
have a look at the CRAP that gets built in india.


Check it out. This is a software development campus for Infosys, one of the largest IT companies in India, by 'Architect Mahesh'.

This is the climatic information for the region as of TODAY, december 27, 2005, the coldest part of the year. Those curtain walls should make the building really energy efficient and comfy inside. Even if they don't, the wonderful AESTHETICS of the building should distract the occupants.

TEMP 24 °C
WIND 0 mph

Dec 27, 05 9:34 am

I'm indian, btw, so don't get anti-racist on me.

Dec 27, 05 9:43 am  · 

Dec 27, 05 9:52 am  · 

wow Manu, whats with that last post? and man, you sound really frustrated. and you're not even out of college yet! relax dude, or you'll die of hypertension or a stroke or something by the time you're 35 and out in the real world for a while.

ok, i'm sorry if i sound condescending. i just have nothing productive or useful to say today...

Dec 27, 05 10:36 am  · 

who the hell is architect mahesh? i thought hafeez was doing all the infosys work?

Dec 27, 05 10:36 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm gonna start calling myself "Architect Liberty", so I can get commissions like this one.

Nice glass menagerie, ManuG. Thta first one actually had me going for a minute.

Isn't that image of the people walking into the floating pod scarily reminiscent of Logan's Run?

Dec 27, 05 10:37 am  · 
liberty bell
Dec 27, 05 10:43 am  · 

To be fair, Manu, it isn't built yet. Maybe it won't be?

Dec 27, 05 11:51 am  · 

I'm with TickerTocker--I thought Hafeez Contractor was doing all the Infosys campuses. I can't find anything about Architect Mahesh, so who is this person/firm?

Dec 27, 05 12:13 pm  · 
Rim Joist

Logan's run. Well played, Liberty...

Dec 27, 05 12:19 pm  · 
le bossman

yes, logan's run. what a great call. however, all the people in the rendering should be naked.

i do disagree with this guy though. some of the best architects i know are from india. there is definitely interesting work there. he's probably just bitter.

Dec 27, 05 12:49 pm  · 
Dec 27, 05 12:53 pm  · 
el jeffe
Dec 27, 05 1:11 pm  · 

Thanks, dammson.. 'Inspired Architectural Solutions'.

Yes, I'm bitter.

Dec 27, 05 5:47 pm  · 

Ok, am I missing somnething, I actually dont think the design is all that bad. It looks a little like Piano's New Caledonia building.
I think it will all come down to matriality. If its all glass it can be horrible, but if meshes and other systems are used it could be nice.

And my new method of gaging archtiecture is:
Is it better than Ghery's Brooklyn proposal?
I give this one a big YES!

Dec 27, 05 5:54 pm  · 

i thought manu loves hafeez`s work too...

but i`ve seen a lot of infosys proposals lately. i remember seeing one 8mile long proposal in bangalore. i don`t know what the hell they do with so many proposals.. but i don`t think any will come up.

this bangalore proposal by kkarchitects (kevin kennon i think).. will post pic later.

Dec 28, 05 12:15 am  · 

the lizard on the finger conveys enough... hahahaha..

Dec 28, 05 12:18 am  · 

have a look at the CRAP that gets built in "insert the country of your choice here."

Dec 28, 05 1:39 am  · 

the form resembles renzo's caledonia building in noumea...

Dec 28, 05 1:37 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

Oh manu .... you think thats bad ...

heeeeere's - have a look at the CRAP that gets built in "Dubai."

so much for context and weather conditions

Note:- Poster is not responsible for any mental or physical disorders incured while browsing the above mentioned website"

have fun guys ...

Dec 29, 05 3:37 am  · 

it is`nt over with that,

Architectural ambitions (menace?) in Dubai without limits-

Dubai Waterfront- Advancing on water of the Gulf, this whole of islands in the shape of crescent will extend on 81 square kilometres. Becoming the greatest sea front in the world, it dethrones thus the island from Manhattan in New York.

Artificial islands in the shape of palm tree- Palm Island. Three artificial islands in the shape of palm trees will shelter nearly 500 apartments, 2
000 villas, 25 hotels and 200 shops of luxury. Palm Jumeirah, the most advanced, will be completed as of the end of 2005. Hundred twenty-five kilometers of coast additional will be thus

800 meters: the highest tower of the world- Burj Dubai. This phenomenal tower from which construction began last January and will end in 2008 should reach the 800 meters height. The building, built in three parts around a central column, finishes in spiral. It will count 160 stages.

An underwater hotel- Hydropolis. Entirely assembled in Germany, this underwater hotel will be immersed with broad of
Dubai at the end of 2006. It will comprise 220 continuations whose panoramic windows will give on sea-beds. The price of a room for the night would rise with 500 dollars.

Dubai Marina. A new city, of a total cost of 10 billion dollars, will be built on a way of artificial navigation of 4,5 km. It will be able to lodge 120 000 people. Three principal towers will be set up and will bear the name of Arab perfumes.

Dubai City Sports. This immense sporting complex of 7.5 km² will accomodate sports such as the cricket, the golf, Rugby, football, the sports of ground, track, and interior (tennis shoe, handball,
volley ball). Hotels, residences and villas are also envisaged.

The last district- Old Town. It is the final district of the building site located at the foot of the tower Burj Dubai. This great real complex will include the highest tower of the world, the greatest shopping centre of the world as well as a gigantic residential district.

The world according to Dubaï- With broad of Dubaï, nearly 300 artificial islands, seen sky will form a planisphere. If you want to acquire one of these islands, it will cost some to you between 6,2 to 36,7 million dollars. Work of fill, already begun, should be completed at the end of 2005.

An entirely artificial paradisiacal island- Jumeirah Island. On this immense artificial island in construction with the foot of Burj Al-Arab, it is envisaged the construction of several tens of hotels, of the thousands of houses and apartments, of the restaurants, the watery parks, the shopping centres...

this one is cool ---Jurassic Park made in Dubai- Dubailand Dinosaur Park. The dinosaurs will be one of the 45 topics represented in the park of leisures of Dubailand. The project, carried out in collaboration with the museum of natural history of London, envisages the re-creation of an authentic prehistoric environment.

A dome with 3 000 apartments

Winter sports resort in the desert-Dubailand Ski Dome. This ski resort indoor, will comprise inter alia a directional ski piste and
tracks of snowboard (with 6 000 tons of true snow). "Pinguinarium", aquariums four seasons, spa cold and hot... are also envisaged with the program.

i wish i could upload the pics to show you guys.

Dec 29, 05 5:17 am  · 

holy crap. god save our profession.

Dec 29, 05 8:48 am  · 

first god should save our profession from childish ranting and unnecessary frustration.
Come on, take it easy you guys. Go get a drink or something.

Dec 29, 05 1:39 pm  · 

could be could be in Oklahoma.

Dec 30, 05 9:43 am  · 

Just hit the highway in we can talk about junk....sleeze box junk. big boxes, faux Victorian, faux Colonial, smunk faux art deco, tin cans gone wild, glass phalix symbols, vinyl sided ranch homes, cement-board ranch homes, eifs churches, misplaced tuscan architecture in Connecticut...

Hope like hell the fires don't burn down
Bruce Goff's Gems in Oklahoma or Wright's Price Tower.

Dec 30, 05 6:42 pm  · 

Those renderings seem to missing a couple things - Mario, his brother Luigi, and Sonic the Hedgehog...

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Dec 30, 05 7:19 pm  · 

what the hell is that crap on falcon city.... i literally threw up..
ManuG, i share the same sentiments...i come from manila, and everywhere in this forsaken city i find projects that are crap.. a lot of climatically insensitive designs, waste of energy consumption, etc. WE ARE DOOMED!

Jan 14, 06 2:35 am  · 

The third pic from down reminded me of one of my favourite architects (Mario Botta's )works , his cathedral at Evry ,france

come manug..lets kill those two.

Jan 14, 06 4:30 am  · 
Isn't that image of the people walking into the floating pod scarily reminiscent of Logan's Run?

it's charger for an electric toothbrush. or an electric pencil sharpener.

Jan 15, 06 1:04 am  · 
it's charger for an electric toothbrush. or an electric pencil sharpener.

Someone's been at the drafting table too long. Maybe he was staring at a pencil sharpener when the great idea hit him! Dropping the sharpener while taking a bath? That's my guess.

Jan 15, 06 2:47 am  · 

sausages and vanilla cake

Jan 16, 06 3:57 am  · 
sporadic supernova

urrrgghh ... pass me the barf bag !!!

Jan 16, 06 5:59 am  · 

i WISH there was some way to stop them from spawning.. maybe we should spray em with spermicidal jelly.

Jan 16, 06 6:59 am  · 

awww!! c`mon you people.. but could someone go ahead and tell me 'what' it is with these buildings that make them so horrible?
i agree the rendering pictures are horrible, but why SOOO much of disgust? does`nt it happen everywhere?

i rather think, they would feel good inside with such huge scale (the ones manu posted first). i`m sure these won`t be built. atleast not for the next 10 years..

the ones which poly posted, i`m sure these will be constructed. clients would defenitely need them. so bad but so true. but these are the most common buildings which will surely be built.

Jan 16, 06 7:55 am  · 

another proposal for infosys bangalore-



Jan 16, 06 7:58 am  · 

i thought we would see images of built things

Jan 16, 06 9:58 am  · 

chamelion: <quote> "i rather think, they would feel good inside with such huge scale (the ones manu posted first)"

good god, man, i can't believe you just said that. 'such huge scale'?????? WTF

Jan 16, 06 4:03 pm  · 

the 'kevin kennon' proposal reminds me of that killbill scene in which gogo yubari disembowells the horny japanese businesman.. with his guts spilling all over the floor.

Giant discarded moultings that the clever little infosys coding-monkeys have occupied... see how happy they are?

Jan 16, 06 4:10 pm  · 

yeah i did say, especially referring to the second picture you posted. could you please try and explain to me why these buildings would`nt FEEL good? the location does matter and having work spaces facing the water everyday would make a difference.

are you arguing that the FORMS suck? is it the renderings? how much are you able to assess these buildings applying your theoretical knowledge just by looking at pictures? pee on these buildings(if built i.e) and proclaim to your clients what 'real' architecture is? give it up man.

the pictures are`nt even clear.i`m not saying they are the best looking buildings in the world. one can have a laugh or two looking at images as these...but this seems unending. but what do YOU expect to do when you come out of your school? surely if you are gonna design buildings where each design would be an architectural marvel, why help firms comeup with such designs by drafting them in autocad as an intern?

you`ll understand why atleast MOST clients go in for designs like the ones poly posted. they want it. they won`t understand too much of your archibabble. sorry, i`m just disgusted with your perspective. relax and learn to live with it.

Jan 17, 06 1:49 am  · 

its not a matter of archibabble or client's needs - its just T-A-S-T-E. I'm sorry if you're disgusted.. ignore my posts henceforth. ciao

Jan 18, 06 1:03 pm  · 

Taste, and responsibility, i should add.

Jan 18, 06 1:04 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

I'd have to agree with Manu ...

Frankly speaking I dont like most of the stuff that Hafeez Contractor designs ... most of them seem to roll out of a factory anyway .. especially his housing complexes... but some people argue that that is what people want .... high rise buildings with grotesque corinthian columns and minisicule ( non functional) sloping roofs...

I feel he makes his clients beleive that "that IS what they want" .. sigh ...

I guess thats why he's one of india's most succesfull Architects.

Jan 19, 06 1:00 am  · 

hey guys...its not that bad, or ? i mean i just had an developer here in shanghai who wanted a 20m high buddha-statue inside a park and a european restaurant inside the bottom, so who cares....

Jan 19, 06 1:41 am  · 
sporadic supernova

now thats just outright strange!! ... a european restaurant inside Buddha's bottom ... man!!.. i wonder if it'll effect the buddhist sentiments !!

and to think Buddha was a vegiterian .

but yeah i guess the above projects are miles ahead of the buddha restaurant

anyone know off the "naked lady house" in Brazil? ..

its basically a statue of a naked lady which is actually a house ... pretty much self-explanatory

Jan 19, 06 1:55 am  · 

manug- i`m sorry my previous post sounded a little rude, i was only trying to point out having threads such as these are not fruitful. 'hey look at this crap','hey i hate this shit', it reminds me of....
that`s crap without any base just like these awful pictures. i guess it was a result of reading rants and rants alone on this site for some time without much appreciation for anything. my bad.

my comment was more towards these baseless yaps plainly to relieve frustrations and was not about justifying these designs above.

sporadic supernova- i agree, i`ve never been a fan of hafeez`s works. don`t take me wrong. it seems a majority of his works are a poisonous mixture of megalomania and "i want this (client)" attitude.

At some point i would also have to agree with the fact that its become increasingly ""difficult for architects in the subcontinent"" to generate thier own agenda to work and solve problems. architects have started (maybe always were) operating as passive recipients for private software company`s like infosys, wipro.. now, its just that MOST (Don`t put me in that garbage) have succumbed to the wants of such biggies and you and i cannot do anything about it just by looking at pretty pictures.
my point- there would be an unending line of pictures if u start posting them all without an argument and a reason. are we discussing how to curb them? spray spermicidal jellies? dig the roots of the problem?

now, whats the direction of this thread? yeah there many such buildings .. its everywhere. so now?

Jan 19, 06 2:47 am  · 

Chameleon : you do have a point, i guess my thread was just a pointless rant - but here's my point: we, as architects, must try and maintain our integrity as designers and inform clients as to what architecture is, balancing both their interests/requirements and our own priorities as responsible, intelligent and sensitive designers - towards economy, ecology, "aesthetics" etc - as far as possible. Thats about it.. I was just trying to show people the level of idiocy that exists among clients and architects (or rather, the levels architects are willing to stoop to).


you said 'It's not that bad', 'the scale will make it feel good' and other things - endorsing the aforementioned 'CRAP'. I'm sorry, but I just can't respect that. I admit you had a point about the ranting, but you cannot possibly qualify the projects shown above as good architecture.

Jan 19, 06 4:21 am  · 
sporadic supernova

ManuG :- "but here's my point: we, as architects, must try and maintain our integrity as designers and inform clients as to what architecture is, balancing both their interests/requirements and our own priorities as responsible, intelligent and sensitive designers - towards economy, ecology, "aesthetics" etc - as far as possible. Thats about it.."

I'm with you there..

Jan 19, 06 5:31 am  · 

i guess you just misread my previous post manug, assuming i was completely in support of them. no> i`m not getting down to how..but, they could/might/maybe 'feel' pleasing. one must also take into account architects would sometimes manipulate designs for showing clients (to lure them basically) by exaggerating a few entities when showing for the first time. showing 'glass', rather exaggerating the use of glass has always been a successive technique with many big companies here, dubai and many places included. the bait works most of the time. they want it. they show it the first time but not build it.. i`ve seen it myself.

so again, you never know the intensions of these people before they finish. its just a proposal.

may i ask you from where you got hold of these pretty pictures? a forwarded email? looks like that.

anyway, where`s your blog? looking forward to it. cheers.

sporadic- dude, i have a feeling i know you. no seriously..

Jan 19, 06 6:56 am  · 

yep, an email.. and i'm kinda busy with exams right now. will start blogging soon after.. or take it off archinect if i can't find the time.

Jan 19, 06 12:42 pm  · 
sporadic supernova


you do ?? oh .. ohhh!!

Jan 22, 06 2:57 am  · 

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