
Attacks on AFH


What do you guys think?

I feel like these are unfair attacks against AFH, and Cameron personally. They seem to attack AFH because at least they care, and are urging us to care. Anyway Cameron, I am sure you don't need to hear it from me, but I think most of us appreciate what you do.

Dec 9, 05 4:40 pm

the gutter is garbage.

Dec 9, 05 4:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

I enjoyed reading the gutter for laughs, and thought their adoration for Cameron showed a little bit of heart.

Now I'm pissed at them and have stopped reading.

Cameron, as melquiades said, I think pretty much everyone appreciates what you do.

Dec 9, 05 4:46 pm  · 


Dec 9, 05 7:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i love cameron and the efforts of AFH and i believe they should be both emulated and celebrated. shame on gutter.

Dec 9, 05 9:27 pm  · 

taking the gutter seriously is like getting your news from the onion.......don't take life so seriously. think of it as a roast, it is a bit of an honor in my book.

Dec 9, 05 10:13 pm  · 

o+ and others,

I don't mind the personal jabs from the Gutter - the irony is that the work of humanitarian designers is antithesis of the culture of the 'stararchitect' - something sorely missed on gutter it seems. It is obvious he hasn't heard me speak or spoken to me personally. Though I thank him for creating a forum for folks to take anonymous pot shots. Feel free to chime in - I can't as I no longer can post.. (received errors this afternoon).

The only thing I have against Lockhart and his blog (esp. as he is making money off the ad revenue from curbed) is that two of the posts did result in a project being ended. The details of which I'm not going into but have discussed with Lockhart.

Actually Lockhart is a fairly decent guy and had the right intentions when he started Gutter - an online ripoff of Aric Chens' column in the Architects Newspaper. (some suggest Aric was/is Gutter) The sad thing is that, unlike Arics' work at TAN, they have resorted to going after 5/6 people and loop back to their own posts. I can't blame Lockhart as he has zero oversight, esp. as he is now ED at Gawker Media. As you see the rapier wit continues as gutter has resorted to posting forwarded emails and pointing out spelling errors and my well known homonym issue. Ironic seeing as he corrected this post for spelling errors earlier in the day.

I find it fairly amusing that on the same morning Lockhart, gutters publisher/editor, sent me an email noting that I must respect his "bloggers' right to comment on public figures of note inside the architecture community without being persecuted for it".

As for the reference to St. Sebastian in the latest post perhaps it is related to the fact that after being 'persecuted' Sebastian joined the army so he could comfort christian prisoners. Once found out Diocletian ordered him killed by arrows. Alas after surviving he was beaten to death. Could this be a sign of a cry for help from the Gutter III? (the first one left, the second was removed for major suckage).

Either we should put him, much like the blog, on suicide-watch or I could be completly wrong and he is shallow enough just to be 'into' the image...

I wish them the best and to make Lock and gutter feel better here is a photo of some puppies.

Frankly I prefer to get slammed on Archinect because at least you have the opportunity to take it offline.


Dec 9, 05 11:33 pm  · 

As Bunker Roy always says at the end of his talks - 'first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win'..

PS.. we are launching a design competition with Arup and the AIGA in a couple of hours. It is for developing an earthquake resistant housing manual for the 2M displaced by the earthquake in Kashmir.

Dec 9, 05 11:46 pm  · 

nothing against what you do at AFH, but as an archinect editor member, your posts are too AFH-centric. a majority of your posts seem to always be about AFH. again, nothing personal but maybe some of that stuff is better left to your own site. if we all used archinect to post our accomlishments it wouldnt be as democratic a forum. in either case keep up the good work.

Dec 10, 05 9:23 am  · 

lifeform, I think Cameron's are more Public Service announcements than "look at me I'm good" press. I am interested in hearing what is going on with AFH, and I think that it can grow to be an umbrella organization under which many good deeds can happen.
I think AFH needs a larger school precence I would love to see AFH chapters in every school that come up with new innovative projects/competitions, etc....
I think Cameron should post here, because most of us are young and hungry. We are the next generation of architects and starchitects and I think it is the right forum to spread the ideals of AFH. Maybe we won't all buy into it but we will be more conscious.

Dec 10, 05 11:19 am  · 

"post our accomlishments" -- and here lies the problem. You are relating 'achievement' with posting on a particular subject matter. Lauching a design competition or inviting archinect readers to design our cover is not a achievement. Archinect, Treehugger, Core 77, WC are some of the few places that would post on humanitarian design. Also I'm hardly a regular news poster.

If I do post it is usually a call for help on projects, a forum, upcoming competitions or news that is related to this line of work (ie. the kashmir earthquake, a post on what the AIA are/isn't doing for Katrina and a link to a newsweek article on the historical comparison between disasters). Occationally other archinect people want me to do a post for them -- naturally it is humanitarian related. I work 7 days a week, usually 14-16 hours a day and I post what I care about - including yesterdays' World Cup thread. - England will make the semis FYI. Am I biased, yes. The same could be said about the fact your entries are almost always graphics related (ie like your work - which rocks btw).

You will notice that most of the posts that are directly related on AFH are posted by other editors. Some of us have known each other for four/five years. Should they do it as much, probably not, but they know I've done this as a volunteer effort since '99 and a number have known me for a number of years. Therefore any good news... is good news.

AFH has had an incredible year - we went from one project on the ground to twelve in five countries and for the first time getting to FUND young design teams. What you see as success, I see as a great challenge and a year of sleepless nights (I had 3 hrs last night). 2006 will be a tipping point for us - either we grow sustainably or retreat back to a small NGO. We will actually be hiring people fulltime. As I've told the other archinect editors in the 'private posts' I will no longer be posting as an editor. I'll be teaching again and lets face it Bryan Finokis posts are far better than I can do.

Regardless I do see your point, conflict of interest and all that, and I have erased all news/threads that are too AFH/humanitarian related. I did keep the 'Who's the best speaker' thread as there were alot of posts and an interesting discussion going on.


> can you tell I also need an editor? or less coffee (8 cups yesterday)?

Dec 10, 05 11:22 am  · 

Cameron-I dont think you should erase the posts or stop posting.

Dec 10, 05 11:27 am  · 

ok. +q want a job.. you summed up in 3 sentences what it took me half a page...

as for the school chapters. start one up - local chapters were ALL started by volunteers most of whom I didn't know. AFHNY has three projects underway right now funded by themselves. A couple have grown out of school but funnily enough interior design schools. Next year the head of AFH Minnesota and I will be teaching at U of M doing live projects. Perhaps a chapter will start there.

fyi. local chapters were orginally SUPPOSED to be 'drinking for humanity' chapters were people go out to a bar put a few bucks in a kitty and eat, drink and talk architecture -- after seeing the GSD trays on a Saturday night those guys need one more than anyone!

-- I wonder if Paul could put a 'do-gooder' ignore button on Archinect V.3

Dec 10, 05 11:32 am  · 

Depending on where I get accepted next year I will start a chapter, if there isnt one there already (where ever "there" is). I am sure Im not the only one willing to take the challenge.

I didnt know about AFHNY, it is good to see that in many respects AFH seems to be a very egalitarian organization.

Dec 10, 05 11:38 am  · 

sorry +q already done. no bringing them back. Afterward I realized it erased a bunch from the Katrina page. oh well.

I'll cut back on AFH-related news items but I'm not going to stop posting or plugging the ideals of humanitarian based design. Currently we have 5+ billion potential clients, Rem has maybe a handful - we could do with some help. If you want to find out the news, see photos of finished buildings (none of which I've posted here) or volunteer for projects I suggest you sign up to our newsletter. I'm sending one out this afternoon.

Dec 10, 05 11:38 am  · 

AFH is going totally open source in 2006. you'll see.

Currently chapters in Atlanta, Boston, Belfast, Chattanooga, Chicago, Dublin, Houston, London, Minneapolis, Mumbai, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St.Louis, Sydney, Toronto and Washington DC.

Dec 10, 05 11:41 am  · 

Did you actually erase all of that stuff!? Just because one person said you shouldn't talk about your good work as much? Cameron, now I'm pissed off, not at you of course but people who say you shouldn't talk about yourself obviously don't understand that it's what we want to hear and would be doing if we could figure out how.

Totally pissed off! Am tempted to start multiple threads with pictures of disadvantaged people in the topics, a la Per Corell, just to annoy The Man. GRRRRR!

Dec 10, 05 11:45 am  · 

woah WonderK chill out... you've had too much coffee. It is a good time to clean house anyway. Lost all our MSU students yesterday and the book will be at the printers on Tuesday.

To be honest I think Per should be getting the attention of the gutter. Actually forget it he is far more amusing than the gutter...

Dec 10, 05 11:55 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

becareful. you don't want to utter his name too loudly... he might make a cameo...

Cameron- saw something about David Benedek the pro snowboarder in a recent snowboarding mag and i think he mentioned AFH briefly. can't remember what magazine tho... i was browsing at b&n.

Dec 10, 05 2:17 pm  · 

cameron - i'm surprised and disappointed that you removed your afh related posts from the site, especially without consulting with me prior. when i originally invited you to contribute to archinect my intention was soley to provide (the then fledgling) afh organization a promotional platform. i would rather you post afh related information than football forecasts, etc.. what does surprise me, however, is that now that afh has blown up and won a myriad of high-profile awards you're now quitting as "editor" and have removed all references to archinect from your website and resume. i've asked you a couple times why you've removed archinect from your "people we like" page with no response.

i would never call archinect a humanitarian effort, but i always try to promote respectable efforts and i know that the exposure on archinect has enlightened thousands of people about the admirable mission of afh.

regarding the gutter and other afh/cameron criticism (including mine)... it comes with fame, and i highly encourage you to completely ignore it and regain focus on helping the world with architecture.

Dec 10, 05 2:51 pm  · 

Yeah David, Cristoph Weber, Shaun White (sp?) and some other snowboarders did a free DVD 91 words for snow that has an 'extras section' on AFH.

In 2004 David auctioned off some gear for the rebuilding work in Bam, Iran. I met him through Asia Wright one of the AFH volunteers who used to be a semi-pro boarder and knows some of the folks in that world.

Dec 10, 05 3:01 pm  · 

Paul I'm not 'quitting' as an editor I'm just slowing down.. ..alot [as mentioned in previous posts]. I haven't posted on WorldChanging in months. I cleaned off/closed posts that I felt were too inside baseball and redundant.. i.e. the competition announcement for siyathemba.

As for not linking to you - yep, my bad. the volunteers have been updating the site and stripped out all the blog links on the 'people we like' page (just checked it myself) -- I'll put them back in, again, now. While I'm at it I should have WorldChanging in there too. Never had it on my resume but I'll pop it up if you like.


Dec 10, 05 3:20 pm  · 

ha. I just noticed they put David Benedek under 'Socially Responsible Designers' - too funny.

they also stripped out people we like to party with and replaced it with 'sponsors'... urrgh.

Dec 10, 05 3:36 pm  · 

yes cameron, i'm another that loves to hear what's going on with you. please continue to share. much respect.

Dec 10, 05 3:44 pm  · 

"regarding the gutter and other afh/cameron criticism (including mine)... it comes with fame, and i highly encourage you to completely ignore it and regain focus on helping the world with architecture."
very wise...
keep it up man, don't loose your focus.

Dec 10, 05 3:55 pm  · 

I have had a lot of coffee. I'm still annoyed though.

I have to go figure out why they are setting off fireworks in the middle of my (snow-covered) neighborhood now. Ah, the inner city....

Dec 10, 05 6:35 pm  · 

i'd also like to add that what you do here and elsewhere is go for everyone, yes even those detractors bring needed attention to the issue and provoke discussion. as for the naysayers, i think most of their angst from their own guilt or inability to see a solution to the need. your role as "figure head" only puts more attention on the concerns at hand. what do they suggest President Carter do, stop talking about Habitat? you have to be the face of AFH and i will continue to support your efforts. i do agree with Paul however that taking down your posts was premature and not advisable, it lends credence to those that suspect your motives.

good luck cameron.

Dec 10, 05 7:15 pm  · 

Bare in mind they are news posts, not those within the discussion forums. most of the one I took down were outdated or redundant. I doubt may people are doing back search on the press release for the launch of a former AFH competition or call for help. - I did post 3 news items this morning.

There will always be those who are quick to judge but most of it is either misguided or in the scale of things fairly insignificant. I don't mind criticism of the organization or me professionally, it is actually healthy. However when you cross the line and go personal that is different matter.

As noted before the only support we need is for people to take an active role in humanitarian work. Whether it be through the 1% solution, Habitat, Rural Studio or donating to an non-profit it doesn't matter. Getting involved counts.

As the old phrase goes, there is nothing worse that being all mouth and no trousers.

Dec 10, 05 7:40 pm  · 

cameron, much support and good luck. yes, vicious attacks as these must be a part of success [i wouldn't know]. ignore and please please keep posting all the good stuff. er... i don't think i'm alone in saying that's one of the reasons to come to archinect, the news section.. and it's always good to know ways to help out. geez, when did this become a bad thing? come on!

Dec 10, 05 8:33 pm  · 

Cameron, the AFH links section has an Archinect link in the Design Blogs list that works nicely, but the Archinect icon in the left menu is linked to Autodesk..

and why don't you put a link to the Aga Kahn awards? I think they are not specifically a humanitarian organization but they do promote and reward some projects that have a lot to do with what the AFH or Architects Without Borders -which isn't in the AFH links site either- are doing (shelters, urban revitalizations, hospitals, SOS children's villages, social centres, etc) ...

just a suggestion

Dec 11, 05 10:40 am  · 

Hi Medit,
We will put up a full list once we get the book finished. Both the Aga Khan and AWB is covered in the book. We have over 100 different architects and orgs. that we are working with so they will go up once we launch AFH V.3.0. The new version will have major tech. support and will be a huge resource for the design and humanitarian world {June 2006}

Also we are talking with the Aga Khan about working together in Pakistan. In Bay St. Louis we've been working alongside AWB (and Buckys' daughter) for the past few months.

Keep the suggestions coming though. The AFH website could do with alot of help -- I noticed the volunteers cut off the links to the design entries for the Africa project as well as the latest update to tsunami projects. (updating that now).

Dec 11, 05 11:15 am  · 

And the beef continues...

Dec 12, 05 11:48 am  · 

And a Competition people may be interested in:

Dec 12, 05 11:54 am  · 

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?" -E.Costello

Dec 12, 05 1:43 pm  · 
Philip Gentleman


Dec 12, 05 3:41 pm  · 

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