, you can't tell which drive/folder the subfolder you're looking at is in. this is especially annoying when trying to copy things back and forth between networked drives.
- When you do a "Save As" on a file, it wants to save it in the last folder where you saved something rather than the folder where the original file was located.
- Unlike the Windows program bar, the dock is much more limited in its ability to let you monitor the status of a program running in the background. For example, if you have a webmail service running on a web browser in the background, in Windows you'd be able to see when it changed to "Inbox (1)" wheras in OSX you have to keep switching back to the browser.

Jan 18, 06 12:31 pm  · 

The fujitsu I was speaking of cannot be the dual core version, because all the dual core laptops are at least $2k if not more (depending on, HD, RAM, graphics card, etc.).And trace, it will be great to see the side by side comparisons -- except that won't really work untill the same software is native for 'MacIntel' (i.e. universal binaries versions of Photoshop, formZ or whatever...) and not runnig under emulation in Rosetta, as is necessary for the time being...and regarding pet peeves, in either OS you can find plenty. But as I work on both XP Pro & OSX all the time, I find OSX Panther or Tiger definitely more satisfying to use...

Jan 18, 06 1:34 pm  · 

e - don't know what the problem was, but the machine crashed at least a few times a day running PS and FormZ. Keyboard and mouse where nightmares, too (I know, I know, you can switch them, but why?).

I've debated Macs for a long time, as they just look so much nicer (particularly when I thought I'd be doing more webdesign, but I use Max more often now).

I hope it works out so Vista can be used on them, I would certainly pay a little more for the screen and looks (Sony was the only competitor that I would have paid more for screen quality, but they just discontinued the 17" laptops that I wanted).

Jan 18, 06 2:12 pm  · 

bothhands, what im saying is that i will go for an AMD dual core-when it comes out. Just because i am really impressed with the Turion chip and its motherboard thinking that they will do a better job than intel when they finally unleash their dual core mobile laptops, and yes, for 65% the price.

Jan 18, 06 2:21 pm  · 

On the dual core price issue, the PCs are ahead right now, if you bother to look for deals. I've seen a dual core dell for $1500 and the IBM T60 and x60 can be had for under $1400. I only really looked at the t60, but it was identical to the more expensive macbook pro except for no DVD burner and integrated graphics.

SOD- Don't get your hopes up on the DC turion. from what I've heard the only thing it may have in it's favor is MSRP, but we'll see.

Jan 18, 06 3:23 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

are we talking desktops here? I did not know Dell had any dual core laptops . . . Acer has one, and some of the frankenstein makers have em (Sager has AMD Athlon X2).

Jan 18, 06 5:53 pm  · 

Yup, Dell has one out. You can configure it on their site (they've had it for at least a week).

Jan 18, 06 7:27 pm  · 

It's actually not any more expensive than the older models.

Jan 18, 06 7:27 pm  · 

yes, all the computers I mentioned are laptops.

Jan 18, 06 7:55 pm  · 

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