
A break in the stress...


On the tail end of this long underslept weekend of work I found myself enjoying a quick moment of lightheartedness as a studiomate of mine proceeded to roll his studio model (granted it has be dubbed "the donut") accross the 5th floor of Paul Rudolph's building reminding me...hey, it cant be that serious all the time.

any other amusing storys for the confines of your respective hotels would be entertaining.

Nov 9, 05 11:38 am

On the tail end of this long underslept weekend of work I found myself enjoying a quick moment of lightheartedness as a studiomate of mine proceeded to roll his studio model (granted it has be dubbed "the donut") accross the 5th floor of Paul Rudolph's building reminding me...hey, it cant be that serious all the time.

any other amusing storys from the confines of your respective hotels would be entertaining.

Nov 9, 05 11:39 am  · 

friends of mine skateboarding in the elevator lobby's during thesis. me riding an old drawing board down the stairs. good stuff.

Nov 9, 05 11:54 am  · 

we have a grand staircase, twenty feet vertical, for an entrance into the bldg. i took a friends mountain bike down these steps...most of them.
i didnt live to tell about it.

Nov 9, 05 12:03 pm  · 

Various stress relief activities:

Jamming a bunch of trash in our friend's mail box.

Lots of Photoshop fun/goofy posters

Making masks of starchitects and fighting it out mortal kombat style (the Zaha Hadid dance is most terrifying)

Rearranging the anal retentive guy's desk

Walking around with a flashing bike light on my crotch to see who would look

Teaching Korean students interesting new sayings like "Just keepin' it real." Complete with gang signs.

Going to the dinner after 3 consecutive all nighters and laughing hysterically at syrup.

Nov 9, 05 12:10 pm  · 

dodge ball on the bride between the studio wing and the library (think Gropius' Bauhaus bridge)...

Nov 9, 05 12:20 pm  · 

pushing people with wreckless abandon on roller chairs across the center core of crown hall

break dancing (or attempting to) when i couldnt draw one more brick

"who can get laid in room 10" bet which sadly, no one won...

Nov 9, 05 12:35 pm  · 

AP, I played hockey with a roll of duct tape and hockey sticks with some guys in that same bridge...

also, having the quarterback of the architecture flag football team stand on the 3rd floor balcony of the arch. bldg. and throwing the football down to people in the atrium as hard/fast as humanly possible...and then of course witnessing several of the inevitable "nutters"

riding mountain bikes down the various staircases of the arch. bldg.

and of course studio chair "driver" sitting backwards in the chair and one "pusher" behind the driver pushing on his shoulders...the circuit was around the 3rd floor exterior balcony of the bldg., the driver's sole job was to grab the railing at the corners to facilitate sharp turns...i actually witnessed someone miss the corner at the NW corner of the bldg near the restrooms and go flying down the big curving stairs...

and finally, breaking into the lecture rooms to use the digital projectors for playstation

Nov 9, 05 2:22 pm  · 

Oh yeah. Can't forget movies on the big lecture hall screen. They have surround sound in there baby!

Nov 9, 05 2:49 pm  · 

exposed rafters in the studio/warehouse- 0$

arch school supplied stool - 0$

rope from jimmied door janitor closet - 0$

cannonballing from 20ft in the air onto pile of boxes - fucking priceless

medical bills for the dumbass that missed the boxes - bout $1,200 and a missed midterm crit

Nov 9, 05 2:51 pm  · 

AT UT Arlington it was always popular to try and run up the side of the math building (Pickard Hall).

Through the trees in the center you can make out a wall that is slightly slanted. Probably an 80-85 degree slope. You'd run at it full throttle, jump up on the ventilation grates about 2 feet off the ground, and see how far you could run up the wall. But beware falling down!

Nov 9, 05 3:32 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

Doesn't matter where you are - you can always have a BEACH PARTY (that's what we used to do). Get a bunch of beer, put on the Ventures - - - and burn a HUGE bon fire.

Nov 10, 05 12:21 am  · 

attaching the company wide intercom to a carefully hidden computer playing French 70s funk music on the 25th floor of the multi-floor office after being made to work 70 hours straight on spaceplanning bs.... prizes for guess which firm?

destressing now? ...'Drinking for Humanity' nights of course. next week - New York (Tuesday) and Boston (Thursday)


also doesn't Miss. State have a huge internal stair for sled races?

Nov 10, 05 1:12 am  · 

When / Where are these Drinking for Humanity nights?

Nov 10, 05 5:38 am  · 

Drinking for Humanity after Build Boston? Sounds like a plan!

Nov 10, 05 9:19 am  · 

when... nightly!

where... everywhere... where ever there is an AFH local chapter, there is drinkin' to be done.

Tuesdays location isn't confirmed -- email me and I'll let you know when/where it is. As for Thursday it will be the closest bar to Build Boston. might do a reprise on Saturday night in Boston too -- this time with the GSD/tsunami conference.

If anyone is in Montana we are having one in Bozeman on Friday night in the worst bar in town... also closest to the AFH HQ.

Nov 10, 05 11:06 am  · 

Drink Club:
1 - The first rule of Drink Club is, you do not talk about Drink Club.
2 - The second rule of Drink Club is, you DO NOT talk about Drink Club.
3 – The third rule of Drink Club is, if someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the drinking is over.

1 - Test airplane impact resistance with football.
2 - Test fire resistance with rubber cement.
3 - Test fire suppression by throwing smashed burning model in river.

1 - Sledding on mylar.
2 - Chair races – from up position to down position.
3 - Chair football & soccer.

1 - Hiding fish in studio (similar to Easter egg hunt).
2 - Boiling eggs in studio tea kettle.
3 - Violating vending machines at 4am.

Nov 10, 05 1:13 pm  · 

What got me through IIT:
1.Center Core. Unathorized base ball games using tape balls and empty cardboard tubes or fat dowels.
2.Center Core. Also world cup re-inactments using balls of trace when necessary, though usually someone had a soccer ball in their locker.
3.Lower core is the defacto dorm for helping us get through consecutive all-nighters. Sometimes people would awake from their slumber only to find the couch they had fallen asleep in had been moved to the bathroom or the shop. That was always my favorite!
4. Replacing turn-style vending machine items with all sorts of junk you have. Friends pictures are always good.
5. Especially pictures you took of your friend asleep at his desk with all sorts of questionable parafanalia around them.

Nov 10, 05 2:55 pm  · 
4. Replacing turn-style vending machine items with all sorts of junk you have. Friends pictures are always good.

Ah, great! I worked at a mortage company after high school, they had the same kind of thing. There was this steak and egg sandwich that was great, but the egg part was not so great.

We'd hold the door open, open the sandwich, take the egg out (and it was a perfect white disc with yellow yolk center) and put it back in the sandwich's slot.

You'd turn the thing to see your selections, and here comes a single unwrapped FRIED EGG for $4.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend would also put empty packs of Marlboro's into a slot. Considering everything else was food, it was a comedic take on the "perfect lunch."

Nov 10, 05 4:03 pm  · 

the vending machine stories reminded me of something a few classmates used to do...we had vending machines that were out in the open (i.e. not behind a cage or anything) of them figured out that you could drill a small hole in the top of the snack machine (the type with the round wires that spin and drop the food) and then pull stuff off of the wires with some piano was always great to see the vending machine guy's face when he would come to refill the machine and it was completely empty with no money in it...

by the way...i do not condone these actions...stealing is bad...but it sure can be fun

Nov 10, 05 4:36 pm  · 

also, the relocated sleeping couch reminded me of the time that we relocated a classmate's entire studio space (everything including desk, drafting table, stool, materials, etc) out into the atrium of the building

Nov 10, 05 4:39 pm  · 
Seems like a good time to repost this entry from several months back

Oh God, it's all coming back to me...glorious pranks!!!
This is all passed down from a good friend in architecture school. I will tell it to you as it was told to me, much easier that way.

I bet you didn't think it was possible to fill a fridge with water while keeping the door closed, did you?

Quite simply, that magnetic strip is pretty strong. While this jerk was gone on Spring Break (we'll call him Josh), we decided to take out our frustration on his selfish attitude towards sharing the full sized fridge he brought in the the studio. He NEVER let anyone use it.

So, we tested a few ideas out, and figured out that with a little shim here and there, if we turned the fridge on it's side with the doors up, we could fill the freezer part with cut block ice, add a little water, and slowly it would merge into one gigantic block of ice with no seams at all. We wanted to just pour water in and let it freeze, but it would have messed up the controls in the back. We even cut out a space for the controls so they could still do their job.

Oh, but what about the fridge part? Knowing that he'd probably open this first, we repositioned what he had in there - a leftover Subway wrapped up, some Dr. Pepper cans, mustard, a pumpkin pie, and tons of batteries. We glued everything in place, horizontally of course at this point, but we built supports to hold everything in place.

After all was glued and firmly in place, we filled it with water , all the way to the top. Worried about the pressure of the water being so much that the door would not stay closed, we used some insane industrial glue to keep it shut, literally glueing the magnetic strip to the door.

The plan was to tilt the fridge back upright within 10 hours of his return to the studio after break.

[this is where it gets good, really, really good...]

We were all back in studio on a Monday morning around 9am, and had been there hours earlier to tilt the fridge back up. The freezer was frozen solid, totally flat in the front. The weight of it, though, was way too much to lift.
We rigged up a pully system (Thanks, physics classes!) that was second to none, over pipes in the studio roof. With a few people lifting and several people pulling we got it up and slid it back into it's usual spot.

There were a few people in our class who did not know what we had been up to, a few girls who were real goody-goodies.

9:15 rolls around, and in walks Josh, tanned like mad from a week in Cancun while all of us were back at home working.
He sat down at his desk, and we were all on pins and needles trying not to be obvious about staring at him. I saw him reach back to the fridge with his left arm and open the door, and it wouldn't open. He's kind of like "what the heck?" look on his face. He stands up, gives it another pull [and it's like waiting for a volcano to blow, you know, so much adrenaline flowing in the room].

We see him kind of get in this bracing stance, he gives it a good strong pull, then again, and then BINGO!!
The door flies open, he falls backwards and crashes into a desk, and water is rushing across him, under desks, EVERYWHERE!!

He literally ripped the outer door from the magnetic strip. The room erupted in laughter, the girls I mentioned were screaming with fright, and one of the guys who set the prank up literally puked from laughing so much.

Josh got up, soaked, screaming that he was "gonna kill whover f'd with his fridge." and "Look at me!!!! Look at me!!!! Who did this!!!"

There was seriously water everywhere.

Nov 10, 05 4:56 pm  · 

for an entire week of hard work for a paricular design submission, me and a friend used to crawl out of our respective hostel rooms to meet at one of the terraces and dance to the worst song we knew at 2'o clock every night. the song remained the same every day!

we woke up many people

we didn't drink any day

Nov 11, 05 7:12 am  · 

ah ,the vending machines. we had one that someone found a tiny, tiny hole in the top. A little piano wire and everyone was eating 3/4 of the machine for free.
Then they came in, stumped, and bolted the damn thing to the floor! Needless to say, that didn't help.

The countless nights of balancing beer and coffee were priceless. Get a bood buzz, then you feel sleepy, drink some coffee, then you feel wired, then you drink a few's amazing how long you can keep that up. Not sure if it helped our projects or not.

Nov 11, 05 7:59 am  · 


Nov 12, 05 3:47 am  · 

we used to set up a table and chairs in the elevator and play poker.

Nov 12, 05 11:40 am  · 

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