
Harriet "DC's Biggest Punk Rock Fan" Miers


What is it with the eye liner? She has a striking resemblance to Green Day's Billy Jo Armstrong:

Anyhow, what is your take on her? Some think it's refreshing that she's never been a judge. On the flipside of that, I think that makes at least 100 people more qualified than her. She's too much in Bush's pocket. She might not even be human! Might be some kind of Bush/Cheney cyborg sent in to influence decisions in the court.

What do you think?

Oct 4, 05 11:44 am

i think what he meant to say is that she is the most qualified crony. he should have just nominated michael brown - he's looking for work.

Oct 4, 05 11:48 am  · 

the right is pissed at bush for this. i heard rush giving dick an earful yesterday. this was bush's chance to hit a homerun and he bunted.

Oct 4, 05 12:12 pm  · 

From what I've read, Mike Browne is now working as a consultant for FEMA.

Oct 4, 05 12:13 pm  · 

yes, brown is back on the payroll helping with the transition of power.

Oct 4, 05 12:15 pm  · 

If conservatives don't like her then I probably do. Bill Cunningham was trashing her on 700 WLW earlier (read: a-hole conservative on Cincy's biggest conservative "news" radio station), so she sounds good to me.

Oct 4, 05 1:09 pm  · 

I think that it is a Trojan Horse.
We better be careful.

Oct 4, 05 1:12 pm  · 

The hate of the right is almost too much.

Oct 4, 05 1:13 pm  · 

bush has the opportunity to totally reshape the court by stacking it with judges who would consistently side with the christian right...and he punts! that made me wake up today feeling that he was just ever so slightly less evil than i always thought.

...not that i ever believed he would do any differently. turning the country into an evangelical promised land would be at severe odds with many of the long term corporate and foreign policy objectives of the neocon wing of the party. the religious right has no true friends in washington. maybe they'll finally take a stand against having been duped for so long by the republicans, stop trying to force their hypocritical social agenda down everyone's throats, and start voting for the party that benefits their wallets. now i'm starting to get carried away...

Oct 4, 05 1:16 pm  · 

she's been Bush's lawyer in the past.

Just because the conservative right doesn't think she's just "right enough" is no reason to think that she will be agreeable to the left.

Oct 4, 05 1:19 pm  · 

anyway, I'm automatically skeptical of anyone named "mier," regardless of how it's spelled. ;)

Oct 4, 05 1:21 pm  · 

Im actually scared. I think this is going to be bad. TROJAN horse, liberals lets get ready to be slaughtered.
And by someone with bad mascara, talk about kicking us while we are down.
She does look like a goth, or punk rocker. Her smile is "Tim Burtonish" gothic.

Oct 4, 05 1:24 pm  · 

+q - you keep saying trojan horse, but what specificially makes you think that?

Oct 4, 05 1:29 pm  · 

part of me agrees with +q. i think she could be a trojan horse.

i also don't believe bush when he says he does not know her views on abortion because he has never asked. either he is lying or just plain dumb. hmmm?

Oct 4, 05 1:33 pm  · 


Pay attention to Cheney's LAST sentence, thats why I say that it is a TROJAN horse.

e-he is lying AND he is dumb.

Oct 4, 05 1:40 pm  · 

I'm with you on the trojan horse thing, just i said above about her being a cyborg.

I managed to find this picture of her on the web. It was taken of her in one of the government's top secret labs. I think she was having her diagnostics checked, and her gyroscope adjusted.

Oct 4, 05 1:41 pm  · 

love the UPC on the back of the head.

Oct 4, 05 1:43 pm  · 

I heard she gave money to the Gore campaign. Word is that the republicans are saying she "used" to be a democrat. Hmm, I can see why the republicans are mad.

Oct 4, 05 1:48 pm  · 


Oct 4, 05 1:51 pm  · 

apparently she's been in private practice. it's not uncommon for professional in practice to give money to both parties, not really wanting to give away which they might actually choose to support. you always want to appear to have backed the winner, especially if you want public work.

Oct 4, 05 1:54 pm  · 


Oct 4, 05 1:55 pm  · 

who can say much about her? She has never served as a judge. As a lawyer, she apparently fought hard for who she was representing, but who can argue that she is this or that based on anything? I really don't know anything about her to have an opinion...or at least an educated opinion.
Does anyone have anything I could read about her in regard to her interpretation of the law/constitution?

Oct 4, 05 1:58 pm  · 

all you need to know about this woman is that she once said george bush is the most brilliant man she ever met.

Oct 4, 05 1:59 pm  · 

i know she's never been married, maybe she just hasn't met that many men.

Oct 4, 05 2:36 pm  · 

based on that comment i'd say she has met one. just one.

Oct 4, 05 2:51 pm  · 

For some reason she kind of reminds me of Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mister Rogers.

[h1]Boomerang! Tomerang! Somerang![/h1]

Maybe Ms. Miers will use these precious words from the bench.

Oct 4, 05 2:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

as much as i dislike g w bush, i have to admit that i presently feel a glimmer of hope with his supreme court nominations. both of them, actually, don't seem to be nearly as bad as i feared.

of course, once they are on the bench, they're free to do proceed as they see fit so we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

personally, i'm still much more concerned about the energy situation and the rise of the corn-poke fascists that kunstler keeps ranting about.

Oct 4, 05 3:19 pm  · 

then again...maybe not

Oct 4, 05 6:41 pm  · 

ah, rue.....

i, too, ruminate about a trojan horse. The NYT and the Wash Post are practically orgasming that fact that conservatives aren't happy, and that she's not an (obvious) ideologue. It all just fits too well. We're all just feeling a bit TOO good. What in Bush's history would make you trust that the FIRST thing he'd secure in his nominee is their being against RoevWade? He & Rove just know enough to make sure there's no paper trail of it.....

I can't trust the dude. That said, she has in the past contributed to the DNC..... Dare we dream?

Oct 4, 05 8:06 pm  · 

From Time magazine.....

A Sampling of the Writings of Harriet Miers

Oct 4, 05 8:07 pm  · 

Bush looked at the spineless Senate Republicans and realized he wouldn't get a Janice Rogers Brown-type through.

So, his best play is a Trojan Horse...will the Democrats buy it?

Oct 4, 05 10:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeez, this is sad - I've been out of town and not listening to news, when I heard on NPR that there was a new nominee my first thought was "I better get to archinect to find out more about this woman!".

School's out for summer, Steven Ward - school's out forever!!!!

Oct 5, 05 1:10 am  · 

<sigh> if only Alice Cooper was up for nomination...

Oct 5, 05 2:29 am  · 
vado retro

she struts into the room but i dont know her
but with a magnifyin glass i just sort of look her over
we had a drink or two well maybe three
and then suddenly she starts tellin me her life story
i told her that i came from detroit city
and i played guitar in a long haired rocknroll band
she asked me why the singers name was alice.
i said listen baby you really wouldnt understand.

Oct 5, 05 7:27 am  · 

Anyone else have a feeling deep down that she won't be confirmed?

I think when they really get into it, they're going to realize Bush passed over countless other better qualified people with bench experience.

Another reason I don't think she's fit for the job - this may sound completely dumb, but I don't trust her because she's not married. A person in that type of power position needs an ear at the bedside to confide in, to share her worries over her job, someone she can fully trust.

A single aging 60 yr. old newly appointed justice? How do we know that she's not logged on to AOL each night as OL.TEX.GAL.IN.DC and will be seeking advice from total strangers on the web?

Oct 5, 05 9:56 am  · 

manteno, who do you think will deny her the postion? sure, some dems will say she's not fit, but some will. are you saying many repubs will vote against her?

Oct 5, 05 11:25 am  · 

Don't know exactly. Sure, maybe some Republicans will see her as not too fit for the job.

I just feel like the argument is going to come up that she is not the most qualified and best person for the job.

Except, that is, to the moron that chose her.

Oct 5, 05 11:34 am  · 

one of the most disturrbing things that bush said of her yesterday was when he indicated that he knew her and knew that she will not change. that is scary to me. to think to no one changes over 20 years? especially when you are doing something you have never done before? and especially when it is something so important like sitting on the supreme court?

i know why bush said it, but none the less...

Oct 5, 05 11:44 am  · 

ah, crap. i was expecting a thread about Dischord.

Oct 5, 05 11:54 am  · 
New Questions From the Right on Court Pick
Oct 6, 05 1:45 am  · 

great article e
Dobson and Roberton "have been asured" of her "real" views. Does this scare anyone else?
This nomination is a trojan horse, and I hope that the democrats AND moderate republicans unite to block it.

The religious right wants to finalize their take over, and the courts is where they want to do it. They want to overturn (POPULAR) public policy for religious reasons, wow. Hopefully that willput the nail on their coffin for a few decades, if people wake up.

Oct 6, 05 8:36 am  · 
Louisville Architect

aaack, melquiades! you're internalizing the phrases of rush....

that "nail in the coffin" phrase is riddled throughout the interview posted above by +q, with reference to those liberals [me included] who might try to slow the republican juggernaut.

Oct 6, 05 8:53 am  · 
brian buchalski

well, maybe she is a trojan horse...but there's no way to be sure until she gets to the bench. i feel like these drawn out/contentious nomination processes are a waste of effort though. let's just put her on the bench and if she starts getting silly, i don't see any reason that she couldn't be taken out in drive by shooting or something like that.

actually, i probably should've asked this first but is it considered illegal to have a supreme court judge assasinated? or is it merely impolite?

Oct 6, 05 10:19 am  · 

Lets wait for the senate confirmation hearings. That's when we'll see how smart she is.

Oct 7, 05 1:25 am  · 

hahahaha.... yeah, if she's "DC's biggest punk rock fan" she should at least be sporting a Minor Threat or Fugazi shirt... Rites of Spring if she's in the know.

Oct 7, 05 8:35 am  · 
Louisville Architect
Oct 7, 05 8:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

i find it puzzling that many of the conservatives are spooked about her nomination. they seem to doubt her conservative credentials, but she's been part of the bush team for years.

it's almost as if the democrats have short circuited the system by not throwing up a huge fuss about her. in other words, because the democrats aren't screaming bloody murder this seems to have confused the typical bush supporters who now seem to be willing to sabotage the nomination.

i don't if any of this is intentional on the democrats part, but it might be a very shrewd strategy to keep miers (and possibly other bush nominees) from getting approved.

Oct 7, 05 12:05 pm  · 

nah. that's a stretch. conservatives opened fire on miers before the dems had a chance. now they're just playing it smart and keeping quiet--the best possible strategy, i think. if they too come out against miers, they run the risk of bringing partisan conservatives together in her defense. let the other side fight amongst themselves.

Oct 7, 05 12:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ah, i see, so you've been paying more attention than i have. thanks st. for the clarification.

Oct 7, 05 12:25 pm  · 

Pixel, I hear she's a big Nation of Ulysses fan and she's often heard singing "banned in DC."

Oct 7, 05 12:42 pm  · 

Betcha she's all about Dag Nasty...

Oct 7, 05 2:38 pm  · 

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