
looking for excellent architecture stories



I am from a trade construction journal and I am trying to start up a sustainability section for our publication. I'm currently seeking out a few top firms for the Spring edition of our quarterly. My attempt is to grab a handful of the best firms in the nation who have been doing interesting sustainability work and who are members of the USGBC- specifically for excellent LEED projects with lots of interesting things to say.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be extremely grateful. I'm not sure where to start as this is a massive topic. There's no cost to be featured like some other trade journals. We have corporate sponsorship so we're really just looking for the right story. Any architecture firm that does over $5M a year in annual revenue may qualifies. After that, the story or project stories are what the decision will be based on.

I'd love some help and some advice on where to start. Obviously searching the USGBC member list could be helpful, but the results I received had over 1000 firms. Narrowing it down to 40 or so to research might be okay, but I'm not quite sure how to that.

What I'm looking for is someone to point me to firms that have done awesome projects or are in the process over the last year.

I'd really appreciate any advice. Thanks so much!

Oct 27, 11 2:21 pm

United States Gypsum Board Council? It's nice to see people be passionate about drywall. $5M is a whole lotta drywall.

Oct 27, 11 2:31 pm  · 

Rusty, sorry, I meant the US Green Building Council.

And yes, that would certainly be an amazing amount of drywall.

Oct 27, 11 2:45 pm  · 

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